Unit 2
Business ethics
Business ethics is the study of complex business
practices and behaviors that gives rise to
ethical issues in organization
Nature of BE
1. Ethical value
2. Interest of society
3. Business society relationship
4. Provide framework
Sources of BE
1. Religion
2. Cultural experience
3. Legal system
Types of BE
1. General business ethics
Shareholder of business, CSR
2. Functional BE
Marketing, HR , Production , IP, skill
3. Internal BE
Factor influencing BE
1. Value forming-family, religion, school & govt
(carrot & stick)
2. Organisational goal
3. Work & career
4. Superiors
5. Peer & colleagues
6. Professional code
Approaches to BE
Profit motive
Moral obligation:-harm principle, fairness,
human rights, veracity(deceptive)
Importance of BE
Maintain high moral course
Cultivates strong team work and productivity
Support employee growth and meaning
Ensure policy are legal
Avoid criminal act
Promote public image
Manage values
Managing ethics in workplace
1. Commitment from top management
2. Code of ethics
3. Communicating ethics
4. Ethics training
5. Ethics officer(BOD)
6. Enforcement
7. Audit, revision, refinements
Ethics & profit
Exploitation of MNC
Production of harmful products
Theories of BE
Normative theories
a) Consequentialist Theroy:- utilitarianism
theory, egoism, altruism
b) Non Consequentialist theory: - duty based,
right based
1.a) utilitarianism theory
Is founded on the ability to predict the
consequences of an action
1. Greatest good of the greatest number
2. Max of pleasure
3. Min of pains
4. Max happiness
5. Satisfaction of desire
Cost benefit analysis
1. b) Egoism
Decision that maximize their own self interest
Physical well being, power, pleasure, fame,
satisfying career, good family life, wealth
1. Enlightened egoism long term
2. Psychological egoism-selfishly
1.c) Altruism
Welfare of others(religion)
Individuals are morally obliged to benefit others
1. Biological : blood relation success
2. Neurological :reward center in brain(giving
3. Cognitive: doing for other without
2 a) duty based ethics
Commitment to principle and duty
Upholding individual human & legal rights
Tell the truth, correct the wrong, respect
others, avoid injury to others
2.b) rights based ehtics
Rights are positive & negative rights
Negative rights: freedom from outside
interference- speech, autonomy, privacy
Positive rights : freely pursue his or her interest-
health care, education others
Stockholder theory
Friedman : arrangement between stockholder
& managers for specific interest
Manager act as agent for stockholders
Stakeholders theory
Input output model
All interest group- employees, customer,
dealers, government , society
Primary (survival): stockholders, employees,
suppliers, creditors, customers
Secondary (affect) : media, consumers,
government, judiciary, competitors, society,
political group, trade unions, trade
association, financial system, enviornment
Ethical decision making
Framework for ethical decision making
1. Individual factor :- personal moral, stage of
moral development(own needs, group
values, rule of society)
2. Organization factors: org culture, co-
workers& superior, opportunity
Leadership style
1. Autocratic(absolute power)
2. Bureaucratic(by the book)
3. Charismatic (energetic)
4. Democratic (involving members)
5. Laissez faire (leave it be- members decision)
6. People oriented (people development)
7. Servant (no formally recognised)
8. Task oriented (getting job done)
9. Transactional (paying team for job done)
10.Transformational (detail people)
Habits of strong ethical leaders
Strong personal character
Passion to do right
Stakeholder interest
Role model for org values
Transparent in decision making
Holistic view
Ethical leadership for improved CG
Positive impact on culture
Higher employee satisfaction and
Strong relationship with external stakeholders
Long term market evaluation of the firm