Biosocial Theory and Transactional Model Powerpoint
Biosocial Theory and Transactional Model Powerpoint
Biosocial Theory and Transactional Model Powerpoint
Transactional Model of
Emotion Dysregulation
Chronic Dysregulation
Emotion - Swift emotion changes, fast start
of emotion, big experience and expression
Relationships - Chaotic relationships with
others, fear of abandonment
Self Struggles with own identity and
sense of self, feelings of emptiness
Behavior Self harm, suicidal behavior
Thoughts Dissociation/checking out, fear
that bad things will happen or will be done
by others, mind reading
Emotion Dysregulation
Emotion Dysregulation
Biosocial Theory
Emotion sensitivity
Experience emotions in big and vividly
colorful way
Artists, musicians, writers
Bambi example
Invalidating environment
Invalidation- thoughts, feelings, perceptions
are wrong, exaggerated, unacceptable
Spaghetti with a knife example
Transactional Model
Emotion regulation (diagram)
Emotion Vulnerability
High Sensitivity
High Reactivity
Slow return to baseline
What to do?
Emotion vulnerability acceptance &
tolerance with self soothing skills
Lack of skills DBT skills training
Invalidating relationships
communication skills, accurate
expression, family skills