Maria Full of Grace
Maria Full of Grace
Maria Full of Grace
The next day Maria wakes up early and sees the guys carrying out Lucy. She walks into the bathroom covered with
Lucy's blood after which she quickly wakes up Blanca and they pack their bags. They run off and get a Taxi to an
address that was given to Maria by Lucy. Maria waits here for Lucy's sister while Blanca takes off. Eventually Maria
knocks on the door is let in by Carla, Lucy's sister. Carla lets Maria stay for a few nights when she hears about her
current situation. The next day Carla bring her over to a phone box where she helps Maria to call her family who have
no idea that she is in New York. When they get home they find Blanca siting outside the door. Maria makes up a story
and Carla allows Blanca to also stay for a few nights.
The next morning Carla drops them off at her friend's office who is supposed to help them to find a job. He notices the
pellets in Blancas bag and questions the girls about them. Maria decides to ask for his help. She asks him to find out as
much as possible about what happened to her friend. After a falling out with Blanca they go their separate ways. She
buys herself some food and enters a women's clinic where she is examined by a doctor. The doctor checks that
everything is ok with the baby and shows the healthy baby to her. After making sure that her baby is healthy Maria is
given a date for her next appointment. That same day they she returns to Carla's friend, Don Fernando who shows her
a picture of Lucy's body. He tells her to Carla about it as arrangements have to be made about what to do with her
body. Maria tries to tell Carla about Lucy but she finds that she cannot. The two of them talk about their families and
Carla's soon to be born baby after which she tells Blanca about Lucy's body. The next morning Don Fernando calls Carla
and tells her about Lucy. In a rage of fury Carla kicks Blanca and Maria out pf her house. after this the girls decide to
return the pellets t Javier's men who give them their money in exchange. Maria asks for Lucy's money to be given to
her family but they simply run off. Maia then meets up with Don Fernando in a funeral ho e and pays for Lucy's body to
be returned to Columbian if thats what Carla wants. At the funeral home she meets Carla after which Carla decides to
let her say goodbye to Lucy.
After that Maria meets up with Blanca at the airport. Just before Blanca boards the plane Maria calls her name and
they exchange a single look. While Blanca boards the plane, Maria stays as she has decided to stay in New York to
secure her baby's future.
Overall, I can say that I enjoyed this Columbian film, Maria Full of Grace, even though I didn't really understand why the movie
named like this.
I mostly enjoyed this film for a number of reasons.
Firstly, I liked the main character as I was able to identify myself with her on a number of occasions. For example, when Maria
got irritated that she had to pay for her nephew's medicine. Being a teenager means that now you have to help out even more at
home especially when both of your parents are working. Maria is also a stubborn teenager, always trying to get her way. In this way,
I think that many teenagers are able to identify themselves with her
Secondly, I really enjoyed the use of Spanish throughout the movie and was very thank full for the English subtitles as the
narration was very quick at times and would have made it very difficult to understand exactly what was going on in this film. It was
every enjoyable for me as I like to test myself and during this movie I got to see just how much Spanish I have learned in those
three years of secondary school. Although I wouldn't have been able to understand everything without the subtitles, I am quite
happy to say that I would have gotten the main gist of the movie.
Moreover, I also enjoyed the main plot of the movie as I am a fan of action movies. However, I didn't enjoy the drama aspect
that much as I am not that big of a fan of drama in general. This isn't to say that I didn't enjoy the drama scenes, but rather that I
would have preferred a bit more action. But thats just my personal preferences.
In addition, I have to say that the actors chosen to play in this movie have played their parts pretty well. The actress who
played Carla, Lucy's sister carried out her parts very well, even those more difficult ones like the more emotional scenes in which
she realizes that her sister is dead.
Another aspect of the movie that I found enjoyable was the use of show-not-tell at the end of the movie in the last scene. Even
though we aren't told that Maria is going to stay in New York, we can be quite sure that this is what she is going to do as she decides
not to follow her friend, Blanca onto the plane heading for her homeland, Columbia.
In conclusion, I can say that this movie was very enjoyable for me to watch and I would definitely consider watching some more
movies in Spanish with English subtitles.