Hypothesis Testing With Z Tests

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Arlo Clark-Foos
Review: Standardization
Allows us to easily see how one score (or sample)
compares with all other scores (or a population).
CDC Example: Jessica
Jessica is 15 years old and 66.41 in. tall
For 15 year old girls, = 63.8, = 2.66

X (66.41 63.8)
CDC Example: Jessica
1. Percentile: How many 15 year old girls are
shorter than Jessica?
50% + 33.65% = 83.65%
CDC Example: Jessica
2. What percentage of 15 year old girls are taller
than Jessica?
50% - 33.65% OR 100% - 83.65% = 16.35%
CDC Example: Jessica
3. What percentage of 15 year old girls are as far
from the mean as Jessica (tall or short)?
16.35 % + 16.35% = 32.7%
CDC Example: Manuel
Manuel is 15 years old and 61.2 in. tall
For 15 year old boys, = 67, = 3.19

X (61.2 67)

Consult z table for 1.82 46.56%

CDC Example: Manuel
1. Percentile
Negative z, below mean: 50% - 46.56% = 3.44%
CDC Example: Manuel
2. Percent Above Manuel
100% - 3.44% = 96.56 %
CDC Example: Manuel
3. Percent as extreme as Manuel
3.44% + 3.44% = 6.88%
Percentages to z Scores
SAT Example: = 500, = 100
You find out you are at 63rd percentile
Consult z table for 13%
THIS z Table lists the percentage
under the normal curve, between the
mean (center of distribution) and the z

63rd Percentile = 63%

50% + 13%

z= ?_
Percentages to z Scores z

X z ( )
SAT Example: = 500, = 100
You find out you are at 63rd percentile
Consult z table for 13% z = .33
X = .33(100) + 500 = 533
UMD & GRE Example
How do UMD students measure up on the older version of the verbal GRE? We
know that the population average on the old version of the GRE (from ETS) was
554 with a standard deviation of 99. Our sample of 90 UMD students had an
average of 568. Is the 14 point difference in averages enough to say that UMD
students perform better than the general population?

Given in problem: M = = 554, = 99 M = 568, N = 90
Remember that if we use distribution of means, we are using a sample and need
to use standard error.

M 10.436
N 90
UMD & GRE Example z

Given in problem: M = = 554, = 99 M = 568, N = 90


10.436 z
M M (568 554)
N 90 M 10.436

Consult z table for z = 1.34

THIS z Table lists the percentage
under the normal curve, between the
mean (center of distribution) and the z

z = 1.34
Assumptions of Hypothesis Testing
Assumptions of Hypothesis Testing
1. The DV is measured on an interval scale
2. Participants are randomly selected
3. The distribution of the population is approximately
Robust: These hyp. tests are those that produce fairly
accurate results even when the data suggest that the
population might not meet some of the assumptions.
Parametric Tests (we will discuss)
Nonparametric Tests (we will not discuss)
Testing Hypotheses
1. Identify the population, comparison distribution,
inferential test, and assumptions
2. State the null and research hypotheses
3. Determine characteristics of the comparison
Whether this is the whole population or a control
group, we need to find the mean and some measure
of spread (variability).
Testing Hypotheses (6 Steps)
4. Determine critical values or cutoffs
How extreme must our data be to reject the null?
Critical Values: Test statistic values beyond which we
will reject the null hypothesis (cutoffs).
How far out must a score be to be considered extreme?
p levels (): Probabilities used to determine the critical value
5. Calculate test statistic (e.g., z statistic)
6. Make a decision
Statistically Significant: Instructs us to reject the null
hypothesis because the pattern in the data differs from
what we would expect by chance alone.
The z Test: An Example
Given: = 156.5, = 14.6, M = 156.11, N = 97
1. Populations, distributions, and assumptions
1. All students at UMD who have taken the test (not just our
2. All students nationwide who have taken the test
Distribution: Sample distribution of means
Test & Assumptions: z test
1. Data are interval
2. We hope random selection (otherwise, less generalizable)
3. Sample size > 30, therefore distribution is normal
The z Test: An Example
2. State the null (H0) and research (H1)hypotheses
In Symbols
H0: 1 2 H0: 1 = 2
H1: 1 > 2 OR H1: 1 2

In Words
H0: Mean of pop 1 will be less than or H0: Mean of pop 1 will be less
equal to the mean of pop 2 equal to the mean of pop 2

H1: Mean of pop 1 will be greater H1: Mean of pop 1 will be

than mean of pop 2 different from the mean of pop 2
The z Test: An Example
3. Determine characteristics of comparison
Population: = 156.5, = 14.6
Sample: M = 156.11, N = 97

M 1.482
N 97
The z Test: An Example
4. Determine critical value (cutoffs)
In Behavioral Sciences, we use p = .05
p = .05 = 5% 2.5% in each tail
50% - 2.5% = 47.5%
Consult z table for 47.5% z = 1.96
THIS z Table lists the percentage
under the normal curve, between the
mean (center of distribution) and the z

95% / 2 = 47.5%

zcrit = 1.96
The z Test: An Example
5. Calculate test statistic

M M (156.11 156.5)
M 1.482

6. Make a Decision
Does sample size matter?
Increasing Sample Size
By increasing sample size, one can increase the
value of the test statistic, thus increasing probability
of finding a significant effect
Why Increasing Sample Size Matters

Original Example: Psychology GRE scores

Population: = 554, = 99
Sample: M = 568, N = 90

M 10.436
N 90

M M (568 554)
M 10.436
Why Increasing Sample Size Matters

New Example: Psychology GRE scores for N = 200

Population: = 554, = 99
Sample: M = 568, N = 200

M 7.00
N 200

M M (568 554)
M 7.00
Why Increasing Sample Size Matters

= 554, = 99, M = 568 = 554, = 99, M = 568

N = 90 N = 200
99 99
M 10.436 M 7.00
N 90 N 200

z = 1.34 z = 2.00
zcritical (p=.05) = 1.96
Not significant, Significant,
fail to reject null reject null
hypothesis hypothesis
Summary Graphic

Shall we review?
1. Random Selection (Approx.)
Observed Data = Chance events

2. Normally Distributed
Most of us are average, or very near it

3. Probability of Likely vs. Unlikely Events

Statistical Significance

4. Inferring Relationship to Population

What is the probability of obtaining my sample mean given
some information about the population?
Does a Foos live up to a Fu?
When I was growing up my father told me that our last name, Foos, was
German for foot (Fu) because our ancestors had been very fast runners. I
am curious whether there is any evidence for this claim in my family so I
have gathered running times for a distance of one mile from 6 family
members. The average healthy adult can run one mile in 10 minutes and
13 seconds (standard deviation of 76 seconds). Is my family running speed
different from the national average?
Person Running Time in seconds
Paul 13min 48sec 828sec
Phyllis 10min 10sec 610sec
Tom 7min 54sec 474sec
Aleigha 9min 22sec 562sec
Arlo 8min 38sec 518sec
David 9min 48sec 588sec
= 3580
N =6
M = 596.667
Does a Foos live up to a Fu?
Given: = 613sec , = 76sec, M = 596.667sec, N = 6
1. Populations, distributions, and assumptions
1. All individuals with the last name Foos.
2. All healthy adults.
Distribution: Sample mean distribution of means
Test & Assumptions: We know and , so z test
1. Data are interval
2. Not random selection
3. Sample size of 6 is less than 30, therefore distribution
might not be normal
Does a Foos live up to a Fu?
Given: = 613sec , = 76sec, M = 596.667sec, N = 6
2. State the null (H0) and research (H1)hypotheses

H0: People with the last name Foos do not run at different
speeds than the national average.

H1: People with the last name Foos do run at different

speeds (either slower or faster) than the national
Does a Foos live up to a Fu?
Given: = 613sec , = 76sec, M = 596.667sec, N = 6
3. Determine characteristics of comparison
distribution (distribution of sample means).
Population: M = = 613.5sec, = 76sec
Sample: M = 596.667sec, N = 6

M 31.02
N 6
Does a Foos live up to a Fu?
Given: = 613sec , M = 31.02sec, M = 596.667sec, N = 6
4. Determine critical value (cutoffs)
In Behavioral Sciences, we use p = .05
Our hypothesis (People with the last name Foos do run at different speeds (either slower
or faster) than the national average.) is nondirectional so our hypothesis

test is two-tailed.
THIS z Table lists the percentage under
the normal curve, between the mean
(center of distribution) and the z statistic.

5% (p=.05) / 2 = 2.5% from each side

100% - 2.5% = 97.5%
97.5% = 50% + 47.5%

zcrit = 1.96

-1.96 +1.96
IF it were One Tailed
THIS z Table lists the percentage
under the normal curve, between the
mean (center of distribution) and the z

100% - 5% (p=.05) = 95%

95% = 50% + 45%

zcrit = 1.65

Does a Foos live up to a Fu?
Given: = 613sec , M = 31.02sec, M = 596.667sec, N = 6
5. Calculate test statistic

M M (596.667 613)
M 31.02

6. Make a Decision
Does a Foos live up to a Fu?
Given: = 613sec , M = 31.02sec, M = 596.667sec, N = 6

6. Make a Decision
z = -.53 < zcrit = 1.96, fail to reject null hypothesis
The average one mile running time of Foos family members is
not different from the national average running timethe
legends arent true
Feel comfortable yet?
Could you complete a similar problem on your own?

Could you perform the same steps for a one-tailed test (i.e., directional

Are you comfortable with the concept of p-value (alpha level) and
statistical significance?

Can you easily convert back and forth between raw scores, z
scores/statistics, and percentages?

If you answered No to any of the above then you should be seeking extra
help (e.g., completing extra practice problems, attending SI sessions, coming
to office hours or making appt. with professor).

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