Anemia Gravis: Kepaniteraan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

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Ora et Labora


Periode 08 Mei -22 Juli

The World Health
Organization (WHO) defines
anemia as a hemoglobin
level <130 g/L (13 g/dL) in
men and <120 g/L (12 g/dL)

Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 392

Anemia gravis adalah
anemia apa
bila konsentrasi Hb 7 g/dL


Type 2 diabetes,
the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease in Europe
Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 392
Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 392
Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 392
Clinical Symptoms and Findings of Anemia
Skin/Mucosal Changes
Fatigue, weakness
Tiredness, lassitude, reduced exercise tolerence
Generalized muscular weakness

Pallor /skin or mucous membranes

Skin color may change due to other reasons;
eg :Blood flow of skin, subcutaneous fluid ,
pigment changes
Pallor (paleness):
Look at
Mucous membranes of mouth and pharynx
Conjunctivae,lips, nail beds,palms
Creases of the palms lose their pink colour when the Hb <
In pernicious anemia there is a lemon yellow pallor.
Pallor + mild scleral icterus suggests hemolytic anemia.
Pallor+ petechiae suggests severe bone marrow failure
Some other skin/mucosal changes
Premature graying of hair:pern.anemia
Hair loss and fragility + spooning of the nails:iron deficiency
Chronic leg ulcers:Sickle cell or other hemolytic anemia
Glossitis/burning sense :Pern. anemia, iron deficiency(rare)
Chelitis(angular stomatitis):iron def.
Siideropenic dysphagia: iron def.
Painful ulcerative mouth lesions: aplastic anemia/leukemia
Clinical Symptoms and Findings of Anemia
Cardiovascular System
Palpitation and dyspnea (during activity)
Angina pectoris
Claudicatio intermittans
Murmurs: Mid systolic (rarely diastolic) , mainly pulmonary
valvular or apical
or over major peripheral arteries
Clinical Symptoms and Findings of Anemia
Central Nervous System
Decreased concentration ability
Drowsiness,decreased muscle strength
Clouding of consciousness
Symptoms are more prominent in older patients
Paresthesias:Vitamin B12 deficiency (or other).
Clinical Symptoms and Findings of Anemia
Reproductive System
Menstrual changes:
Amenorrhea ,
Menorrhagia(mostly a cause of anemia)
Loss of libido
Clinical Symptoms and Findings of Anemia
Renal System
Renal Changes
Slight proteinuria
Concentrating defects
Further reduction of renal function in patients
with previous renal impairment
(Renal failure itself is a cause of anemia!!!!)
Some Other examples for history and
physical examination
The duration of symptoms (acute/insidious)
Bleeding ? Nose/skin/urine/mens/stool etc
Family history
Anemia, gall stones and splenectomy
Bleeding disorder
Occupation, hobbies,dietary history,alcohol or drug use,travel
history etc (toxic/infectious contacts)
Ask for skin and hair/nail changes
Some Other examples for history and
physical examination

Pain / mass / fever/systemic overview for an underlying

Renal/endocrine/liver disease or
Chronic infection/malignancy/imflamatory condition
Paresthesias ,walking difficulty
Sternal or other bone tenderness
Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
Type 2 diabetes,
the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease in Europe
Type 2 diabetes,
the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease in Europe
Jenis Jenis Terapi:
Terapi gawat darurat
Terapi khas untuk masing-masing anemia
Terapi kausal
Terapi ex juvantivus


Besi per oral : Ferrous Sulphat (Sulpha ferosus)

Vit. B12 200mg/hari atau 1000mg/minggu.
Dosis pemeliharaan 200mg/bulan atau 1000mg/3bulan
As. Folat 5mg/hari selama 4 bulan
Pemberian ESA
Tranfusi (utama pada anemia gravis)

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