فسلجة احياء مجهرية العملي

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‫‪Republic of Iraq‬‬

‫‪Ministry of Higher Education‬‬

‫‪And Scientific Research‬‬
‫‪University of Baghdad‬‬
‫‪College of Science‬‬
‫‪Department of Biology‬‬

‫‪Practical Microbial‬‬
‫‪2020 – 2021‬‬
‫المرحلة الثالثة ‪-‬الدراستين الصباحية والمسائية‬
‫الفصل الدراسي االول‬
‫تدريسيو المادة‬
‫ا‪ .‬د‪ .‬نوال محمد عتبة‬ ‫م‪.‬شيماء سهيل نجم‬
‫ا‪.‬د‪ .‬حال يونس فاضل‬ ‫م‪ .‬انتصار فرعون احمد‬
‫ا‪ .‬م‪ .‬د‪.‬شادان عباس الونداوي‬
‫ا‪.‬م‪.‬د هند حسين عبيد‬ ‫م‪.‬م‪.‬هبة خليل توفيق‬
‫ا‪.‬م‪.‬د حسن مجيد رشيد‬ ‫م‪.‬م‪ .‬افراح حاتم عمران‬
‫ا‪ .‬م‪ .‬د‪ .‬نجالء نبهان ياسين‬
Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Lab -1- Culture Media
Growth medium or culture medium is combination of substances designed to support
the growth of microorganisms or cells, Different types of media are used for growing
different types of cells.

Pure culture :culture medium containing the growth

of single species of bacteria and we can preserve it by
1-Cooling 2-Freezing 3-Lyophilization(Freeze drying)

Mixed culture : culture medium containing the growth

of two or more species of bacteria i

Kinds of culture media

Culture media can be divided according to
1-Their consistency
a-Solid media 2% agar

b-Semisolid media 1% agar

c-Liquid media 0% agar

Is a complex carbohydrate extracted from sea algae called Gelidium ,used in
preparing culture media as solidifying agent because of its characteristics which
are :
1-Its melting properties, melt at 90-100C˚ and solidify at 42C˚.
2-It has no nutritive value for majority of bacteria.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
2-According to use and contents
Natural media(non-synthetic)
Media contain natural material rich with vitamins and their structure and
concentration are not defined such milk and blood
Defined media (synthetic media)
Medium contain chemical materials their structure and concentration exactly
Semi –synthetic media
Media contain natural material as well as chemical materials
Living media medium contain living tissue used to culturing viruses and cancer
Routine Laboratory Media
1. Basal media. Basal media are those that may be used for growth (culture) of
bacteria that do not need enrichment of the media. Examples: Nutrient broth,
nutrient agar and peptone water. Staphylococcus and Enterobacteriaceae grow
in these media.

2. Enriched media The media are enriched usually by adding blood, serum or
egg. Examples: Enriched media are blood agar and Lowenstein-Jensen media.
Streptococci grow in blood agar media.

3. Selective media. These media favor the growth of a particular bacterium by

inhibiting the growth of undesired bacteria and allowing growth of desirable
bacteria. Examples: EMB
4. Differential media (Indicator). An indicator is included in the medium. A
particular organism causes change in the indicator, e.g. MacConkey agar are
differential media(contain lactose sugar and neutral red).

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
5. Transport media. These media are used when cannot be cultured soon after
collection. Examples: Cary-Blair medium, Amies medium, Stuart medium.

6. Preservation media. Media used for storing the bacteria for a long period of time.
Examples: Egg saline medium, chalk cooked meat broth.

7- Assay medium Medium used to assay the production

amount of some material in bacteria

8- Enumeration media that used to calculate the number

of bacteria in water ,soil and food sample

9- Characterization media that used to characterize and

recognize type of bacteria

Preparation of culture media

1- Weightining the medium ingredients according to the
direction written on its container.
2- Dissolve with little amount of D.W. then complete the
volume to the volume you want and may be need using
heating and stirrer for complete dissolving.
3- Check pH .
4- Dispensing the medium in to test tube by pipette.
5-Sterilization by autoclave.
6-Dispensed agar medium into petri dish when the
heat reach to 45.
EX :prepare 500ml of N.A. medium if the direction on
container wrote 8gm/liter
gm ml
8 1000
x 500
x=8 * 500/1000 = 4 gm of media dissolve in little amount
of D.W. then complete the volume to 500 ml then autoclaved
and poured in plates

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.

Method of pouring the media in plate

The sterile plates should be on the table near the burner then
Cooling the solid medium to 45C˚ to avoid solidify it and to
avoid forming of drop on the cover of plates
Remove the cover (or cotton plug) and sterile the upper part by
Remove the cover of plate near the burner and pouring the
medium and close the cover of plate
Moving the plate on table 5 times in two direction to distribute
the media equally in plate.

Sterility test
This test mean putting the flasks tubes and plates which contain sterile media before
using in incubator at 37C for 24 hr. to ensure that there is no contamination while
preparing and pouring the media

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Lab -2- Bacterial Counting
In order to observe microbial reproduction, it is necessary to determine numbers or
mass of M.O. the estimation of microbial population or count could be:
Total count (counting living and non-living cells)
Cell growth is cane bmeasured by counting total cell number of the microbes present in
that sample. Total cells (both live and dead) of liquid sample are counted by different
1- Breed method
2- Haemocytometer (counting chamber)
3- Optical density (O.D.) by spectrophotometer
4-Dry weight method
5-Wet weight method
6- Coulter Counter
Total count methods
1-Breed method
1- Draw a square (1 cm2) by wax pen on the slide .
2- Put 0.01 ml (one loop full)from broth culture (Bacillus or Staph aureus)on the
back of the square.
3- Make a smear inside the lines of the square.
4-Fix on the flame
5-Wash with tap water.
7- Examine under oil-immersion objective lenses.
8- Count the cells in 10 fields. Then find the range of this count and use the
following formula:-
No. of cell/ 1 ml= the average no .of cells in 10 field x 5000 x 100 x inverse of dilution if used
2-Haemocytometer (counting chamber)
1- Put the cover on the counting chamber
2- Put 0.01 ml (one loop full) of culture near
the edge of the cover , the drop will spread
(under the cover)
3- Count the cells as the following.
Count the cells in squares (4 corners and one in the
middle)if the chamber with 25 squares , used the
following formula :
No. of cells/1 ml=no. of cell in 5 squares x 5 x 10 x 1000
x inverse of dilution if used
Count the cells in 4 squares (4 corners only)
if the chamber with 16 squares , and used the formula:
No. of cells/1 ml=no. of cell in 4 squares x 4 x 10 x 1000
x inverse of dilution if used

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
3- Absorbance:
Absorbance is measured by using a spectrophotometer. Scattering of light increases
with increase in cell number. When light is passed through bacterial cell
suspension, light is scattered by the cells.
Therefore, transmission of light declines. At a particular wavelength absorbance of
light is proportional to the cell concentration of bacteria present in the suspension.
Thus cell growth of any bacterial suspension at a particular wavelength at different
intervals can be measured in terms of absorbance and a standard graph (between
absorbance and cell concentration) can be prepared.

4- Dry Weight Measurement:

Used for fungi in many times.
Dry weight measurement of cell material is similar to that of wet weight. Here dry
weight of pre-weighed filter paper containing pellets of microbial cells is measured.
Dry weight of filter paper is nullified by subtracting the dry weight of only filter
paper of similar size.
Thus dry weight of microbial cells can be obtained. For example dry weight of
about one million cells of E. coli is equal to 150 mg. Dry weight of bacterial cells is
usually 10-20% of then- wet weight.
5- Wet Weight Measurement:
Measuring cell mass is an easy step of cell growth measurement. A known volume
of culture sample from the ferment or is withdrawn and centrifuged, Wet weight of
pellets is measured by using pre-weighed filter paper. A pre-weighed filter paper of
similar size is used to subtract the weight of wet filter paper. Thus wet-weight of
cells is calculated.
6- Coulter Counter
It is an electronic device. The microbial culture is directly used to count cells
present in the suspension.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Viable count
A viable cell is defined as a cell which is able to divide and increase cell
numbers. The normal way to perform a viable count is to determine the
number of cells in the sample which is capable of forming colonies on a
suitable medium.
Here it is assumed that each viable cell will form one colony. Therefore,
viable count is often called plate count or colony count. There are two ways
of forming plate count.
1- Dilution to extinction
2- Most probable number (MPN)
3- Pour plate method
4- Spread plate method
5- Membrane filter method

1- Dilution to extinction
In this methods , serial dilutions of sample containing viable M.O. are plated onto
suitable growth medium. This method is used to determine the viable population in
sample containing bacteria.
After the culturing , the plates are then incubated under conditions that permit
microbial reproduction. It is assumed that (each bacterial colony arises from
individual cell that has undergone cell division)
Thus , by counting the no. of colonies and counting for the original dilution factor,
the number of bacteria in the original sample can be calculated , which is a way to
obtain pure culture , but the major disadvantage of this method that is selective
because there is no universal set of conditions that permits the growth of all M.O.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Dilution are achieved by adding an aliquot of the specimen to sterile water tube
1- if 1 ml of sample is added to 9 ml of sterile water,the dilution is 10-1 or adding 0.1
ml of sample to 9.9 ml sterile water , the dilution is 10-2
2- greater dilutions are achieved by sequentially diluting the sample in series.
Adding 0.1 ml from the first dilution(10-2) to 9.9 ml of sterile water , so the total
dilution is 1:10000= 10-4
The formula use in dilution is:
Dilution = Part(the transfer volume)/ All(transfer volume+ diluents
The types of liquids are used as diluents
1-Saline(NaCl=0.85%) 2-Sterile distilled water
3-Peptone water (0.1%) 4-Nutrient broth (N.B.)

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
2- Most probable number (MPN)
Most Probable Number (MPN) is a method used to estimate the concentration of viable
microorganisms in a sample by means of replicate liquid broth growth in ten-fold
dilutions. It is commonly used in estimating microbial populations in soils, waters,
agricultural products and is particularly useful with samples that contain particulate
material that interferes with plate count enumeration methods.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
3- Pour plate method
In this method a known volume (0.1-1.0 ml) of the culture is poured into the sterile Petri
dishes. Then melted agar medium is poured and mixed gently. The plate is incubated.
Colonies growing on the surface of agar are counted.

4-Spread plate method

A volume of culture (0.1 ml) is spread over the surface of an agar plate by using a
sterile glass spreader. The plate is incubated to develop colonies. Then the number
of colonies is counted

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Lab -3- Bacterial Growth Curve
Bacterial growth is the asexual reproduction, or cell division, of
a bacterium into two daughter cells, in a process called binary fission.
Providing no mutational event occurs, the resulting daughter cells are genetically
identical to the original cell. Hence, "local doubling" of the bacterial population
occurs. Both daughter cells from the division do not necessarily survive. However, if
the number surviving exceeds unity on average, the bacterial population
undergoes exponential growth. The measurement of an exponential bacterial
growth curve in batch culture was traditionally a part of the training of all
the basic means requires
bacterial enumeration (cell counting) by direct and individual (microscopic),
direct and bulk (biomass),
indirect and individual (colony counting),
indirect and bulk (most probable number, turbidity, nutrient uptake) methods.

Batch culture
Bacterial growth curve\Kinetic Curve
The growth of bacteria (or other microorganisms, as protozoa, microalgae or yeasts)
in batch culture can be modeled with four different phases:
1- lag phase (A),
2- log phase or exponential phase (B),
3- stationary phase (C),
4- death phase(D).
During lag phase, bacteria adapt themselves to growth conditions. It is the
period where the individual bacteria are maturing and not yet able to divide. During
the lag phase of the bacterial growth cycle, synthesis of RNA, enzymes and other
molecules occurs.
The log phase (sometimes called the logarithmic phase or the exponential
phase) is a period characterized by cell doubling. The number of new bacteria
appearing per unit time is proportional to the present population. For this type of
exponential growth, plotting the natural logarithm of cell number against time
produces a straight line. The slope of this line is the specific growth rate of the
organism, which is a measure of the number of divisions per cell per unit time. The
actual rate of this growth depends upon the growth conditions, which affect the
frequency of cell division events and the probability of both daughter cells
surviving. Under controlled conditions, cyanobacteria can double their population
four times a day. Exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely, however,
because the medium is soon depleted of nutrients and enriched with wastes.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
The stationary phase is often due to a growth-limiting factor such as the
depletion of an essential nutrient, and/or the formation of an inhibitory product
such as an organic acid. Stationary phase results from a situation in which growth
rate and death rate are equal. The number of new cells created is limited by the
growth factor and as a result the rate of cell growth matches the rate of cell death.
The result is a ―smooth,‖ horizontal linear part of the curve during the stationary
phase. Mutations can occur during stationary phase. Presented evidence that DNA
damage is responsible for many of the mutations arising in the genomes of
stationary phase or starving bacteria. Endogenously generated reactive oxygen
species appear to be a major source of such damages.
At death phase (decline phase) bacteria die. This could be caused by lack of
nutrients, environmental temperature above or below the tolerance band for the
species, or other injurious conditions.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Continuous culture of micro-organisms is a technique of increasing
importance in microbiology. The essential feature of this technique is that microbial
growth in a continuous culture takes place under steady-state conditions; that is,
growth occurs at a constant rate and in a constant environment. Such factors as pH
value, concentrations of nutrients, metabolic products and oxygen, which inevitably
change during the ‗ growth cycle ‘ of a batch culture, are all maintained constant in
a continuous culture; moreover, they may be independently controlled by the

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.

n = log b _ log a / 0.301

n= number of doubling or number of generation
b= the number of cell at present or given time
a=number of cell at original inoculums
gt = T2 – T1 /n
gt= generation time (min)
T2 time when no. of cell =b
T1 time when no. of cell =a

K= 2.303 (log b _ log a ) / T2 – T1

K=growth constant

K= gt / 0.693
gt = K / 0.693

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Lab -4- Growth Yeild
There are more than one expressions in use for bacterial growth yield. The simplest term
is biomass yield (Y) described as biomass produced per unit of substrate (limiting
nutrient)consumed. Biomass produced can be determined by different methods. The
amount of substrate consumed is the difference between the initial concentration and the
concentration of substrate left after the growth period.

Limiting nutrient: the nutrient(glucose mostly) that the organism cannot grow without it.
and it produce a constant biomass per each unit of it.

In order to get fast and regular of chemoheterotrophic M.O. population growth , its
necessary to use enrichment media which supply limiting nutrients in their reduced
state. That cultivate M.O. readily incorporate these nutrient in cell compound without
losing cellular energy in reducing activities ,this enhance growth rate ,but in cultivation
in minimal media which lack certain growth factors regular increase not obtained

Growth yield standard curve used in bioassay techniques by using certain growth
nutrients. In this technique standard bacterial strains used in estimation of trace
elements in food sample or others. In isolation of vitamins like B12(biotin), and used in
clinical diagnostic practice in case of many human syndromes such as in diagnosis of
phenyl ketoneuria (mental retardation in human) as a result of enzyme deficiency
which convert phenyl alanine to tyrosine that results of phenyl alanine accumulation in
patient serum, this syndrome is still diagnosed until this time by cultivation of bacteria
require this amino acid in cultural medium luck this amino acid and mixed with patient
serum , positive result indicate by test bacteria growth , then concentration of phenyl
alanine amino acid determined by bioassay.

The growth yield can be mathematically

expressed as follows:

Y= b – a / Co – C
Y = log b - log a / Co – C
b: is the dry wight or no. of cell /ml at point of growth just before the stationary phase
a; is the dry wight or no. of cell /ml just after inoculation
Co: is the initial concentration of limiting nutrient
C: is the concentration of limiting nutrient when growth is stop
Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.

No. of bacteria

2 4 6 8

Bacterial efficiency
M.O. are not 100% efficient in incorporating cultural nutrients like carbon and energy
to cellular compounds even in lab.
Optimal condition researchers revealed that nutrient conversion efficiency ranging 20-
25% and thus explained in relation to high energy compounds production in case of
cultivation bacteria in enrichment media, most of organic nutrients consumed in energy
production and in active transport and little inter to cell structures.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Lab -5- Microbial growth requirements

Q10= K(t+10) / K(t)

Q10 = 1 no effect on growth

Q10 < 1 growth decrease with

temperature increasing

Q10 > 1 growth increase with

temperature increasing

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Lab -6- Factor affecting on microbial growth
Irradiation is the use of ionising gamma rays , or, high-energy electrons and X-rays to
inactivate microbial pathogens, particularly in the food industry.
Metal ions (Oligodynamic effect)
Ions of various metals have a toxic effect on microbial life by denaturing microbial
enzymes and thus disrupting their metabolism. This effect is negligible in viruses since
they are not metabolically active.
Pulsed electric fields (PEF)
Strong electric field pulses applied to cells cause their membranes to develop pores
(electroporation), increasing membrane permeability with a consequent and, for the cell,
undesirable migration of chemicals.
Pulsed magnetic fields (PMF)
A 2004 study found that E. coli is susceptible to pulsed magnetic fields. Enzymes such
as lactoperoxidase, lipase and catalase are readily inactivated.
High power ultrasound
Ultrasound generates cavitation bubbles within a liquid or slurry by causing the liquid
molecules to vibrate.
Low temperatures
Freezing temperatures curb the spoiling effect of microorganisms in food, but can also
preserve some pathogens unharmed for long periods of time.
High temperatures
destroy viruses and vegetative cells that are active and metabolising. Organic molecules
such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipid and nucleic acids, as well as cell walls and
membranes, all of which play important roles in cell metabolism, are damaged by
excessive heat.
High osmotic gradients
Syrup, honey, brine, alcohol and concentrated sugar or salt solutions display an
antibacterial action due to osmotic pressure.
Water under very high hydrostatic pressure inactivates pathogens such as Listeria, E.
coli and Salmonella. High pressure processing (HPP) is preferred over heat treatment in
the food industry as it eliminates changes in the quality of foods due to thermal
degradation, resulting in fresher taste, texture, appearance and nutrition.
High acceleration
Bacterial cell surfaces may be damaged by the acceleration forces attained
in centrifuges. Laboratory centrifuges routinely achieve 5000–15000g, a procedure
which often kills a considerable portion of microbes, especially if they are in
their exponential growth phase.

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.
Among all factors that affect microbial growth,
temperature is probably one of the most important
factors directly affecting the growth of microorganisms .Under normal conditions,
microbial growth generally exhibits 3 characteristic
temperatures—the Minimum growth temperature (Tmin),
Optimum growth temperature (Topt), and
Maximum temperature (Tmax). Below Tmin or above
Tmax, microorganisms do not grow or may even die off.
Between Tmin and Topt, or the suboptimal temperature
range, the microbial growth rate increases with
temperatures. Between Tmax and Topt, the microbial
growth rate decreases with temperatures.

In microbiology, D-value refers to decimal reduction time (or decimal reduction dose)
and is the time (or dose) required at a given condition (e.g. temperature), or set of
conditions, to kill 90% (or 1 log) of the exposed microorganisms; however, it has
analogous uses in other microbial resistance and death rate applications, such as those
of ethylene oxide and radiation processing.
Thus after a colony is reduced by 1 D, only 10% of the original organisms remain, i.e.,
the population number has been reduced by one decimal place in the counting scheme.
Generally, each lot of a sterilization-resistant organism is given a unique D-value.
When referring to D-values, for the purpose of thermal analysis, it is proper to give the
temperature as a subscript of the "D". For example, given a hypothetical organism
which is reduced by 90% after exposure to temperatures of 150° C for 20 minutes, the D-
value would be written as D150C = 20 minutes. If generally describing D-value for any
temperature, a common abbreviation is DT (where T is temperature) until a value for T
is relevant to express, specifically. Another more general abbreviated expression of D-
value is D10 (as to denote 10% reduction).
D-value determination is often carried out to measure a disinfectant's efficiency to
reduce the number of microbes present in a given environment.

D=µ / log a – log b (mathmaticaly)

D:decimal reduction time

µ:total exposure time

Microbial physiology Lab. Biology Dep –Science Col.-Baghdad Uni.

D= T2 – T1
Effect of temperature depend on several factors:

1-Physical properties of microbial environment

2-Physical state of microbial cell

3-Kind of microbial cell

4-Exposure time

5-Type of heat using a-Dry heat b-Moist heat


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