Chapter 5 - Basic Techniques in Food Microbiology
Chapter 5 - Basic Techniques in Food Microbiology
Chapter 5 - Basic Techniques in Food Microbiology
~Methods of
microorganisms of
Prepared by:
Ilyanie Hj. Yaacob
Syllabus content
Food sampling: total plate count, MPN, detection of
pathogenic bacteria.
Preparation for food samples for analysis
The formula:
Example of calculation:
Example of calculation:
Dilution factor:
4) Filtration.
In this method, a known
volume of water or air is
drawn through a filter with
pores too small to allow
passage of bacteria.
When the filter is then
placed on a solid medium,
each colony that grows
represents originally one
organism collected by the
Measurement of growth indirect method
1) Turbidity.
Turbidity or a cloudy appearance
in a culture tube indicates the
presence of organisms.
Estimates of growth can be
measured using photoelectric
device, eg. Spectrophotometer.
Sample with very high cell
densities must be diluted to
ensure accurate readings.
Measurement of growth indirect method
2) Metabolic activity.
Measuring the metabolic products of a population can be used
to estimate the bacterial growth.
The rate of the products formed reflects the mass of bacteria
Eg. Gas production, acid production, use of glucose, use of
Measurement of growth indirect method
3) Dry weight.
To calculate the dry weight of cells, it must be separated from
the medium through certain processes, eg. filtration or
The cells are dried and the mass is weighed.
~Example of
Example of test - coliform test
Coliform bacteria is a gram-negative nonspore forming
bacilli usually found in the human and animal intestine -
they ferment lactose with the production of acid and gas.
Coliform bacteriaare a commonly
usedbacterialindicatorof sanitary quality of foods and
water in coliform test - E.coli is the most important indicator
organism within the group.
Coliform test is carried out to test the presence of
enteropathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella and
Example of test - coliform test
The ideal indicator organism should:
1 presumptive tests
2 confirmation tests
3 completed tests
Example of test - coliform test
1 Presumptive tests.
There are two standard methods of counting bacteria:
The procedures:
Aliquots from serially diluted sample/suspensions are either
pour or surface plated using non selective media such as
Plate Count Agar (PCA), tryptic soy agar, nutrients agar and
However, PCA is recommended for colony forming units
(CFU) determination.
The temperature and time of plate incubation required for
the colonies to develop differ with the microbial groups
being enumerated thus for mesophilic bacteria, normally
incubation temperature is 37C for 24-48 hours.
Example of test - testing for Staphylococci
Confirmation test.
These tests include:
1) Enrichment of samples
3) Screening
4) Confirmation test
Example of test - testing for
pathogenic bacteria
1) Enrichment of sample.
The purpose to do enrichment of samples is to supply all
the nutrients that required by Salmonella to grow.
The food sample are weighed and put into screw-capped
Nutrients broth was added into jars.
Then the lids of the jars are now tightened and the jars are
shaken vigorously after which they are incubated for 24
hours at 35C.
Example of test - testing for
pathogenic bacteria
2) Plating of enrichment cultures.
After incubation, a loopful of enrichment culture is streaked
onto a plate of:
- Salmonella-Shigella agar
1) Enrichment of samples
3) Screening
4) Confirmation test
Example of test - testing for
pathogenic bacteria
1) Enrichment of sample.
The procedures are the same as Salmonella.
Example of test - testing for
pathogenic bacteria
2) Plating of enrichment cultures.
After incubation, a loopful of enrichment culture is streaked
onto a plate of:
- Salmonella-Shigella agar
- McConkey agar
The plates are then incubated for 22-24 hours at 35C.