Unseco LET Prof Ed Reviewer

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Learning to Know
– the development of skills and knowledge needed to function in this world e.g. formal
acquisition of literacy, numeracy, critical thinking and general knowledge.
Learning to DO
– the acquisition of applied skills linked to professional success.
Learning to Live Together
– the development of social skills and values such as respect and concern for others, and the
appreciation of cultural diversity.
Learning to BE
– the learning that contributes to a person’s mind, body, and spirit. Skills include creativity and
personal discovery, acquired through reading, the Internet, and activities such as sports and
Learning to Transform Oneself and Society
– when individuals and groups gain knowledge, develop skills, and acquire new values as a
result of learning, they are equipped with tools and mind sets for creating lasting change in
organizations, communities, and societies.

😃The teacher is the sole authority in her subject area or field of specialization
😃Excellence in education, back to basics and cultural literacy
😃Teachers help students think with reason based on socratic methods of oral exposition or
recitation, explicit or deliberate teaching of traditional values
😃Use of great books and return to liberal arts
😃Subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative and interactive
😃Curriculum is focused on students’ interest, human problems and affairs
😃School reforms, relevant and contextualized curriculum, humanistic education
😃Teacher act as agents of change and reform in various educational projects including
😃Equality of educational opportunities in education, access to global education
a. It is based on students’ needs and interest
b. It is always related to instruction
c. Subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills and values
d. the process emphazise problem solving
e. Curriculum aims to educate generalist and not specialist
😃Learning should be organized so that students can experience success in the process of
mastering the subject matter
😃Learning constitutes a logical method for organizing and interpreting learning
😃Curriculum is concerned with the process not the products
😃personal needs not subject matter
😃psychological meanings and environmental situations
😃Society as ever dynamic, is a source of very fast changes which are difficult to cope with
😃Helps in answering what school are for ,what subject are important, how students should
learn,and what materials and methods should be used
😃Shows different changes in the purposes ,principles and content of the curriculum
😃Complements and cooperates with other programs of the community
😃Provides for the logical sequence of subject matter
😃Continuously involving
😃Complex of detail
😃Teacher Charisa implements or delivers her lessons in the classroom based on a curriculum
that appear in school, district or division documents
😃Proposed by scholars and professional organization
😃Unintended curriculum which is not deliberately planned but may modify behavior or influence
learning outcomes
😃Teachers implement or deliver in the classrooms or schools
😃Implement or component of the curriculum provides the bases for the selection of content and
learning experience which also set the criteria against which learning outcomes will be
😃What instructional strategies resources and activities will be employed
😃What subject matter is to be included
😃What methods and instruments will be used to asses the results of curriculum
😃A learner will value the content or subject matter if it is meaningful to him/her
😃When content or subject matter will contribute the basic ideas, concepts, principles and
generalization to achieve the overall aim of the curriculum then it is significant
😃Subject matter is the curriculum should be within the range of the experience of the learners
😃Usefulness of the content or subject matter may be relative to the learner who is going to use
😃Frequently and commonly used in daily life
😃Suited to the maturity levels and abilities of students
😃Valuable in meeting the needs and the competences of a future career
😃Elements or components of the curriculum includes instructional strategies and methods that
put in action the goals and use the contents in order to produce the outcome
😃They provide the bases for the selection of learning content and learning experiences
😃They also set the criteria against which learning outcomes will be evaluated
😃It is the compendium of facts, concepts, generalization, principles and theories.
😃It is individuals’ personal and social world and how he or she defines reality
😃Refer to the formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process
and product of the curriculum
😃In the CIPP Model by Stufflebeam the goals, instructional strategies ,the learners ,the
teachers the content and all materials needed in the curriculum
😃Refers to the environment of the curriculum or the real situation where the curriculum is
😃Refers to the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented
😃Indicates if the curriculum accomplishes its goal
😃Grassroots approach-teachers who teach or implement the curriculum should participate in
developing it
😃Purpose of the school
😃Educational experience related to the purpose
😃Organization of the experience
😃Evaluation of the experience
36. PLANNING PHASE in curriculum development
😃The needs of the learners
😃The achievable goals and objectives to meet the needs
😃The selection of the content to be taught
😃The motivation to carry out the goals
😃The strategies most fit to carry out the goals
😃The evaluation process to measure learning outcomes
37. IMPLEMENTATION PHASE in curriculum development
😃Requires the teacher to implement what has been planned
38. EVALUATION PHASE in curriculum development
😃A match of the objectives with the learning outcomes will be made
😃Design model in developing curriculum is attributed to Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi and
😃Curriculum is anchored on the needs and interest of child
😃Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers
😃who said the development of the self is the ultimate objective of learning
😃Experiences of the learners become the starting point of the curriculum
😃Draws on social problems, needs, interest and abilities of the learners
😃School principal is the curriculum leader and at the same time instructional leader
😃Influenced by system theory, where the parts of total school district or school are determined
in terms of how they related to each other
😃Change of behavior indicates the measure of the accomplishment
😃Consider the whole child
😃believes that in a curriculum the total development of the individual is the prime consideration
😃The learner is the center of the curriculum
😃The organizational chart of the school shows the line staff relationships of personnel and how
decision are made
😃To give information as to whether the three phases were appropriately done and gave good
😃Upgrading the quality of teaching and learning in school
😃Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning and for students to gain
mastery of lessons and courses
😃Broadening the delivery of education outside school through non-traditional approaches to
normal and informal learning such as open universities and lifelong learning to adult learners
😃Teacher gathers information about his students knows and can do.
😃A process of gathering empirical data to support whether the material or the curriculum is
useful, relevant, reliable and valid
😃A periodic assessment and adjustment during the try out period
😃Systematic process of judging the value effectiveness and adequacy of a curriculum
😃process of obtaining information for judging the worth of educational program, product
,procedure ,educational objectives or the potential utility or lf alternative approaches design to
attain specified objects
😃The process of selecting organizing executing and evaluating the learning experience on the
basis of the needs abilities and interest of the learners and on the basis of the nature of the
society or community for the possibilities of improving the teaching learning situation
😃Focuses on the content and purposes of the curriculum
56. BACKWARD DESIGN (UbD-Based curriculum)
😃Content/Performance standard
😃Essential understanding
😃Essential Question
😃Assessment criteria/tools
😃Six facets of understanding
😃Firm up
😃1. Universal Kindergarten
😃2. Contextualization and Enhancement
😃3. Spiral Progression
😃4. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
😃5. Senior High School
😃6. College and Livelihood readiness, 21st Century Skills
😃President Aquino’s 10 ways to fix Phil education refers to the use of mother tongue as a
medium of instruction from pre-school to grade 3
😃By the end of SY 2015-2016 every child passing preschool must be reader by grade 1

Prof ed-assessment of Learning

1. Criterion reference test
-the students mastery of objectives
2. Define the instructional objective
-first step in planning an achievement test
3. Standard deviation
4. Central tendency
-mean, median and mode
5. Positively skewed score distribution
-most of the scores are low
6. Normal distribution
- mean, median and mode are equal
7. Negatively skewed
😃means that students perform well in the said examination or the scores of the students
concentrated on the right part of the curve.
😃good performance of the students
8. Normal distribution curve, a T-score or 70

❤two SDs above the mean

❤ T score=10z+50


9. Mean is to measure of central tendency as quartile deviation

10. Skewed to the right
-most of the students got scores below the mean, which means that the examinees performed
very poor.
11. Median
-equivalent to the 50th percentile
12. Skewed score distribution
-scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end.
13. Skewed to the left
-if the class is composed of bright students .High scores concentrated at the right part of the
14. -2SD and +2SD in the normal curve
- 95.44
From mean to 1SD is 34.13%
From mean to -1SD is also 34.13%
From 1SD to 2SD is 13.59%
From -ISD to -2SD is 13.59%
These are under the normal curve is
34.13%+34.13%+13.59%+ 13.59%=95.44%
15. Generosity error
😃if a teacher gives additional grade to the students who performed well in the class or in the
examination, and then he commits generosity error.
16. Mode
😃defines as the number that occur most in the distribution. The distribution is also classified as
17. Formative test
😃is done after or during discussion. Feedback from the said exam can be used to determine
whether the students have mastery of the subject matter.
18. Positive discrimination index
😃more from the upper group got the item correctly.
19. Norm-referenced statements
😃you are comparing the performance of a certain students with the performance of other
20. Negatively skewed score distribution
😃the student consist of academically good students
😃most of the scores of the students concentrated at the right part of curve
21. Content validity
😃validation that refers to the relationships between a test and the instructional objectives.
😃establishes the test measures what it is supposed to measure.
22. Measures of Variability
😃standard deviation
😃interquartile range
😃mean deviation
23. Range
😃If teacher gets the difference between the highest score and the lowest score.
😃Formula=highest score-Lowest score
24. Positively skewed
😃left side of the curve
25. Normal curve distribution -1SD to +1SD
😃because -1SD to mean is 34.13% and from mean to 1SD is also 34.13%
Thus the sum is 68.26%
26. Median
😃The scores of the students is a tutorial class are as follows 82,82,85,86,87,94,98
😃the score 86 is the median
😃it is the middle most score in the distribution.
27. 0-.20
😃difficulty index range
28. -0.46 discrimination index
😃more students from the lower group answered item correctly
29. Multimodal
😃is a score distribution that consist of more than one mode.
30. Median is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to used when the distribution is
31. Negatively skewed distribution
😃most of the scores of the test-takers above the mean
32. Positively skewed distribution
😃the mean is greater than the median
33. TOS
😃Table of Specification
34. Range (types of variation)
😃is easily affected by the extreme scores, if there is a change in either the highest score or
lower score the values of the range easily change.
35. Mean (types pf central tendency)
-equal to the sum of all the values in the data set divided by the number of values in the data set
😃easily affected by the extreme scores.
😃if there is a change in highest score
😃 the mean value pulled up
😃while if the lowest score become smaller, the value is pulled down.
36. Sentence completion test

❤word association test and thematic appreciation test are all projective test.

37.Anecdotal report

❤are notes written by the teacher regarding incdents at the classroom that might be needs
special attention in the future.
38.Sinforoso Padilla

❤father of counselling in the Philippines

39. Authentic assessment

❤assessment applying real life situation

40. Standardized test

❤to engage in easy scoring

41. Scoring rubric

❤very important and indispensable

42. Assessment for learning

❤emphasis on grades and honors

43. Difficulty index of 1

❤the test is very easy

44. Split half method and Kuder Richardson

❤measure internal consistency of the test scores of the students.

45. Test-retest measures method

❤stability of the test scores

46. Parallel method

❤measures equivalence

47. Grading on the curve/norm referenced grading

❤the performance of a certain student compared to the performance of other students in the

Questions with answer.

1. To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to the things themselves.” This is the advice
of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists CA
C. idealists
D. pragmatists

2. Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it. So it must be real." Under which
group can he be classified?
A. Idealist
B. Empiricist
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist. CA

3. Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?

A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness. CA
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.

4. On whose philosophy was A. S. Neil's Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools,
A. Rousseau CA
B. Pestalozzi
C. Montessori
D. John Locke

5. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
B. I must teAch the child to develop his mental powers to the full. CA
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.

6. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's teaching is
against what philosophy?
A. Realism
B. Hedonism CA
C. Epicureanism
D. Empiricism

7Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day,
longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist
B. Essentialist CA
C. Progressivist
D. Existentialist
8Which group of philosophers maintain that "truth exists in an objective order that is
independent of the knower"?
A. Idealists
B. Pragmatists
C. Existentialists
D. Realists CA

9. You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought come?
A. Experimentalist CA
B. Realist
C. Idealist
D. Existentialist

10. As a teacher, you are a reconstructionist. Which among these will be your guiding
A. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.

11 Teacher B engages her students with information for thorough understanding for meaning
and for competent application. Which principle governs Teacher B's practice?
A. Constructivist
B. Gestalt
C. Behaviorist
D. Cognitivist CA

12. Which is/are the sources of man's intellectual drives, according to Freud?
A. Id
B. Superego
C. Id and ego
D. Ego CA

13. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on
a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Acquisition
D. Discrimination CA

14 The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most
closely related with the works of __________.
A. Erikson CA
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung

15. Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided
reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which
principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Environmentalism CA
C. Behaviorism
D. Constructivism

16. In a social studies class, Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks his
students what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I's technique based?
A. Kohlberg
B. Bandura CA
C. Piaget
D. Bruner
17 Based on Freud's psychoanalytic theory which component(s) of personality is (are)
concerned with a sense of right and wrong?
A. Super-ego CA
B. Super-ego and Ego
C. ld
D. Ego

18. Which does Naom Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?
I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to
II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.III. Do not require
initial formal language teaching for children.
A. I and III
B. II only
C. I only CA

19 Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's Social Learning Theory?

A. Lecturing
B. Modelling CA
C. Questioning
D. inductive Reasoning

20. Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be be strengthened and will be more
likely to occur in the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will be weakened
and will be less likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?
A. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Thorndike's Law of Effect
C. B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory CA
D. Bandura's Social Learning Theory

21. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic
stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic CA
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic

22 In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made
to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of
alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol Which theory explains this?
A. Operant conditioning
B. Social Learning Theory
C. Associative Learning CA
D. Attribution Theory

23 A mother gives his boy his favorite snack every time the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards,
the boy cleaned his room every day in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated?
A. Associative Learning
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Operant Conditioning
D. Pavlonian Conditioning CA

23 Researches conducted show that teacher's expectations of students become. Do not require
initial formal language teaching for children self-fulfilling prophecies. What is this phenomenon
A. Halo effect
B. Pygmalion effect CA
C. Ripple effect
D. Hawthorne effect

24 What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners?

A. Doing things on their own initiative
B. Ability to direct themselves. CA
C. Dependence on others for direction.
D. Creativity in work.

25 Theft of school equipment like tv, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is
becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
A. Prevalence of poverty in the community.
B. Inability of school to hire security guards.
C. Deprivation of Filipino schools.
D. Community's lack of sense of co-ownership. CA

26 A student passes a research report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make
up for the poor quality of the book report content. Which Filipino trait does this practice prove?
Emphasis on __________.
A. art over academics
B. substance over "porma"
C. art over science
D. "porma" over substance CA

27 Student Z does not study at all but when the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
comes, before he takes the LET, he spends one hour or more praying for a miracle, i.e. to pass
the exam. Which attitude towards religion or God is displayed?
A. Religion as fake
B. Religion as magic CA
C. Religion as authentic
D. Religion as real

28 During the Spanish period, what was/were the medium/media of instruction in schools?
A. The Vernacular
B. English
C. Spanish
D. Spanish and the Vernacular CA
29 All subjects in Philippine elementary and secondary schools are expected to be taught using
the integrated approach. This came about as a result of the implementation of _________.
A. Program for Decentralized Education
B. School-Based Management
C. Basic Education Curriculum CA
D. Schools First Initiative

30 Under which program were students who were not accommodated in public elementary and
secondary schools because of lack of classroom, teachers, and instructional materials, were
enrolled in private schools in their respective communities at the government's expense?
A. Government Assistance Program
B. Study Now-Pay Later
C. Educational Service Contract System
D. National Scholarship Program CA

31. What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1980s?
A. Bilingual Education CA
B. Values Education
C. Accountability
D. Mainstreaming

32 Availment of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) for adults and out-of-school
youths is in support of the goverriment'S educational program towards __________.
A. equitable access CA
B. quality
C. quality and relevance
D. relevance

32 The main purpose of compulsory study of the Constitution is to __________

A. develop students into responsible, thinking citizens CA
B. acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution
C. make constitutional experts of the students
D. prepare students for law-makinig

33. Which one may support equitable access but may sacrifice quality?
A. Open admission CA
B. School accreditation
C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
D. Selective retention

34. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the
development of work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency CA

35 Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity.
What does this imply?
A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
B. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this nativeabilty.
C. Every child is a potential genius. CA
D. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.

36 Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the concrete
operational stage?
A. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering. CA
C. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skills.
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.
37 Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the sensimotor
A. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skill. CA
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering.
C. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.

38. Which behavior is exhibited by a student who is strong in interpersonal intelligence?

A. Works on his/her own.
B. Keeps interest to himself/herself.
C. Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs. CA
D. Spends time meditating.

39 A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused
and neglected. He has been to two orphanages and three different elementary schools. The
student can decode on the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally material at the
fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student's reading problem is/are
A. emotional factors
B. poor teaching
C. neurological factors CA

40. A child who gets punished for stealing candy may not steal again immediately. But this does
not mean that the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike's theory on punishment and
learning, this shows that __________
A. punishment strengthens a response
B. punishment removes a response
C. punishment does not remove a response CA
D. punishment weakens a response

41 It is not wise to laugh at a two-year old child when he utters bad word because in his stage
he is learning to __________.
A. consider other's views CA
B. distinguish sex differences
C. socialize
D. distinguish right from wrong

42 John Watson said: "Men are built not born." What does this statement point to?
A. The ineffectiveness of training on a person's development.
B. The effect of environmental stimulation on a person's development. CA
C. The absence of genetic influence on a person's development.
D. The effect of heredity.

43 Which types of play is most characteristic of a four to six-year old child?

A. Solitary and onlooker plays
B. Associative and cooperative plays CA
C. Associative and onlooker plays
D. Cooperative and solitary plays

44 All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT
A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability CA
B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

45 Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic goal must
haye not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years, according to Erikson's theory
on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Trust CA
C. Initiative
D. Generativity
46 Ruben is very attached to his mother and Ruth to her father. In what developmental stage
are they according to Freudian psychological theory?
A. Oedipal stage CA
B. Latent stage
C. Anal stage
D. Pre-genital stage

47 Which assumption underlies the teacher's use of performance objectives?

A. Not every form of learning is observable.
B. Performance objectives assure the learrier of learning.
C. Learning is defined as a change in the learner's observable performance. CA
D. The success of learner is based on teacher performance.

48 The principle of individual differences requires teachers to __________.

A. give greater attention to gifted learners
B. provide for a variety of learning activities CA
C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class

49 In instructional planning it is necessary that the parts of the plan from the first to the last have
A. clarity
B. symmetry
C. coherence
D. conciseness

50. A goal-oriented instruction culminates in __________.

A. planning of activities CA
B. evaluation
C. identification of topics
D. formulation of objectives
51 A teacher's summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT
A. it links the parts of the lesson
B. lt brings together the information that has been discussed CA
C. it makes provisions for full participation of students.
D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.

52 In Krathwohl's affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the lowest level of
affective behavior?
A. Valuing
B. Characterization
C. Responding
D. Organization CA

53 The following are used in writing performance objectives, EXCEPT

A. delineate CA
B. diagram
C. integrate
D. comprehend

54 If a teacher plans a constructivist lesson, what will he most likely do? Plan how he can
A. do evaluate his students' work
B. do reciprocal teaching
C. lecture to his students
D. engage his students in convergent thinking CA

55 In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable standard of performance is called a

B. criterion measure CA
C. behavior
D. condition

56 The primary objective of my lesson is: "To add similar fractions correctly." Before I can do
this I must first aim at this specific objective: "To distinguish a numerator from a nominator."
What kind of objective is the latter?
A. Major
B. Terminal
C. Enabling CA
D. Primary

57 As a teacher, what do you do when you engage yourself in major task analysis?
A. Test if learning reached higher level thinking skills.
B. Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills. CA
C. Determine the level of thinking involved.
D. Revise lesson objectives.

58 Teacher G's lesson objective has something to do with the skill of synthesizing? Which
behavioral term is most appropriate?
A. Test
B. Assess
C. Appraise
D. Theorize CA

59 In Krathwohl's taxonomy of objectives in the affective, which is most authentic?

A. Characterization
B. Orgarlization
C. Responding
D. Valuing CA

60 "A stitch on time saves nine", so goes the adage.. Applied to classroom management, this
means that we __________
A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions which are worth ignoring because they are minor
B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline
C. have to Jesolve minor disruptions before they are out of control CA
D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently

61 How can you exhibit referent power on the first day of school?
A. By making them feel you know what you are talking about.
B. By telling them the importance of good grades.
C. By reminding your students your authority over them again and again.
D. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance.

62 Teacher B clears his throat to communicate disapproval of a student's behavior. Which

specific influence technique is this?
A. Signal interference CA
B. Direct appeal
C. Interest boosting
D. Proximity control

63 Teacher H strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion.
Which student's need is she trying to address? The need __________
A. to show their oral abilities to the rest of the class
B. to be creative
C. to feel significant and be part of a group CA
D. to get everything out in the open

64 Which is a sound classroom management practice?

A. Avoid establishing routines; routines make your student robots.
B. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks. CA
C. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.
D. Apply reactive approach to discipline.
65 An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile
classroom technique?
A. Note to parents
B. After-school detention
C. Withdrawal of privileges
D. Raising the pitch of the voice CA

66 Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom management?

A. It quickly and unobtrusively redirects misbehavior once it occurs. CA
B. It teaches dependence on others for self-control.
C. It respects cultural norms of a limited group student.
D. Strategies are simple enough to be used consistently.

67 How can you exhibit legitimate power on the first day of school?
A. By making your students feel they are accepted for who they are.
B. By informing them you are allowed to act in loco parentis.
C. By making them realize the importance of good grades.
D. By making them feel you have mastery of subject matter. CA

68 With-it-ness, according to Kounin, is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom

manager. Which phrase goes with it?
A. Have hands that write fast.
B. Have eyes on the back of your heads.
C. Have a mouth ready to speak.
D. Have minds packed with knowledge. CA

69 Which is an appropriate way to manage off-task behavior?

A. Make eye contact.
B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.
C. Move closer to the child.
D. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to
work. CA

70 Referring to Teacher S, Nicolle describe her teacher as "fair, caring and someone you can
talk to." Which power or leadership does Teacher S have?
A. Referent power
B. Legitimate power CA
C. Reward power
D. Expert power

71 Research tells that teachers ask mostly content questions. Which of the following terms does
NOT refer to content question?
A. Closed CA
B. Direct
C. Concept
D. Convergent

Question: Which questioning strategy/ies does/do the exchange of thoughts above illustrate?
A. Funnelling
B. Sowing and reaping
C. Nose-dive
D. Extending and lifting CA

73 Which questioning practice promotes more class interaction?

A. Asking the question before calling on a student.
B. Focusing on divergent questions. CA
C. Focusing on convergent questions.
D. Asking rhetorical questions.

74 Which technique should a teacher use to encourage response if his students do not respond
to his question?
A. Ask a specific student to respond, state the question, and wait a response. CA
B. Tell the class that it will have detention unless answer is forthcoming.
C. Ask another question, an easier one.
D. Wait for a response.

75 Teacher P wants to develop the skill of synthesizing in her pupils. Which one will she do?
A. Ask her students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in graphs. CA
B. Ask her students to answer questions beginning with "What if ... "
C. Tell her pupils to state data presented in graphs.
D. Directs her students to ask questions on the parts of the lesson not understood.

76 The following are sound specific purposes of questions EXCEPT

A. to call the attention of an inattentive student CA
B. to teach via student answers
C. to stimulate learners to ask questions
D. to arouse interest and curiosity

77 For maximum interaction, a teacher ought to avoid __________ questions.

A. informational
B. rhetorical
C. leading CA
D. divergent

78 If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more __________
A. closed
B. fact
C. concept
D. convergent CA

79 Which is NOT a sound purpose for asking questions?

A. To probe deeper after an answer is given.
B. To discipline a bully in class. CA
C. To remind students of a procedure.
D. To encourage self-reflection.

80 Principal B tells her teachers that training in the humanities is most important. To which
educational philosophy does he adhere?
A. Existentialism CA
B. Perennialism
C. Progressivism
D. Essentialism

81 Principal C shares this thought with his teachers: "Subject matter should help students
understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility
for their thoughts, feelings, and actions.” From which philosophy is this thought based?
A. Perennialism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism CA
D. Progressivism

82 To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to the things themselves.” This is the advice
of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists CA
C. idealists
D. pragmatists

83 Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it. So it must be real." Under which
group can he be classified?
A. Idealist
B. Empiricist
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist. CA

84 Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?

A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness. CA
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.

85 You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought come?
A. Experimentalist CA
B. Realist
C. Idealist
D. Existentialist

86 Which is/are the sources of man's intellectual drives, according to Freud?

A. Id
B. Superego
C. Id and ego CA
D. Ego

86 Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided

reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which
principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Environmentalism
C. Behaviorism CA
D. Constructivism

87 Which does Naom Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?
I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to
II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.III. Do not require
initial formal language teaching for children.
A. I and III
B. II only
C. I only
D. I and II CA

88 Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's Social Learning Theory?

A. Lecturing
B. Modeling CA
C. Questioning
D. lnductive Reasoning

89 Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be be strengthened and will be more likely
to occur in the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will be weakened and will
be less likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?
A. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Thorndike's Law of Effect
C. B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory CA
D. Bandura's Social Learning Theory

90 Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic
stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic CA
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic

91 All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT
A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability CA
B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

92 How can you exhibit expert power on the first day of school?
A. By making them feel you know what you are talking about. CA
B. By making them realize the importance of good grades.
C. By reminding them your students your authority over them again and again.
D. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance.

1. To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to the things themselves.” This is the advice
of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists CA
C. idealists
D. pragmatists

2. Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it. So it must be real." Under which
group can he be classified?
A. Idealist
B. Empiridst
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist. CA
3. Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?
A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness. CA
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.

4. On whose philosophy was A. S. Neil's Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools,
A. Rousseau CA
B. Pestalozzi
C. Montessori
D. John Locke

5. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
B. I must teAch the child to develop his mental powers to the full. CA
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.

6. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's teaching is
against what philosophy?
A. Realism
B. Hedonism CA
C. Epicureanism
D. Empiricism

7Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day,
longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist
B. Essentialist CA
C. Progressivist
D. Existentialist

8Which group of philosophers maintain that "truth exists in an objective order that is
independent of the knower"?
A. Idealists
B. Pragmatists
C. Existentialists
D. Realists CA

9. You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought come?
A. Experimentalist CA
B. Realist
C. Idealist
D. Existentialist

10. As a teacher, you are a reconstructionist. Which among these will be your guiding
A. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.

11 Teacher B engages her students with information for thorough understanding for meaning
and for competent application. Which principle governs Teacher B's practice?
A. Contructivist
B. Gestalt
C. Behaviorist
D. Cognitivist CA
12. Which is/are the sources of man's intellectual drives, according to Freud?
A. Id
B. Superego
C. Id and ego
D. Ego CA

13. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on
a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Acquisition
D. Discrimination CA

14 The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most
closely related with the works of __________.
A. Erikson CA
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung

15. Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided
reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which
principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Environmentalism CA
C. Behaviorism
D. Constructivism

16. In a social studies class, Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks his
students what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I's technique based?
A. Kohlberg
B. Bandura CA
C. Piaget
D. Bruner

17 Based on Freud's psychoanalytic theory which component(s) of personality is (are)

concerned with a sense of right and wrong?
A. Super-ego CA
B. Super-ego and Ego
C. ld
D. Ego

18. Which does Naom Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?
I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to
II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.III. Do not require
initial formal language teaching for children.
A. I and III
B. II only
C. I only CA

19 Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's Social Learning Theory?

A. Lecturing
B. Modeling CA
C. Questioning
D. lnductive Reasoning

20. Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be be strengthened and will be more
likely to occur in the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will be weakened
and will be less likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?
A. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Thorndike's Law of Effect
C. B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory CA
D. Bandura's Social Learning Theory
21. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic
stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic CA
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic

22 In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made
to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of
alcohol and stopped drinking alcohoL Which theory explains this?
A. Operant conditioning
B. Social Learning Theory
C. Associative Learning CA
D. Attribution Theory

23 A mother gives his boy his favorite snack everytime the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards,
the boy cleaned his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated?
A. Associative Learning
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Operant Conditioning
D. Pavlonian Conditioning CA

23 Researches conducted show that teacher's expectations of students become. Do not require
initial formal language teaching for children self-fulfilling prophecies. What is this phenomenon
A. Halo effect
B. Pygmalion effect CA
C. Ripple effect
D. Hawthorne effect

24 What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners?

A. Doing things on their own initiative
B. Ability to direct themselves. CA
C. Dependence on others for direction.
D. Creativity in work.

25 Theft of school equipment like tv, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is
becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
A. Prevalence of poverty in the community.
B. Inability of school to hire security guards.
C. Deprivation of Filipino schools.
D. Community's lack of sense of co-ownership. CA

26 A student passes a research report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make
up for the poor quality of the book report content. Which Filipino trait does this practice prove?
Emphasis on __________.
A. art over academics
B. substance over "porma"
C. art over science
D. "porma" over substance CA

27 Student Z does not study at all but when the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
comes, before he takes the LET, he spends one hour or more praying for a miracle, i.e. to pass
the exam. Which attitude towards religion or God is displayed?
A. Religion as fake
B. Religion as magic CA
C. Religion as authentic
D. Religion as real

28 During the Spanish period, what was/were the medium/media of instruction in schools?
A. The Vernacular
B. English
C. Spanish
D. Spanish and the Vernacular CA

29 All subjects in Philippine elementary and secondary schools are expected to be taught using
the integrated approach. This came about as a result of the implementation of _________.
A. Program for Decentralized Education
B. School-Based Management
C. Basic Education Curriculum CA
D. Schools First Initiative

30 Under which program were students who were not accommodated in public elementary and
secondary schools because of lack of classroom, teachers, and instructional materials, were
enrolled in private schools in their respective communities at the government's expense?
A. Government Assistance Program
B. Study Now-Pay Later
C. Educational Service Contract System
D. National Scholarship Program CA

31. What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1980s?
A. Bilingual Education CA
B. Values Education
C. Accountability
D. Mainstreaming

32 Availment of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) for adults and out-of-school
youths is in support of the goverriment'S educational program towards __________.
A. equitable access CA
B. quality
C. quality and relevance
D. relevance

32 The main purpose of compulsory study of the Constitution is to __________

A. develop students into responsible, thinking citizens CA
B. acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution
C. make constitutional experts of the students
D. prepare students for law-makinig

33. Which one may support equitable access but may sacrifice quality?
A. Open admission CA
B. School accreditation
C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
D. Selective retention

34. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the
development of work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency CA

35 Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity.
What does this imply?
A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
B. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this nativeabilty.
C. Every child is a potential genius. CA
D. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.

36 Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the concrete
operational stage?
A. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering. CA
C. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skills.
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.
37 Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the sensimotor
A. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skill. CA
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering.
C. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.

38. Which behavior is exhibited by a student who is strong in interpersonal intelligence?

A. Works on his/her own.
B. Keeps interest to himself/herself.
C. Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs. CA
D. Spends time meditating.

39 A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused
and neglected. He has been to two orphanages and three different elementary schools. The
student can decode on the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally material at the
fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student's reading problem is/are
A. emotional factors
B. poor teaching
C. neurological factors CA

40. A child who gets punished for stealing candy may not steal again immediately. But this does
not mean that the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike's theory on punishment and
learning, this shows that __________
A. punishment strengthens a response
B. punishment removes a response
C. punishment does not remove a response CA
D. punishment weakens a response

41 It is not wise to laugh at a two-year old child when he utters bad word because in his stage
he is learning to __________.
A. consider other's views CA
B. distinguish sex differences
C. socialize
D. distinguish right from wrong

42 John Watson said: "Men are built not born." What does this statement point to?
A. The ineffectiveness of training on a person's development.
B. The effect of environmental stimulation on a person's development. CA
C. The absence of genetic influence on a person's development.
D. The effect of heredity.

43 Which types of play is most characteristic of a four to six-year old child?

A. Solitary and onlooker plays
B. Associative and coooperative plays CA
C. Associative and onlooker plays
D. Cooperative and solitary plays

44 All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT
A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability CA
B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

45 Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic goal must
haye not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years, according to Erikson's theory
on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Trust CA
C. Initiative
D. Generativity
46 Ruben is very attached to his mother and Ruth to her father. In what developmental stage
are they according to Freudian psychological theory?
A. Oedipal stage CA
B. Latent stage
C. Annal stage
D. Pre-genital stage

47 Which assumption underlies the teacher's use of performance objectives?

A. Not every form of learning is observable.
B. Performance objectives assure the learrier of learning.
C. Learning is defined as a change in the learner's observable performance. CA
D. The success of learner is based on teacher performance.

48 The principle of individual differences requires teachers to __________.

A. give greater attention to gifted learners
B. provide for a variety of learning activities CA
C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class

49 In instructional planning it is necessary that the parts of the plan from the first to the last have
A. clarity
B. symmetry
C. coherence
D. conciseness

50. A goal-oriented instruction culminates in __________.

A. planning of activities CA
B. evaluation
C. identification of topics
D. formulation of objectives

51 A teacher's summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT

A. it links the parts of the lesson
B. lt brings together the information that has been discussed CA
C. it makes provisions for full participation of students.
D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.

52 In Krathwohl's affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the lowest level of
affective behavior?
A. Valuing
B. Characterization
C. Responding
D. Organization CA

53 The following are used in writing performance objectives, EXCEPT

A. delineate CA
B. diagram
C. integrate
D. comprehend

54 If a teacher plans a constructivist lesson, what will he most likely do? Plan how he can
A. do evaluate his students' work
B. do reciprocal teaching
C. lecture to his students
D. engage his students in convergent thinking CA

55 In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable standard of performance is called a

B. criterion measure CA
C. behavior
D. condition

56 The primary objective of my lesson is: "To add similar fractions correctly." Before I can do
this I must first aim at this specific objective: "To distinguish a numerator from a nominator."
What kind of objective is the latter?
A. Major
B. Terminal
C. Enabling CA
D. Primary

57 As a teacher, what do you do when you engage yourself in major task analysis?
A. Test if learning reached higher level thinking skills.
B. Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills. CA
C. Determine the level of thinking involved.
D. Revise lesson objectives.

58 Teacher G's lesson objective has something to do with the skill of synthesizing? Which
behavioral term is most appropriate?
A. Test
B. Assess
C. Appraise
D. Theorize CA

59 In Krathwohl's taxonomy of objectives in the affective, which is most authentic?

A. Characterization
B. Orgarlization
C. Responding
D. Valuing CA
60 "A stitch on time saves nine", so goes the adage.. Applied to classroom management, this
means that we __________
A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions which are worth ignoring because they are minor
B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline
C. have to Jesolve minor disruptions before they are out of control CA
D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently

61 How can you exhibit referent power on the first day of school?
A. By making them feel you know what you are talking about.
B. By telling them the importance of good grades.
C. By reminding your students your authority over them again and again.
D. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance.

62 Teacher B clears his throat to communicate disapproval of a student's behavior. Which

specific influence technique is this?
A. Signal interference CA
B. Direct appeal
C. Interest boosting
D. Proximity control

63 Teacher H strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion.
Which student's need is she trying to address? The need __________
A. to show their oral abilities to the rest of the class
B. to be creative
C. to feel significant and be part of a group CA
D. to get everything out in the open

64 Which is a sound classroom management practice?

A. Avoid establishing routines; routines make your student robots.
B. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks. CA
C. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.
D. Apply reactive approach to discipline.

65 An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile

classroom technique?
A. Note to parents
B. After-school detention
C. Withdrawal of privileges
D. Raising the pitch of the voice CA

66 Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom management?

A. It quickly and unobtrusively redirects misbehavior once it occurs. CA
B. It teaches dependence on others for self-control.
C. It respects cultural norms of a limited group students.
D. Strategies aresimple enough to be used consistently.

67 How can you exhibit legitimate power on the first day of school?
A. By making your students feel they are accepted for who they are.
B. By informing them you are allowed to act in loco parentis.
C. By making them realize the importance of good grades.
D. By making them feel you have mastery of subject matter. CA

68 With-it-ness, according to Kounin, is one of the characterestics of an effective classroom

manager. Which phrase goes with it?
A. Have hands that write fast.
B. Have eyes on the back of your heads.
C. Have a mouth ready to speak.
D. Have minds packed with knowledge. CA

69 Which is an appropriate way to manage off-task behavior?

A. Make eye contact.
B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.
C. Move closer to the child.
D. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to
work. CA

70 Referring to Teacher S, Nicolle describes her teacher as "fair, caring and someone you can
talk to." Which power or leadership does Teacher S have?
A. Referent power
B. Legitimate power CA
C. Reward power
D. Expert power

71 Research tells that teachers ask mostly content questions. Which of the following terms
does NOT refer to content question?
A. Closed CA
B. Direct
C. Concept
D. Convergent

Question: Which questioning strategy/ies does/do the exchange of thoughts above illustrate?
A. Funneling
B. Sowing and reaping
C. Nose-dive
D. Extending and lifting CA
73 Which questioning practice promotes more class interaction?
A. Asking the question before calling on a student.
B. Focusing on divergent questions. CA
C. Focusing on convergent questions.
D. Asking rhetorical questions.

74 Which technique should a teacher use to encourage response if his students do not respond
to his question?
A. Ask a specific student to respond, state the question, and wait a response. CA
B. Tell the class that it will have detention unless answer are forthcoming.
C. Ask another question, an easier one.
D. Wait for a response.

75 Teacher P wants to develop the skill of synthesizing in her pupils. Which one will she do?
A. Ask her students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in graphs. CA
B. Ask her students to answer questions beginning with "What if ... "
C. Tell her pupils to state data presented in graphs.
D. Directs her students to ask questions on the parts of the lesson not understood.

76 The following are sound specific purposes of questions EXCEPT

A. to call the attention of an inattentive student CA
B. to teach via student answers
C. to stimulate leamers to ask questions
D. to arouse interestand curiosity

77 For maximum interaction, a teacher ought to avoid __________ questions.

A. informational
B. rhetorical
C. leading CA
D. divergent

78 If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more __________
A. closed
B. fact
C. concept
D. convergent CA

79 Which is NOT a sound purpose for asking questions?

A. To probe deeper after an answer is given.
B. To discipline a bully in class. CA
C. To remind students of a procedure.
D. To encourage self-reflection.

80 Principal B tells her teachers that training in the humanities is most important. To which
educational philosophy does he adhere?
A. Existentialism CA
B. Perennialism
C. Progressivism
D. Essentialism

81 Principal C shares this thought with his teachers: "Subject matter should help students
understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility
for their thoughts, feelings, and actions.” From which philosophy is this thought based?
A. Perennialism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism CA
D. Progressivism

82 To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to the things themselves.” This is the advice
of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists CA
C. idealists
D. pragmatists

83 Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it. So it must be real." Under which
group can he be classified?
A. Idealist
B. Empiridst
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist. CA

`84 Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?

A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness. CA
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.

85 You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought come?
A. Experimentalist CA
B. Realist
C. Idealist
D. Existentialist

86 Which is/are the sources of man's intellectual drives, according to Freud?

A. Id
B. Superego
C. Id and ego CA
D. Ego
86 Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided
reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which
principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Environmentalism
C. Behaviorism CA
D. Constructivism

87 Which does Naom Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?
I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to
II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.III. Do not require
initial formal language teaching for children.
A. I and III
B. II only
C. I only
D. I and II CA

88 Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's Social Learning Theory?

A. Lecturing
B. Modeling CA
C. Questioning
D. lnductive Reasoning

89 Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be be strengthened and will be more likely
to occur in the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will be weakened and will
be less likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?
A. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Thorndike's Law of Effect
C. B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory CA
D. Bandura's Social Learning Theory
90 Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic
stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic CA
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic

91 All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT
A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability CA
B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement.

25 items Questions with answer

1. In activities in a particular class period, the teacher must

a. Add curricular activities
b Provide unique teaching aids
c. Institute a systematic plan*******
d. Use expensive materials

2. One way to encourage students who lack in reading to love reading is to:
a. Reprimand him
b. Ask the students to buy books
c. Provide reading materials*******
d. Isolate him

3. Which of the following style or technique would make the teacher a good classroom manager
– teacher with eyes at the back of the head?
a. Give your students the “head to toe” look when angry
b. Uses eye contact technique with your students
c. Fear and fight dominates the classroom atmosphere
d. Being aware of all the actions and activities in the classroom*******

4. The sociogram reveals that four students is your class formed a “clique”. This means that the
teacher should:
a. Allow them to be together all the time
b. Encourage them to join other groups*******
c. Discourage them from joining other groups
d. Disband the group

5. Parents negatively react to the inclusion of play in children’s curriculum. A teacher who knows
the importance of play would tell the parents that ?
a. Playing is important in the child’s cognitive development*******
b. Playing is a good form of exercise
c. Playing gives children pleasure
d. Playing is a stage of child’s development

6. The ability to perceive how objects are related in order to mentally perceive what is seen,
thus creating concrete visual images from memory refers to
a. Visual spatial intelligence*******
b. Musical intelligence
c. Linguistic intelligence
d. Logical reasoning intelligence

7. The most important criterion in test construction is

a. Preparation of table of specifications
b. Congruency of the items with objectives*******
c. Stem should contain the central problem
d. Options should be of almost the same length
8. The 19th century saw the development of state controlled and state supported public school
system. Existing ideology was the concept of national sovereignty. Under a democracy,
education equips citizens with the principles and duties of citizenship to guarantee national
stability. Such is the ideology of .
a. Citizenship
b. Progressivism
c. Nationalism*******
d. Education

9. The following are the characteristics of a good teaching/learning practice EXCEPT?

a. Students are governed by fixed and rigid standards. *******
b. Life-like situations introduced as learning experience in the classroom.
c. Students are given more opportunity to act or experience learning.
d. Evaluation is made as an integral part of teaching procedures.

10. Which of the following is NOT a principle of development?

a. Development follows an orderly, predictable sequence
b. Numerous studies show how individuals develop*******
c. Early development is more critical than later development
d. Social expectations influence development in early stage

11. Which questioning technique would be appropriate for inductive lessons?

a. Use questions requiring only memory responses
b. Expect participation only among the more motivated students
c. Involve students actively in the questioning process*******
d. As teacher, you ask no questions

12. What principle is reflected when a teacher always provides for the development of all
essential knowledge manipulative skills and attitudes?
a. Principle of needs
b. Principle of balance*******
c. Principle of unity
d. Principle of organization

13. A teaching method proceeds from the details of a lesson towards generalization is called:
a. Deductive
b. Inductive*******
c. Debate
d. Problem solving

14. Which may NOT be a benefit derived from the use of graphic organizers?
a. Make relationships among detail clear
b. Enable students to identify important ideas and details
c. Strengthen team work*******
d. Represent stated information in concrete form

15. Rights which cannot be renounced or transferred because they are necessary for the
fulfillment of man’s primordial obligations are called
a. Perfect rights
b. Alienable rights
c. Acquired rights
d. Inalienable rights*******

16. Principal Miguel shares this thought with his teachers: "Subject matter should help students
understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility
for their thoughts, feelings, and actions." From which philosophy is this thought based?
a. Perennialism
b. Essentialism*******
c. Existentialism
d. Progressivism
17. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to .
a. coefficient of correlation
b. central tendency*******
c. discrimination index
d. level of difficulty

18. How can a teacher establish the reliability of a test?

1) Repeat the same test
2) Administer a parallel test
3) Split the test
4) Vary the number of items

A. 1, 2 and 3*******
B. 1, 3 and 4
C. 1 and 4 only
D. 2 and 4 only

19. On which policy is R.A. 4670 known as the Magna Carta for Public Teachers focused?
a. Right to establish or join an organization
b. Code of ethics for professional teachers
c. Recruitment shall take place after training
d. Promotion and improvement of social and economic status of public school teachers*******

20. How can a teacher enhance his/her questioning technique for an effective teacher-student
A. Immediately
B. You may answer your own question if no one can answer
C. Allow sufficient “think time,” at least 7 to 10 seconds*******
D. Extend wait time until the students respond
21. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience
should follow learning thus she has to?
a. Equip her students with basic skills and abilities
b. Encourage her students to memorize facts
c. Provide her students opportunities to apply their skills and abilities. *******
d. Require her students mastery of the lesson

22. Respect for honest differences of opinions is one objective of:

a. Human relationship*******
b. Self-actualization
c. Civic responsibility and conscience
d. Economic self sufficiency

23. In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable standard of performance is called

b. Condition
c. Criterion measure*******
d. Behavior

24. Teacher Luke clears his throat to communicate disapproval of a student’s behavior. Which
specific influence technique is this?
a. Proximity control
b. Interest boosting
c. Signal interference*******
d. Direct appeal

25. Which is the first step in planning an achievement test?

a. Select the type of test items to use.
b. Decide on the length of the test..
c. Define the instructional objective*******
d. Build a table of specification

Recent Laws During Duterte Administration:

1. Proclamation No. 124 – January as “National Bible Month”

2. Executive Order No. 25-renamed Benham Rise to Philippine Rise.
3. Executive Order No. 26- ordered a nationwide smoking BAN. Implemented in July 23
4. Republic Act No. 10913 - Anti-Distracted Driving Act
5. Republic Act No. 10666, or the "Children on Motorcycle Safety Act of 2015",
6. Republic Act No. 10931 Free tuition in state universities
7. R.A. 10932 No Enhanced Anti-Hospital Deposit Law
8. R,A 10928 Extending Passport Validity to 10 years
9. 10929 Establishing FREE INTERNET ACCESS in public places
10930 Extending Driver’s License Validity for Five Years
Ra 8049 Anti Hazing Law

Important DATES:

February 28 – President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
May 23, 2017 – Martial Law was declared on the islands of Mindanao –
Dec 31. 2017 –expiration of validity of the martial law
July 2, 2017- Pacquiao’s Fight against Jeff Horn
July 24, 2017 – 2nd SONA of Duterte
August 8, 2017 - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Celebrates 50th Golden
Anniversary Celebration in PICC.
Sept 21- Proclamation No. 319 Duterte declared “National Day of Protest”
September- National Peace Consciousness Month

Important Names:
Maute group – rebel group who seized Marawi City, they are not ISIS, but only ISIS-affiliated
Omar maute leader of maute inspired by Isis in Marawi City
Reynaldo Parojinog Sr. – Mayor who was killed in the drug ops in Ozamiz City.
Nova Parojinog- her daughter
Kian Loyd delos Santos - A 17-year-old who was killed in drug ops in Caloocan.
Yabing Masalon Dulo, Ambalang Ausalin, and Estelita Tumandan Bantilan - he three female
Mindanaoan weavers as National Living Treasures for 2016
Maureen Wroblewitz- grand winner of Asia's Next Top Model
Taguiwalo,Yasay (DFA) ,Lopez (DENR) ,Mariano(DA), cabinet secretaries rejected by C.A,
Macdum Darping Enca- top 1 in PNPA 2017
Liza Avelino, A Filipina Domestic Helper Who Climbed Africa’s Highest Mountain
Mike Taguba- Customs Broker who testified before the Senate about the shabu which smuggled
JURGEN KANTNER- german hostage killed by Abu Sayyaf.
Jinggoy Estrada, -posted a P1.3M due to cases of graft at plunder

Important Events:

• Japanese Encephalitis - a mosquito-borne illness endemic to the Philippines

• Avian Influenza Outbreak- declared in Pampanga
• Philippines ranked 6th in the 29th sea games. (Malaysia: host country)
-24golds,33 silvers,64 bronze won by the Philippines in the 29thseagames
• 6.4 bilyon shipment of drugs from china, nakalusot Sa Customs under Sec. Nicanor faeldon
• 2019- Philippines will host SEA Games
GEN ED 1-50
1.The US Commission that declaire Jose P. Rizal as the National hero of the Philippines.

A. Taft ✔

2. He was the chairman of the First Philippine Commission.
B.Schurman ✔

3. The President behind the "Filipino First Policy"

A.Carlos P. Garcia ✔

B.Diosdado Macapagal
C.Ramon Magsaysay
4. He promoted the national policy on "Austery" during his term as Philippine President.
A.Ramon Magsaysay
B.Fidel Ramos

C.Carlos P. Garcia ✔

5. The President behind the "The Philippines 2000"

A.Joseph Estrada

B.Fidel Ramos ✔

C.Ramon Magsaysay
6. Father of Bicol Literature

A.Mariano Perfecto ✔

B.Crisostomo Sotto
C.Pedro Bucaneg
7. Father of Cebuano Literature
A.Crisostomo Sotto

B.Vicente Sotto ✔

C.Mariano Perfecto
8. Father of Kapampangan Literature
A.Mariano Perfecto

B.Crisostomo Sotto ✔

C.Pedro Bucaneg
9. Father of Ilocano Literature

A.Pedro Bucaneg ✔

B.Mariano Perfecto
C.Vicente Sotto
10. The chieftain of Bohol with whom Legaspi had a blood compact in 1565.
A.Rajah Sulayman

B.Sikatuna ✔

C.Rajah Humabon
11. Mother of Biak na Bato by Gen.Emilio Aguinaldo.
A.Teresa Magbanua

B.Trinidad Tecson ✔

C.Liwayway Arceneo
12. Who is considered the most outstanding among Filipino playwrights in English?

A.Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero ✔

B.Carlos P. Romulo
C.Severino Reyes
13. The Spanish expedition for naming the Archipelago Filipinas.
A.Legaspi expedition
B.Magellan's expedition

C.Villalobos expedition ✔

14. Tinaguriang Prinsipe ng makatang Pilipino.Siya ang nagsalin sa tagalog na Biag na Lam-

A.Cecilio Apostol ✔

B.Fautino Aguilar
C.Gerardo Chanco
15. May -akda ng pinaglahuan,busabos na palad at kalaigtasan.

A.Fautino Aguilar ✔

B.Cecilio Apostol
C.Gerardo Chanco
16. Kauna-unahang nagsulat ng "Philippines First Lady's Biography"
A.Nora Mercado

B.Kerima Tuvera ✔

C.Aida Revira
17. Tiaguriang kauna-unahan at nag-iisang Moro Beauty Queen na kumatawan sa Mindanao sa
kauna-unahan na National Beauty Queen Contest sa Maynila.

A. Nora Mercado ✔

B.Aida Revira
C.Kerima Tuvera
18. Itinanghal na hari ng balatagsan.
A.Franciso Baltazar
B.Jose Corazon de Jesus

C.Jesus Balmori ✔

19. Which Katipunan member commuted from Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to make
A.Andres Bonifacio

B.Aguede Esteban ✔






















😃30 DAYS - "LAPSE"



























1. The social science share many commodities like the ______

a.faces on understanding and explaining human behavior
b.systematic collection and application data
c.use of scientific method

d.all of the above✔✔✔

2. When s person shows the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences
in customs, values, and beliefs in one's culture, he/she is said to be
A. Possess social literacy
B. Socio-cultural awareness

C. Possess multi-cultural literacy ✔✔✔

D. Possess global awareness

3. It is a type of political culture where citizens view their active involvement in politics as both
desirable and effective. Citizens see their active involvement in politics as crucial to the life of
A. Subject culture

B. Civic culture✔✔✔

C. Participant culture
D. Parochial culture
4. Rote learning in the teaching-learning process is best describe as_____.

A. Motivated
B. Discovery
C. In-depth

D. Automated✔✔✔

5. By way of language medium, which is best for student of diverse cultural background ?

A. Regional dialect

B. National language ✔✔✔

C. English and Filipino

D. Multi- lingual teaching

6. With the kindergarten act RA 10157 which applies?

A. No child can go to grade 1 without completing kindergarten✔✔✔

B. A child beyond 5 years of age may go to grade 1

C. A child who is more than 5 years of age won't qualify for kindergarten
D. The kindergarten child learns subjects as Math, English, Science and Filipino

7. The use of technology in learning has been highly associated with the application of
A. Essentialist learning philosophy
B. Behaviorist learning philosophy

C. Progressivist learning philosophy✔✔✔

D. Contructivist learning philosophy

8.What visual aid is useful in showing the trend in the temperature change month-to-month?

A. Bar graph✔✔✔
B. Flow chart
C. Map
D. Drawing

9.Teacher H asks one of her students, “What do you want to become when you grow up?” This
question is an indication of what kind of philosophy?
A. Progressivism
B. Existentialism
C. Naturalism

D. Idealism✔✔✔

10. How many percent is given to written work in Language, AP, and ESP for Grade 1-10?

a. 30% ✔✔✔

b. 40%
c. 20%
d. 50%

11. How many percent is given to written work in Math and Science for Grade 1-10?
a. 30%

b. 40%✔✔✔

c. 20%
d. 50%

12. How many percent is given to written work in MAPEH, EPP, and TLE for Grade 1-10?
a. 30%
b. 40%

c. 20%✔✔✔

d. 50%

13. How many percent is given to performance task in MAPEH, EPP, and TLE for Grade 1-10?
a. 40%
b. 50%

c. 60%✔✔✔

d. 30%

14. How many percent is given to performance task in Math and Science for Grade 1-10?

a. 40%✔✔✔

b. 50%
c. 60%
d. 30%

15. How is so-called colonial mentality manifested?

A. Cultural relativism
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Cultural diversity

D. Xenocentrism✔✔✔

16. It illustrates how a portion of the data relates with the whole.

A. Pie graph✔✔✔

B. Bar graph
C. Line graph
D. Rectangle graph

17. Which thought activity or cognitive ability is tested in the essay question: Using christian
ethics, how can population control be managed?

A. Relating cause and effect

B. Application

C. Justifying✔✔✔

D. Summarizing
18.The teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to the system.
a. Transformation
b. Adoption
c. Active

d. Entry ""✔✔

19.The student uses technology tools to collaborate with other rather than working individually
at all times.

a. Collaborative""✔✔

b. Authentic
c. Goal directed
d. Infusion

20. .Students use technology tools to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, and evaluation
result rather than simply completing assignments without reflection.

a. Goal directed""✔✔✔

b. Constructive
c. Adoption
d. Entry

21.The teacher direct students in conventional and procedural use of technology tool.
a. Infusion
b. Constructive
c. Entry

d. Adoption""✔✔✔

22.The teacher encourage the innovative use of technology tools.

a. Active""✔✔✔

b. Transformation
c. Adaptation
d. Adoption

23. Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities that may not have
been possible without the use of technology.
a. Adaptation
b. Adoption
c. Active

d. Transformation""✔✔✔

24.The teacher provides the learning context and the student choose the technology tools to
achieve outcomes.
a. Adoption
b. Adaptation

c. Infusion""✔✔✔

d. Entry

25.The teacher facilitates students independently using technology tools.

a. Entry
b. Infusion

c. Adaptation""✔✔✔

d. Adoption

25. Students are actively engaged in using technology as a tool rather than passively receiving
information from the technology.
a. Goal directed
b. Authentic

c. Active""✔✔✔

d. Collaborative
26. .Students use technology tools to link learning activities to the world beyond the instructional
setting rather than working on discontextualized assignments.
a. Entry
b. Infusion

c. Authentic""✔✔✔

d. Goal directed
Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development
Theory Basic Cognitive Concepts:

1. Schema - the cognitive structure by which individuals intellectually adapt to and organize their
2. Assimilation - the process of fitting new experience into an existing created schema.
3. Accommodation - the process of creating a new schema
4. Equilibrium - achieving proper balance between assimilation and accommodation.
Stages of Cognitive Development:
1. Sensorimotor (birth to 2 years) Object permanence – ability attained in this stage where he
knows that an object still exists even when out of sight
2. Preoperational Stage ( 2 to 7 years) Symbolic Function – the ability to represent objects and
Egocentrism – the tendency of a child to only see his point of view and assume that everyone
else also has his same point of view. Centration – the tendency of the child to only focus on one
thing or event and exclude other aspects. Lack of Conservation – the inability to realize that
some things remain unchanged despite looking different. Irreversibility – Pre-operational
children still have the inability to reverse their thinking. Animism – the tendency of the child to
attribute human like traits to inanimate objects. Realism - – believing that psychological events,
such as dreams, are real Transductive reasoning – reasoning that is neither inductive nor
deductive, reasoning that appears to be from particular to particular.
3. Concrete Operational Stage (7 to 11 years). Decentering – the ability of the child to perceive
the different features of objects and situations. Reversibility – the ability of the child to follow that
certain operations can be done in reverse. Conservation – the ability to know that certain
properties of objects like number, mass, volume or area do not change even if there is a change
in appearance. Seriation – the ability to arrange things in a series based on one dimension such
as weight, volume, size, etc.
4. Formal Operational Stage (11 years and beyond) Hypothetical Reasoning – ability to come
up with different hypothesis about a problem and weigh data to make judgement. Analogical
Reasoning – ability to perceive the relationship in one instance and use that relationship to
narrow down possible answers in similar problems. Deductive Reasoning – ability to think
logically by applying a general rule to a particular situation.

Domains of Learning
1. Cognitive Domain a. Knowledge – recalling b. Comprehension – grasping the meaning of the
material c. Application – using new and learned material in new and concrete situation. d.
Analysis – breaking down material into parts. e. Synthesis – putting together parts to make a
new whole. f. Evaluation – Pass on judgment about something based on a given criteria.
2. Affective Domain a. Receiving – willingness to pay attention to events b. Responding –
active participation c. Valuing – the worth or value a student attaches to a particular phenomena
d. Organization – bringing together different values and building a value system e.
Characterization – developing a lifestyle from a value system.
3. Psychomotor Domain a. Perception – using senses to guide motor activities. b. Set –
readiness to take part in an action c. Guided response – early stages in learning complex. d.
Mechanism – responses being habitual. e. Complex overt response – skillful performance and
with complex movement patterns f. Adaptation – well development of skills that the ability to
modify is very easy. g. Origination – creating new movement patterns to fit the situation.

Philosophy of Education

1. It is an attempt to comprehend education in its entirely, interpreting it by mean of general

concepts that will guide the choice of educational ends and practices. (Kneller). It is the
application of philosophical ideas to educational problems (Ozmon & Craver). It is the study of
educational problems of aims, curriculum, and methods from philosophical perspective (Botor &

1. Distinct Character of Eastern/Asian Philosophy.

1.1 It thinks of time in a cyclical manner. Nothing really ends; nothing really begins absolutely.
Once in existence, always in existence.
1.2 There is no dichotomy between a way of life and a way of thinking. As one thinks, so one
lives. Religion and philosophy are one.
1.3 It has propensity to mysticism, at its use of super-consciousness, existence of the third
eyes, or a sixth sense.
2. Influences upon the Filipino
2.1 G. Zaide. Contact with India, China, Japan and Arabia before 1521 enriched the ancient
Filipino civilization.
2.2 O.D. Corpuz. Asian influences persist in modern times, having become part of Filipino
dialects, myths and art forms.
2.3 L. Estioko. The Filipino is enterprising, maintains close family ties and community structures,
loves learning, cared for the soil and surrounding, and is deeply religious. These are traits
embedded in the Filipino souls before the first contact with the West.
3. Chinese Philosophy
3.1 Confucianism
3.1.1. It is body of beliefs based on the Analects, the teachings of Confucius
3.1.2. Confucius was born at Kung-Fu-tzu in 551 B.C. and died in 479 B.C.
3.1.3. He taught the importance of li which means propriety and orderliness ad the ideal of a
gentleman. He also taught filial piety, devotion to the family, loyalty to elders, love for learning,
brotherhood, honesty and efficiency in government service (civil service), and universal love and
3.1.4. For almost 2500 years it has been the religion of the great masses in China.
3.2 Taoism
3.2.1. The word "tao" means the path, the way, of the great. It is the source of all being, the First
Cause, the Ultimate Reality.
3.2.2. The original teachings of Taoism are found in Tao Te Ching, attributed to Lao Tzu, born in
604 B.C.
3.2.3. To follow the Tao is to follow the way of nature. Thus, its main tenet is harmony with
nature. It regards nature as sacred and even as an extension of human selves.
3.3. General Character of Chinese Philosophy
3.3.1. The highest achievement of man is to be a sage or wise man.
3.3.2. The Chinese are a this-world people. Life is desirable.
3.3.3. They believe in the cycle of ups-and-downs in this life.
3.3.4. They believe in the coordination of thought and action.
4. Indian Philosophy
4.1 Hinduism. It is the major religion of India, accounting for 85% of the population. It has known
as "Trimurti" which consists of BRAHMA, the supreme spirit, VISHNU, the preserver, and
SHIVA, the destroyer and creator. Since the ancient times, people are already destined into
social classes known as the caste system.
Brahmins / Brahmans - the priests
Kshatriyas - the nobles and the warriors
Vaisyas - the traders, cultivators, peasants
Sudras - the servants (Outside the caste system are the untouchables or outcasts)
The Hindu's life is governed by the law of "karma" which is a process or series of birth and
rebirth until one attains perfection and finally reaches "nirvana" - the place or eternal happiness
and bliss. Under this belief, the sum of the person's actions carried from one life to the next
results in either an improved or worsened fate.
The "Veda" is the most sacred of all Hindu scriptures composed of four main collections:
-Rig Veda - hymns and praises
-Yajur Veda-prayer and sacrificial formulas
-Sama Veda - tunes and chants
-Athan/a Veda- magical formulas
4.2 Buddhism. It is one of the major religions of the world; founded by Siddharta Gautama, the
Buddha, who lived in Northern India. Today, Buddhism has two major divisions:
1. Theravada or "Way of the Elders" (the more conservative type), popular in Sri Lanka, Burma,
and Tahilanf
2. Mahayana or "Great Vehicle" (liberal type), dominant in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Tibet
Buddha advocated four noble truths:
1. Life is suffering (duhka);
2. The cause of suffering is desire;
3. the end of suffering is to stop desire; and
4. to stop desire is to follow the Noble Eight-fold Path (to break the chain of karma and to reach
The Noble Eight-fold Path consists of 1) Right View; 2) Tight Resolve; 3) Right Speech; 4) Right
Action; 5) Right Livelihood; 6) Right Effort; 7) Right Concentration; and Right Contemplation.
5. Japanese Philosophy
Shintoism. It was popular during the Imperial regime but lost its popularity when Japan lost
during the Second World War. Shinto was not a Japanese word. It was derived from the
Chinese "shon" (Gods) and "tao" (the way). The intention was to distinguish this religion from
Buddhism when it first entered Japan.
Shintoism is the belief in the "kami no michi" or the "way of the kami". Kami are Japanese
deities or goods of nature like the sun goddess, Kmaterasu, whom the Japanese believed that
the Imperial family came from. During the Imperial reign, Japan is said to be a theocratic state.
6. Arabian Philosophy (Islam)
Islam is a major world religion (one of the three monotheistic religions), comes from the Arabic
word "al-islam" which literally means complete submission to God (Allah).
Islam traces its origin to the prophet Muhammad who was born in Mecca, Arabia about AD 571.
in middle life, Muhammad showed mystical traits and developed the habit of withdrawing to the
bills for contemplation. Later, at the age of forty, he received a revelation calling him to
denounce the paganism and polytheism of Mecca and reach the existence of one God - Allah.
In AD 622, he left Mecca for Medina. This came to be known as hijra, the event from which the
Muslim calendar begins. Is AD 632, Muhammad died without naming a successor. He was
succeeded by a series of Caliphs, the first being Abu Bakr and Umar.
The Islamic faith is centered on these five Pillars of Islam:
1. Shahada (confession of faith): There is no other God but Allah and Muhammad is his
2. Salat (prayer). Muslims pray five times daily facing Mecca - at daybreak, noon, mid afternoon,
after sunset and early in the night. They also go to the Mosques during Fridays.
3. Zakat (almsgiving). Muslims give 2 Vi percent of their income and other properties to charity.
4. Ramadan (fasting) During this period, Muslims do not eat, drink, smoke, or engage in sex
between dawn and sunset.
5. Haji (Pilgrimage). A Muslim is required to go to Mecca at least once in his lifetime.
Other important concepts in Islam are:
1. Qur'an/Koran (recitation) - collection of the revelations received by Muhammad from Allah.
2. Hedith (tradition) - is the record of the life and activities of Muhammad and early Muslim
3. Sunna (example) - set of standards of Muhammad which all Muslims should follow.
4. Shiari'a (law) - formed by the combined Qur'an and Sunna to serve as an extraordinary
comprehensive guide to life and conduct.
D. Western Philosophies
1. Naturalism. It is probably the oldest philosophic thought in the west.
1.1. Nature is the be-all and end-all of reality. Its antithesis is supernaturalism. Nature is the
aggregate of things around us.
1.2. its educational theme is harmony with nature as exemplified in Rousseau's Emile and the
hedonistic principle of pleasure in the educative process.
1.3. Its chief educational spokesman is Herbert Spencer who believes that the goal of education
is complete living.
1.4. The child (pupil) is viewed as a child of nature and so is inherently good.
2. Idealism. It is also one of the oldest schools of thought in the West. It rebelled against the
philosophy of naturalism.
2.1 Its origin is traced to Plato who advocated a doctrine of ideas (also the doctrine of the
2.2 Since an idea is nonmaterial, idealism stresses moral and spiritual reality.
2.3 Rene Descartes, an idealist, advocated a perfect being. God and humans are imperfect
beings (the belief of the one and the many)
2.4 Its educational philosophy is ideal-centered. God is the absolute/ perfect ideal. Sometimes,
it is regarded as perfectionalism.
2.5 Plato's Republic is believed to be the first educational classic/treatise ever written. It
envisioned a society ruled by a philosopher-king.
3. Realism. It is attributed to Aristotle, a pupil of Plato.
3.1 Realism believes that things exist independent of the mind. Its origin is traced to Aristotle's
doctrine of particulars.
3.2 It has greatly influenced the socialistic (communistic) educational philosophy.
3.3 John Amos Comenius, a great realist, believes that education is formation and that the
school is the true forging place of man.
3.4 It believes in determinism (man is not free because he is governed by laws or forces of
nature beyond his control). One of the primary goals of education is habit formation.
3.5 The teacher is the key figure, a master teacher; one who transmit knowledge to his pupils
(an authority).
4. Pragmatism. It is the most recent among the four classical philosophies.
4.1. Pragmatism is the belief that the meaning of an idea is determined by the consequences
when it is put into test or practice in the world of reality.
4.2. Although Greek in origin, it later became an American philosophy. The foremost American
philosophers are William James (practicalism), Charles Peirce (experimentalism), and John
Dewey (intrumentalism)
4.3 It believes that change is the essence of reality. "Everything flows; nothing remains the
4.4 Its chief method is the experimental method that yields experimental knowledge.
4.5 It believes that education is life; a continuous process of reconstruction. Education is never
5. Existentialism. It is principally a contemporary or modern philosophy.
5.1. It grew out from the works of European philosophers particularly Soren Kieregaard (Danish)
5.2. Its chief principle is "existence precedes essence."
5.3. It was two types: atheistic and theistic. The chief atheistic philosopher is Jean Paul Sarte
5.4. It clamors for individually and freedom in education.
5.5. It stresses individual decision-making; the teacher offers knowledge and the pupil can either
accept or reject it.
6. Language Analysis. It is the most recent contemporary philosophy and one of the schools of
thought under philosophical analysis.
6.1. It regards philosophy as an activity of clarifying thoughts through the careful use of
language and logical methods.
6.2. It advocates the principle of verifiability - what is true can be verified or confirmed.
6.3. The proper use of language is to avoid ambiguity or vagueness; for precision or accuracy.
6.4. In education and in anything," the more general a statement, the less accurate it becomes."
6.5. Its principal exponent is Ludwig Wittgenstein. Others are Bertrand Russell and A.J. Moore.
6.6. Words can have different meanings under different contexts.
A Theory is a set of assumptions initially verified or tested but not yet universally accepted. An
educational theory is one that is directed to education. The contemporary educational theories
have their roots in formal philosophies.
1. Perennialism. It is a theory founded on the belief that the body of knowledge that has endured
through time and space should form the basis for one's education. Rooted in classical realism
and idealism, the chief exponent is Robert N. Hutchins. He believes that the basic principles of
education are both timeless and recurring.
1.1 Purpose. To help students uncover and internalize truths that are universal and constant.
1.2 Curriculum and Method. Its curriculum is subject-centered relying heavily on the disciplines
of literature, mathematics, languages, history, philosophy, and-reltgioft (liberal education).
Reading and discussion of the
"Great Books" would be the principal method of study.
1.3 Teacher. The teacher is viewed as an authority, a master teacher, whose expertise is not to
be questioned.
1.4 School. The school's role is to train intellectual elite and to prepare the young for life,
2. Progressivism. It grew out from pragmatic philosophy and pats emphasis on democratic
experience and skills on how to think. Its chief exponent is Francis Parker.
2.1 Purpose. To give the necessary skills-and-tools with which they interact with the-
environment within a constant process of change.
2.2 Curriculum and Method. Its curriculum is built around the personal and social experiences of
the learners. It draws most often from the social sciences. Scientific methods of inquiry and
problem solving are its favored methods.
2.3 Teacher: Since the students are capable of thinking and exploring their own environment,
the teacher's role is that of a guide, group leader, consultant, and facilitator in the student's
2.4 School. It is viewed as a microcosm of society, a living learning laboratory, and a working
model of democracy.
3. Essentialism. It is rooted in classical idealism and realism with William C. Bagley as principal
advocate. It clamored for curricular reforms with emphasis on the basics or essential.
3.1 Purpose. To transmit the cultural and historical heritage to each new generation of learners.
3.2 Curriculum and Method. It puts emphasis on the 3 r's in the elementary and a concentrated
study of mathematics, sciences, humanities, languages and literature in the secondary. Mastery
of the basic facts and concepts of essentials is imperative.
3.3 Teacher, The teacher is a master of his/her discipline and a model worth emulating.
3.4 It becomes one of conserving and transmitting to the present generation to the rich cultural
heritage of man.
4. Reconstructionism
Also known as social reconstructionism it is rooted in pragmatism and progressivism. It is
Utopian because it clamors for a new world social order, its principal exponents are George
Counts, Theodore Brameld and Edwin
Reischauer." ,-,
4.1 Purpose. To raise the consciousness of students regarding social, economic, and political^
problems facing mankind.
4.2 Curriculum and Method. Its subject is the multitude of social, political and economic problem
of man and uses pragmatic methods of scientific inquiry.
4.3 Teacher. The teacher is a social catalyst, a change agent, a social engineer, and the other
roles of the progressivist teacher.
4.4 School. It becomes the primary agency for societal change.
NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum?
a. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual
b. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable. c. Self-
motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the
c. learning opportunities of the school.
d. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with same
abilities, needs and interests.
Answer: D
2. Teacher Lily would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum because she
believes that all subjects in this type of curriculum are geared towards the hollistic development
of the learner. Is her belief about the subject-centered curriculum true?
a. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focuses on the learners needs, interests and
b. No, because it is the experience-centered curriculum that emphasizes the
teaching of facts and knowledge for future use.
c. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control.
d. No, because it is the experience centered and not the subject-centered curriculum that
emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning the knowledge component of subject
Answer: D
3. In the elementary level, English literature and Social studies relate well. While history is being
studied, different literary pieces during the historical period is being studied as well. What
curriculum design is shown here?
a. Separate subject design c. Discipline design
b. Correlation design d. Broad field design
Answer: C
4. This phase of curriculum development involves decisions, among other things, on grade
placement and sequencing of content. Which phase is this?
a. Curriculum planning c. Curriculum organization
b. Curriculum evaluation d. Curriculum implementation
Answer: C
5. One example of this design of subject-centered curriculum is that which shows social studies
being combined with geography,civics, culture and history to comprises subject area. Which
design is this?
a. Correlated c. Separate Subject
b. Broadfields d. Core
Answer: B
6. Ms. Ortiz, as Science teacher tries to enrich the content of her lesson by identifying related
concepts in Math. What pattern of organizing subjects did Ms. Ortiz consider?
a. Broadfield c. Core
b. Correlated d. Separate Subject
Answer: B
7. Which design is easy to deliver because complementary books and materials are
commercially available?
a. Experience centered design c. Process design
b. Problem design d. Subject centered design
Answer: D
8. What refers to the matching between curriculum and test to be used to assess the learners?
a. Alignment c. Articulation
b. Auditing d. Delivery
Answer: A
9. Ms. Mateo, a History teacher considers the element of time in arranging content of her
lessons in World History. What way of establishing sequence is given emphasis by Ms. Mateo?
a. Simple to complex c. Concrete to abstract
b. Part to whole d. Chronological
Answer: D
10. Mr. Rivera, a new teacher believes that education is a process of development and is life
itself; therefore, experience related to the child's need and interest should be given primary
consideration. What educational philosophy is being exhibited by Mr. Rivera?
a. Idealism c. Progressivism
b. Reconstructionism d. Realism
Answer: C
11. A stakeholder in curriculum development, Mr. Cruz, a district supervisor and a member of
the school board has one of the following primary roles.
a. Support and participate in parent-school organization activities.
b. Authorize school expenditures for curriculum development, implementation and evaluation
c. Enact legislation to effect curriculum improvement.
d. Recommend changes in curriculum.
Answer: D
12. The schools in the first District plan to adopt the reading program used in the third district.
What level of curriculum improvement is used?
a. Variation c. Substitution
b. Value orientation d. Restructuring
Answer: C
13. Mr. Bernardo, a curriculum consultant on Economics insists that in selecting the curriculum
content, it is better that throughout the high school years, economic geography concepts be
used to recur and be repeated with depth for effective learning. What criterion in content
selection is shown here?
a. Validity c. Significance
b. Continuity d. Learnability
Answer: B
14. The Filipino learners envisioned by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the light of K-12
Curriculum is
a. Technologically literate or logistically developed Filipino
b. Functionally literate or logistically developed Filipino
c. Scientifically Advanced and Values Oriented Filipino
d. National Oriented and Internationally Competitive Filipinos
Answer: B
15. Teacher Dominguito believes that a new respect for the child is fundamental in curriculum.
Thus, all activities in the classroom are geared towards the development of the child - the center
of the educative process. To which approach in curriculum does Teacher Dominguito adhere?
a. Learner-centered c. Problem-centered
b. Subject-centered d. Pragmatic
Answer: A
16. Mrs. Manuel, the Principal of Bagong Barrio ElementarySchool invited the Brgy. Captain in
the school to solicit inputs for a new curriculum in Social Science which highlights indigenous
knowledge in the community. What is shown in this situation?
a. Community members as supporters of curriculum
b. Community members as curriculum resources
c. Community members as managers of curriculum
d. Community members as beneficiaries of curriculum
Answer: B
17. Teacher Bert puts emphasis on the immediate felt interests and needs of his students and
not on the anticipated needs and interests. What type of curriculum does teacher Bert adheres?
a. Subject-centered c. Experience-centered
b. Learner-centered d. Culture-based
Answer: C
18. What type of curriculum divides the school day into different periods such as language arts,
social studies, science and health, arithmetic, etc.?
a. Correlated c. Integrated
b. Broad fields d. Separate Subject
Answer: D
19. Which curriculum design element is taking place when Eduardo, a 4th year student can
connect the lessons he learned in a subject area to a related content in another subject area?
a. Articulation c. Continuity
b. Balance d. Integration
Answer: D
20. The following curricular changes took place in what particular period? Restore Grade VII,
double-single session was abolished and more textbooks were written by Filipino authors.
a. American Period c. Japanese Occupation
b. Philippine Republic d. New Society
Answer: B
21. This concept includes the sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization,
implementation and evaluation. Which concept is this?
a. Curriculum development c. Curriculum management
b. Curriculum assessment d. Curriculum and instruction
Answer: A
22. If curriculum is the "means", what is the "end"?
a. Strategies c. Technique
b. Instruction d. Approaches
Answer: B
23. The curriculum used during the period in Philippine history terminated the use of English as
a medium of instruction, What period is this?
a. American c. Commonwealth
b. Spanish d. Japanese
Answer: D
24. Which of the following statements about the concept of curriculum is NOT quite acceptable?
a. It refers to all experiences that both the school and the teacher provide the students with.
b. It is the set of acquired knowledge, habits and skills
c. It consists of everything that goes within the school.
d. It is a planned action for instruction
Answer: C
25. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify
certain aspects of a particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?
a. Curriculum improvement c. Curriculum design
b. Curriculum change d. Curriculum implementation
Answer: A

Educational Philosophies and their implications (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2004)

A. Perennialism (Robert Hutchins)
a. Aim of education – educate the rational person, cultivate intellect.
b. Role of education – help students think with reason. Based on the Socratic methods of oral
exposition or recitation. Explicit or deliberate teaching of traditional values
c. Focus on the curriculum – classical subjects and curriculum is constant.
d. Curriculum trends – use of great books and return to liberal arts. Further
Discussion: Human beings are rational and their existence remain the same.
B. Essentialism (William Bagley) (Secondary: Arthur Bestor)
a. Aim of education: promote the intellectual growth of the individual and educate the competent
b. Role of Education: the teacher is the sole authority in his/her field of specialization.
c. Focus in the curriculum: Essential skills of the 3R’s (reading, writing, arithmetic). d.
Curriculum trends: Excellence in education, back to basics and cultural literacy. C.
Progressivism (came from Pragmatism – John Dewey “learning by doing”)
a. Aim of Education: promoting democratic and social living
b. Role of Education: knowledge is brought to learners through actively participating in the
learning process “learning by doing”.
c. Focus in the curriculum: subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative and interactive. d.
Curriculum trends: School reforms, relevant and contextualized curriculum, humanistic
D. Reconstructionism –
a. Aim of Education: to improve and reconstruct society. Education for change
b. Role of Education: Teachers act as agents of change and reform.
c. Focus in the curriculum: past and future trends of both national and international issues.
d. Curriculum trends: equality of educational opportunities. Historical Foundation of the
Curriculum Curriculum is not an old field. Scholars argue that it begun in 1918 where Franklin
Bobbit published his book
The Curriculum.
1. Franklin Bobbit (1878 – 1956) – bobbit presented curriculum as a science that emphasizes on
students’ need. Teaches students to adapt to adulthood.
2. Werret Charters (1875 – 1952) – curriculum is also a science. The listing of objectives with
corresponding activities ensures the relevance of the content of the subject matter.
3. William Kilpatrick (1871 – 1965) – curricula are purposeful activities that are child-centered.
The purpose of curriculum is child development and growth. The Project Method – introduced
by Kilpatrick where the teacher and student plan activities.
4. Harold Rugg (1886 – 1960) – it should develop the whole child. Curriculum should provide
outcomes. He emphasized social studies.
5. Hollis Caswell – organized around social functions of themes, organized knowledge and
social interest. Curriculum is a set of experiences.
6. Ralph Tyler (1902 – 1994) – one of the hallmarks of the curriculum. Curriculum is a science
and an extension of the school’s philosophy. Curriculum is always related to instruction. The
curriculum aims to educate generalists not specialists.
Psychological Foundations of Education
1. Behaviorist Psychology – dominated the 20th century psychology. Learning should be
organized for students to experience success in mastering the subject matter Behaviorists:
a. Edward Thorndike: Connectionism
b. which influenced Ralph Tyler and Hilda Taba (known curricularists)
c. Ivan Pavlov: Classical Conditioning
d. B.F. Skinner: Operant Conditioning
e. Albert Bandura – Social learning theory. e.g.:
Voodoo doll experiment
2. Cognitive Psychology – learning constitutes a logical method for organizing and interpreting
learning. Teacher use a lot of problem solving and thinking skills. Cognitivists:
a. Jean Piaget – Cognitive development theory
b. Lev Vygotsky – Social Constructivism
c. Howard Gardner – Multiple Intelligences
d. Felder and Silverman – Learning Styles e. Daniel Goleman – Emotional Intelligences
3. Humanistic Psychology – concerned with how the learners develop their humanity.
a. Gestalt psychology – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
b. Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs
Black sheep

☑ Idiom

Love sonnets

☑ Ophelia Dimalanta

Tatlong tuldok na sunod sunod

☑ Ellipses

Phantom of Delight

☑ Metaphor

Tinkle, tinkle, tinke

☑ Onomatopoeia

Naghihiwalay sa mga salita

☑ Kuwit

Pangatnig na nagbubukod

☑ Pamukod

Largest desert

☑ Sahara

First religious missionary in the Philippines

☑ Augustinians

Founder of La Solidaridad/Greatest Orator

☑ Graciano Lopez-Jaena

Ang paksa ay ibinibigay bago magsimula ang talumpati

☑ Impromptu

Term of Marcelo H. del Pilar to friars

☑ Frailocracia

Arena theater proponent

☑ Severino Montano

Released by plants at night

☑ Carbon dioxide

Sala theater proponent

☑ Naty Crame Rogers

Shape of a brick

☑ Rectangle

Protein shell of a virus

☑ Capsid

Hair-like structure

☑ Cilia

Author of Annabel Lee

☑ Edgar Allan Poe

Novels in letters

☑ Epistolary

Birthplace of Rizal

☑ Calamba, Laguna

Real name of Mark Twain

☑ Samuel (Langhorne) Clemens

Writ of Amparo

☑ Right to life, liberty, and security

Writ of Habeas Corpus

☑ Demand presence of the accused

Penicillin discoverer

☑ Alexander Fleming

Author of Doctrina Christiana

☑ Fray Juan de Plasencia

Light travels fastest

☑ Air
Protons of Silicon

☑ 14


☑ Yeast

Law of Bicameralism

☑ Jones Law

Pagbabagong anyo ng bayan

☑ Reduccion

Permutation 9P9

☑ 362,880

Absolute mean

☑ 14.35/14.5

Agreement between Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna

☑ Blood Compact (Sandugo)

Hierarchy of Needs proponent

☑ Maslow

Oldest religion in Asia

☑ Hinduism

♣️The first book written in the Philippines was DOCTRINA CRISTIANA.
♣️The Father of Ilocano Literature is PEDRO BUKANEG.
♣️The Father of Tagalog Poetry is FRANCISCO BALTAZAR.
♣️Lola Basyang is the pen name of SEVERINO REYES.
♣️The first and longest running komiks series in the Philippines is KENKOY(Liwayway
♣️The Father of Pampango Literature who wrote There is no God is JUAN CRISOSTOMO
♣️The oldest existing newspaper in the Philippines since the 1900 is MANILA BULLETIN.
♣️The Father of Modern Tagalog Poetry is ALEJANDRO ABADILLA.
♣️The work of Bonifacio which tells the history of the Philippines ANG DAPAT MABATID NG
♣️He wrote the popular fable The Monkey and the Turtle - JOSE RIZAL
♣️This is known as Andres Bonifacio's Ten Commandments of the Katipunan - THE
♣️Rizal's model for Pilosopong Tasyo was PACIANO RIZAL.
♣️The following characters created by rizal reflect his own personality except SIMOUN (El
♣️The line 'whoever knows not how to love his native tongue is worse than any beast or even
♣️Rizal's pen name - DIMASALANG, LAONG-LAAN
♣️Taga-ilog is JUAN LUNA's Pen name.
♣️The first filipino alphabet was called ALIBATA/BAYBAYIN
♣️the first filipino alphabet consisted of 15 LETTERS
♣️This is a song about love - TALINDAW, awit ng mga taong hindi naimbetahan sa kainan
♣️He was known for his `Memoria Fotografica` - JOSE MA. PANGANIBAN
♣️He is known as the `poet of the workers or laborers` - AMADO HERNANDEZ
♣️Ilocano balagtasan is called BUKANEGAN
♣️Visayan epic about good manners and right conduct - MARAGTAS
♣️The father of Filipino newspaper is PASCUAL POBLETE
♣️Lupang Tinubuan is considered to be the best story written during Japanese Period. The
♣️The original title of Ibong Adarna was CORIDO AT BUHAY NA PINAGDAANAN NG
♣️PANDEREGLA - first filipino bread
♣️The Great Plebian: Andres Bonifacio
♣️The Father of the Katipunan: Andres Bonifacio
♣️Hero of the Tirad Pass Battle: Gregorio Del Pilar
♣️President of the First Philippine Republic: General Emilio Aguinaldo
♣️Brains of the Philippine Revolution: Apolinario Mabini
♣️Martyred Priests in 1872: GOMBURZA
♣️Brains of the Katipunan: Emilio Jacinto
♣️Co-founder of La Independencia: General Antonio Luna
♣️Mother of Balintawak: Melchora Aquino
♣️Greatest Filipino Orator of the Propaganda Movement: Graciano Lopez- Jaena
♣️First Filipino Cannon-maker: Pandar Pira
♣️Managing Editor of La Solidaridad: Mariano Ponce
♣️Lakambini of Katipunan: Gregoria de Jesus
♣️Poet of the Revolution: Fernando Ma. Guerrero
♣️Outstanding Diplomat of the First Philippine Republic: Felipe Agoncill
♣️First University of the Philippines President: Rafael Palma
♣️Greatest Filipino Painter: Juan Luna
Greatest Journalist of the Propaganda
♣️Movement: Marcelo H. del Pilar
♣️First Filipino Poetess: Leona Florentino
♣️Peace of the Revolution: Pedro Paterno
♣️Founder of Philippine Socialism: Isabelo
♣️Delos Reyes Viborra: Artemio Ricarte
♣️Author of the Spanish lyrics of the Philippine National Anthem: Jose Palma
♣️Chief of Tondo: Lakandola
♣️The Last Rajah of Manila: Rajah Soliman
♣️Fiancée of Jose Rizal: Leonor Rivera
♣️Maker of the
First Filipino Flag: Marcela Agoncillo
♣️Co-founder of Katipunan: Galicano Apacible
♣️Leader of the Ilocano Revolt: Diego Silang
♣️First Filipino Hero: Lapu-lapu
♣️Leader of the Longest Revolt in Bohol: Francisco Dagohoy
♣️The Man of Many Talents: Epifanio Delos Santos
♣️Prince of Tagalog Poets: Francisco Baltazar
♣️Visayan Joan of Arc: Teresa Magbanua
♣️Mother of Biak-na-Bato: Trinidad Tecson
♣️Wife of Artemio Ricarte: Agueda
♣️EstebanLeader of the Tarlac Revolt: Gen. Francisco Makabulos
♣️Composer of the Philippine National Anthem: Julian Felipe
♣️Spaniards born in the Philippines: Insulares
♣️Leader of Magdalo: Baldomero Aguinaldo
♣️Leader of Magdiwang: Mariano Alvarez
♣️Founder of La Liga Filipina: Jose Rizal
♣️Painter of the Spolarium: Juan Luna



● John Locke 😃 was an English philosopher and physician "Father of Liberalism" ; to form
character (mental, physical, and moral) ; Education as Training of the mind/Formal discipline ;
Notable ideas - "Tabula rasa"
● Francis Bacon 😃 was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator and author.
"Father of scientific method" "Father of empiricism"
● Jean Jacques Rousseau 😃 was a Francophone Genevan philosopher, writer and composer of
the 18th century."Hollistic education"(physical,moral, intellectual)
Notable ideas - moral simplicity of humanity; child centered learning; Famous novel: "Emile" or
On Education; Human Development
● Edgar Dale 😃 was an American educator who developed the "Cone of Experience"
aka "Father of Modern Media in Education"
● Erik Erikson 😃 was a German-born American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst
known for his theory on "psychosocial development" of human beings.
● Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi 😃 was a swiss pedagogue and educational reformer who
exemplified Romanticism in his approach. "Social regeneration of humanity" Notable ideas:
"Four-sphere concept of life" his motto was " Learning by head, hand and heart"
● Friedrich Frobel 😃 was a German pedagogue a student of Pestalozzi who laid the "foundation
of modern education" based on the recognition that children have unique needs and
capabilities. "Father of kindergarten"
● Johann Herbart 😃 was a German philosopher, psychologist and founder of pedagogy as an
academic discipline. ;
● Edward Lee Thorndike 😃 was an American psychologist ; " Father of Modern educational
psychology; connectionism; law of effect. ; "Realize the fullest satisfaction of human wants"
● IDEALISM 😃 Plato (own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man/ what we want the
world to be
● REALISM 😃 Aristotle;Herbart; Comenius; Pestalozzi; Montessori; Hobbes; Bacon; Locke
▶ (experience) fully mastery of knowledge
● BEHAVIORISM 😃 always guided by standards/by procedure; purpose is to modify the
● EXISTENTIALISM 😃 Kierkegaard; Sartre; "Man shapes his being as he lives"
▶ Focuses on self/individual
● PRAGMATISM/EXPERIMENTALISM William James; John Dewey - learn from experiences
through interaction to the environment
▶ Emphasizes the needs and interests of the children
● PERENNIALISM 😃 Robert Hutchins
▶ focuses on unchanging/universal truths
● ESSENTIALISM 😃 William Bagley - teaching the basic/essential knowledge
▶ Focuses on basic skills and knowledge
● PROGRESSIVISM 😃 Dewey/Pestalozzi (process of development)
▶ focuses on the whole child and the cultivation of individuality
▶ Focused on how humans make meaning in relation to the interaction b/w their experiences
and their ideas. Nature of knowledge w/c represents an epistemological stance.
● SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM 😃 George Counts - recognized that education was the
means of preparing people for creating his new social order
▶ highlights social reform as the aim of education

➡ ACCULTURATION - learning other culture; the passing of customs, beliefs and tradition
through interaction and reading.

➡ ENCULTURATION - the passing of group's custom, beliefs and traditions from one
generation to the next generation

➡ Convergent questions - are those that typically have one correct answer.
➡ Divergent questions - also called open-ended questions are used to encourage many
answers and generate greater participation of students. Higher order thinking skills; to think
more creatively.

➡ 90 days - enrolled bills becomes a law

➡ 30 days - "lapse"


● Psychosexual Theory/Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud
● Psychosocial Theory - Erik Erikson's Theory of Personality
● Ecological Theory - Eric Brofenbrenner's Theory of Development
● Sociohistoric Cognitive Linguistic Theory - Lev Semanovich Vygotsky
● Cognitive Development - Jean Piaget; John Dewey; Jerome Brunner
● Phenomenology - Abraham Maslow; Carl Rogers; Louis Raths
● Behaviorism - Edward Thorndike; Ivan Pavlov; Burrhus Frederick Skinner
● Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg
● Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning
● Edward Thorndike - connectionism
● B.F. Skinner - operant conditioning & reinforcement
● Albert Bandura - "bobo doll" experiment; modelling; self eficacy
● David Ausubel - Meaningful Reception Theory
● Jerome Bruner - Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry method
● Wolfgang Kohler's - Insight Learning Problem
● Richard Atkinson & Richard Shiffrin's - Information Processing Theory
● Robert Gagne's - Cumulative Learning Theory
● Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligence
● Kurt Lewin's - Field Theory/ his concept of life space
● Brofenbrenner's - Ecological System Theory
● Lev Vygotsky - Social Constructivism; Zond of Proximal Development (ZPD) * gap b/w actual
and potential development
● Hilda Taba - Grassroots Approach
● Max Wertheimer - Gestalt Psychology

1 He was the last Spanish Governor-General in the

a. Diego de los Rios***CA
b. Basilio Agustin
c. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
d. Narciso Claveria
2) The Republic Act that requires the compulsory
teaching of Rizal Course and the lives of other
Filipino patriots is ______.
a. R.A. 7796
b. R.A. 7784
c. R.A. 1425***CA
d. R.A. 8049
3) This Republic Act created the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority
a. R.A. 7796***CA
b. R.A. 7784
c. R.A. 1425
d. R.A. 8049
4) An Act Stengthening Teacher Education in the
Philippines by establishing Centers of Excellence
and creating a Teacher Education Council.
a. R.A. 7796
b. R.A. 7784***CA
c. R.A. 1425
d. R.A. 8049
5) It prohibits hazing and other forms of initiation
rites in fraternies, sororities, and other illegitimate
a. R.A. 7796
b. R.A. 7784
c. R.A. 1425
d. R.A. 8049***CA
6) Rizal was eight years old when he wrote this
poem. He realized the ultimate importance of
having a native tongue.
a. Remembrance to my Hometown
b. Our Mother Tounge***CA
c. To Education
d. Initimate Alliance between Religion and
7) This poem was written by Rizal when he was 15
years old His memories of Calamba demonstrated
his innate love of nature that ultimately developed
into a greater love of nation.
a. Remembrance to my Hometown***CA
b. Our Mother Tounge
c. To Education
d. Initimate Alliance between Religion and
8)In this poem, Rizal compared education to the
goodness of light, wisdom, hope, peace and truth.
a. Remembrance to my Hometown
b. Our Mother Tounge
c. To Education***CA
d. Initimate Alliance between Religion and
9) In this poem, Rizal noted the role of religion in
attaining good education.
a. Remembrance to my Hometown
b. Our Mother Tounge
c. To Education
d. Initimate Alliance between Religion and
10) This was a prize winning poem of Rizal when
he was a student in UST. This poem proved that an
Indio was not only equal but also more superior
than the Spaniards in poetry writing.
a. To the Filipino Youth***CA
b. They Ask Me for Verses
c. Hymn to Talisay
d. Kundiman
11) Rizal's loneliness is profoundly expressed in
this poem which has the lines, "His lyre had long
ago become so mute and broken; his use
stammers and no longer smiles at him." What is
the title of the poem?
a. Remembrance to my Hometown
b. Our Mother Tounge***CA
c. To Education
d. Initimate Alliance between Religion and
12) Written in 1895, the verses were used against
him during his trial in December 1896.
a. Remembrance to my Hometown
b. Our Mother Tounge
c. To Education***CA
d. Initimate Alliance between Religion and
13) The poem is one of the two only poems that
Rizal wrote in his vernavular. He, however, denied
authorship of such.
a. Remembrance to my Hometown
b. Our Mother Tounge
c. To Education
d. Initimate Alliance between Religion and***CA
14) The highest mountain in the continent of Africa
is ______.
a. Mount Everest
b. Mount Kilimanjaro***CA
c. Mount Fuji
d. Mount Apo
15) He coined the term "survival of the fittest."
a. Karl Marx
b. August Comte
c. Herbert Spencer***CA
d. Arnold Toynbee
16) This is a multilateral agreement regulating
international trade. According to its preamble, its
purpose was the "substantial reduction of tariffs
and other trade barriers and the elimination of
preferences on a reciprocal and mutually
advantageous basis."
d. GATT***CA
17) The mountain that separates the continents of
Asia and Europe is ______.
a. Ural Mountain***CA
b. Mount Everest
c. Mount Kilimanjaro
d. Mount Fuji
18) The "yellow race" is also known as:
a. Caucasians
b. Mongoloids***CA
c. Negroids
d. Malays
19) Year 2014 has been declared by Pope Francis
as Year of the ______.
a. Laity***CA
b. Hope
c. Faith
d. Righteousness
20) The Russian President who gave Crimea to
Ukraine in 1954 is ______.
a. Vladimir Putin
b. Michael Gorbachev
c. Joseph Stalin
d. Nikita Krushchev***CA
21) Which of the following countries is located in
Central America:
a. Mexico
b. Puerto Rico
c. Panama***CA
d. Colombia
22) The capital city of Australia.
a. Melbourne
b. Sydney
c. Canberra***CA
d. Perth
23) The principle of checks and balances is
intended to maintain balance among executive,
legislative and judicial departments of the
government. Which one is a check on the executive
department by the judiciary?
a. Determining the salaries of the President and the
Vice President.
b. Declaring a legislative measure unconstitutional.
c. Declaring an act of the President unconstitutiona***CA
d. Impeaching the President
24) ______ was named "Distinguished and Ever
Loyal City" by Legazpi.
a. Manila***CA
b. Cebu
c. Bohol
d. Samar and Leyte
25) A Visayan bamboo drum:
a. Kudyapi
b. Tultogan***CA
c. Silbay
d. Kutibeng
26) The Allies of World War II, called the United
Nations from the January 1, 1942 declaration, were
the countries that together opposed the Axis powers
during the Second World War. Which among the
countries belongs to the "Allies"?
a. Japan
b. France***CA
c. Italy
d. Germany
27) The first Vice President of the Republic of the
a. Sergio Osmeña
b. Mariano Trias***CA
c. Ramon Avanceña
d. Salvador Laurel
28) Who was the Spanish Governor-General who
ordered the deportation of Jose Rizal to Dapitan?
a. Gov. Gen. Eulogio Despujol***CA
b. Gov. Gen. Carlos Maria dela Torre
c. Gov. Gen. Camilo de Polavieja
d. Gov. Gen. Fermin Jaudenes
29) Who was the hero of the Battle at Tirad Pass?
a. Macario Sakay
b. Diego Silang
c. Antonio Luna
d. Gregorio del Pilar***CA
30) What is the Bukidnon plateau known for?
a. Strawberry plantation
b. Banana plantation
c. Orchidarium
d. Pineapple plantation***CA
31) Corazon Aquino is to Freedom Constitution as
Ferdinand Marcos is to______
a. Subservience to America
b. Ties with Asian nations
c. New society***CA
d. "Filipinos First" policy
32) In whose term was the celebration date of
Philippine Independence Day changed from July 4 to
June 12?
a. Diosdado Macapagal***CA
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Ferdinand Marcos
d. Elpidio Quirino
33) In which order did the following occupy the
a. Spaniards, Americans, Japanese, British
b. Spaniards, Americans, British, Japanese
c. British, Spaniards. Americans, Japanese
d. Spaniards, British, Americans, Japanese***CA
34) Which is a visible Hispanic legacy?
a. Love for fast food
b. Love for basketball
c. Prevalence of noodles
d. Prevalence of Spanish surnames among Filipinos***CA
35) Who among the Presidents of the Philippines
was known for his love for the "little man" and
opened Malacanang Palace to all?
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Ramon Magsaysay
c. Carlos P. Garcia***CA
d. Elpidio Quirino
36) Why is the Philippines described to have the
largest Diaspora network in the world?
a. OFWs dollar remittances prop the nation's
b. A number of Filipinas marry foreigners
c. Its insular nature makes its people live far apart
d. About 11 % of its population is overseas***CA
37) Who was the Katipunero through whom the
Katipunan was discovered by Fr. Mariano Gil?
a. Apolonio de la Cruz
b. Teodoro Patiño***CA
c. Jose del Rosario
d. Daniel Tirona
38) Even though women of the Katipunan were
exempted from the pact, who participated in the
blood compact and fought fearlessly, in twelve
bloody''battles of the revolution in Bataan including
the Battle of Biak-na-Bato?
a. Agueda Esteban
b. Trinidad Tecson***CA
c. Teresa Magbanua
d. Gregoria de Jesus
39) The first woman in Panay to fight in the
Philippine revolution, also known as the Visayan
Joan of Arc.
a. Agueda Esteban
b. Trinidad Tecson
c. Teresa Magbanua***CA
d. Gregoria de Jesus
40) In a cooperative, what is the maximum term of
a Board of Director?
a. Three consecutive terms***CA
b. two terms but not consecutive
c. One term only
d. two consecutive terms
41) For the organization and registration of a
cooperative, what is the required minimum number
of persons?
a. 25
b. 30
c. 15***CA
d. 20
42) A country does not need to specialize in
everything. She needs to concentrate on that thing
which she is good at. This thought is in line with
the economic principle of_____.
a. profit and loss
b. supply and demand
c. opportunity and cost
d. comparative advantage***CA
43) Which economic system is based on free
a. Mixed economies
b. Capitalism***CA
c. Communism
d. Globalism
44) What is GNP in economics?
a. General National Product, a way to detect a
country's economic growth.
b. Gross National Product, a way to determine a
country's productivity.***CA
c. General National Product, a way to detect a
country's productivity.
d. Gross National Product, a way to determine a
country's economic growth rate
45) "Trabaho lang, walang personalan" is a
reminder for every Filipino to counteract his ______.
a. lack of discipline
b. tendency to be lazy
c. extreme personalism***CA
d. tendency to overwork
46) Risking his life, a Filipino boy dives into a pool
of water to save a drowning boy. Which trait does
tie demonstrate?
a. Bahala na
b. Bahala na with malasakit***CA
c. Flexibility
d. Family-orientedness
47) "No one is above the law", says Principal. She
imposes the penalty to all children deserving of
penalty but exempts the son of her kumare from the
same penalty that he equally deserves. What
Filipino trait is shown?
a. Utang-na-loob***CA
b. Lack of discipline
c. Extreme personalism
d. Colonial mentality
48) A foreigner once remarked: "I envy Filipinos.
They can sleep anywhere." What Filipino trait is
being praised?
a. Faith in God
b. Joy and humor
c. Adaptability ***CA
d. Creativity
49) If you want to see the impact of the major
religions of the world in people's way of life, in
which continent must you travel?
a. Asia***CA
b. North America
c. Australia
d. Europe
50) Which was the first hominid with marked
expansion of the brain?
a. Homo sapiens
b. Homo erectus
c. Homo habilis***CA
d. Neanderthal man
51 The earliest form of government of the filipinos
A. Pueblo
B. Barangay***CA
C. Encomienda
D. Alcaldia
52. The name "felipas" was given to the territory
that spain later colonized by:
A. Magellan
B. Legazpi
C. Erdaneta
D. Villabos***CA
53 Who led the first europeans who arrived in the
philippine history?
A. Miguel lopez de legazpi
B. Magellan
c. Roy villabos
D. Ferdinand magellan***CA
54 The greatest contribution of spain to filipino
culture was?
A. Education
B. Development of traded
C. Construction of roads and other infrastructures
D. Christianization of the Filipinos***CA
55 Ferdinand magellan was killed by lapu-lapu's
men in the?
A. Battle of manila bay
B. Battle of mactan***CA
C. Battle of cebu
D. Battle of limasawa
56 What title was given to the head of the
centralized government established by the spaniards
in the philippines?
A. Corregidor
B. Encomendero
C. Gobernadocillo***CA
D. Governor general
57 The katipunan was the movement founded by
bonifacio. it's major objective was:
A. Seek reforms from spain***CA
B. Demand for equal rights and priveleges for
C. Separation of phil.from spain
58 As per the agreement in the pact of biac-na-
bato.emilio aguinaldo was to go into exile in:
A. Guam
B. Hongkong***CA
C. Singapore
D. Dapitan
59 Emilio aguinlado declared the independence of
the Phil.in kawit cavite on?
A. July 4, 1946
B. June 12. 1898***CA
C. July 4, 1898
D. August 25, 1896
60 The Americans acquired the philippines as their
colony because
A. They invated the philippines
B. They helped Filipinos fight spaniards
C. Spain ceded the philippines by virtue of the
treaty of Paris of 1898***CA
D. They defeated the Spaniards
61The constitution empowers the president to
declare martial for
A 30 days
B 60 days***CA
C 45 days
D 90 days
62 an enrolled bill may become a law after lapse
A 30days***CA
B 60days
C 40days
D 90days
63 The government under president corazon c
aquino was
A. De facto***CA
B. De jure
C. Both A&B
D. None of the above
64 In which country did the Philippines participate
in the world’s peacekeeping operations by sending
doctors, nurses, soldiers and police?
a. Israel
b. East Timor
c. Iraq***CA
d. Iran
65 In which poem did Rizal write about offering
one’s life for one’s country?
a. A La Juventud Filipina
b. Song of Maria Clara
c. Sa Aking mga Kabata
d. Mi Ultimo Adios***CA
66. What factor was a major cause of both World
War I and World War II?
a. The spread of Marxian ideas into Europe
b. The dropping of atomic bombs
c. Nationalism and national borders
d. The rise of totalitarian fascist states***CA
67. The third and last military governor of the
Philippines was
A) Gen. Wesley Merritt
B) Gen. Elwell Otis
C) Gen. Arthur MacArthur***CA
D) Gen. Douglas MacArthur
68. Which is common to Sun Yat Sen and Mahatma
A) Promoted a society ruled by religious leaders
B) Rejected violence as a way to political power***CA
C) Led a successful nationalistic movement in their
respective countries
D) Supported Marxist philosophy to change existing
69. Nebuchadnezzar was to the Babylonian Empire
as Asoka was to the ______ Empire.
A) Roman
B) Gupta
C) Greek
D) Maurya***CA
70. How is the so-called colonial mentality
A) Cultural relativism
B) Cultural diversity
C) Xenocentrism ***CA
D) Ethnocentrism
71. Which is a safeguard against unfair trade
practices like short-weighing?
A) Total Quality Movement
B) Consumerism
C) Consumer vigilance***CA
D) Substandardization
72. As an effect of our geography, in which of the
following island/s do people travel mostly by
A) Luzon
B) Mindanao
C) Visayas***CA
D) Visayas and Mindanao
73. As an insular country, to which principle does
the Philippines adhere when it comes to territorial
A) Two hundred nautical miles of the country’s
B) Three hundred fifty nautical miles from shore
C) Three-mile territorial limit
D) Archipelagic doctrine***CA
74. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos
who were free and independent
A) Timawa***CA
B) Maharlika
C) Aliping namamahay
D) Aliping saguiguilid
75. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a
nation in 1947? Religious differences between
A) Hindus and Christians
B) Christians and Muslims
C) Hindus and Buddhists
D) Hindus and Muslims***CA
76. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming
the archipelago Filipinas
A) Magellan’s expedition
B) Loarca expedition
C) Legaspi expedition
D) Villalobos expedition***CA
77This often called a "heaven of peace" in Central
America. This country had led the way in forest
conservation and demilitarization.
A. Nicaragua
B. Costa Rica***CA
C. El Salvador
D. Honduras
78 Who constructed Suez Canal?
A. Fyodor Litke
B. Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky
C. Voin Rimsky-Korsakov
D. Ferdinand de Lesseps***CA
79 La Solidaridad is to the reformists while _____ is
to Katipunero
A. Pahayag
B. La Propaganda
C. The Decalogue
D. Kalayaan***CA
80. What factor was a major cause of both World
War I and World War II?
a. The spread of Marxian ideas into Europe
b. The dropping of atomic bombs
c. Nationalism and national borders.
d. The rise of totalitarian fascist states***CA
81. In which organization is the Philippines a
member to fight communist aggression?
b. ASA
c. UN
82. The theory that population increases by
geometrical ratio while the means of subsistence
increases by arithmetical ratio is attributed to?
a. Karl Marx
b. Robert Malthus***CA
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Aristotle
83. In what instance is the Filipino double-standard
morality shown?
a. A couple brings their sick child to the doctor
then later to the espiritista
b. Young parents bring up their children in a manner
different from how they were brought up.
c. Illiterate parents are eager to send their children
to school even if they themselves did not go to
school .
d. A married man who flirts with someone else
other than his wife seems acceptable but a married
woman who flirts with another man is condemned.***CA
84. Which part of Asia does the Arabian peninsula
a. Northwest
b. Southeast .
c. Southwest***CA
d. Northeast
85. The important factors which have contributed to
the weakness in the internalization of desirable
values is the?
a. Lack of models among the very people expected***CA
to exemplify these values
b. Use of approaches which are mainly cognitive
rather than effective
c. Lack of follow up systems from one grade level
to another
d. Minimum recognition and appreciation given to
86. To govern is to rule and the government rules
by laws. Whose main duty is the enforcement of
a. Police department
b. Judiciary department
c. Legislative department
d. Executive department***CA
87. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos
who were free and independent
a. Timawa***CA
b. Maharlika
c. Aliping namamahay
d. Aliping saguiguilid
88. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming
the archipelago Filipinas
a. Magellan’s expedition
b. Loarca expedition
c. Legaspi expedition
d. Villalobos expedition***CA
89. The third and last military governor of the
Philippines was
a. Gen. Wesley Merritt
b. Gen. Elwell Otis
c. Gen. Arthur MacArthur***CA
d. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
90. Which Katipunan member commuted from
Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to make
a. Teresa Magbanua
b. Agueda Esteban***CA
c. Teodora Alonso
d. Trinidad Tecson
91.Which economic system is based on free enterprise?
a. Globalism
b. Mixed economies
c. Capitalism***CA
d. Communism
92. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested?
a. Cultural relativism
b. Cultural diversity
c. Xenocentrism***CA
d. Ethnocentrism
93. Which is a safeguard against unfair trade practices like short-weighing?
a. Total Quality Movement
b. Consumerism
c. Consumer vigilance***CA
d. Substandardization
94. If the seven continents were arranged from largest to smallest, in which order does Australia
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 7th***CA
95. In which continent can we find stormy Cape Horn which is known as the graveyard of ships
a. Africa
b. Australia
c. South America***CA
d. Asia
96. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a nation in 1947? Religious differences between
a. Hindus and Christians
b. Christians and Muslims
c. Hindus and Buddhists
d. Hindus and Muslims***CA
97. Which is common to Sun Yat Sen and Mahatma Gandhi?
a. Promoted a society ruled by religious leaders
b. Rejected violence as a way to political power***CA
c. Led a successful nationalistic movement in their respective countries
d. Supported Marxist philosophy to change existing governments
98. Nebuchadnezzar was to the Babylonian Empire as Asoka was to the ______ Empire.
a. Roman
b. Gupta
c. Greek
d. Maurya***CA
99. With the opposition of the parity rights in mind, who does NOT belong to the group?
a. Claro M. Recto
b. Jose Laurel
c. Manuel Roxas***CA
d. Pedro Taruc
100. When the Filipino reformists asked for the assimilation of the Philippines by Spain, what did
they ask for? For the Philippines to ____
a. Become independent from Spain
b. Become a province of Spain***CA
c. Be independent from Spain with certain conditions
d. Be represented in the Spanish Cortes
101. Who among the Presidents changed the date of our celebration of Independence day from
July 4 to June 12?
a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Diosdado Macapagal***CA
c. Carlos Garcia
d. Ferdinand Marcos
102. In which country did the Philippines participate in the world’s peacekeeping operations by
sending doctors, nurses, soldiers and police?
a. Israel
b. East Timor
c. Iraq***CA
d. Iran
103. As an effect of our geography, in which of the following island/s do people travel mostly by
a. Luzon
b. Mindanao
c. Visayas***CA
d. Visayas and Mindanao
104. As an insular country, to which principle does the Philippines adhere when it comes to
a. Two hundred nautical miles of the country’s coast
b. Three hundred fifty nautical miles from shore
c. Three-mile territorial limit
d. Archipelagic doctrine***CA
105. Which part/s of the Visayas has/have comparatively more excessively moist climate and
limited arable lands?
a. Western
b. Eastern***CA
c. Eastern and Central
d. Central and Western
106. Which follows Pres. Garcia’s “Filipino First Policy”? Filipinos
a. Should buy and consume Filipino products only
b. Should not contribute to the brain drain problem
c. Should be selective in the entry in the entry of foreign professionals in the country
d. Were to be given first preference in all matters related to the economic development of the
107. Aside from the Philippines, which countries claim part of the Spratly islands in the South
a. China, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia
b. China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia***CA
c. Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia
d. China, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia
108. The following are our constitutional rights EXCEPT to
a. Free access to legal assistance which shall not be denied due to poverty
b. Have access to all records of the government***CA
c. Be presumed innocent until proven guilty
d. Form association and labor unions
109 The adoption of scientific techniques to control and manipulate environment such as
methods for farming and fishing is called
A. social change C. cultural change
B. technological change***CA D. discovery change
110 Heavily sanctioned folkway which no one dares to question because they embody moral
laws are called
a. beliefs C. Mores ***CA
b. customs D. tradition
111 What is that inevitable folkway which no one dares to question because they embody moral
laws are called
a. Change ***CA C. progress
b. development D. evolution
112 Nora Aunor became a legend in the showbusiness because of her talent, determination and
hard work. What role does this illustrate?
a. achieve role ***CA C. hereditary role
b. ascribed role D. temporary role
113 Pinning veil around the bride and the groom/ exchange of rings, releasing of doves, etc.
During wedding ceremony show that culture is
a. Symbolic ***CA C. historical
b. continuous D. changeless
114 Aling Maria has taught her daughter how to prepare good and delicious desserts from local
fruits and vegetables. What cultural transmission process is this?
a. observation C. enculturation***CA
b. acculturation D. indoctrination
115 Mr. Francisco was teaching something on mores, folkways, customs and beliefs in his
Studies class. What was his lesson about?
A. material culture C. tangible culture
B. non-material culture ***CA D. hereditary culture
116 It was the first day of school. Miss Dela Rosa prepared activities which will make her Grade
children sing, play, talk, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the
teacher emphasize?
C. enculturation C. indoctrination
B. socialization D. acculturation***CA
117 Mildred, an accountant, who now lives with a married man was disowned by her family and
friends. This punishment is a form of
A isolation ***CA C. ostracism
B deportation D. character assassination
118 When a certain culture is acceptable to one group and questionable to others, it shows that:
a. culture is borrowed C. culture is varied
b. culture is a shared product D. culture is relative***CA
119 The teaching and learning of religion and values mostly make use of
a. enculturation C. culturation
b. Indoctrination ***CA D. acculturation
120 In order to achieve the goals for change, all include the following strategies EXCEPT
a. Change must involve all sectors of the society
b. Change must be centralized where only a few initiate the change
c. Change must be holistic that focuses on the individual and the system
d. Change should come from the leaders and the people***CA
121 Which change is bought about by discovery or modernization to increase production?
a. cultural change C. technological change***CA
b. societal change D. social change
122 The following statements refer to the characteristics of the Philippines as one of the
important territories of Asia, except for one
a. It is a tropical country and geographically located in the northeastern part of the world.
b. Philippines has one of the highest literacy rates in Asia with existing policy of free and
six years in elementary.
c. The establishment of the first Philippine Republic gave birth to the first constitutional
democracy in Asia
d. The free port of Manila is one of the world’s busiest ports, compared with other Southeast
Asian nations***CA
123 Globes are essentially important tool in the study of Geography. A map is more convenient
use but all map projections have some errors in presentation of distance and shapes. Given
conditions, which among the known mapping projections will we use to give the true size and
shape of the earth’s land masses?
a. Azimuthal Mapping C. Equal Area Mapping***CA
b. Conformal Mapping D. Equidistant Mapping
124 Most scientists believe that El Niño phenomenon which was greatly experiences in 1982,
1983 occurred when trade winds that normally blow from east to west slow down and actually
change direction. The winds blow warm water toward South America where the normal weather
patterns are changed for a time. Given this global change, which among the following conditions
is not considered as direct effect of the El Niño phenomenon?
a. Occurrences of hurricanes and heavy rainfall in the mid-Pacific region in a normal condition
b. Some species of fish like cold-water loving salmon disappeared along the west coast of the
United States but tuna and shrimp were attracted to the warm waters
c. The gradual warming of the earth is known as the Greenhouse effect could dramatically
climates worldwide
d. Water temperature in some parts of the Pacific Ocean rose to as much as 14 degrees higher
than to normal condition
125 China has over one fifth of the world’s population and its leaders believe that its large
population hinders the economic progress of the country and to address this problem they want
to achieve equal death rate and birth rate in population. This government action to limit the
population is known as the
a. Baby Boom C. Population pyramid
b. Population distribution D. Zero population growth***CA
126 Given the current condition of Africa, it is still considered as the most rural and least
urbanized continent in the world. With these characteristics, which among the following
sentences is the least
contributory factor to the current socio-political and economic problems of Africa?
a. Few states are ethnically homogenous and infancy of a strong sense of national unity among
tribal leaders
b. Insufficient capital technology, political instability and poorly trained workforce to push
development among the African nations
c. The increasing percentage of school-age children who did not attend school low literacy rate
and a grate number of world’s AIDS deaths
d. The replacement of Christianity among the Islamized society in Africa along with the
continuous practice of animism among few villages***CA
127 The biggest and most populated island in the Philippine Archipelago
a. Cebu D. Mindanao
b. Leyte E. Negros
c. Luzon***CA
128 As of 1996, what sector of Philippine economy shows an increase near to 50%?
a. Agricultural Sector D. Service Sector***CA
b. Energy Sector E. Tourism Sector
c. Mining Sector
129 Which of the following is not included in the main geographical and political-cultural
subdivisions of Asia?
a. North Asia D. Southeast Asia***CA
b. Northwest Asia E. Southwest Asia
c. South Asia
130 This continent is the largest and it covers almost 33% of the earth’s surface. It is consider
the most diverse continent and home for earliest civilization and major religions of the world
a. Africa D. Europe***CA
b. Asia E. North America
c. Austria and Oceania
131 Which area of the world has been described as the “symbol of worldwide demographic,
environmental and societal stress/problems”?
a. Africa ***CA D. North America
b. Asia E. South America
c. Austria/Oceania
132 Which of the following continent is considered as the world’s most productive in agriculture?
a. Africa D. North America***CA
b. Australia and Oceania E. South America
c. Europe
133 If the Caribbean Islands may be combined with Mexico and Central America, it could be
collectively and properly described as:
a. Latin America D. South America
b. Middle America ***CAE. The Americas
c. North America
134 The name “Oceania” is widely used to refer to the scattered group of islands
a. Central and Southern Pacific Ocean***CA
b. Central and Western Pacific Ocean
c. Melanesia (Black Islands)
D. Micronesia (Little islands)
E. Polynesia (Many islands)
135 What country is considered as largest producer of Diamond, although few of its diamonds
are of
gem quality?
a. Australia ***CA D. New Zealand
b. Canada E. South Africa
c. Mexico
136 The world’s largest island is:
a. Australia D. Greenland
b. China E. Madagascar***CA
c. Iceland
137 What sea is often included in the physical definition of North America?
a. Baltic Sea D. Read Sea
b. Caribbean Sea ***CA E. South China Sea
c. Mediterranean Sea
138 It is the longest mountain chain in the world
a. Andes D. Kunlun***CA
b. Himalayas E. Pamir
c. Karakoram
139 What religious group suffered heavily in Europe during the Nazi Holocaust?
a. Atheist D. Jewish***CA
b. Buddhist E. Muslim
c. Christian
140 Most of the people in Latin America during the colonial period came from what known place
in the world?
a. Amazon Rainforest D. Oceania
b. Andes Mountain E. Scandinavian
c. Iberian ***CA Peninsula
141 It is considered as one of the worst eruption of the century that almost affects the earth’s
atmosphere due to its ash falls
a. Mt. Hibuk-Hibok D. Mt. Pinatubo***CA
b. Mt. Kanlaon E. Taal Volcano
c. Mt. Mayon
142 Which part of the earth where we can experience six (6) months of continuous daylight and
six (6) months continuous darkness each year?
a. Greenland D. North Pole***CA
b. Greenwich, England E. Pacific Ocean
c. Iceland
143 In what part of the world can you approximately find the International Date Line (IDL)?
a. Atlantic Ocean D. Pacific Ocean***CA
b. Greenwich, England E. South Pole
c. North Pole
144 In what part of the world can you find the longest and largest coral reef which is also known
is the “Great Barrier Reef”?
a. Africa***CA D. North America
b. Australia E. South America
c. Europe
145 It is a common knowledge that all bodies of water are interconnected with one another but
ocean covers 1/3 of the world from Arctic to Antartica
a. Arctic Ocean D. Pacific Ocean***CA
b. Indian Ocean E. South Atlantic Ocean
c. North Atlantic Ocean
146 Which of the following countries is not part of the Association of the South East Asian
a. Malaysia D. Taiwan***CA
b. Philippines E. Thailand
c. Singapore
147 Among the South American nations, this country is the only Portuguese speaking country
a. Argentina D. Mexico
b. Brazil ***CA E. Peru
c. Chile
148 The first African nation that tried to establish industrialization to lessen the worsening
unemployment rate of the country
a. Bostwana D. South Africa***CA
b. Egypt E. Zaire
c. Kenya
149 It is known to the ancient and modern world that this is the home of rich and key cities of
world. It is also of the major tourist destination and it provides a well designed airports and
railways across the continent
a. Africa D. Europe***CA
b. Asia E. South America
c. Australia
150 The opening of the Suez Canal connects the trading route between these two bodies of
a. Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
b. Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
c. Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal
D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea***CA
E. South China Sea and Philippine Sea
151 This is the known Peninsula in Europe that occupied by Norway, Sweden, Denmark also
included is Iceland and Finland
a. Apennines D. Jutland
b. Balkan E. Scandinavian***CA
c. Iberian
152 Map projections have particular purposes; specifically what do we call projections that show
all areas on Earth’s surface in proper proportion to visualize patterns of distribution with spatial
a. Albers conic projection
b. Equal area projection***CA
c. Gnomonic projection
D. Lamber azimuthal projection
E. Mercator projection
153 When these imaginary lines are used in combination, it gives you a unique destination to
every point on Earth?
a. International Date Line (IDL)
b. Lines of Longitude and Latitude***CA
c. North, East, West and South Hemisphere
D. North Pole and South Pole
E. Prime Meridian & Equator
154 Earthquakes and volcanic activities were frequently experienced by the Philippines due to:
a. Climatic change in Asia for a long period of time
b. Erosion caused by heavy winds and typhoons all year round
c. High and low humidity brought by Northeasterly and Southeasterly wind
d. Short, sharp and shift flowing rivers from Luzon to Mindanao
e. Unstable Pacific floor under the Philippine territory***CA
155 Manila has a good medical facilities but there is a great need for medical people specially in
the rural areas, the main factor for this situation is:
a. Great exodus of medial practitioners like Nurses, Medical Technician and Medical Doctors
going abroad***CA
b. Low quality of graduates that cannot passed both local and international standards for
medical practices
c. Political unrest and security of rural hospital across the nation due to terrorism and local
d. Small number of medical graduates like medical
doctors and nurses to support the needs of the country
e. Traditional medicine is a strong competitor for
the scientific advancement of our Medicinal Science in rural areas
156 The “Rood of the World” may be associated to:
a. Diverse ethnic group of Asia
b. Frequent occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
c. Numerous islands, arranged in a series of arcs
d. Series of high mountains and plateaus***CA
e. Super continent Pangaea and its cultural heritage
157 In the 19th century, most Europeans considered Africa as “The Dark Continent” because:
a. Most African nations had been subjected to European domination
b. Most inhabitants are literally black or dark people of this continent
c. Most of its economic and political activities were dependent to industrialized nations
d. Most of the African land area is covered by vast desert and rugged mountains
e. Most of the African interior was unexplored and
not colonized by European and other neighboring nations***CA
158 The following statement refers to the general characteristics of African people in terms of
their cultural traits except for:
a. Few nations have developed a strong sense of national unity among its people
b. Imposition of colonial boundaries among African people further divide the continent
c. Indigenous churches brought common traditions and practices among African people***CA
d. Traditional values prevailed over the African Tribes
e. Various languages further perpetual tribal identities over and above national identity 159 159.
The population statistics as of 2004 shows evidences that population explosion will bring:
a. A 100% increase by 2050 in terms of population
b. Africa to its greatest annual increase among the other continents
c. Declined life expectancy in developing countries due to famine and diseases***CA
d. One child policy to Asian nations
e. Stability in terms of population growth rate
160 One of the major issues between US and Mexico which led US government to take action
against the growing population of Mexico.
a. Assist rapid economic growth of Mexico to eliminate poverty
b. Control the great demand of farmers for the south flowing Colorado River for dry region
c. Control the increase of illegal crossing of Mexicans to the US border in search of
d. Manifest a virtual veto power of US towards Mexico’s economic policy
e. Support peasant rebels stage war against the state
161 What do you call the new racial type created due to intermarriages of most Caucasian and
African slaves brought to Brazil and Colombia?
a. Aborigine D. Mulatto***CA
b. Indian E. Native American
c. Mestizo
162 Which of the following is not a human activity that threats the incredible biological diversity
of the
Amazon Wildlife?
a. El Niño Phenomenon***CA
b. Development of rural settlement
c. Increased in demand for lumber
D. Massive deforestation
E. Road construction
163 The word “Narcotraficantes” is associated with:
a. Annual occurrences of El Niño Phenomenon
b. Colombia’s illegal drug trade***CA
c. Destruction of the Amazon Forest
d. Trading of Black slaves from Africa
e. Volcanic and earthquake activities in the Andes mountains
164 Which of the following reasons why people cannot establish a permanent settlement in
a. Danger of nuclear weapons testing over the territory
b. Environmental problems like oil spills
c. It is the coldest place on earth and experiencing the strongest wind***CA
d. Ozone concentration in the area above the continent
e. The growing controversy over the claims of different nations over the territory
165 The three leading financial centers of the world included the following key cities of:
a. Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Seoul
b. Beijing, Sydney, Washington DC
c. Berlin, Mexico City, Singapore
D. Hong Kong, Paris, Rome
E. London, New York, Tokyo***CA
166 The leading industry both for value and employment of many people in Australia.
a. Electronics & information technology
b. Food processing***CA
c. Forestry and fishing
d. Production of machinery for transportation
e. Tourism
167 Chernobyl will be remembered as
a. Commonwealth of Independent States
b. Economic bloc of former USSR to European Community
c. Place of the nuclear reactor explosion***CA
d. Site of the 1992 Olympics
e. Space launcher of Russian Cosmonauts that blasted
168 The following are general characteristics of an industrialized country except for one.
a. Economic and political stability
b. High literacy rate
c. Longer life expectancy
d. Low infant mortality
e. One child policy per family***CA
169 . Filipino citizens have the power to participate in the establishment or administration of
government such as right to vote and be voted upon as an exercise of
d. Right to Suffrage
170 Based on the early historical accounts of Europe these two nations had strong ties with the
European culture and the Asian nations.
A. Australia and New Zealand D. North Korea and
South Korea
B. India and Sri Lanka E. Turkey and Russia***CA
C. Iran and Iraq
171 Among the 5 continents below
i. Africa 4 Australia/Oceania
ii. Antartica 5 Europe
iii. Asia
Arrange the continents from smallest to biggest in terms of its population based on the
2004 data
A. 5 3 1 2 4 D. 1 3 4 2 5
B. 3 1 4 5 2 E. 4 5 1 3 2
C. 2 4 5 1 3***CA
172 The following statements refer to the African condition that hinders its potential towards
economic growth except for one:
a. Diverse natural resources***CA
b. Insufficient capital technology
c. Political instability
d. Poorly trained workforce
e. Small purchasing power
173 Which of the following Asian countries has historical ties with European city and it was
considered as the heart of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empire?
a. Iraq (Mesopotamia) D. Saudi Arabia
b. Israel E. Turkey***CA
c. Russia
174 The following occurrences are all natural hazards that the world is experiencing across the
time except for one:
a. Deforestation D. Tsunami***CA
b. Diastrophism E. Volcanic Eruption
c. El Niño and La Niña
175 This is known super continent that broke up million and million years ago.
a. Atlantis D. Pangaea***CA
b. Gondwanaland E. Tethys
c. Laurasia
176 Arrange the continents from biggest to smallest in terms of land area.
A. 3 1 2 5 4 D. 4 3 2 5 1
B. 2 3 4 1 5 E. 5 2 4 1 3
C. 1 4 5 2 3***CA
178 Among the developing Asian nations, it is widely promoted to be one of the better solution
to poverty and unemployment problems
A. Cooperation D. Privatization
B. Importation E. Urbanization
c. Industrialization***CA
179 All of the following constitute the meaning of political science except:
A. A basic knowledge and understanding of the state.
B. It is primarily concerned with the association of human beings into a political community.
C. Common knowledge every events taking place in the society.
D. It deals with the relationship among men and groups which are subject to the control by the
180 It refers to the community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying
definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of
inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control.
A. Sovereignty
B. Nation
C. Citizenship
D. State***CA
181 It refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and
carried out.***CA
A. Government
B. Sovereignty
C. Constitution
D. Laws
182 What are the four elements of state?
A. people, territory, sovereignty, government***CA
B. people, constitution, territory, government
C. government, law, peace, territory
D. constitution, people, land, independence
183 What theory asserts that the early states must have been formed by deliberate and
voluntary compact among the people to form a society and organize government for their
common good.
A. Necessity Theory
B. Devine Right Theory
C. Social Contract Theory***CA
D. Social Compact Theory
184. Government exists and should continue to exist for the benefit of the people.
A The statement is a general truth.***CA
B The statement is just an assumption.
D There is no basis for judgment.
DThere is no basis for judgment.
185 . What are the forms of government in which the political power is exercised by a few
A Oligarchy and Aristocracy***CA
C Theocracy and Fascismarchy
CTheocracy and Fascism
D Democracy and Tyranny
186. The pre-colonial Philippines has no established government. Its villages and settlements
were called barangays.
A Only the first statement is true and correct.
B Only the second statement is true and correct.
C Both statements are true and correct.***CA
D Both statements are untrue and incorrect.
187. There were four social classes of people in the pre-colonial barangays. They were the
nobles, freemen, serfs, and the slaves.
A Only the first statement is true and correct.
B Only the second statement is true and correct.
C Only the first statement is true and correct.ct.***CA
D Both statements are untrue and incorrect.
188. What are the two known written codes during the pre-Spanish era in the Philippines?
A. Maragtas and Kalantiaw Codes***CA
B. Sumakwil and Sulayman Codes
C. Panay and Subanon Codes
D. Hammurabi and Ur Nammu Codes
189. Under the Spanish colonial government, who directly governed the Philippines?
A The Governor-General***CA
B The Governor-Generalico
C The Royal Audiencia
D The King of Spain
190. What is the first city to be established in 1565 in the Philippines?
A Manila
B Davao
C Cebu***CA
D Iloilo
191.The government which Spain established in the Philippines was defective. It was a
government for the Spaniards and not for the Filipinos.
A. Only the first statement is true and correct.
B. Only the second statement is true and correct.
C. Both statements are true and correct.***CA
D. Both statements are untrue and incorrect
192. What was the secret society founded in 1896 that precipitated the glorious revolution
against the Spaniards.
A The Katipunan***CA
B The Kalahi
C The Biak na Bato Republic
D The Ilustrado
193. Arranged the sequence of governments during the revolutionary era:
1. The Dictatorial Government
2. The Revolutionary Government
3. The Biak-na-Bato Republic
4. The First Philippine Republic
B 3 1 2 4***CA
194. Arranged according to its establishment during the American Regime:
1. The Commonwealth Government
2. The Military Government
3. The Civil Government
A. 1 2 3
B. 2 3 1***CA
C. 3 2 1
D. 2 1 3
195. What was the civil government established during the Japanese occupation of the
A The Japanese Imperial Government
B The Philippine Republic
C The Puppet Government of Japan
D The Philippine Executive Commission***CA
196. The Constitution used by the Philippine government from the commonwealth period until
A The Malolos Constitution
B The Biak-na-Bato Constitution
C The 1935 Constitution***CA
D The 1901 Constitution
197. What kind of government was installed under the 1973 Constitution under the Marcos
A Modified Presidential system
B Modified Parliamentary system***CA
C Military system
D Bicameral system
198. A de facto government acquires a de jure status when it gains wide acceptance from the
people and recognition from the community of nations.
A The statement is true and valid.***CA
B The statement is true and valid..
C The statement is a fallacy.
D The statement is doubtful.
199. It is defined as written instrument by which the fundamental powers of the government are
established, limited and defined and by which these powers are distributed among the several
departments or branches for their and useful exercise for the benefit of the people.
A Laws
B Statutes
C Constitution***CA
D Ordinances
200. There is no Constitution that is entirely written or unwritten.
A The statement is true and correct.***CA
C The statement is partially correct.
CThe statement is partially correct.
D There is no basis to conclude.

What is Philosophy? - the science that seeks to organize and systemize all fields of knowledge
as a means of understanding and interpreting the totality of reality. - systematic and logical
explanation of the nature, existence, purpose and relationships of things, including human
beings in the universe.
Main Branches of Philosophy
1. Metaphysics – deals with the first principles, the origin an essence of things, the causes and
end of thing. - it is the science of existence.
2. Epistemology – deals with knowledge and with ways of knowing. - Conceptual - Perceptual –
3. Axiology – deals with purposes and values. - Ethics
4. Logic – deals with the correct way of thinking.
Major Philosophies of Education
1. Idealism – (Platonic) Reality consists of transcendental universal, form, or ideals which are
the object of true knowledge. (DECS order No. 13 s 1998 – Revised rules and regulation on the
teaching of religion in public elementary and secondary schools)
2. Naturalism – This opposed to idealism. This is the view that the whole of reality is nature.
3. Pragmatism – a tendency, movement, or more definite system of thought in which stress is
place upon critical consequence and values as standard for explicating philosophic concept,
and as a test of truth lies in its practical consequence and that the purpose of conduct. - James -
Chiller - Dewey
4. Supernaturalism – has a purpose to educate the individual for his life here on earth and to
prepare for the life beyond. Humanism – places human being over in above worldly things.
5. Realism– universals are independent of antecedent to and more real than the specific
individual instances in which they manifest.
6. Progressivism – dominated by the technological experimental advancement which have so
powerfully shaped our modern culture. (DECS order No. 57 s 1998 – Clarification on the
changes in the Social Studies Program, WH for 3rd year and Economics for 4th year) (DECS
order No 91 s. 1998 – Changes in the THE program of the NSEC) Some important features of
Progressivism 1. The child as the center of the educational process. 2. It emphasizes learning
by doing. Advocates of Progressivism John Dewey William Kilpatrick
7. Existentialism - Puts emphasis on the uniqueness of the individual. - Existence precedes, that
is, essence is created by existence. - Human nature is a product of existence. - Holds the view
that human existence, or the human situation is the starting point of thinking. – It emphasizes
concreteness of the individual. - It values the freedom of choice, individual dignity, personal
love, and creative effort. (DECS order no. 65 s. 1998 – revised Guidelines on the selection of
honor students in secondary level) (DECS order no. 10 s. 1998 – Revised system of rating and
reporting of student performance for secondary schools)
Freedom of choice is an important value of existentialism and is determined or affected to a
large extent several factors among which are the following: 1. Influence of the family especially
the parents. 2. Influence of peers and associates. 3. Religious orientation 4. Social approval 5.
Cultural patterns 6. Financial status 7. Psychological traits 8. Sex 9. Health and physical fitness
10. Education
8. Positivism - a philosophical movement characterized by an emphasis upon science and
scientific method as the only source of knowledge.
9. Relativism - a doctrine of relationism or relativity – a theory that knowledge is relative to the
limited nature of the mind and the condition of knowing.
10. Materialism - it maintains that all events are not true to the nature of independent reality and
that holds that absolutely true knowledge is impossible.
11. Empiricism - it spouses that legitimate human knowledge arises from what is provided to the
mind by the senses or by introspective awareness through experience. -hence it believes on
education through.
12. Romanticism - it questioned the notions of the enlightenment that had dominated Europe in
the early 18th century.
13. Epicureanism - philosophical teaching about nature and ethics that was derived from the
writing of Epicurus. - this philosophy base its knowledge on sense perception, asserting that
sensations are invariably good.
14. Hedonism - it centers on pleasure - learning is pleasurable
15. Utilitarianism - it believes that any moral theory that value of human actions, policies, and
institutions by their consequences in men’s experience or by general welfare of all person
affected by them.
16. Communism - disregard basic human rights and educates the young for subservience to the
17. Fascism – conceives that the state is an absolute.
18. Progressivism - it emphasizes that educational concern must be on the child interest,
desires, and the learners freedom as an individual rather than the subject matter.
19. Essentialism - it ascribes ultimate reality to immense embodied in a thing perceptible to the

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