Validations of Psychological Instruments

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Validation of to

Psychometric Instruments



Master, mental health department

Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC)
• Introduction to Psychometric Instruments
• What is Validity
• What is Reliability
• Importance of Instrument Validation
• Reliability Assessment
• Validity Assessment
• Conclusion

Psychometric instruments are standardized tests used

to measure psychological attributes such as
personality, aptitude, and cognitive abilities.
Validating these instruments ensure they accurately
assess the intended constructs.


What is Validity
Validity refers to the extent to which
an instrument measures what it was
intended to measure. Therefore, an
instrument is considered “valid” if it
measured what it set out to measure.
What is Reliability
Reliability refers to whether an
assessment instrument gives the same
results each time it is used in the same
setting with the same type of subjects.
Reliability essentially mean consistent
Importance of Instrument Validation
Psychometric validation ensures reliability and
validity of research tools, aiding in accurate of
psychological aspect like quality of life,
enhancing research quality and outcomes.
Internal Consistency
• Measures the degree to which items on a test are correlated. Is typically a measurement
base on the correlation between different item on the same test it measure.
Test-Retest Reliability
• Assesses the stability of scores over time. It measure the consistency when you repeat
the same test at a different point in time.
• It is obtained by administering the same test twice over a period of time to a group of

Inter-Rater Reliability
• Inter-rater reliability is the degree of agreement among independent observers who rate,
code, or assess the same phenomenon. Assessment tools that rely on ratings must
exhibit good inter-rater reliability, otherwise they are not valid tests.

1 Content Validity 2 Construct Validity

• Ensuring the instrument • Evaluating whether the test measures the
comprehensively covers the intended psychological construct. It is a
targeted domain. It is the degree measurement of how well a test is
to which a test or assessment measuring the theory it is based on. If it is
instrument evaluates all aspects correctly measuring the construct, it is
of the topic, construct, or capturing many of the different parts of
behavior that it is designed to the theory and not capturing unrelated
measure information.

3 Criterion Validity
• Criterion validity (or criterion-related validity) measures how well one measure
predicts an outcome for another measure. A test has this type of validity if it is useful for
predicting performance or behavior in another situation (past, present, or future). For
example A job applicant takes a performance test during the interview process. If this
test accurately predicts how well the employee will perform on the job, the test is said to
have criterion validity.
Content Validity
Expert Review Pilot Testing Item Analysis

Obtain feedback Conduct small- Evaluate the

from subject scale trials to quality and
matter experts on ensure the appropriatenes
the relevance and instrument covers s of individual
representativenes the intended test items.
s of test items. content domain.
Construct Validity

Factor Analysis
Convergent Validity Discriminant Validity
The extent to The degree to Examining the
which the test which the test underlying factor
correlates with does not structure of the
other measures correlate with test.
of the same unrelated
construct. measures.
Criterion-Related Validity

Predictive Validity Concurrent Validity Incremental Validity

Assessing the Evaluating the Determining the
ability of the test relationship unique contribution
to predict future between test of the test in
performance or scores and a predicting an
behavior. current measure outcome beyond
of the same other measures.

Comprehensive Validation Continuous Improvement

Assess multiple types Regularly review and
of validity to ensure the update the validation
instrument is fit for process to maintain
purpose. instrument quality.

Ethical Considerations
Ensure the instrument is used fairly and ethically to
support sound decision-making.

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