AWA Newsletter Fall09

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September 2009 - February 2010 Aikido in the Outside World

If your opponent strikes with re, counter with water, becoming completely uid and free-owing. Water, by its nature, never collides with or breaks against anything. On the contrary, it swallows up any attack harmlessly. -OSensei Dear Aikidoka and AWA members, Welcome, again, to the AWA newsletter! This issue will With an aspiration to extend aikido into our communities, bring to light the ways in which aikido can be applied to Landry Sensei invites our AWA dojos to partake in volunteer work. He provides us with examples from his dojo and our lives, beyond the mats, in the outside world. the benets thereof. You will see that it generates positivity The Art of Peace is a way of life. To fully experience it, in and between dojo members and the surrounding community. What a wonderful way to spread the philosophy! we must identify its lessons on a philosophical level. When we begin drawing parallels between physical and social technique, we see aikido in a more enlightening context. In realizing that kokyunage can be applied verbally, and randori can be applied emotionally, we begin to successfully control situations on a variety of levels. We begin to apply aikido to aspects within our families, friendships, work environments, and communities. We integrate aikido into our daily attitude and encounters. We have DeGraff Sensei in her latest, On the Road with the AWA, describing the strong bonds throughout our organization. Coupled with her article is a West Virginia seminar review by Kelly Street, emphasizing the importance of dojo teamwork in hosting a seminar.

Dorfman Sensei addresses the issue of using the dojo to weather storms in life, providing personal examples of how aikido has helped him through tough times. His sensitive Over time, our wisdom expands. As we learn to maintain perspective is valuable, both personally, and within our curpeace within ourselves, we set examples for others. We rent nancial climate. slowly forge ourselves into model citizens by demonstrating our lessons in patience, compassion, commitment, Also included is an interview with Price Sensei, focusing resilience, and sincerity. Training provides us with insight on his history, experience, and how aikido is effectively to improve ourselves is to improve the lives of those around applied to law enforcement. He speaks on how he started us, and vice-versa. This process is how we best extend this Gishinkan, his dojo in Kure Beach, North Carolina, and art beyond ourselves. This process is how we create peace how his students help to keep it growing. Prefacing his interview are articles from two of his students, revealing ways in in the world, one step at a time. which aikido can be effectively used as defense. In this issue, rst you will nd words from Sato Sensei on the purpose of the kata, and how it translates directly to It is a pleasure to present you with these refreshing, insightThe Way of Harmony. When applied genuinely, kata will ful perspectives. I extend a thank you to our writers, editors, photographers and, most of all, our readers! Enjoy! extend beyond the mats and enhance your entire life. Following this is an interesting denition of shugyo, written by In Aiki, Michael McGuigan. Shugyo may be about us as individuals, Alison Lincoln, Design Director, 2nd kyu but it is also about everyone around us, including family. Jikishinkan, Brooklyn, NY


September 2009 - February 2010 ANNOUNCEMENTS

Aikido Kata and The Way by Sato Sensei....................3 Congratulations to the Newlyweds! Shodan Essay: What Is Shugyo? by Michael McGuigan.....4 Aikido and Community Service by Landry Sensei.............5 Shodan Essay: What Is Aikido? by Rodriguez Sensei......7 On the Road: July 2009 by DeGraff Sensei.......................7 West Virginia Seminar Review by Kelly Street.................8 Aikido at Work in Everyday Life by Adam Krent..............9 Using Aikido and the Dojo to Temper the Impact of the Outside World by Dorfman Sensei.......10 Cucumbery Cool of Aikidoka by Brian Shipkin.................12 An Education in Avoiding Violence by Adam Tate...........13 The Power to Empower by Laura Hiles..........................14 Interview of Price Sensei by Alison Lincoln.....................15 Nidan Essay: Aikido: History and Future by Ben Zarit.......17 RECENT DAN PROMOTIONS Aikido to Jiu-jitsu by Nakagawa Sensei......................19 AWA Photos taken by Greg Null and AWA members......20 SANDAN: Ai- Ki- DOh! comic strip by Knipping Sensei.................20 David Galdamez Sensei, Wadokan dojo, Spring, TX AWA Calendar .............................................................21 Robert Hoff, NYAA dojo, Brooklyn, NY Marcos Mendez, Kyushinkan dojo, Roswell, GA Greg Null, Gyokushinkan dojo, Fort Smith, AR Sandra Cousins, Wadokan dojo, Spring, TX NIDAN: Dirk Domaschko Sensei, Mushinkan dojo, Liberty Township, OH John Kurker, Kiku Matsu dojo, Chicago, IL Thomas Pampalone, Kiku Matsu dojo, Chicago, IL SHODAN: Stephanie Flores, Jikishinkan dojo, Brooklyn, NY Joe Johnson, Gyokushinkan dojo, Fort Smith, AR Michael McGuigan, Jikishinkan dojo, Brooklyn, NY AWA Newsletter Staff: Alison Lincoln, Design Director, Jikishinkan, Brooklyn, NY [email protected] to make submissions for consideration. John Hannon, Editor, Jikishinkan, Brooklyn, NY Kristin Kelley, Editor, Kiku Matsu, Chicago, IL Dave Strong, Joshinkan dojo, Springdale, AR Timothy Smith Sensei, Jishukan dojo, Sanford, NC Paul Van Huffel, Senshinkan dojo, MI Geoffry Teddy Weithers, NYAA dojo, Brooklyn, NY Karl Hsu, Kyushinkan dojo, Roswell, GA Phillip Smutko, Kiku Matsu dojo, Chicago, IL The Universal Ki says RECYCLE All contents within: 2009 Aikido World Alliance Sylvie Steranka, Kushinkan dojo, Charleston, WV Aaron Rainey, Wadokan dojo, Spring, TX Jonathan Knipping Sensei and Myhang Tran tied the knot on May 24th, 2009. Cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Knipping!

[email protected] to make submissions for consideration. Michael Campbell, Bushinkan dojo, Royersford, PA Greg Null, Main Photographer, Gyokushinkan, Fort Smith, AR Scott Skeen, Retsushinkan dojo, Charlotte, NC


September 2009 - February 2010

Aikido Kata and The Way, On and Off the Mat By Sato Sensei, AWA Chief Instructor, Rokudan Kiku Matsu, AWA Headquarters, Chicago, IL Where does our training go to if it is turned off when we are not at the dojo? Is it really off when we are not on the mat? Is our pursuit for perfection and understanding of aikido something to be turned off and on only when needed? Questions, questions, questions. What are the answers? Our lives are short in the larger scheme of things, yet many days we may feel and bemoan our sufferings and daily problems as if they are a thousand years worth. We should rejoice and work at enjoying what we have, not what we do not have. Life is not about getting the next good parking spot or wearing the latest fashion trend. It is about living and enjoying each day that we can, as functioning human beings. We should enjoy the fact that our body parts work, allowing us to get on the mat and train, in earnest, with little effort other than our minds limitations. So, how can aikido help us gain the ability to enjoy the wonderful gifts of life we have? From the beginning, we have said, talked about, or heard our sensei use the term The Way of Harmony. Do we really understand what it means? After many hours of sitting, looking out the front window or staring at the ceiling during my recent surgery and recovery, I think I have a small glimpse of what The Way of Harmony is. Everything we do is the way; how we breathe, how we sit, and the way we do anything! Your sensei tells you to do it this way, about your aikido technique on the mat, and everything else you do in the dojo. This mentality stems from the culture and feudal thinking of Old Japan, wherein whatever one did there was a correct way to do it. Anything else was a waste or you were wasted by the samurai class. Without the correct attitude, whatever process executed would be less than best and so would the outcome. The correct process requires, rst, a sincerity of effort, second, an effort to do it 100% right, and third, the actual outcome, in that order. This specic form is necessary for one to get into the mind of the way. For all of us, aikido develops our form (kata rectly, and treat others correctly if you will) in every aspect of our lives. How all funnel down to the kata of to move correctly, act correctly, and treat othour minds thoughts and actions. ers correctly all funnel down to the kata of our minds thoughts and actions. It is aikido training on the mat that should offer us this glimpse, and be the catalyst for us to do everything using the right kata. With thousands of repetitions of ikkyo or kotegaeshi, we learn not only the physical movement, but With thousands of repetitions of also diligence, perseverance, and patience, ikkyo or kotegaeshi, we learn not for ourselves and others. These are just a only the physical movement, but few of the byproducts that, combined, develalso diligence, perseverance, and op and improve who patience, for ourselves and others. we are. Training on the mat imparts in us the way we should act when we are not in the dojo. (continued)

How to move correctly, act cor-


September 2009 - February 2010

(continuation) The real beauty and benet of our aikido training is the ability to change and conform to the way of universal harmony. This takes never-ending commitment and practice, as it is a relatively simple path to recognize, but not an easy path to walk. It is easy to see what has to be done, yet not always easy to do it, day in and day out, every day of our lives. In following the principles of the way, it slowly takes over every movement and thought, to the point where one may begin to feel We must try our best in all we guilty if something is done out of accordo, for ourselves and for others, dance. We must try our best in all we do, with no hidden agenda attached. for ourselves and for others, with no hidThe change from following the den agenda attached. The change from folform to following the way lies lowing the form to following the way within the effort of our hearts. lies within the effort of our hearts. Here, revealed, is the beauty of the artthe art of life through aikido. By understanding and following the kata, forward movement and development happens naturally in everything we do. Resisting this concept, feeling you know better or trying to alter what the dojo form or protocol indicates, only makes progress slower, harder, and less likely to transform your life. The way is structured to help each of us understand our self and our place in the world. It is in the practice. There is nothing magical about it, but it must be done and done right, without deviation or short cuts. It is not much different than the morning ritual of brushing ones teeth. Just do it, and the mind will follow the heart. Here, one nds the courage, insight, and strength to keep going, despite the hardships of life. When one is at that low and lonely point, digging deep in the way of practice can bring light and a better sense of self. It can create the desire to make each area of life a work of art, nding beauty and grace in both the giving and receiving that we experience.

Shodan Essay: What Is Shugyo? by Michael McGuigan, Shodan Jikishinkan, Brooklyn, NY Years ago, decades actually, I read an article describing the actions of a Japanese auto executive taking a walk down the factory assembly line. He engaged one of the workers in a discussion regarding the side view mirror. On the surface it seemed to be a lesser xture on the auto, but obviously a required safety feature. The executive, however, needed to understand, in his own mind, why it was designed in a certain way, and what the line workers manufacturing steps were for this hardware, in order to educate future workers. The gist of the article was that in Japanese culture you were expected to commit yourself to learning your craft. It was not uncommon to commit yourself to one craft. This required diligence, hard work, and training. This commitment continued throughout your career. Even as the chairman of a company you could not be satised with your station. Shugyo! Shuygo is accomplishing yourself in a discipline through rigorous training. In aikido, that means training with purpose. Each time you step onto the mat, your intention is to have an honest practiceto have committed attacks, to practice techniques as they are demonstrated, and to respect your fellow students.

I used to think that shugyo meant spending as much time at the dojo as possible in order to advance my aikido. This kind of shugyo is very difcult to manage, and it has negative effects on marriage and family. This kind of shugyo is selsh and can cause the end of a persons aikido trainIt is slow going, but as you look back on your path, over ing. time, you will see the progress. You will start to understand the benet of the kata and how to follow and become I now know that, with respect to aikido, shugyo is a balancthe way of the universe, not just in the dojo, but in every ing act. It is considering others that work hard to provide breath, movement, and minds eye. It makes for a satisfying you with your chance to accomplish yourself. It means sacand enjoyable life. Please try your aikido not only on the ricing mat time for a night, or a week so that your family can have their own shugyo. My commitment to training, mat, but off the mat as well. It is an amazing experience! rigorous mental and physical training, (continued)


September 2009 - February 2010 What makes aikido different from other martial arts? Walking into an aikido dojo feels different than walking into a gym, a studio, or a training center for ghting arts. This is due to a feeling of communitya spirit cultivating a cooperative, protective, productive peace. It is this spirit that unites physical, spiritual, and mental practice. OSensei told me that I should practice with the view of being of service to others and the world. -Morihiro Saito, remembering OSensei, edited by Susan Perry

(continuation) follows a path that starts at the kitchen table helping my kids with their homework, and continues through the laundry room, the ball elds, and the recital hall. It passes through the grocery store, the kitchen, the ofce, and the orist, even when this level of commitment only provides a few hours of training at the dojo per week. Shugyo requires nding training opportunities in other places by being creative. It means training at home, often late at night in the parlor, being careful not to damage anything or disturb anyone during weapons training and ukemi practice. The time you lose at the dojo, you make up for at seminars. You can get twenty hours of training in a few short days. The shugyo is the thirteen hours of driving to get to the seminar. The shugyo is doing it again and again.

Extend ki; one of the four basic principles of aikido. What does this mean? Extend our energy out to our partner. Throw them far. Reach out with the bokken. Kiai with authority. In our dojo, this also means how we extend to the people we meet outside of the dojo, how we interact with Shugyo is guring out a way to train, and still be a father our families, our workmates, strangers we pass on the and a husband, so that with each accomplishment your en- street, in the grocery store. tire family can celebrate with you. Foster peace in your own life and then apply The Art to all that you encounter. -Morihei Ueshiba An Open Letter to Members of AWA: Aikido and Community Service How do we apply The Art of Peace to all that we encounby Landry Sensei, Sandan, ter? In our dojo, we practice by engaging with our comDojo Cho, Roshinkan, Spokane, WA munity, performing service to those who are in need, and The samurai is the rst to suffer anxiety for human society, actively supporting, protecting, correctly producing, and cultivating those things that make our community a better and he is the last to seek personal pleasure. place to be. (continued) -Morihei Ueshiba (Hanging in the hallway at Kiku Matsu dojo) Like many, I have trained in other martial arts before being introduced to aikido. I can point to two aspects of aikido that immediately hooked me. The rst was the graceful beauty of its very powerful movements. The second was how the philosophy contained within those natural movements matched my own personal philosophy about life. So began my study of aikido. In my training, I have come to the realization that the two qualities that brought me to aikido are inseparable. There is no grace in the powerful movements without an understanding of the philosophy, and there is no understanding of the philosophy without the physical practice. Budo (the Martial Way) is not felling the opponent by our force; nor is it a tool to lead the world into destruction with arms. True Budo is to accept the spirit of the universe, keep the peace of the world, correctly produce, protect, and cultivate all things in nature. -Morihei Ueshiba


September 2009 - February 2010

(continuation) Part of our mission statement is to develop new opportunities that expose people to the transformative spirit of aiki, creating a community living in harmony. We accomplish this by encouraging our students, the participants of our aikido community, to participate in volunteer and community related activities. Aikido is for the entire world. Train not for selsh reasons, but for all people everywhere. -Morihei Ueshiba Our physical practice of the art of aikido must go beyond the walls of our dojo if we are to grow in the spirit of aiki. We must reach out and extend our ki into the community in which we live. We do this by building a meditation garden for the people that live near our dojo, by landscaping the grounds of a house for veterans living in transition while undergoing treatment, by bringing in the hay at the Mosconi farm, by collecting and delivering re wood to the elderly, by teaching a cooking class to and feeding homeless teens at a shelter, by helping our neighbors shovel the snow from record snowfall, by manning the phones during the local public television stations pledge drive, by tutoring students that are struggling with school work, by making training accessible to those who are unable to afford the cost. Want more ideas? Better yet, tap the imagination and interests of dojo members.

A great deal of hard work was being done on this hot day. With many bodies working, we nished quickly and enjoyed lunch and each others company for the afternoon. As you can see by the smiles, we all had a good time. Stepping out by yourself to do good things in the community can be a difcult and scary task. In our dojo we make this easier by organizing and supporting group activities, making the introduction to community work more inviting. We are also integrating a policy of community work with the test requirements for members of our dojo. The current requirements are shown below. I encourage members of AWA to consider implementing some form of community volunteer work initiative of their own. OSensei emphasized that the purpose of aikido training is not technical but spiritual. OSensei said to people that they should connect their lifes work and their lifes purpose to their aikido. -Seiseki Abe, remembering OSensei, edited by Susan Perry It is my intention that this letter generates a conversation on how we, as followers of The Way, can better live up to our responsibilities as leaders in society. How we might take our training in The Art of Peace to the streets to keep the peace of the world, correctly produce, protect, and cultivate all things in nature. My hope is that we, as members of AWA, can keep the true spirit of OSenseis aikido alive, while making it our own.

When I worked for a social service industry that relied heavily on volunteers, I ran across an interesting study that measured the brain activity of people that volunteered. Imagine how you feel when some one gives you a heartfelt gift. This study found that the same feel good section of the brain lights up when we give by volunteering as when we receive that chocolate trufe. Further proof of this phenomenon can be seen in the pictures accompanying this letter. Test Requirements of Roshinkan Dojo: After attaining the rank of second kyu and before testing for the rank of shodan, each student must complete fteen hours of community volunteer work. After attaining the rank of shodan and before testing for the rank of nidan, each student must identify a need in the community. They will then develop a plan to alleviate that need and implement the plan. After attaining the rank of nidan and before testing for the rank of sandan, each student will organize, instruct, and/or support others in a community outreach program of their choosing. All documentation regarding proof of completion of the above requirements must be submitted to and approved by the dojo cho before testing will be recommended.


September 2009 - February 2010 On the Road: July 2009 by DeGraff Sensei, Technical Committee Member, Sandan, Kiku Matsu, Chicago, IL Hello, fellow seminar groupies! I hope you are all enjoying a great summer and getting a chance to have some fun in the sun. It s been over two months now since Spring Camp in Atlanta (my last trip abroad) and all my travels from the rst half of 2009 seem to have become distant memories. Since Atlanta, I havent traveled for any seminars, and Im chomping at the bit as I count down the days until I head off for Morgantown, West Virginia. Returning to Morgantown will be a welcome experience and will conjure up fond memories of my very rst seminar on the road. I started training in February 1998 at Tenshinkan dojo in Chicago. I quickly discovered my passion for training and started down the path of becoming an aikido junkie. I made some great friends early on in my training and when the announcement appeared on the schedule of Sato Senseis rst seminar in Morgantown, West Virginia, a few of us jokingly suggested that it might be fun to surprise him on the mat in Morgantown. As the days passed by, we actually began thinking that maybe it wouldnt be such a crazy idea. Could we survive the ten-hour drive in one car? Could we survive that same ten-hour drive on Sunday, after wed spent all weekend training? More importantly, could we keep a secret and not spoil the surprise? Well, heck yeah! So, as October 1998 approached, two of my friends and I quietly made our plans to head out Friday morning and be on the mat when Sensei showed up at the dojo in Morgantown. It was denitely a long drive, but the thrill of my rst away seminar and the anticipation of catching Sensei offguard was enough to keep the trip interesting. That seminar will always hold a very special place in my heart since it is the anniversary for many of my rsts in aikido. It was my rst long road trip. Anyone who has traveled a long distance trapped in a car with two or more of their close friends knows that it is denitely a situation that requires extending ki. Road-trips will strain relationships. They require focus, training, compassion, understanding and relaxation to endure a long trip in close quarters with a group of people. Sounds a little like being on the mat, huh? That seminar in Morgantown is very special to me for another reason. I met Noble Sensei at this seminar, and we have been friends ever since. This, to me, is one of the most remarkable and amazing things that come out of traveling for seminarsfriendships. (continued)

Shodan Essay: What Is Aikido? by Rodriguez Sensei, Shodan Caraguas Dojo, Caraguas, Puerto Rico It is not easy to dene aikido because it differs from other martial arts. As aikidoka, our goal is to harmonize with the energy of an attack directed toward us. Instead of blocking or hitting, we let the energy run its natural course and we blend with it. Aikidoka are always looking to nd a peaceful solution to any kind of conict. In aikido, ai means harmony, ki energy and do the way or path. I think OSensei intended the journey on this path to be endless. Aikido may start on the mat, but it goes beyond. It can be applied to everything we do in our lives. It is a way of bettering ourselves and our relationships with other people. It can help us see our faults, allowing us to make corrections, while teaching us how hard it is to improve. It makes us less critical of other peoples weaknesses. I have learned to be centered and calm when making decisions. Aikido has helped me improve my everyday life and will continue to do so. I have never practiced another martial art. I was looking to learn how to defend myself. I believe most students start aikido looking for the same thing. I chose aikido because it was interesting to me that one could throw attackers with their own energy. The more I practice, the more I become fascinated with the art. Now, I am always hungry to learn more. Aikido has given me great friends and a bigger family. It is a beautiful art. The more time you dedicate to it, the more you will get from it. It is almost ve years, now, that I have been on this journey. What I have received is more than I expected and more important than what I came to it for. I am looking forward to what aikido has in store for my future.


September 2009 - February 2010

(continuation) Since that rst seminar, I have become a full-edged seminar junkie. My schedule revolves around the yearly AWA seminar schedule. Every single seminar that I go to is a chance to see old friends and make new ones. Every seminar increases my aikido family and strengthens ties that Ive already made. The strong bonds that we develop One of the unique things about the with each other through our regu- AWA is that, even though we are a lar attendance at seminars pro- small organization, we have many vide much of the foundation that members who travel regularly. Because holds the organization together. of this dedication and commitment and yes, sometimes insanity, the AWA is a very close-knit group. The strong bonds that we develop with each other through our regular attendance at seminars provide much of the foundation that holds the organization together. We build these bonds of friendship through training, traveling, eating, laughing, crying, and simply being there for each other. The end of the weekend comes for every seminar, and we leave knowing that, no matter when we may see each other again, our friendship will endure. Sure, I always remember the nearest Starbucks, where we have the group dinner or the awesome Ritas Water Ice in Philly, but the main thing is seeing friends. It s always the highlight of the weekend. Although, just between you and me, Im really hoping the Dairy Queen in Morgantown is still in business!

West Virginia Seminar Review by Kelly Street, 4th kyu Aikido of Morgantown, WV Since att ending my rst seminar in April 2008, they have held a special place in my heart. Through my travels to Yudanshakai and Kangeiko, I have had the opportunity to train and develop friendships with some of the greatest, most kind people I have ever met. The positive energy, hard wor k , la u g ht er and camaraderie are just a few of the things that keep me coming back for more. It was for these reasons that I was thrilled when Robinson Sensei announced that Aikido of Morgantown would be hosting our rst seminar in July this year. I could barely wait to welcome Sato Sensei and my fellow aikidoka to Morgantown, West Virginia, and our home dojo. In the months leading up to the seminar, it was evident that there was much work that needed to be done. In addition to the normal tasks of cleaning, painting, and decorating, the new ladies dressing room needed much work. It was a great experience to see many members come together to spruce things up. Greg Cutlip (shodan) and James Trimmier (1st kyu) constructed and painted the divider for the new ladies dressing room. Dan and John Caldwell (father and son, 6th kyu) worked endlessly to ensure we had a constant supply of cold bottled water and snacks. Isaac Gibson (3rd kyu) donated the shoe rack and Mark Favalaro (1st kyu) donated the new weapons rack. Perhaps one of the most impressive additions to our dojo was our new shomen. It was funded, designed, and constructed by Stacey Waugh (shodan) and Isaac Gibson, both members of Aikido of Morgantown. In preparation for approximately fty attendees, we also needed to nd a way to increase the area of mat space. Fortunately, we were able to borrow additional mats from White Eagle in Morgantown. (continued)


September 2009 - February 2010 Aikido at Work in Everyday Life by Adam Krent, Nidan Jikishinkan, Brooklyn, NY Many of my instructors, both past and present, have reminded students through different words that having a black belt is like having a trusty utility belt. Achieving dan rank provides the basic tools needed for using the principles of aikido with assertion and general condence. This core knowledge, at this level of training, is also to be used off the mat, in our daily lives. A recent class with Stewart Johnson Sensei struck a chord with me. It was a reminder of the process and conditions in which the neutralization of an attack evolves. Assuming that the toolbox of knowledge is being utilized, our true role, as nage, is of self-appointed leadership and guidance of uke, both mentally and physically. Nage, in an initial effort to invite and lead an attack, rst creates an opportunity for uke. This invitation is the rst step of the process, allowing uke to imagine success in the effort of attack. In reality, this invitation is simply creating a situation where uke is led into an exercise of adaptive blending. Nage then has a responsibility of safety, guiding the attacker through a successive series of movements that will culminate into a neutralized condition. As the process unfolds, it is clear to see that the energy of another person can be guided and manipulated. The nal outcome is the result of imagination, experience, and the ability of nage to adapt and create a set of conditions that leads to their own determined goal. (continued)

(continuation) Many of our members donated their time to pick up and lay down the extra mats, as well as return them following the seminar. In exchange for the use of their mats, the members of White Eagle were invited to attend the seminar. It was great to see that many of them were able to participate. The group dinner was held at the home of Sensei Robinson and his wife, Beverly. If you were one of the privileged folks able to attend, I dont have to tell you that it was nothing short of spectacular. Many thanks go out to the Robinsons and Genevieve Larimer (Isaac Gibsons girlfriend) for their gracious hospitality and for preparing such a delicious meal for the incredibly hungry and tired aikidoka. Now that the seminar has come and gone, I am very pleased to say that the seminar went off without a hitch, thanks to the contributions and hard work of each member of our dojo. Not only did the seminar bring many people together to practice the martial art we all love, it also brought our members together as a group. Personally, one of my favorite parts was seeing our newer members experiencing and enjoying their rst seminar. We thank those who were able to attend for helping make the seminar a great success. I hope you had as much fun as I did! If you were unable to make it, I hope to see you at a seminar in the near future. For me, Yudanshakai is on the horizon. See you on the mat!


September 2009 - February 2010 Using Aikido and the Dojo to Temper the Impact of the Outside World by Dorfman Sensei, Technical Committee Member, Yondan, Dojo Cho, Banshinkan, Broomall, PA I enter the dojo, put on my dogi, greet all my fellow students, bow, and step onto the mat for another invigorating, refreshing, energizing, and enlightening session of the martial art that has become part of my life. So many of my experiences over the past thirty years are tied to this art, including the people I have come to know and befriend. It is all so natural, nowmovement, techniques, understanding the physics of things, teaching and sharing the knowledge with others. The four basic principles also make senseKeep Weight Underside, Relax Completely, Keep One Point, Extend Ki. Over the years I have written and read articles on these and other subjects and how they apply to daily life outside the dojo. The theory is very sound and logical and completely feasible.

(continuation) In my professional role as a Senior Product Design Director, I have come to realize that I use this process every day. I am charged with getting the best out of my design teams. Being in a position of leadership requires skillful and artful management. I apply this through guidance, leading towards a master design plan to create new and innovative products with the best quality possible, while, at the same time actively mentoring the staff so that they learn more and can apply that institutional knowledge to projects in the future.

I also use aikido at work in how I handle what our department calls Design Triage. This process closely resembles a randori scenario. Many times, projects with wildly condensed timelines are infused, unexpectedly, into our regular work stream. With thirty designers and hundreds of projects happening simultaneously, this creates a situation that requires management with full perspective on all business opportunities and needs. New projects need to go on and off plates, while considering projects already in progress that have promised deadlines. Another aikido class has concluded. I change back into street clothes and head out into the world that lls the other Something very important that I have learned from aikido, aspects of my lifework, family, other social networks and which can be applied to both business and everyday life, is relationships, professional associations, relaxation, personthat you cannot necessarily change your environment. You al down time. Naturally, Id like to blend all aspects of my can, however, manipulate what it throws your way, in most life into my aikido and vice versa. When my life is like a situations, by being proactive and involving yourself in a calm body of water with small breezes, it merely takes conthoughtful manner. This is known as living in the moment. sistent time and practice, and a moderate amount of effort to achieve harmony each day, week, and month. UnfortuSelf-defense in not an exercise in passive engagement, nor nately, life and the related lessons it brings are not always is life in general. The nal outcome of any situation is deter- that kind. (continued) mined by many factors, and can include the involvement of multiple people. It is like steering an old ship with a large crew. All of the smaller actions and responses come together to unify the direction of the ship. A captains personal experience in nautical navigation allows him to make decisions like predicting wind, water, and weather changes. Disruptions in crew status and equipment condition also need to be factored in to make the best decisions. Certainly, infusing compassion and empathy can help allow smoother transitions and interactions for each and every successive experience. If all of these methods can be applied to the dojo, work, and family life, then we can aspire to a level of balance and happiness that OSensei presented and shared with all of us. As in any great randori, resolving a difcult business situation or having engaging relationships with friends and family should leave us with a feeling of positive ki. It should give us a sense of being one with the universe.



September 2009 - February 2010

(continuation) When I lost each of my parents over a four-and-a-half year period, one to an aneurysm, and the other to cancer, my ability to persevere, focus, and keep my balance was seriously tested. Many times I faltered. The pain and anguish of caring for each of them as they, in one case, suddenly passed, and the other slowly suffering over eighteen months, was heart wrenching. Harmony, aiki, balance, tolerance, compassion, patiencethese all suddenly become great challenges in themselves and an ongoing endeavor. With the unwavering support of my wife, together with distractions I created, I muddled through the period, not unscathed, and not necessarily stronger. The circumstances certainly numbed me for a long period of time. I did my best to bury this from those around me, but Keep Feelings Inside was not one of the aikido principles. These life events slowly blended into my ongoing life, which never had the courtesy to wait for me to get my Weight Underside back.

times, depending on the circumstances. Many times, I nd I keep no particular point at all, being somewhat in a void or empty space. I like to think that my training helps me to deal with most of what life throws at me, but that assumes I have anticipated all the possibilities. Id like to think that, similar to someone skilled at jyu waza or randori, I have planned out most of the scenarios I The one constant through all this might confront and am prepared to has been aikido, the dojo, and deal with them as each situation presthose with whom I share a special ents itself.

bond. That seems to have always

As I reect on the been a beacon and something past two years and the current state I am that has rarely disappointed me. experiencing, I nd that bringing aikido into my daily life is quite challenging. Some time has since passed and I never forget, but rather The reasons for this are not hard for me to identify. My rehave adjusted my focus, given the lessons learned. I Keep ality is likely something many others are also experiencing. One Point, but it seems to be a different point at different The retirement account is nearly forty If aikido and its principles are hard percent lower than it was two years ago, to practice outside the dojo, where and my employer there are so many unknown, unconhas initiated a number of layoffs, done trollable circumstances, Ill bring in a manner that has left most people the outside world into the dojo quite nervous about their future. We just where there exists a sense of calm, learned that there peace, consistency, and control. will be no salary increases, and there will be budget cuts for the next one or two years. A majority of my fellow workers now skip lunch and let their vacation days lapse, for fear of being perceived as having free time and not being critical to the organization. I pick up a newspaper, turn on the news, read the web and am consistently and continually overwhelmed with news about our unprecedented recession, continuing economic problems, unemployment increases, nancial, housing, credit market crises, all with no immediate end in sight. We gather fairly regularly with friends just to catch up. There is a rather melancholy mood hanging in the air as they all seem to have been experiencing similar things. Relax do you do that again? Life seems to have become a chaotic randori full of uncooperative ukes. How terribly rude of life! Doesnt it know it s supposed to cooperate and blend? Taking aikido (continued)



September 2009 - February 2010

(continued) outside the dojo is a very sound theory but, sometimes, life the ninja, etc. The coolest, most creates a challenging reality and even aikido is unable to lethal and most difcult character to embody, however, was Akira. His art? You got it: aikido. bring the balance and focus that is so critical to stability. Sure, as practitioners of the wonderful and gentle art of aikido, we are all aware that aikido is learned and practiced with the specic intention of not doing harm. We redirect our attackers misguided aggression, demonstrating forgiveness and mercy to those who have aimed to wrong us. But in the world of mindless video games, Akira messed people up and looked cool doing it. He would hang back and wait. If you timed it just right and hit the buttons and moved the joystick in the correct conguration, hed slide into his opponent, crack him with some sort of arm bar If aikido and its principles are hard to practice outside the (what I now know as irimi), and drain half his life. He also dojo, where there are so many unknown, uncontrollable featured a wicked sokumen. circumstances, Ill bring the outside world into the dojo where there exists a sense of calm, peace, consistency, and Does this game have any bearing on our understanding or control. Maybe that is the place to best heal as the storm appreciation of aikido? Of course not. But, as aikidoka, I blows over. I think the key for me is utilizing the dojo as a think we all aspire to be Akiras; were all cucumber cool, place of rejuvenation as I prepare to venture out into the observant and centered, waiting to act only if acutely required. Perhaps we dont do battle with large men in masks storm. and American ag speedos (well, at least I dont.) However, this country is experiencing an uncertain social and political climate, with its economy in the toilet and prices esThe Cucumbery Cool of Your Average Aikidoka calating. We do our best to keep up with the Jones (and the by Brian Shipkin, 3rd Kyu J-Los), six thousand channels of satellite television, fantasy Kiku Matsu, Chicago, IL football, and all the other middling and horrifying ephemIn my college days, my two best friends and I spent too era that claim our attention. Yet, we have all consciously much time playing a particular arcade game in the student elected to dedicate at least part of our busy lives to someunion: the original Virtual Fighter. Based on some sort thing as austere, as richly difcult and taxing, as potentially of new programming technology that I couldnt possibly perceived as anachronistic or antiquated, and as ultimately understand with my puny human brain, the play of this one- beautiful as aikido. on-one ghter game purported to be more realistic and true to martial arts than other, more cartoonishly violent af- In a way, aikido is most productive when engaged or refairs (the name of ected upon in the minute, seemingly insignicant situations one game, in par- of our daily lives. In the dojo, we practice techniques or ticular, rhymes elements of techniques crucial to the art. Outside the dojo, with Bortal Rom- however, we apply what we practice to how we live our lives, as a metaphor for living rather than a concrete series bat.) of steps, turns, grabs and locks. Sitting on the mat, waiting In any event, one to begin class, I often imagine myself not on the mat at could play as a all but rather in the world, on the street, amid throngs of standard Bruce- people, buses, noises and signage, all clamoring for my Lee-type charac- attention. I aim to attain the same level of centered concenter, a corn-fed tration and calm I can sometimes achieve within the dojo, American profes- outside of it. It may sound trite to say, Aikido is more than sional wrestler a martial art; it is a way of life, but perhaps truer words type, a dread- simply cannot be generated. locked Brazilian boxer type, the So...go on with your bad selves, you Akiras, you! Im in awe of you all, every single day. femme fatale, I continue to struggle with all that is happening around me and attempt to gure out how aikido can help my retirement portfolio, work environment, economy, and relationship with my boss who is also quite stressed. Maybe things wont get better anytime soon, but I push forward to ensure that things do not worsen. The one constant through all this has been aikido, the dojo, and those with whom I share a special bond. That seems to have always been a beacon and something that has rarely disappointed me.



September 2009 - February 2010

An Education in Avoiding Violence by Adam Tate, 5th kyu, UNC-W CARE Coordinator for Mens Programs Gishinkan, Kure Beach, NC

How many weapons do you think I have on me right now? John Lothes asks a classroom full of thirty male UNC Wilmington students. They make a few guesses and then John proceeds to pull out and demo guns and knives from all manner of places on his person. The students are attending an event called the UNC-W Mens Leadership Summit, an annual Saturday program for male student leaders on the UNC-W campus. The event is designed to engage men on issues of interpersonal violence, mens health, male leadership roles, and explorations of American masculinity. John Lothes (Shodan, Kure Beach Aikido, UNC-W psychology professor, licensed clinical psychologist, founder & faculty advisor to the UNC-W aikido club, and part-time bouncer), along with Price Sensei (Godan, Kure Beach Aikido Dojo Cho, AWA Technical Committee Member, police ofcer, and founder/ instructor of Tactical Law Enforcement trainings), is presenting a program on how to recognize potentially violent situations and either avoid them or defuse them through nonviolent means. Often, it seems young men have the attitude that they can handle themselves in violent engagements. However, by the reactions of the men in the room to the number of places John was able to stash potentially deadly weapons, it was obvious that they had underestimated the scope of hazards they may encounter on a routine party night downtown. The beginning of the program focused on raising the students awareness of the types of dangers they may encounter around the Wilmington area. Drawing from his psychology education and work as a bouncer in downtown Wilmington, John Lothes provided tips for recognizing aggressive postures and behaviors in others, teaching

the men to know what to watch out for. An emphasis was placed on walking away from potentially violent situations, demonstrating how real condence is shown through selfcontrol, not through violent action. An overview was then given of the types of concealed or makeshift weapons that Price Sensei had encountered through his police work. Many of the students present commented that they had never realized how many different ways there were for a person to hide a weapon in their clothing. After the initial cautionary address on what to watch out for, the presenters then segued into a discussion on the principles of aikido, how to use these principles to be aware of ones surroundings, and how to use verbal aikido to neutralize situations where there is a threat of physical hostility. Verbal aikido is blending with our attacker and empathizing with his point of view, John Lothes says. When we blend with someone, it is difcult for them to want to ght us. Rather than meeting aggression with aggression, the male audience was presented with an alternate solution to conicttry to see things from your opponent s point of view and then use the power of your voice and language to resolve the situation. The student response to the presentation was overwhelmingly positive, with many students listing John Lothes and Price Senseis presentation as their favorite part of the days events.



September 2009 - February 2010

A Womans View of Aikido: The Power to Empower by Laura Hiles, 2nd kyu Gishinkan, Kure Beach, NC Violence. Rape. Sexual assault. Domestic violence. Being a woman in todays world can be a frightening experience. That is something I did not fully realize while growing up; the extent of my knowledge about these things consisted of a few episodes of Law and Order: SVU. However, when I rst went to college in Hawaii, I got a sharp dose of reality. As I was walking down the streets near campus one day, carrying some vegetables I just purchased, I heard a bike coming up behind me. I moved to the side slightly to let the bike pass, and the next thing I knew I felt something hit my shoulder and knock me to the pavement. More surprised than anything, I sat stunned for a couple seconds. As I stood and shouted at the person that had hit me, I felt a stabbing pain in my arm and my hand instinctively ew to my shoulder. When I pulled my ngers away, they glistened with blood that was dripping from a three inch clean gash that police said was most likely caused by a knife or razorblade. Today, a dark scar remains on my left arm as a constant reminder that this world is not perfectly safe. When I transferred to UNC Wilmington, I had never heard of aikido. I happened to see a sign for a self-defense seminar and wanted to attend. It was there that I rst met Price Sensei and other members of the Kure Beach Aikido Dojo, and from the rst instant that I saw the simplicity and power the trees, the posture of a stranger in the streets, the bulge behind the art, I knew I was hooked. of a potential weapon in someones pocket. This is more As a woman, I believe the scariest encounter is one in empowering than any degree of physical defense could which brute strength is exploited. The ability to strip this ever give me. factor out of a situation and to even the playing eld in a confrontation is one of the most empowering skills I have Surprise in itself is one of the most dangerous weapons ever known. But having the basic ability to protect myself in a person can wield, and it can instill panic and helplessa physical ght barely scratches the surface of what aikido ness when it is used in an attack. Awareness is the greatest counter-attack you can launch against this weapon, and unhas imparted to my life. derstanding this awareness has empowered me far beyond Aikido is not simply a martial art; it encompasses a totally that which any physical training could achieve. different outlook on life. Aikido has brought me a heightened awareness to different aspects of my life and a newly As I carry myself through life, centered in both my body awakened sense of myself and what surrounds me. A stu- and my mind, I have found condence that shows itself in dent of aikido is challenged throughout their training to the way I walk, the way I handle verbal confrontations, and build an enhanced sense of awareness, and since I began I the way I portray myself to others. I have replaced much have found a newly awakened consciousness to the world of the insecurity that surrounded my view of the world, not that I never knew was missing. It is hard to explain what with a reckless sense of fearlessness, but with an underI mean, but try to imagine a ne-tuning and amplication standing of the danger that lies in wait and how to avoid of your basic senses. As I walk down the street my ears it, and if need be, combat it. The damsel in distress atsearch for every little noise: the distant jackhammer on the titude is long gonea story bred in fairy tales that should sidewalk, the crunch of a rubber sole on the pavement, the not infect our reality. There is too much opportunity in the slamming of a car door. My eyes absorb my surroundings, world to be afraid to seize it, danger and all, and aikido and I perceive the minute movements of the wind blowing has given me the power to do just that.



September 2009 - February 2010

Interview of Price Sensei Technical Committee Member, Godan, Dojo Cho, Gishinkan, Kure Beach, NC Interviewed by Alison Lincoln Price Sensei, when did you start aikido? I started aikido in January of 1986. Before that, I began training in 1967 in a style of striking art called Seishinkai karate. The training consisted of an hour of karate and an hour of jujitsu. I really enjoyed the jujitsu part of the art. I found a home when I began aikido since its foundation comes from jujitsu. What attracted you most, as a kyu rank, to aikido? movement once or twice, you can counter any technique we do. On the street, when you make that initial move, it should be explosive and unexpected to get the startle factor. That s the moment of transition I call the wow factor. The suspect s center is high and unbalanced, which makes it easy to take them to the ground and into a control hold. How do you merge the two, law enforcement and aikido? We cant mirror this in the dojo. We dont get the big starA law enforcement ofcer carries a lot of extra weight in tle factor in training. That s why we must have cooperation the form of equipment and gear. Imagine doing your favor- between uke and nage. ite technique with fteen to twenty pounds of gear around your waist. This means that instead of doing some of the Have you come across instances where you or one of your owing, circular dojo techniques, the street techniques be- students has used aikido successfully in the real world? come more linear. To get the startle factor, technique also I have Striking techniques usually dont becomes very explosive and to the point. You go directly to Absolutely. the pin and hopefully you dont have to do anything else to pinned many suspects in an arrest situation. end conict and can escalate get the subject into a controlled position. I frequently get stories it. Aikido allows the ofcer to Many ofcers have training in different martial arts. What from ofcers about using an escort hold, or control a situation without inwould you say is the benet of aikido to a police ofcer? using pins when comStriking techniques usually dont end conict and can esca- ing on a scene and jury to the suspect or the ofcer. late it. Aikido allows the ofcer to control a situation with- into a ght. Probably out injury to the suspect or the ofcer. It does not play well the most frequent stoin court when a suspect comes in with a facial injury, bruise ries are about the use or laceration. Aikido technique is a lower level of force of arm and leg pins. A on the Use of Force Continuum, a standard used in most lot of the pins we do on court proceedings. It falls in the category we term physi- arms and wrists can be cal, light, empty hands. Aikido technique is also effective used on feet and legs as well. It makes good regardless of physical size or gender. tactical sense, if you To someone viewing aikido for the rst time, it sometimes understand how the enseems cooperative and choreographed. What would you say ergy works. The second ofcer on the scene can is the practical aspect of this? come in and pin the In the dojo, there is cooperation between uke and nage. Ai- feet and legs, instead kidoka know what s going to happen next. We practice one of playing tug-of-war (continued) movement over and over again. Once youve seen the With the striking arts, I found I didnt heal as well as I used to. I needed to do something a little more sensible. I thought aikido was perfect for long-term training, practical use, and for law enforcement training.



September 2009 - February 2010

I think that openness has carried over to the AWA. We welcome people in. During seminars, Im always happy to see people from other organizations training with us. It s nice that people want to come experience our open-door policy. Toyoda Sensei never turned anyone down to come and train from any art. Because of of cers usOn the street, when you make ing aikido technique He had a sense of openness. that initial move, it should successfully on the street, I have been What is your past experience with Sato Sensei? be explosive and unexpect- asked to develop an advanced class for of- I never knew him well, personally, before joining the AWA. ed to get the startle factor. cers who have been I would train with him when traveling to Chicago for semithrough my previous nars. I knew him as an absolutely great technician. When Toyoda Sensei passed away and I found out that the orgatwo blocks through the state community college system. nization was going to be under the direction of Sato SenHow would you say the key principle, Relax Completely, sei, I told my dojo, Were in good hands. I still think we are in good hands. There is not a more important decision helps execute effective technique in the real world? Toyoda Sensei would have made than the legacy of his Police work can be very scary! There is a saying, Law organization. enforcement is 90% boredom and 10% panic. You drive around the same locations, night after night, but all of a About your dojowhen did you start Kure Beach Aikido? sudden it goes from boredom to a sense of chaos without warning. Relax Completely is one of the four basic prin- In July, Kure Beach Aikido celebrated its 13th anniversary ciples of aikido and one of the most difcult to teach. It with a beach party! We originally started off training in our takes street experience and practice. I never really under- local town hall. Classes were for anyone from the general stood what proper breathing and relaxing completely was public that wanted to train. I had a few police ofcers, and a until I went to my rst 10-33 emergency. That means of- few lifeguards as students. When we started pulling the carcers are down, and the scene is complete chaos. You have pets off the oors, the town administration said, You guys got to learn how to be calm. If youre not calm and cant need to nd somewhere else to train! The town donated control yourself, how can you control a chaotic situation? space at the Kure Beach Community Center, a converted For me, to approach re and police station. We rented some worn-out mats until For me, to approach any situ- any situation calmly is we could purchase our own. Thats how we started! like showing a little bit ation calmly is like showing a of the sword. Youre Since then, we have opened two additional locations. We showing that you have moved our UNC-W program into a martial arts facility so little bit of the sword. Youre the sword, but you we can invite the general public to train with us. (continued) dont necessarily have showing that you have the to use it to defend yoursword, but you dont necessarily self. That sense of calmness makes people ask have to use it to defend yourself. themselves, Whats going on here, why is the ofcer so calm? This is very hard to teach, especially to a new, young ofcer. Can you tell me your rst impressions of Toyoda Sensei? Toyoda Sensei was larger than life. He had a wonderful sense of humor. That s my fondest memory. He was a funny guy! We were very close. I traveled with him extensively, all over the Unites States, and I went to Japan with him. He had an open nature. He attracted people like a magnet.

(continuation) with the suspect and the other police ofcer. The suspect is not expecting it and youre able to watch each others back. Youre taking the suspect into custody by dividing and conquering.



September 2009 - February 2010 In order for students to grow, they must help someone else to grow. That s pretty much the philosophy we have at Kure Beach Aikido/Gishinkan Dojo. What do you look to contribute to the AWA, as a member of the Technical Committee? I support Sato Sensei in his effort to provide extensive, quality training. Weve got a lot of young talent here. I want to help others learn and develop their skills. Long after Sato Sensei and I are gone, I look for Its nice that people want to the AWA to be a viable organization. We have come experience our opensome terric, young talent here. I consider you door policy. Toyoda Sensei part of that young talnever turned anyone down to ent, Alison! I also want to grow the Aikido Tactical Law He had a sense of openness. Enforcement Program through the AWA. I am starting to train trainers. We now have people within our organization that can take my program and go into other parts on the United States to teach it. That s exciting for me because Im not getting any younger and would like to pass some of this along.

come and train from any art.

(continuation) The other program is at Porters Neck re station. Chad Lanier and John Lothes are in charge of these two satellite programs. You have great, friendly students. What about your dojo is most attractive? I like to think it s our sense of openness. Teaching is a shared experience. We learn from one another. One thing I emphasize in my dojo is that I want every student to be a teacher. I start them on that path from white belt on. By the time theyre a blue belt, I want them doing intro lessons for new people coming in. To me, a blue belt understands the new student coming in. Sometimes they can do that one little thing that can turn One thing I emphasize in my the light bulb on for the new student. Some dojo is that I want every student of us old-timers take things for granted.

Nidan Essay: Aikido: History and Future by Ben Zarit, Nidan Kiku Matsu, Chicago, IL Aikido is a relatively new art. As such, its origin and initial paths of development are well known and easy to trace. Aikido was created gradually, over many years, by Morihei Ueshiba (18831969). Ueshiba rst began to use the term in 1942, but had been training and developing his martial art for years before then. It was a blend of both his physical, martial training and his spiritual beliefs. Morihei Ueshiba had primarily studied Daito-ryu aiki-jujutsu, but also studied Tenjin Shinyo-ryu and judo. He also extensively studied kenjutsu, the art of traditional Japanese swordsmanship. His spiritual beliefs primarily came from Omotokyo, a neo-shinto movement, which helped dene the distinctive character of aikido. Morihei Ueshiba developed aikido continuously throughout his life. Initially, his aikido was more linear, but would become more circular and owing as he grew older. There was also a movement away from atemi and striking, which were characteristics of his earlier aikido. (continued)

to be a teacher. I start them on

that path from white belt on.

One of my pet-peeves in martial arts is what I call, black belt arrogance. I dont like it! I want my black belts to share what they have to offer in an open and friendly manner.



September 2009 - February 2010

(continuation) Kokyunage throws became more prominent over the more jujutsu derived joint-locking techniques. Mainline aikido continued rst through Morihei Ueshibas son, Kisshomura Ueshiba (19211999), and then to his grandson, Moriteru Ueshiba (1951present). Many of Morihei Ueshibas students branched out on their own. Morihei Ueshibas aikido changed enough over the course of his life that his students are sometimes divided into four generations: The rst, pre-war generation (c.1921c.1935); the second, war generation (c.1936c.1945); the third, post-war generation (c.1945c.1955); and the fourth and last generation (c.19561969). His students were shaped, not only by their own life experiences and the other martial arts they trained in, but also when they trained with Morihei Ueshiba. Four of Morihei Ueshibas prominent students were Tomiki Kenji, who founded Tomiki-ryu aikido; Shioda Goza, who founded Yoshinkan Aikido; Minoru Mochizuki, who founded Yoseikan Aikido and Tohei Koichi, who founded Ki no Kenkyukai. kata than other branches. His style also has an emphasis on fundamentals and a logical structure that came from his study of judo.

Like many of the other students of Morihei Ueshiba, Koichi Tohei (1920present), founder of the Ki no Kenkyukai (Ki Society), studied judo and served in the Japanese army Tomiki Kenji (19001979) was originally a judo student, during World War II. However, he suffered from health who studied with Morihei Ueshiba in the 1920s before problems, being both sickly as a child and (continued) establishing his own schools in Manchuria, China in the 1930s. He was a prisoner of the Russians after World War II while in China. His style was a synthesis between judo and aikido. He employed a mixture of kata and randori to both support and develop the other. There was an emphasis on perfecting a limited number of techniques, rather than learning a large number of techniques. The one major difference between Tomiki-ryu aikido and the rest of aikido, is that Tomiki-ryu is the only style of aikido that has ofcial competitions. Shioda Goza (19151994) founded Yoshinkan Aikido in 1955. Like Tomiki Kenji, he was a student before studying aikido. Like many of his contemporaries, he served in the Japanese army during World War II, and was stationed in China. Shioda Goza emphasized correct form, rather than the more owing nature of Morihei Ueshibas later aikido. Yoshinkan Aikido also has had a stronger focus on self-defense, given Shioda Gozas time spent teaching law enforcement ofcers and army units. Minoru Mochizuki (19072003) studied a large number of other martial arts, including judo, karate, Tensin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu, jujitsu, kobudo, iaido, kendo, jojutsu and kempo before founding Yoseikan Aikido in 1931. His style was inuenced by his diverse background. His aikido included more judo techniques, ground ghting and karate



September 2009 - February 2010 Aikido to Jiu-jitsu by Nakagawa Sensei, Technical Committee Member, Yondan, Dojo Cho, Aikido of Rossmoor, CA

I believe in the Beginner s Mind conceptto forever be a student. As part of my education, I like to study things I This list of students of Morihei Ueshiba is by no means have never done before, to simply be a student. By doing inclusive, but is merely meant to illustrate the divergence this, one learns a new skill, becomes more empathetic to the of styles from the single source of aikido. The number of challenges of new students, and becomes very humble. instructors who trained with Morihei Ueshiba is quite extensive; in turn, many of them have had students go on to About four years ago, when I turned fty-four, my doctor become instructors in their own right (who have students encouraged me to take up brisk walking for my health. go on to become instructors, and so on). As time passes, Since I never do anything half-way, I began the study of new instructors become more removed from the origins of Brazilian jiu-jitsu under the instruction of Master Carlos aikido. The question, then, is not only how to keep students Gracie, Jr. and Professor Marcio Feitosa. What I found aikido development strong, but how to, if possible, keep a was a safe environment with a strenuous workout, overunied idea of aikido. laid with the study of jiu-jitsu techniques. I have lost twentyve pounds, no longer need cholesterol and blood presOne possible solution to the second part of this question sure medications, and have increased my endurance and is for aikido to remain static, to pick a moment in time and strength. preserve Morihei Ueshibas aikido from that time. However, this answer seems like it would, instead of allowing aikido According to my research, aikido and judos origins were to grow and evolve, hinder its development, and lead to a from Pre-World War II jiu-jitsu. People often ask me if I apsterile art, more focused on preserving tradition. Too much ply aikido techniques when I train in jiu-jitsu. My answer is, adherence to tradition would hurt a practitioners ability to No. I want to be a good jiu-jitsu student and absorb what deal with unexpected situations and ow with an attack, the professor is teaching, trying not to incorporate preconwhich seems to be the opposite of aikidos philosophy. ceived structure it into. Rememberbeginners mind! However, not having a strong knowledge of aikidos traditions is like having a house without a solid foundation. Concentrating on the aesthetics of the house, without worrying about the underlying structure will ultimately result in an attractive, but unstable and unreliable structure. The same is true with aikido. Without the basics and tradition to build upon, any new techniques and ideas may be unconnected to aikido and lack effectiveness. Perhaps the key, then, is to remain true to Morihei Ueshibas philosophies by understanding where aikido comes from, but also strive constantly to improve ones own aikido. Understanding the core and the foundations of aikido more easily allows someone to put their own stamp on aikido and incorporate what theyve learned outside their aikido practice into their study. By sharing aikido, as well as other martial arts, with other practitioners, a persons own aikido can be improved. This sharing of ideas, and incorporating them into training, can only lead to a greater development, for both aikido and for the individual. What I do see is how jiu-jitsu can be applied to aikido. This is what began my journey, with the help of Professor Feitosa, to reunite aikido to the jiu-jitsu of old, in the form of an instructional DVD. I hope you enjoy our efforts. DVD is available at php?productid=286 34&cat=&page=1 \t _blank http:// w w w. b u d o v i d e o s . com/shop/customer/product. php?productid=286 34&cat=&page=1 . Format: DVD NTSC Language: English Price: $34.95 Product: 13518 Nakagawa Sensei can be reached at [email protected].

(continuation) developing a case of pleurisy just before his college years. He had to supplement his physical training with Zen meditation and misogi exercises. This inuenced the aikido style he founded in 1971. It contained more of a focus on ki, using practical exercise and physical training to improve an individuals ki.



September 2009 - February 2010


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Seminar: Seminar: Fort Smith, AR Fort Smith, AR



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Seminar: Roswell, GA Seminar: Seminar: Seminar: Roswell,GA Roswell,GA Roswell,GA

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Seminar: Bulgaria

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Seminar: Seminar: Kentwood,MI Kentwood,MI Seminar: Bulgaria

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Be grateful even for hardship, setbacks, and bad people. Dealing with such obstacles is an essential part of training in the Art of Peace.

- Morihei Ueshiba Sensei

Founder of Aikido

Place Stamp H e r e

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The Art of Peace begins with you. Work on yourself and your appointed task in the Art of Peace. Everyone has a spirit that can be rened, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment. Foster peace in your own life and then apply the Art to all that you encounter.

-Morihei Ueshiba Sensei Founder of Aikido

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