10-Emergency Preparedness and ResponseREVISED
10-Emergency Preparedness and ResponseREVISED
10-Emergency Preparedness and ResponseREVISED
Copyright@NIOSH 2005/1 1
Learning Objectives
To define what is an emergency
Recognising an emergency
Emergency management
Emergency planning
Emergency mitigation and resources
Incident control and facilities
Training & exercises
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What Is An Emergency
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Why Prepare For An
Regulatory and Industry requirement
e.g. CIMAH Regulations 1996,
Responsible care OHSAS 18000, ISO
14000, etc.
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Stages Of An Emergency
1st Emergency Level
escalation? End of
incident emergency
minutes hours days months
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Levels Of Emergencies
Depends on severity of the incident and
capability of the organisation
Level 1
If within the capabilities of the organisation
Level 2
If external assistance is required: mutual aid,
district or other agencies. MKN Arahan 20
may apply.
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Levels Of Emergencies
Level 3
State or National Disaster. MKN Arahan 20
takes over.
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Goals of Emergency Response
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Objectives of Emergency
Save lifes
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Emergency Management
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Emergency Management
Coordinator And Tasks
Emergency Management Committee
Ensure preparation, implementation and
evaluation of EPR
Work with coordinator
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Incident Command Organisation
(Based On Incident Command System)
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Task Of the Incident
Identifies level of emergency response
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Incident Command Operations
Depends on the organisation, activities
and products. For example:
Most organisations will need a team of :
Fire fighters
Evacuation rescuers
First Aiders
Hazardous chemical plants:
Chemical or oil spill team
Process plant:
Shut down team
Rescue team
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Emergency Planning
Threat and hazard identification
Use imagination; think of the unexpected
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Emergency Planning
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Types Of Potential Hazards
Natural events
Storms, earthquakes, floods, etc.
Technological events
Mechanical problems (ruptured pipes,
metal fatigue), chemical spills, aircraft
crash, fire, explosion, etc.
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Types Of Potential Hazards
Human events
The wrong valve was opened,
miscommunication about what to do, etc.
Sabotage, terrorism
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Other Hazard Considerations
Quantity of hazardous materials
Location of hazardous materials
Location of isolation valves
Special fire fighting requirements
(oil, chemical) if any
Special handling requirements
(e.g. radio-active, pathogens)
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Hazard Consequence Analysis
For Emergency And Recovery Plans
What hazards are most likely to occur
What functions or services are affected
In what way the functions could not be
performed following a disaster
What are the critical functions
What actions will protect them
What functions has to be restored
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Potential Impacts Of Hazards
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Potential Impacts Of Hazards
Regulatory and contractual obligations
Continuity of operations and delivery of
Property, facilities, and infrastructure loss
Reputation of the organisation
Economic and financial condition
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Emergency Plans Must Comply
With Legal and Other
Examples of requirements are:
OSHA 1994
CIMAH Regulations 1996
Environmental Quality Act 1974
Voluntary Standards
Disaster/ Emergency Management Standard
(Incident Command System, FPA 1600:2000)
Industry Practice
Responsible Care
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Emergency Plan Strategy
Emergency plans should be capable of
dealing with the worst case credible
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Emergency Plan Strategy
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Recovery Strategy
Objective is to restore functions as
early as possible
Redundancy or alternatives
arranged for identified critical
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Recovery Strategy
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Mitigation Measures
Interim and long-term - to eliminate or
reduce impact of hazards that cannot be
Access, escape routes and shelters
Early Warning - Establishment of hazard
warning and communication procedures
Materials removal, reduction, modification,
segregation or elimination
Heat, fluids, etc. - protective systems,
redundancy, control of rate of release
Structures - building construction standards
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Resource Planning
Based on identified threats and
Fire, flood, explosion, spills, collapse
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Identify for Each Threat or
Resources and logistics
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Identify for Each Threat or
Equipment and Facilities
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Emergency Facilities To Be
Made Available
Where needed toxic, explosive gas
detectors, wind indicators
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Regular Tests of Emergency
Equipment and Facilities
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Immediate Strategic Plans
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Immediate Strategic Plans
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Written Plans
Recovery plans
Lines of authority
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Emergency Operating Manuals
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Finance and Administration
The organisation should also develop
financial and administrative
procedures to support the emergency
management programme before, during,
and after an emergency or a disaster.
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Finance and Administration
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Incident Procedures
Control of access to the area
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Incident Procedures
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Disaster Recovery Activities
Incident investigation
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Disaster Recovery Activities
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Personal readiness
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Exercises And Drills
Types and subjects
Types: Simulated, Real
Subjects: Operational, Security, Commercial
Evacuation Copyright@NIOSH 2005/1 54
Plan should be reviewed annually
and updated as necessary
Be re-evaluated when:
There are changes:
Regulatory, New hazards are identified or
existing hazards change
Resources or organizational structure change
After tests, drills, or exercises
After disaster responses
Infrastructure changes
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Organise emergency management
Identify the accident scenarios and
emergency consequences
Identify resources, equipment and
Develop plans and procedures
Train, drill and exercise
Review system
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