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Patient Name: ABU EMMANUEL Reporting Date: 10 Jun 2024 11:34

Gender: Male Sample Time: Jun 03,2024 08:13 PM

Age: 45 Generated Time: Jun 10,2024 11:34 AM
RegNo: 202426



Axial, coronal and sagittal T1 and T2 weighted images as well as STIR and myelogram of the whole spine at 3.0mm slice thickness
were acquired by 1.5 Tesla MRI Machine and reviewed. Post gadolinium contrast sequence was done and reviewed.
Cervical Spine
There is a straightening of the cervical curvature seen presumably due to muscle spasm.
Degenerative changes are seen as evidenced by minimal anterior C4 to C6 vertebrae.
The vertebral bodies are showing normal marrow signals intensities seen on all the sequences with normal heights and outlines.
There are loss of normal disc signal intensities on T2-weighted images with preserved heights at C2/3 to C7/T1 levels in keeping with
grade 4 Pfirrmann disc degenerations with mild bulgings as follows:
C3-4- Mild circumferential disc bulging causing mild narrowing of the LEFT neural foramina and preserved exit nerve
C4-5- Mild circumferential disc bulging causing mild narrowing of the neural foraminal and preserved exit nerve roots.
C5-6- Mild circumferential disc bulging causing mild narrowing of the neural foraminal and preserved exit nerve roots.
C6-7 - Mild circumferential disc bulging causing theca sac indentation, mild narrowing of the neural foraminal and mild
narrowing of the LEFT exit nerve root.
The spinal canal and spinal cord are intact. No evidence of abnormal spinal cord signal changes seen.
The ligamentum flava and facetal joint spaces are within normal limits.
The other posterior elements are also preserved.
The paravertebral soft tissue shadow is intact.
Dorsal Spine
The thoracic alignment is maintained.
There are spinal fixators seen insitu at T12 and L1 vertebrae. There is evidence of laminectomy seen at T12 and L1
vertebrae with associated distortion of the paraspinous soft tissue signal seen.
There is also T2 heterogenous hyperintense signal of T12/L1 disc seen suggestive of discitis.
The rest of the vertebral bodies are normal in outlines and with normal marrow signals intensities seen on all the sequences.
The discs are showing loss of normal signal intensities at all levels on T2-weighted images in keeping with grade 3 Pfirrmann disc
The spinal canal and cord as well as exit nerve roots are intact.
No evidence of abnormal signal intensities seen within the spinal cord.
The ligamentum flava and facetal joint spaces are within normal limits.
The other posterior elements are also preserved.
The rest of the paravertebral soft tissue shadow is intact.
Lumbosacral Spine
There is straightening of the lumbar lordosis seen presumably due to muscle spasm. There is T12 and L1 vertebral spinal fixators
seen insitu as described above.
The vertebral bodies are normal in heights and with normal marrow signal intensities on all the sequences.
There is a loss of normal T2 signal intensities seen with preserved heights at L3/4 to L5/S1 levels in keeping with grade 3 to 4
Pfirrmann disc degenerations with mild bulging as follows:
L3-4 – Mild circumferential disc bulging, causing mild narrowing of the neural foramina and preserved exit nerve roots.
L4-5 – Mild circumferential disc bulging, causing mild narrowing of the neural foramina and preserved exit nerve roots.
L5-S1 – Mild circumferential disc bulging, causing mild narrowing of the neural foramina and preserved exit nerve roots.
The spinal canal, spinal cord and caudal equina are preserved.
The facetal joints and ligamental flava are intact.
The other posterior elements are also preserved.
No paravertebral soft tissue abnormality is seen.

A) MRI features are that of multi-levels (C2/3 to C7/T1) grade 4 Pfirrmann disc degenerations with mild circumferential
disc bulgings (C2/3 to C7/T1 levels) causing theca sac indentation at C6/7level, mild to moderate narrowing of the neural
foramina and preserved exit nerve roots as described above.
- Early Cervical spondylosis with muscle spasm.
B) T12 and L1 spinal fixator insitu with evidence of previous laminectomy and associated distortion of the paraspinous
soft tissue as well as T12/L1 discitis. -Multilevels Thoracic disc degenerations.
C) Multilevels (L3/4 to L5/S1 levels ) grade 3 to 4 Pfirrmann disc degenerations with mild circumferential disc
bulgings(L2/3 to L5/S1 levels), causing mild narrowing of associated neural foramina and preserved exit nerve roots as
described above.
- Muscle spasm . No Bony Abnormality is seen.
N.B: Comparison with previous images and Clinical correlate are advised.


Consultant Radiologist

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