Swarm-Based Traffic Simulation: Darya Popiv, TUM - JASS 2006
Swarm-Based Traffic Simulation: Darya Popiv, TUM - JASS 2006
Swarm-Based Traffic Simulation: Darya Popiv, TUM - JASS 2006
Darya Popiv, TUM JASS 2006
Swarm Intelligence
Pheromones in Traffic Simulation
Vehicular Model and Environment
Software: SuRJE
Increasing amount of
Perfect tool for road
Micro model
Treats traffic flow as the result of the
interaction between individual agents
Well-known approach: Nagel-Schreckenberg
cellular automata
Swarm Intelligence
Pheromones in Traffic Simulation
Vehicular Model and Environment
Software: SuRJE
Swarm Intelligence
Swarm Intelligence is a property of
systems of non-intelligent robots exhibiting
collectively intelligent behavior. [G. Beni,
"Swarm Intelligence in Cellular Robotic Systems", Proc. NATO Adv.
Workshop on Robotics and Biological Systems, 1989 ]
Characteristics of a swarm:
distributed, no central control or data source
perception of environment, i.e. sensing
ability to change environment
examples: ant colonies, termites, bees
Swarm Intelligence
Pheromones in Traffic Simulation
Vehicular Model and Environment
Software: SuRJE
Swarm Intelligence
Pheromones in Traffic Simulation
Vehicular Model and Environment
Software: SuRJE
Vehicular Environment
Road map is represented by connected
Each agent in the system has its route,
defined by road map and rules
Agent only need to know agents in
neighboring lanes and through
Vehicle Movement
Route planning
Choose closest direction to the direction straight to
destination point, i.e. with the help of Dijkstras
shortest path algorithm
Route re-planning
Occurs if agent was unable to get into an appropriate
lane due to congestions
Starting point is updated and the new route is
Route execution
Lane changing is triggered by upcoming turn
Swarm Intelligence
Pheromones in Traffic Simulation
Vehicular Model and Environment
Software: SuRJE
SuRJE: Parameters
Begin/end journey
Rate, at which cars
are seeded into the
Probability for the
agent to reach one or
another ending point
of the journey
SuRJE: Parameters
Strength of pheromone
Mean tailing distance and deviation
Mean speed limit and deviation
Mean stopping distance
Physical maximum
Software: SuRJE
Run mode
Run swarm of cars on
the road
Swarm voting
Car casts vote whenever stopped
Lights with most votes will with higher probability
Increase their green period
Reduce green period for one of their opposing lights
Software: SuRJE
The process of evolution on traffic light
SuRJE: Looptown
SuRJE: Looptown
28 lights, 9 intersections
300 cars are seeded with following rates
per second:
A 0.23
B 0.31
C 0.23
D 0.23
New approach on micro traffic simulation is
Biological behavior of colonies, such as ants, can
be applied to social interactions, i.e. traffic flow
Algorithms should be chosen
Route planning
Adaptive Behavior
Probability of collisions dynamic emergence of