Overcoming Discrimination Against Lgbtqi Employees
Overcoming Discrimination Against Lgbtqi Employees
Overcoming Discrimination Against Lgbtqi Employees
G A T E S , T. ( 2 0 1 5 , J A N U A R Y ) . O V E R C O M I N G D I S C R I M I N A T I O N A G A I N S T L G B T Q I E M P L O Y E E S . T H E J O U R N A L O F
E M P LOY E E AS S I S TAN C E , 4 5( 1 ), 2 4 +. R E T R I EV E D FR O M
H T T P : / / G O . G A L E G R O U P.C O M / P S / I . D O ? I D = G A L E % 7 C A 4 3 5 7 1 7 7 8 0 & V = 2 . 1 & U = P H C E L M A O N E & I T = R & P = G P S & S W = W & A S
Tolerance for discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
questioning and intersexed (LGBTQI) employees in the united states is on the decline,
as employers are increasingly considering them as fully functioning members of their
organization and extending them the same rights as heterosexual employees (herek,
The reason for this progress may be attributed to the openness of LGBTQI
individuals in regard to their sexual identity and the acceptance of friends, family,
colleagues, and society in general. Prominent LGBTQI people are visible within the
workplace culture and professional organizations. Numerous social service
associations (including EAPA) support LGBTQI human rights issues.