Graduate Texts in Mathematics: S. Axler F.W. Gehring K - A - Ribet
Graduate Texts in Mathematics: S. Axler F.W. Gehring K - A - Ribet
Graduate Texts in Mathematics: S. Axler F.W. Gehring K - A - Ribet
Editorial Board
S. Axler F.W. Gehring K . A . Ribet
Revised Third Edition
Serge Lang
Department of Mathematics
Yale University
New Haven, CT 96520
Editorial Board
S. Axler
Mathematics Department F.W. Gehring K.A. Ribet
San Francisco State Mathematics Department Mathematics Department
University East Hall University of California,
San Francisco, CA 94132 University of Michigan Berkeley
USA Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Berkeley, CA 94720-3840
[email protected] USA USA
[email protected]. [email protected]
512—dc21 2001054916
ISBN 978-1-4612-6551-1
The present book is meant as a basic text for a one-year course in algebra ,
at the graduate level .
A perspective on algebra
As I see it, the graduate course in algebra must primarily prepare students
to handle the algebra which they will meet in all of mathematics: topology,
partial differential equations, differential geometry , algebraic geometry, analysis,
and representation theory, not to speak of algebra itself and algebraic number
theory with all its ramifications . Hence I have inserted throughout references to
papers and book s which have appeared during the last decades , to indicate some
of the directions in which the algebraic foundations provided by this book are
used ; I have accompanied these references with some motivating comments, to
explain how the topics of the present book fit into the mathematics that is to
come subsequently in various fields; and I have also mentioned some unsolved
problems of mathematics in algebra and number theory . The abc conjecture is
perhaps the most spectacular of these.
Often when such comments and examples occur out of the logical order,
especially with examples from other branches of mathematics , of necessity some
terms may not be defined , or may be defined only later in the book . I have tried
to help the reader not only by making cross-references within the book, but also
by referring to other books or papers which I mention explicitly .
I have also added a number of exercises . On the whole, I have tried to make
the exercises complement the examples, and to give them aesthetic appeal. I
have tried to use the exercises also to drive readers toward variations and appli-
cations of the main text , as well as toward working out special cases, and as
openings toward applications beyond this book .
I have inserted cross-references to help them do this , but different people will
make different choices at different times depending on different circumstances .
The book splits naturally into several parts. The first part introduces the basic
notions of algebra. After these basic notions, the book splits in two major
directions: the direction of algebraic equations including the Galois theory in
Part II; and the direction of linear and multilinear algebra in Parts III and IV.
There is some sporadic feedback between them , but their unification takes place
at the next level of mathematics, which is suggested, for instance, in §15 of
Chapter VI. Indeed, the study of algebraic extensions of the rationals can be
carried out from two points of view which are complementary and interrelated:
representing the Galois group of the algebraic closure in groups of matrices (the
linear approach), and giving an explicit determination of the irrationalities gen-
erating algebraic extensions (the equations approach) . At the moment, repre-
sentations in GL2 are at the center of attention from various quarters, and readers
will see GL 2 appear several times throughout the book . For instance, I have
found it appropriate to add a section describing all irreducible characters of
GL 2(F) when F is a finite field. Ultimately, GL 2 will appear as the simplest but
typical case of groups of Lie types, occurring both in a differential context and
over finite fields or more general arithmetic rings for arithmetic applications .
After almost a decade since the second edition, I find that the basic topics
of algebra have become stable, with one exception . I have added two sections
on elimination theory, complementing the existing section on the resultant.
Algebraic geometry having progressed in many ways, it is now sometimes return-
ing to older and harder problems, such as searching for the effective construction
of polynomials vanishing on certain algebraic sets, and the older elimination
procedures of last century serve as an introduction to those problems .
Except for this addition, the main topics of the book are unchanged from the
second edition, but I have tried to improve the book in several ways.
First, some topics have been reordered . I was informed by readers and review-
ers of the tension existing between having a textbook usable for relatively inex-
perienced students, and a reference book where results could easily be found in
a systematic arrangement. I have tried to reduce this tension by moving all the
homological algebra to a fourth part, and by integrating the commutative algebra
with the chapter on algebraic sets and elimination theory, thus giving an intro-
duction to different points of view leading toward algebraic geometry.
In teaching the course, one might wish to push into the study of algebraic
equations through Part II, or one may choose to go first into the linear algebra
of Parts III and IV. One semester could be devoted to each, for instance. The
chapters have been so written as to allow maximal flexibility in this respect, and
I have frequently committed the crime of lese-Bourbaki by repeating short argu-
ments or definitions to make certain sections or chapters logically independent
of each other.
Grant ing the material which under no circumstances can be omitted from a
basic course, there exist several options for leadin g the course in various direc-
tions. It is impossible to treat all of them with the same degree of thoroughness.
The prec ise point at which one is willing to stop in any given direction will
depend on time , place , and mood . However , any book with the aims of the
present one must include a choice of topic s, pushin g ahead-in deeper waters ,
while stopping short of full involvement.
There can be no universal agreement on these matter s, not even between the
author and himself. Thu s the concrete deci sions as to what to include and what
not to include are finally taken on ground s of general coherence and aesthetic
balance . Anyone teaching the course will want to impre ss their own personality
on the material, and may push certain topics with more vigor than I have, at the
expense of others . Nothing in the present book is meant to inhibit this.
Unfortunately, the goal to present a fairly comprehensive per spective on
algebra required a substantial increa se in size from the first to the second edition ,
and a moderate increase in this third edition . The se increases require some
decisions as to what to omit in a given course.
Many shortcuts can be taken in the presentation of the topics, which
admits many variations. For insta nce, one can proceed into field theory and
Galois theory immediately after giving the basic definit ions for groups, rings,
fields, polynomials in one variable, and vector spaces. Since the Galois theory
gives very quickly an impression of depth, this is very satisfactory in many
It is appropriate here to recall my or iginal indebtedness to Artin, who first
taught me algebra. The treatment of the basics of Galois theory is much
influenced by the pre sentation in his own monograph.
As I already stated in the forewords of previous edit ions, the present book
is meant for the graduate level, and I expect most of tho se coming to it to have
had suitable exposure to some algebra in an undergraduate course, or to have
appropriate mathematical maturity. I expect students taking a graduate course
to have had some exposure to vector space s, linear maps, matrices, and they
will no doubt have seen polynomials at the very lea st in calculus courses .
My books Undergraduate Algebra and Linear Algebra provide more than
enough background for a graduate course . Such elementary texts bring out in
parallel the two basic aspects of algebra , and are organized differently from the
present book , where both aspect s are deepened. Of course, some aspects of the
linear algebra in Part III of the present book are more "elementary" than some
aspects of Part II, which deal s with Galoi s theory and the theory of polynomial
equations in several variables. Becau se Part II has gone deeper into the study
of algebraic equations, of nece ssity the parallel linear algebra occurs only later
in the total ordering of the book . Readers should view both part s as running
simultaneously .
Unfortunately, the amount of algebra which one should ideall y absorb during
this first year in order to have a proper background (irrespective of the subject
in which one eventually specializes) exceeds the amount which can be covered
physically by a lecturer during a one-year course. Hence more material must be
included than can actually be handled in class. I find it essential to bring this
material to the attention of graduate students.
I hope that the various additions and changes make the book easier to use as
a text. By these additions, I have tried to expand the general mathematical
perspective of the reader, insofar as algebra relates to other parts of mathematics.
From now on, Algebra appears with Springer-Verlag, like the rest of my
books. With this change, I considered the possibility of a new edition, but de-
cided against it. I view the book as very stable . The only addition which I
would make , if starting from scratch, would be some of the algebraic properties
of SL n and GL n (over R or C), beyond the proof of simplicity in Chapter XIII.
As things stood, I just inserted some exercises concerning some aspects which
everybody should know . The material actually is now inserted in a new edition
of Undergraduate Algebra, where it properly belongs. The algebra appears as a
supporting tool for doing analysis on Lie groups, cf. for instance Jorgenson/
Lang Spherical Inversion on SLn(R), Springer Verlag 2001.
I thank specifically Tom von Foerster, Ina Lindemann and Mark Spencer
for their editorial support at Springer, as well as Terry Kornak and Brian
Howe who have taken care of production.
Serge Lang
New Haven 2004
Logical Prerequisites
We assume that the reader is familiar with sets, and with the symbols n, U,
~, C, E. If A , B are sets , we use the symbol A C B to mean that A is contained
in B but may be equal to B . Similarly for A ~ B .
If f : A -> B is a mapping of one set into another, we write
X 1---+ f( x)
•j j.
A l~ B 92 9 m -1 B A
2 ~ " ' ~ m= n'
I n-l 0 • •• 0 II = 9 m- 1 0 • •• °9b
in other words, the composite maps are equal. Most of our diagrams are
composed of triangles or squares as above, and to verify that a diagram con-
sisting of triangles or squares is commutative, it suffices to verify that each
triangle and square in it is commutative.
We assume that the reader is acquainted with the integers and rational
numbers, denoted respectively by Z and Q. For many of our examples, we also
assume that the reader knows the real and complex numbers, denoted by R
and C.
Let A and I be two sets . By a famil y of elements of A, indexed by I, one
means a map f: I-A. Thus for each i E I we are given an element f (i) E A .
Alth ough a famil y does not differ from a map, we think of it as determining a
collection of objects from A, and write it often as
Chapter I Groups 3
1. Monoids 3
2. Groups 7
3. Normal subgroups 13
4. Cyclic groups 23
5. Operations of a group on a set 25
6. Sylow subgroups 33
7. Direct sums and free abelian groups 36
8. Finitely generated abelian groups 42
9. The dual group 46
10. Inverse limit and completion 49
11. Categories and functors 53
12. Free groups 66
Chapter II Rings 83
I . Rings and homomorphisms 83
2. Commutative rings 92
3. Polynomials and group rings 97
4. Localization 107
5. Principal and factorial rings 111