FSSC Auditor Training
FSSC Auditor Training
FSSC Auditor Training
FSSC 22000
Training Agenda
FSSC Scheme development
FSSC Scheme scope
TQCSI scope for FSSC Scheme
TQCSI License for Scheme
major differences for auditors
Harmonisation feedback.
ISO 22000:2005
FSSC 22000 Parts 1-4
Technical specification for PRPs ISO/TS 22002-3, ISO
22002-1, ISO 22002-4, PAS 222
WI 81
WI 41
FSSC 22000 System Policy.
Origin of FSSC
commenced post development of ISO 22000:2005,
ISO/TS 22003 & ISO/TS 22004
FoodDrinkEurope (FDE) developed technical
specification for good practices in food manufacturing
(BSI-PAS 220) to meet customer requirements &
provide confidence in trade.
FSSC Development
FDE initiated development of certification scheme to
include ISO 22000, ISO/TS 22004 & BSI-PAS 220
The Foundation was commissioned by FDE to develop
the FSSC 22000 Scheme
meets the requirements of Global Food Safety Initiative
FSSC Developmentcont.
stakeholder organisations from other parts of the supply
chain developed technical specifications to cover PRPs
for other parts of the supply chain
these technical specifications are used in addition to
ISO 22000 to expand on 7.2.
FSSC Developmentcont.
as development of new technical specifications for
sector PRPs is ongoing, the scope of FSSC 22000 will
aim is for harmonised certification requirements for
food safety systems in the food chain to provide
consistency and confidence.
FSSC Requirements
The requirements and regulations are located at the
FSSC 22000 website and detailed in:
Part I Requirements for organizations that require
Part II - Requirements and regulations for certification
Part III - Requirements and regulations for providing
Part IV - Regulations for the board of stakeholders.
FSSC 22000
FSSC 22000 Scheme comprises of:
ISO 22000 requirements
Parts 1-4 FSSC additional requirements
the applicable PRP - Technical Specification(s) for the
relevant sector category.
Scope of certification
TQCSI currently is only licensed to conduct certification
to following scopes:
food manufacturing (PRP - ISO/TS 22002-1)
production of (bio)chemicals (PRP - ISO/TS 22002-1).
TQCSI Status
TQCSI obtained a Provisional License for FSSC 22000
Food Manufacturing PRP- ISO/TS 22002-1 in June
2015 (one year term)
we are encouraging applications from and registering
FSSC Auditors.
Coming Soon
TQCSIs scope extension for:
Packaging Material Manufacturing
(PRP - ISO/TS 22002-4).
FSSC Auditing
Checklists - FSSC 22000 (TQCSIF-142) & relevant
sector PRP Checklist (eg Food Manufacturing
TQCSIF-142A) to be completed
different format to allow compliance/noncompliance to
be evident
completion required for all audits & submitted to form
part of the Audit Report.
FSSC Auditingcont.
PRP elements identified as not relevant are to be
justified on the respective Checklist
overall summary of compliance for each section (not
each individual element.
FSSC Auditingcont.
surveillance audits are full scope
tour to verify PRPs must be completed and included on
the Audit Plan
separate audit of sites and separate reports
no multiple site audits (minimal exceptions)
action timeframes for NC (major).
Audit Report
Audit Report to include:
assessment of food safety complaints and how customer
dealt with them
changes and how the System has dealt with them
other requirements listed in WI 29 Annex B.
Client must have an inventory:
national, foreign (if applicable) regulatory, and statutory
requirements on food safety (raw materials and services,
products manufactured & delivered)
applicable codes of practice related to food safety as
determined by the client (eg their products & processes).
Client must:
establish, implement and maintain arrangements for
communication in chain to control hazards
supervise personnel in correct application of FS
principles and practices.
Auditing Differences
purchased services provided (including utilities,
transport and maintenance) have specified requirements
described to be able to conduct the hazard analysis
where risk has been identified from inputs, testing
protocols must be put in place and testing conducted to
laboratory standard (ISO 17025)
other requirements are listed on the FSSC Checklist
Harmonisation Meeting
conducted once per year by FSSC
TQCSI must attend this annual event
last held in Japan (Nov 15)
purpose is to allow CBs to communicate issues to The
Foundation and for The Foundation to communicate
and provide training to CBs on the FSSC Scheme.
TQCSI Requirements
The Foundation monitors TQCSI performance
throughout each year
conducts desktop reviews of audit reports, audit
documentation and qualification of auditors
office & witness assessments are conducted by the
Foundations IP Assessor
in addition to JAS-ANZ!
FSSC Standard
Other Changes
Main changes:
FSSC documentation structure is going to be reorganised.
CB performance to be measured, critical indicators will
be retained in their database.
Thank you!