Comparative Study

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Comparative Study

Alexis Marquez

My comparative study consists of analyzing two different artists and a total of five different works. These artists
works have similar and contrasting art movements, time periods, and messages. One of these artist being
Rembrandt and then a local artist whose work I admire Dan Simoneau.
Rembrandt is a baroque style artist

Draftsman, printmaker and visual artist

He uses a lot of religion in his art a lot of his pieces are

that are non Self Portraits are

Used warm colors more than anything

Did use cool colors but Warm colors are in every single
piece and cool colors arent
Analysis of formal qualities of Rembrandt
Rembrandt used lots of contrast in almost all of his works he wanted to have a
nice background and give that centerpiece of the piece more. For most artists a
self portrait is supposed to give the face more contrast and make that part more
important. Yet Rembrandt does that with almost all of his works of art. The
backgrounds more or less just support the center and just draw you to the center
of the piece more.
Interpretation of function and purpose
The function of the piece is to show more depth in the
portrait.Tries to give the feeling of realness in the
painting. Uses texture in painting to show the outlines
of the face. Uses texture to show features in painting.
Uses mainly warmer colors to convey a different
felling, the colr f
Interpretation of function and purpose
Ship is in major contrast to the sea and kind of
bounces of the reflective sea. The sea is done justice
and the waves crashing looks very real. The purpose
of the cool colors in the sea is to give the ship more
contrast and make it more centered.
Dan Simoneau
Dan Simoneau is a local artist and lives near
Milwaukee he has an art gallery in Racine
Wisconsin. He likes to do more still rather than self
portraits he does almost to no self portraits. He
often uses watercolor of oil but he likes to do acrylic
as well. Dan Simoneau likes to do more real
portraits and real life scenes.
Analysis of formal qualities of Dan Simoneau
Dan Simoneau likes to use skin tone in lots of his works mainly due to the fact that
most of his paintings are of people and almost all of them are realistic types of
portraits. He likes to cover the controversial image of the human body but not just
the regular human body with clothes and stuff but rather he does the bare human
body and shows it in realistic qualities.
Interpretation of function and purpose
Market and powell by Dan Simoeau This painting has a purpose of showing
the difference in people and the position
of people when faced with other people.
Dan Simoneau said the purpose was
because he saw this in real life and he
thought to preserve this moment
showing the reaction of the rest of the
people in the painting towards the black
man. And how they look away and are
Use of color and contrast shows
Interpretation of function the difference in the waves

and purpose Shows the togetherness of

daughter and father
Daddys girl by Dan Simoneau
Visually pleasing towards the
eye and catches the viewer's

Gives viewer the feeling of

motion and movement
Compare and contrast
Both of these have cultural qualities Rembrandts pieces speak more for the culture
and have titles and content that have of religion in the life at his time. It more or less
examples of their culture at the time brings up how important religion is at the time
and how it affects the life and every one during
that the piece was made. It kind of
that time and how impactful it was to their
speaks for the culture at the time culture and how without it it would be very
Compare and contrast
Dan Simoneau pieces have more of a
cultural statement to talk about the
difference in society. His pieces are
meant to have a message and they c
Compare and contrast
Compare and contrast
Compare and contrast
"Welcome... Dan Simoneau NWS, ISAP." Dan Simoneau AWS, ISAP, NOAPS, NWS. N.p., n.d. Web. 12
May 2017.

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