Chapter 3 - Quantum Physics

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Quantum Physics

Prepared by:
Ms.Harpreet kaur
Assistant Professor
Applied Physics

Need for Quantum Physics

Problems remained from classical mechanics

that relativity didnt explain
Attempts to apply the laws of classical physics
to explain the behavior of matter on the atomic
scale were consistently unsuccessful
Problems included:
Blackbody radiation
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a heated
Photoelectric effect
Emission of electrons by an illuminated metal

Quantum Mechanics

Between 1900 and 1930, another

revolution took place in physics
A new theory called quantum mechanics
was successful in explaining the
behaviour of particles of microscopic size
The first explanation using quantum
theory was introduced by Max Planck
Many other physicists were involved in other

subsequent developments

Blackbody Radiation

An object at any temperature is known

to emit thermal radiation
Characteristics depend on the temperature

and surface properties

The thermal radiation consists of a
continuous distribution of wavelengths
from all portions of the em spectrum

Blackbody Radiation, cont.

At room temperature, the wavelengths of the
thermal radiation are mainly in the infrared
As the surface temperature increases, the
wavelength changes

It will glow red and eventually white

The basic problem was in understanding the

observed distribution in the radiation emitted
by a black body
Classical physics didnt adequately describe the

observed distribution

Blackbody Radiation, final

A black body is an ideal system that

absorbs all radiation incident on it
The electromagnetic radiation emitted
by a black body is called blackbody

Blackbody Approximation

A good approximation
of a black body is a
small hole leading to
the inside of a hollow
The hole acts as a
perfect absorber
The nature of the
radiation leaving the
cavity through the hole
depends only on the
temperature of the

Blackbody Experiment

The total power of the emitted radiation

increases with temperature
Stefans law (from Chapter 20):

= AeT4

The peak of the wavelength distribution

shifts to shorter wavelengths as the
temperature increases
Wiens displacement law
maxT = 2.898 x 10-3 m.K

Intensity of Blackbody
Radiation, Summary
The intensity increases
with increasing
The amount of radiation
emitted increases with
increasing temperature

The area under the curve

The peak wavelength

decreases with
increasing temperature

Max Planck

1858 1847
German physicist
Introduced the
concept of quantum
of action
In 1918 he was
awarded the Nobel
Prize for the
discovery of the
quantized nature of

Plancks Theory of
Blackbody Radiation

In 1900 Planck developed a theory of

blackbody radiation that leads to an
equation for the intensity of the radiation
This equation is in complete agreement
with experimental observations
He assumed the cavity radiation came
from atomic oscillations in the cavity walls
Planck made two assumptions about the
nature of the oscillators in the cavity walls

Plancks Assumption, 1

The energy of an oscillator can have

only certain discrete values En
En = nh
n is a positive integer called the quantum
is the frequency of oscillation
h is Plancks constant
This says the energy is quantized
Each discrete energy value corresponds to

a different quantum state

Plancks Assumption, 2

The oscillators emit or absorb energy

when making a transition from one
quantum state to another
The entire energy difference between the

initial and final states in the transition is

emitted or absorbed as a single quantum
of radiation
An oscillator emits or absorbs energy only
when it changes quantum states
The energy carried by the quantum of
radiation is E = h

Energy-Level Diagram

An energy-level
diagram shows the
quantized energy levels
and allowed transitions
Energy is on the vertical
Horizontal lines
represent the allowed
energy levels
The double-headed
arrows indicate allowed

Louis de Broglie
1892 1987
French physicist
Originally studied
Was awarded the
Nobel Prize in 1929
for his prediction of
the wave nature of

Wave Properties of Particles

Louis de Broglie postulated that

because photons have both wave and
particle characteristics, perhaps all
forms of matter have both properties
The de Broglie wavelength of a
h ish

p mu

Frequency of a Particle

In an analogy with photons, de Broglie

postulated that a particle would also
have a frequency associated with it

These equations present the dual

nature of matter
Particle nature, p and E
Wave nature, and


If particles have a wave nature, then

under the correct conditions, they
should exhibit diffraction effects
Davisson and Germer measured the
wavelength of electrons
This provided experimental
confirmation of the matter waves
proposed by de Broglie

Particle as a Wave Packet

Multiple waves are superimposed so that one
of its crests is at x = 0
The result is that all the waves add
constructively at x = 0
There is destructive interference at every
point except x = 0
The small region of constructive interference
is called a wave packet

The wave packet can be identified as a particle

Active Figure 40.19

Use the active
figure to choose the
number of waves to
add together
Observe the
resulting wave
The wave packet
represents a


Speeds Associated with

Wave Packet

The phase speed of a wave in a wave

packet is given by

v phase

This is the rate of advance of a crest on a single


The group
d speed is given by



This is the speed of the wave packet itself

Speeds, cont.

The group speed can also be expressed

in terms of energy and momentum

dE d p

2p u

dp dp 2m

This indicates that the group speed of

the wave packet is identical to the
speed of the particle that it is modeled
to represent

Werner Heisenberg

1901 1976
German physicist
Developed matrix
Many contributions
Uncertainty principle
Recd Nobel Prize in 1932
Prediction of two forms of

molecular hydrogen
Theoretical models of the

The Uncertainty Principle,


In classical mechanics, it is possible, in

principle, to make measurements with
arbitrarily small uncertainty
Quantum theory predicts that it is
fundamentally impossible to make
simultaneous measurements of a
particles position and momentum with
infinite accuracy

Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, Statement

The Heisenberg uncertainty

principle states: if a measurement of
the position of a particle is made with
uncertainty x and a simultaneous
measurement of its x component of
momentum is made with uncertainty
px, the product of the two
xpx can never be smaller
than /2 2

Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, Explained

It is physically impossible to measure

simultaneously the exact position and
exact momentum of a particle
The inescapable uncertainties do not
arise from imperfections in practical
measuring instruments
The uncertainties arise from the
quantum structure of matter

Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, Another Form

Another form of the uncertainty

principle can be expressed in terms of
energy and time

E t

This suggests that energy conservation

can appear to be violated by an
amount E as long as it is only for a
short time interval t

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