2.ultrastructure of Bacterial Cell 10.2.2016
2.ultrastructure of Bacterial Cell 10.2.2016
2.ultrastructure of Bacterial Cell 10.2.2016
bacterial cell.
Escherichia coli.
At the end of each fimbria are special proteins called
The specific type of adhesin varies by type of bacteria,
but regardless of the type, adhesin molecules allow
bacteria with fimbriae to adhere to host cells by
docking, like a lock and key, with receptor proteins
on the surface of host epithelial cells.
Basal body
terminal portion of the flagellum
fix the flagellum to the cell wall and plasma membrane
composed of a central rod inserted into a series of rings
flagellar or H antigen - useful in the serological
identification of serotypes of Salmonella organisms
Stab inoculation of the semisolid media
nonmotile - growth is limited at the point of inoculation
motile - growth is diffuse or moves away from the line of inoculation;
turbidity of the medium
Detection of Motility
- layer of polysaccharide
- proteins - sometimes
Functions of the Capsule
Vaccine preparation
Tissue attachment
Antibiotic barrier
Medical Importance -
rapid serological identification of:
Several groups of streptococci
Hemophilus influenzae
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Some of the coliforms
Yersinia and Bacillus specie
Two simple methods to distinguish the capsule
India ink technique - most satisfactory method of demonstrating
the capsule by Burri-Gins technique