Group Theory Powerpoint
Group Theory Powerpoint
Group Theory Powerpoint
Abstract Algebra
Definition of a Group
A Group G is a collection of elements
together with a binary operation* which
satisfies the following properties:
Infinite, Abelian:
Infinite, Non-Abelian:
Finite, Abelian:
The Integers under Addition, (Z, +)
The Odd Integers are not closed under Addition. For example, 3 and 5 are odd
integers, but 3+5 = 8 and 8 is not an odd integer.
The Integers lack inverses under Multiplication, as do the Rational numbers (because
of 0.) However, if we remove 0 from the Rational numbers, we obtain an infinite
closed group under multiplication.
Properties of a Group: Associativity
The Associative Property, states that
(ab)c = a(bc). This may be extended to as
many elements as necessary.
For example:
In Integers,
a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c.
In Matrix Multiplication,
For example,
For example...
The order of a group, |G|, is the number of elements in the group. The order of a group
may be finite or infinite.
The order of an element, |a|, is the smallest positive integer n such that an = e.
In any group,
27 3 (mod 24)
Properties of Modular Arithmetic
Properties of Modular Arithmetic
Multiplication also works.
Example 2
Example 3