Business Grammar
Business Grammar
Business Grammar
Write Well, Speak Well.
Write to be understood, not to
Show people that you care enough to
get it right.
Know the common mistakes and
avoid them.
Remember that excellent
communication skills enhance your
possibilities for success.
Powerful Verbs
Strong verbs get your point across
and make your meaning clear.
When you write, refer to a dictionary
or thesaurus to find the precise verb.
See the list on page 377 in your
Career Planning Strategies textbook.
Voice in Verbs
Verbs have either active or passive voice. The
active voice is more powerful.
(she, her).
(.friendlier than she is.)
I have been on the job as long as
(he, him.)
(.as long as he has.)
Practice D
1. Juanita is much more productive than (I,
2. I cant seem to get as much done as (she,
3. The company even gave me more training
than (she, her).
4. I always need more time to complete tasks
than (she, her).
5. On the other hand, I am more accurate
and careful than (she, her).
Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns.
They tell which one, what kind, or how
the entertainment industry, high salaries,
several employees
Real and good are adjectives.