Bahasa Inggris Teknik

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My name is
deris suprianto

What is a Hammer?

A hammer is a simple tool in which a heavy

piece of steel is connected to a wooeveryone,
because a very large amount of the d or
aluminum handle
The design allows the user to hit an object, ie:
nail, with a greater force than if he/she used
their own hand
It is the momentum created by the swing of the
handle that makes the hammer so effective
The hammer is important to things we have:
houses, bridges, cabinets, beds, etc

What was/is it used


Hammers are used to construct structures. A

hammer can also be used for removing pieces of
construction material from others
Thousands of years ago, people used their
hammers to break bones of animals, as well as
to hunt
Hammer Time line Current (Pneumatic Hammer)
Claw hammer Hammer made with
handle First rock/stone hammer

. When was the hammer

first invented?
The origin of the first hammer
cannot precisely be calculated.
There is evidence of the hammer
showing up in history, as early as
the caveman.

What materials were used

to make hammers years

Long ago, hammers were made from rocks and

other hard natural products
When handles were first introduced, they were
made of sticks/wood from trees.
Handles were also sometimes made from bones
from animals

Ancient hammers


are now designed to be more

comfortable for the user. This is accomplished
by making a rubber handle
Claw hammers have a hook on the head,
which is used for extracting nails.
Air hammers (pneumatic) take all of the work
out of manually pounding nails.
Sledge hammers have heavier heads and
longer handles, designed to produce more

Claw hammer

This hammer is composed of two parts, the part of

flat is used for hitting the nails, to part claw used to
pull out nails.

Ball peen hammer


hammer is composed of two

parts, the part of flat is used for
hitting the workpiece, while the
spheroid used to create a basin on
the workpiece

this hammer is used to work the plate, for
example, to flatten the surface of the plate
without leaving scratches.

Hammer is a tool used to provide collision to objects. Commonly
used for nailing hammer, fix an object, forging metal and
destroy an object. Hammer is designed for a specific purpose
with variations in shape and structure.
The general shape of the handle of the hammer comprises a
hammer and hammer head, with most of the weight is in the
head of the hammer. The basic design hammer so easy to use,
but there are also models of mechanical hammers operated for
much greater. A large hammer in Indonesian called
Palu is probably the most old equipment is still unknown.
Hammer of the rock known to have been used since the year
2,600,000 BC. Palu is basic equipment for many professions. As
an analogy, the hammer was also used as a device that is
designed to provide a collision, for example in a catapult
mechanism bullets in the gun.


A hammer is a tool with a heavy head and a handle

(often made of shock-absorbent wood or fiberglass)
that is used to strike an object. The most common
uses for hammers are to drive nails, fit parts, forge
metal, and break apart objects. Hammers vary in
shape, size, and structure, depending on their uses.
Hammers are basic tools in many trades. A hammer is
composed of a head (most often made of steel) and a
handle (also called a helve or haft). Most hammers
are hand tools, but there are also many powered
versionspower hammers (also called steam
hammers or trip hammers, depending on design)for
heavier uses


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