The Universal Hypothesis
The Universal Hypothesis
The Universal Hypothesis
Aranda Martnez Luis Fernando Quintanar Ruiz Edher Gonzalo
Fragoso Tellez Jhoanna Karina Trejo Cervantes Derick Noe
Martnez Osorio Teresa Eridani
1. Linguistic Universals and L1 Transfer
Hammarberg (1979)
Negation in English learners of L2 Swedish ( Same pattern: Subject + main verb
+ negation + complement).
English: He is not here Swedish: Han r inte hr
No obvious reason.
3. Chomskys poverty of the stimulus argument:
Degenerate input.
Error patterns.
Summary and
The Universal Hypothesis states that there are linguistic
universals which determine the course of SLA as follows:
This states that some rules are unmarked or weakly marked and
others marked or more strongly marked.