Corrosion Engineering Lecture - 6
Corrosion Engineering Lecture - 6
Corrosion Engineering Lecture - 6
Lecture - 6
Surface defects
Degree of cold work
Surface finish
Sensitization temperature
Environmental contamination
Crevice corrosion protection ways will also act as protective measures for pitting.
Making the passive layer more stable.
Avoidance of stagnancy.
Use welded butt joints instead of riveted or bolted joints in new equipment. Sound welds and
complete penetration are necessary to avoid porosity and crevices on the inside.
Close crevices in existing lap joints by continuous welding and soldering.
Design vessels for complete drainage; avoid sharp corners and stagnant areas. Complete
draining facilitates washing and cleaning and tends to prevent solids from settling on the bottom
of the vessel.
Inspect equipment and remove deposits frequently.
Remove solids in suspension early in the process or plant flow sheet, if possible.
Remove wet packing materials during long shutdowns.
Provide uniform environments, if possible, as in the case of backfilling a pipeline trench.
Use solid nonabsorbent gaskets, such as Teflon, wherever possible.
Weld instead of rolling in tubes in tube sheets.
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