Low Back Pain: BY: Muhammad Al Qarni 61113042
Low Back Pain: BY: Muhammad Al Qarni 61113042
Low Back Pain: BY: Muhammad Al Qarni 61113042
Classify of Back Pain
The causes of low back pain can be complex,
and there are many structures in the spine
that can cause pain.
1. Axial Low Back Pain
2. Lumbar Low Back Pain
3. Low Back Pain with Refered Pain
1. Location and distribution
2. Onset
3. History Of the Pain
4. Factor that make the pain better or worse
Additional Diagnostic tools
X-ray. Provides information on the bones in the spine; used
to test for spinal instability, tumors and fractures.
CT scan. Captures cross-section images of the vertebrae
and spinal discs; can be used to check for herniated disc or
spinal stenosis.
Myelogram. Allows identification of problems within the
spine, spinal cord and nerve roots. An injection of contrast
dye illuminates the spine prior to an x-ray or CT scan.
MRI scan. Displays detailed cross-section of the
components of the spine. Useful to assess issues with
lumbar discs and nerve roots, as well as ruling out causes of
lower back pain like spinal infections or tumors.