Student: Mateo Sergio David Castellanos Mendoza Grade: 6° Date: 06-May/2010
Student: Mateo Sergio David Castellanos Mendoza Grade: 6° Date: 06-May/2010
Student: Mateo Sergio David Castellanos Mendoza Grade: 6° Date: 06-May/2010
The term Jewish refers to religion or belief, tradition and
culture of the Jewish people. It is the oldest of the three
monotheistic religions spread (along with Christianity, and
Islam), also known as "religions of the book" or
"Abrahamic," and the least of which the number of
faithful. Judaism is broken down, historically, the other
• Although there is no single body that will
systematize and fix the dogmatic content
of Judaism, its practice is based on the
teachings of the Torah, also called the
Pentateuch, comprising, as its name
suggests five books. The Torah or
Pentateuch, in turn, is one of the three
books that comprise the Tanakh (or Old
Testament, according to Christianity),
ounder Abraham
aximum deity YHWH
pe monotheism, Abrahamic religion
me and number of Jewish supporters, 13.2 million
cred text and the Talmud Torah
urgical Hebrew Language
rn in Mesopotamia, the Middle East
ly Land Jerusalem, Israel, site of Solomon's Temple
untry with greatest number of Jews Israel
rrientes Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism,
constructionist Judaism, secular Judaism
ar of David Symbol
mples Synagogues
ergy Rabbis
lated religions Christianity and Islam
• Also plays an important role in religious practice
oral tradition, as beliefs was given to Moses with
the Torah and kept from his time and the prophets.
Oral tradition governing the interpretation of the
biblical text, the encoding and commentary of this
tradition has given rise to the Mishnah, the Talmud
and a huge body exegetical developed until today
by scholars. The compendium of these texts form
the so-called Jewish law or Halacha.
• The main feature of the Jewish faith is belief in an
omniscient, omnipotent and provident, that would
have created the universe and the Jewish people
chose to reveal the law contained in the Ten
Commandments and the ritual prescriptions of the
third and fourth books of Torah. Consequently, the
rules resulting from these texts and oral tradition
is the guide to Jewish life, but compliance with
them varies widely across groups.