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As the name implies, multimedia is the integration

of multiple forms of media. This includes text,
graphics, audio, video, etc. For example, a
presentation involving audio and video clips would
be considered a "multimedia presentation."
Educational software that involves animations,
sound, and text is called "multimedia software." CDs
and DVDs are often considered to be "multimedia
formats" since they can store a lot of data and most
forms of multimedia require a lot of disk space.

Application of
Multimedia finds its application in
various areas including, but not
limited to,advertisements,art,
business, scientificresearchand
spatial temporal applications.

Creative industries
Creative industriesuse multimedia
for a variety of purposes ranging
from fine arts, to entertainment, to
commercial art, tojournalism, to
media and software services
provided for any of the industries
listed below. An individual
multimedia designer may cover the
spectrum throughout their career.
Request for their skills range from

Commercial uses:
Much of the electronicoldand
new mediaused by commercial
artists is multimedia. Exciting
presentations are used to grab and
keep attention inadvertising.
Business to business, and interoffice
communications are often developed
bycreative servicesfirms for
advanced multimedia presentations
beyond simple slide shows to sell

Commercial uses:
Commercial multimedia developers
may be hired to design for
governmental servicesand
nonprofit servicesapplications as

Entertainment and fine

In addition, multimedia is heavily
used in the entertainment industry,
especially to developspecial effects
in movies and animations(VFX, 3D
animation, etc.). Multimedia games
are a popular pastime and are
software programs available either
as CD-ROMs or online. Some
video gamesalso use multimedia

Entertainment and fine

. Multimedia applications that allow users to
actively participate instead of just sitting by
as passive recipients of information are
calledInteractive Multimedia. In theArts
there aremultimedia artists, whose minds
are able to blend techniques using different
media that in some way incorporates
interaction with the viewer. One of the most
relevant could bePeter Greenawaywho is
meldingCinemawithOperaand all sorts of
digital media.

Entertainment and fine

. Another approach entails the
creation of multimedia that can be
displayed in a traditional fine arts
arena, such as anart gallery.
Although multimedia display material
may be volatile, the survivability of
the content is as strong as any
traditional media. Digital recording
material may be just as durable and
infinitely reproducible with perfect

InEducation, multimedia is used to produce
computer-based trainingcourses (popularly
called CBTs) and reference books like
encyclopedia and almanacs. A CBT lets the
user go through a series of presentations,
text about a particular topic, and associated
illustrations in various information formats.
Edutainmentis the combination of
education with entertainment, especially
multimedia entertainment

Learning theory in the past decade has
expanded dramatically because of the
introduction of multimedia. Several lines of
research have evolved (e.g.Cognitive load
,Multimedia learning, and the list goes
on). The possibilities for learning and
instruction are nearly endless.
The idea of media convergence is also
becoming a major factor in education,
particularly higher education

. Defined as separate technologies such
as voice (and telephony features), data
(and productivity applications) and video
that now share resources and interact with
each other, synergistically creating new
efficiencies, media convergence is rapidly
changing the curriculum in universities all
over the world. Likewise, it is changing the
availability, or lack thereof, of jobs
requiring this savvy technological skill.

The English education in middle school in China is
well invested and assisted with various
equipments. In contrast, the original objective has
not been achieved at the desired effect. The
government, schools, families, and students
spend a lot of time working on improving scores,
but hardly gain practical skills. English education
today has gone into the vicious circle. Educators
need to consider how to perfect the education
system to improve students practical ability of
English. Therefore an efficient way should be used
to make the class vivid.

Multimedia teaching will bring students
into a class where they can interact with
the teacher and the subject. Multimedia
teaching is more intuitive than old ways;
teachers can simulate situations in real
life. In many circumstances teachers do
not have to be there, students will learn by
themselves in the class. More importantly,
teachers will have more approaches to
stimulating students passion of learning.

Newspaper companies all over are
also trying to embrace the new
phenomenon by implementing its
practices in their work. While some
have been slow to come around,
other major newspapers like
The New York Times,USA Todayand
The Washington Postare setting the
precedent for the positioning of the
newspaper industry in a globalized

News reporting is not limited to traditional
media outlets. Freelance journalists can make
use of different new media to produce
multimedia pieces for their news stories. It
engages global audiences and tells stories
with technology, which develops new
communication techniques for both media
producers and consumers.
Common Language Projectis an example of
this type of multimedia journalism production

Multimedia reporters who are mobile
(usually driving around a community
with cameras, audio and video
recorders, and wifi-equipped laptop
computers) are often referred to as
Mojos, frommobilejournalist.

Software engineersmay use
multimedia inComputer Simulations
for anything from entertainment to
trainingsuch as military or industrial
training. Multimedia for
software interfacesare often done as
a collaboration betweencreative
professionalsand software engineers.

In theIndustrial sector, multimedia is
used as a way to help present
information to shareholders,
superiors and coworkers. Multimedia
is also helpful for providing employee
training, advertising and selling
products all over the world via
virtually unlimited web-based

Mathematical and scientific

Inmathematicaland scientific
research, multimedia is mainly used
for modeling and simulation. For
example, ascientistcan look at a
molecular modelof a particular
substance and manipulate it to arrive
at a new substance. Representative
research can be found in journals
such as theJournal of Multimedia.

InMedicine,doctorscan get trained
by looking at a virtualsurgeryor
they can simulate how the
human bodyis affected bydiseases
spread byvirusesandbacteriaand
then develop techniques to prevent

Document imaging
Document imagingis a technique
that takes hard copy of an
image/document and converts it into
a digital format (for example,

Ability Media allows those with
disabilities to gain qualifications in
the multimedia field so they can
pursue careers that give them access
to a wide array of powerful
communication forms.

In Europe, the reference organisation
for Multimedia industry is the
European Multimedia Associations Co

Structuring information in a
multimedia form
Multimedia represents the
convergenceof text, pictures, video
and sound into a single form. The
power of multimedia and the Internet
lies in the way in which information is

Structuring information in a
multimedia form
Multimedia and the Internet require a
completely new approach to writing.
The style of writing that is
appropriate for the 'on-line world' is
highly optimized and designed to be
able to be quickly scanned by

Structuring information in a
multimedia form
A good site must be made with a
specific purpose in mind and a site
with good interactivity and new
technology can also be useful for
attracting visitors. The site must be
attractive and innovative in its
design, function in terms of its
purpose, easy to navigate, frequently
updated and fast to download

Structuring information in a
multimedia form
When users view a page, they can
only view one page at a time. As a
result, multimedia users must create
a "mental model" of information

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