Item Analysis and Validation

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Item Analysis and

Jessica P. Ballaran
Whyte Logronio
After performing the item analysis and revising the items
which need revision, the next step is to validate the
Purpose of validation
Is to determine the characteristics of the while test itself,
namely, the validity and reliability of the test.

VALIDATION- is the process of collecting and analyzing

evidence to support the meaningfulness and usefulness of
the test.
Is the extent to which a test measures what it purports to
measure or as referring to the appropriateness,
correctness, meaningfulness and usefulness of the specific
decisions a teacher makes based on the test results
3 main types of Evidence
1. Content-related evidence of validity-refers to the content
and format of the instrument.
2. Criterion-related evidence of validity-refers to the
relationship between scores
obtained using the instrument and scores
obtained using one or more other tests.
3. Construct-related evidence of validity- refers to the nature
of the psychological construct or
characteristic being
measured by the test.
Expectency Table
Grade Point Average

Test Scores Very Good Good Needs

High 20 10 5

Average 10 25 5

Low 1 10 14
Refers to the consistency of the scores obtained.

How consistent they are for each individual from one

administration of an instrument to another and from one
set of items to another.
Reliability Interpretation
.90 and above Excellent reliability; at the level of the best standardized tests

.80-90 Very good for a classroom tests

.70-80 Good for a classroom test; in the range of most. There are
probably a few items which could be improved.

.60-70 Somewhat low. This test needs to be supplemented by other

measures(e.g., more tests) to determine grades. There are
probably some items which could be improved.
.50-60 Suggests need for revision of test, unless it is quite short (ten or
fewer items). The test definitely needs to be supplemented by
other measures (e.g., more tests0 for grading.

.50 or below Questionable reliability. This test should not contribute heavily
to the course grade, and it needs revision
Thank you!

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