Week 4 Bioindikator

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Indicator Species

Bioindicators are the organism that
indicate or monitor the health of the
A good bioindicator will indicate the
presence of the pollutant and also
attempt to provide additional
information about the amount and
intensity of the exposure
How Are They Used
Different bioindicators are sensitive to
different types of changes.
Changes in populations of animal and
plants bioindicators to see if an
environment is healthy
Biological response of bioindicator reveals
the presence of the pollutants by the
occurrence of the typical symptoms, and
is therefore more qualitative
Why use indicator species?

Indicator species can provide an

early warning of environmental

They can be used to assess the

health of an environment or

They can be a useful management

How might indicator species show
changes in the environment?

Increase or decrease in abundance

Presence or absence
Change in behaviour
Change physiologically,
Change morphologically,
Change chemically

Note: Indicator species may be used passively or

Based on International Union
Biological Science (IUBS):

1.Microbial system
2.Plants system
3.Animal system
4.Cell biology and genetics
Bioluminescent Bacteria
Bioluminescent bacteria: used to test water
for environmental toxins.
If there are toxins present in the water, the
cellular metabolism of bacteria is inhibited
or disrupted.
This effects quality or amount of light
emitted by bacteria.
It is very quick method and takes just 30
minutes to complete but could not identify
the toxin.

Vibrio fischeri
Lichens can live in extreme conditions but they
hate pollution
The cleaner the air the bigger and more elaborate
the lichen Indicator lichens
Changes in Diatom community, decrease in
plankton algae and aquatic hydrophyte indicate
increased water acidity.
Specific changes in aquatic flora can indicate the
pH of the fresh water correctly
Higher Plants
The chlortic flakes of
pine needle are good
examples of ozone
The collapse glazing
and bronzing of leaf
cells are products of
damage by
peroxyacetyl nitrate

pulcherima and grass
(Cynodon dactylon) =
bioindicators of heavy
Bioindicator and
Bioindicator qualitatively assess biotic
responses to environmental stress (e.g.,
presence of Shrubby and bushy lichens =
clean air)
Biomonitors quantitatively determine a
response (reductions in lichen chlorophyll
Bioindicators actually indicate the general
toxicity of the environment, without telling
the exact quantity of the toxicity.
Why are Bioindicators Better than
Traditional Methods
Scientist have traditionally conducted chemical assays
and directly measured physical parameters or the
environment (e.g., ambient temperature, salinity,
nutrients, pollutants, available light and gas levels)
Whereas bioindicators uses the biota to assess the
cumulative impacts of both chemical pollutants and
habitat alterations over time
Bioindicators have ability to indicate indirect biotic
effects of pollutants when many physical or chemical
measurements cannot
Through bioindicators scientists need to observe only
the single indicating species to check the environment,
they dont have to monitor whole community
Air pollution - Lichens
Lichens are formed from a symbiotic relationship
between a fungus and an alga.

They often grow on exposed rocks and trees, and

need to be efficient at absorbing water.

Air pollutants dissolved in rainwater, especially

sulphur dioxide, can damage lichens and prevent
them from growing.
Air pollution - Lichens
Different lichens show
different levels of tolerance to
Shrubby and bushy lichens
are usually the most sensitive
to pollution and are often
absent from polluted areas.
Crusty lichens are usually
more tolerant of pollution and
can grow in more polluted
By looking at the species
present in a particular area,
scientists can assess the level
of air pollution.
Water pollution
Many aquatic animals cant survive
in polluted water, so their presence
/ absence can indicate the level of
pollution in a water body.

Types of water pollution can

Nitrates (e.g. from fertilisers)
Acid rain
Heavy metals
Other chemicals
Water pollution -
Different invertebrate species are able to
tolerate different levels of water pollution.

The composition of species within a study

area can indicate the level of pollution.
Water pollution -
Mayfly and stonefly larvae
prefer clean water

Freshwater shrimp can

tolerate low levels of
The water louse can tolerate
high levels of pollution

Species such as the rat-tailed

maggot and sludgeworm can
tolerate very high levels of
Water pollution -
Mussels are suspension feeders and
accumulate heavy metals and
toxins in their tissues.
Mussels are often used as indicator
species for monitoring the health of
coastal environments.
Water pollution - Algae
A major form of water pollution
comes from excess nitrates and
other nutrients being washed into
rivers and lakes.
The nitrates in the water result in the
rapid growth of algae, which is
known as an algal bloom.
As a result of the increase in algae,
less sunlight can reach other
aquatic plants, many of which then
Water pollution - Algae
Bacteria begin to break down the dead plant
material, using up oxygen as they do so, resulting
in the death of fish and other organisms.

This process is known as eutrophication.

The composition and total amount of algae species

can indicate the amount of organic pollution.
Water pollution -
Amphibians breathe through their skin so are
easily affected by changes in water quality.
For example, some chemicals may potentially
cause physical abnormalities and malformations.
Amphibians live both on land and in water.
Climate change Montane
Montane species (species which live in the
mountains) can be good indicators of climate
change, as they often have specific habitat
requirements and cannot easily disperse
For example, the American pika is a good
indicator of the effects of climate change, as
Lives in a very specific habitat
Has a very low reproductive
Shows very limited dispersal
Is extremely sensitive to warm
Climate change Montane
As temperatures rise, the
American pika would be
forced to seek higher
elevations to find suitable
cool, moist habitat.

However, as this species

already occupies high
elevations, it has nowhere
to go.

Climate change may

already be a factor in the
extinction of local pika
karakteristik sebagai
Memiliki kepekaan terhadap lingkungan perairan
dan responnya cepat.
Memiliki daur hidup yang kompleks sepanjang
tahun atau lebih dan apabila kondisi lingkungan
melebihi batas toleransi organisme tersebut akan
Hidup sesil (bentik).
Tidak mudah atau cepat berimigrasi ke tempat
Memiliki struktur komunitas serta kelimpahan
Merupakan Kunci Spesies (keystone Species) dalam

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