Design& Manufacturing of Explosion Chambers

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EPNM -2014

Cracow, Poland,
May 25-30, 2014

Designing and manufacturing of explosion

chambers for scientific research and
explosive working of materials
A. Shtertser*, . Stoyanovskii, B. Zlobin, Yu. Meshcheryakov, Yu. Skornyakov
Design & Technology Branch of Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB
Novosibirsk, Russia
[email protected]

Localization of explosion factors

Any explosion results in appearance of shock wave, seismic wave, toxic
detonation products, and, sometimes, flying debris (explosion factors).
There are different facilities for localization of explosion factors: natural caves
in mountains, mines, structures made of reinforced concrete, and metal
Explosion Chambers (ECh).
Among ECh there are chambers designed for one explosion and chambers
made for a great number of shots. First ones are purposed for
transportation of explosive charges, say from the places where terrorists put
them (railway stations, airports, city streets, etc.) to a special site for
elimination. Such ECh can resist only one unauthorized explosion. Second
ones are designed for multiple explosions and are used in research or in
technological applications.
There are good many companies and institutions in the world which can
produce metal ECh. Different modifications of ECh were built in Russia, USA,
Germany, China, South Korea, Ukraine , and other countries.

Publications on the subject

Available in English:
[1 ] W. E. B a k e r, The elastic-plastic response of thin spherical shells to internal blast
loading, J. Appl. Mech. 27, 139-144 (1960).
[2] W. E. B a k e r, P. A. C o x, J. J. K u l e s z, R. A. S r e h l o v, P. S. W e s t i n e,
Explosion Hazards and Evaluations, Elsevier Science B.V. (1983).
[3] V. P. M u k o i d, Transient dynamic behavior of a closen the subjectd gas-filled shell
subjected to internal blast loading, International Applied Mechanics 35, 3, 288-294
[4] D a v i d K a r l s s o n, Validate Simulation Techniques of a Mobile Explosive
Containment Vessel, Proceed. 5-th ANSA & ETA Intern. Conf., 5-7 June 2013,
presentation 2A_2_karlsson,
[5] M a s a t a d a A r a k i, Multi-purpose explosion chamber with sound muffing and
vibration cutting means, High-Pressure Research: an International Journal 5, 1-6, 906908 (1990).
[6] K i m W. K i n g, Explosion containment vessel, US patent No. 6644165 B1 dated
[7] D a v i d C. A b b e, J o h n L. D o n o v a n, Portable explosion containment
chamber, US patent No. 8621973 B2 dated 07.01.2014.
[8] J o h n L. D o n o v a n, Method and apparatus for containing and suppressing
explosive detonations, US patent No. 5884569 A dated 23.03.1999.
[9] D a v i d C. A b b e, J o h n L. D o n o v a n, Portable explosion containment
chamber, US patent No. 20120312147 A1 dated 13.12.2012.

Publications on the subject

[10] A. F. D e m c h u k, Method for designing explosion chambers, Journal of Applied
Mechanics and Technical Physics, 9, 5, 558-559 (1968).
[11] V. V. A d i s h c h e v, V. M. K o r n e v, Calculations of the shells of explosion chambers,
Combustion, Explosions, and Shock Waves, 15, 6, 780-784 (1979).
[12] A. A. B u z u k o v, Forces produced by an explosion in an air-filled explosion chamber,
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 16, 5, 555-559 (1980).
[13] S. A. Z h d a n, Dynamic load acting on the wall of explosion chamber, Combustion,
Explosion, and Shock Waves, 17, 2, 241-244 (1981).
[14] V. A. M a l t s e v, Yu. A. K o n o n, V. V. A d i s h c h e v, V. M. K o r n e v, Experimental
study and analysis of the vibrations of an impulsively loaded thin-walled spherical shell,
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 20, 2, 214-218 (1984).
[15] V. V. S i l v e s t r o v, A. V. P l a s t i n i n, N. N. G o r s h k o v, O. I. S t o y a n o v s k i i,
Reaction of real explosion chamber to internal pulsed loading, Combustion, Explosion, and
Shock Waves, 30, 2, 228-234 (1994).
[16] A. A. P i k a r e v s k i i, O. I. S t o y a n o v s k i i, Effect of shielding of a part of the
casing of a technological explosion chamber on its stress state, Journal of Applied Mechanics
and Technical Physics, 54, 2, 337-342 (2013).
[17] V. V. S I l v e s t r o v, A. V. P l a s t i n i n, N. N. G o r s h k o v. Effect of the media
surrounding an explosive charge on explosion chamber shell reaction, Combustion,
Explosion, and Shock Waves, 30, 2, 222-227 (1994)

Publications on the subject

Available in Russian:
[18] A.F. Demchuk, V.P. Isakov, Metal explosion chambers: monograph. Publishing house of
Krasnoyarsk State University (2006), in Russian.
[19] U. P. M e s h e r i a k o v, A. A. P i k a r e v s k i i, O. I. S t o i a n o v s k i i, Calculation of
maximum tension in poles of explosion chamber for explosion welding under conditions of real
stressing, Izvestia VolgGTU (Reports of Volgograd State Technical University), issue 5(65), 56-62
(2010), in Russian.
[20] V. A. Maltsev, Yu. A. K o n o n, L. B. P e r v u k h i n, G. V. S t e p a n o v, Opyt expluatatsii,
rascheta i perspectivy sozdanija vzryvnykh kamer, in: I.V. Yakovlev, V.F. Nesterenko (ed), Proceed.
of the 9-th Intern. Conf. on High Energy Rate Fabrication, August 18-22, 1986, Novosibirsk,
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics (1986), in Russian
[21] V. V. D a n i l e n k o, Explosion: physics, engineering, technology, oscow: Energoatomizdat
(2010), in Russian.
[22] A. G. K a z a n t s e v, A. D. C h u d n o v s k i i, A. A. S i l a e v, L. B. P e r v u k h i n, P. A. N i k
o l a e n k o, Stress state and strength of weld explosion-loaded vessels, Tjazholoe Mashinostroenie,
issue 11, 26-29 (2010), in Russian.
[23] A. G. K a z a n t s e v, A. D. C h u d n o v s k i i, S. S. S m o l i a n i n , L. B. P e r v u k h i n, P.
A. N i k o l a e n k o, Stress and strain analysis and the durability of metal explosion-loaded vessels,
Zavodskaya Laboratorija, 76, 12, 37-42 (2010), in Russian.
[24] A. G. K a z a n t s e v, S. S. S m o l y a n i n o v, L. B. P e r v u k h i n, P. A. N i k o l a e n k o, D.
R. K a p u s t i n, Stress and strain analysis of metal container with porous concrete protection under
explosion-loading, Tjazholoe Mashinostroenie, issue 8, 27-32 (2011), in Russian.

Publications on the subject

[25] A. A. S h t e r t s e r, Yu.P. M e s h c h e r y a k o v, A. F. C h e r e n d i n, O. I. S t o y a n o
v s k i i, Explosion chambers ecologically safe equipment, Nanotechnologii. Ekologia.
Proizvodstvo (Nanotechnologies. Ecology. Production), issue 2, 90-91 (2010), in Russian.
[26] Yu.V. S k o r n y a k o v, Yu. P. M e s h c h e r y a k o v. Definition of mass optimization of
blasting chamber shells, Izvestia Samarskogo Nauchnogo Centra RAN (Reports of Samara
Scientific Centre RAS), 13, 4, 1110-1114 (2011), in Russian.
[27]. S. K. G o d u n o v, Chislennoe reshenie mnogomernykh zadach gasovoi dinamiki,
Moscow: Nauka (1976), in Russian.
Internet Sites:
[28] (DYNASAFE Company)
[29] (Special Materials Corporation)
[30] (Moscow regional explosion center of shared use)
The fundamentals for calculation of stresses arising in shells under explosive loading
were developed by W. E. B a k e r [1]. in 1950-ies. Later on his book containing valuable
information for researches and engineers working in the field of explosion physics was
published [2].

Production of Explosive Chambers in LIH SB RAS

Designing and manufacturing of metal explosive chambers (ECh) has
begun in Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS (LIH SB
RAS) in 60-ties of the past century, just after its establishment.
Originally EC were made for research work in the field of physics of
explosion, and later on for industrial applications. The process of ECh
designing was always closely associated with investigation of stresses
arising in Ech shell under pulsed loading.
The demand on industrial ECh has increased significantly in 70-ties
Since 1976 and up to now, about 100 explosion chambers of various
design and purpose have been manufactured; the explosive charge
value varies within the range from 150 g to 16 kg N.

Features of Explosive Chambers

The ECh designed in LIH SB RAS have a long service life
(10 thousand shots and more); they completely isolate all
explosion factors; can be mounted in laboratory rooms
and industrial premises, and, as necessary, can be
disassembled and transported to a new place of
Being combined with special purification devices, ECh
enables to neutralize toxic components of explosion

Further topics
1)Equations for estimation of chamber mass
and shell wall thickness for the composed
2) The line of developed and manufactured

Composed shell and its geometrical parameters

R is the radius of the
cylindrical part and spherical
cover, H is the cylindrical part
length, is the shell wall
thickness. The explosive
charge of mass and specific
explosion heat Q0 is situated in
the shell center.
The aim is to calculate the
shell mass m and in
condition of given allowable
stress m (cyclic strength of
the shell material).


21 1 21

2 1 2 R a0

mS 3 ( R )3 R 3

1 2 21


2 KH



mC H ( R ) 2 R 2

m ( R ) m S ( R ) mC ( R )
is the mass of the explosive charge, kg; Q0 is the specific explosion heat, J/kg;
is the Poissons coefficient, E is the Youngs modulus, is the density, a0 is the
sound velocity of the shell material.
2 is the axial stress in the cylindrical part of composed shell (it is equal to the
meridional stress in the semi-spherical cover), and 1 is the circumferential stress
in the cylindrical part of composed shell.
m is the allowed equivalent stress (the parameter of material cyclic strength).

Modifications of Explosion Chambers and

their applications
A number of ECs have been developed for different technological applications
and researching activities.
Researching chambers are designed for relatively small explosive
charges (150 200 g). They have special windows for optical shooting of fast
processes and are usually employed for investigation of new explosives,
explosive treatment of small samples, synthesis of new materials in small
amounts, and etc.
Industrial (technological) chambers are designed for bigger explosive
charges (2 16 kg) and are purposed for production of bimetal parts,
explosive hardening of metal articles, production of new materials by
explosive synthesis, and so on. Industrial chambers also can be used in
research works.

Research chambers with spherical and composed shells

Research chambers

Explosive chambers KV-0,2 for 200 g TNT (weight 1,3 t, overall

dimensions 1800 x 1200 x 1630 mm).

Explosion chamber KV-0.15

The researching chamber V-0.15
designed for the explosive charge of
maximum 0.15 kg. The external diameter
of the cylindrical part of the shell and its
height are equal to 0.75 m. The chamber
has a charging hatch with the diameter
of 0.36 m, 8 measurement inputs and
two optical windows of 0.08 m in
diameter. Inside the chamber, there is a
working table, its diameter is 0.25 m.
After each explosion, the chamber is
blown with the compressed air (0.3
P), which is provided by two valves.
The chamber mass is 800 kg. It is easyserviceable and can be installed in rather
small laboratory rooms.

Explosion chamber KIP-0.2

The KIP-0.2 chamber is intended for the nanodiamond

synthes in small amounts for research purposes. Its made of
stainless steel. Chamber has charging hatch and attachment
for product collection.

Explosion chamber DVK-0.2

It is the special research chamber
made for Siberian Center of
Synchrotron and TeraHerz Emission
(Novosibirsk, Russia). It is designed
for 0.2 kg of HE charge, the internal
diameter of cylindrical part is 0.98 m,
the diameter of two charging hutches
is 0.5 m. There is a pneumatic
opening / closing mechanism,
chamber mass is 2.7 t.
Synchrotron emission enables to get
the unique information on the density
distribution in detonation products
behind the detonation wave front.

Industrial chamber KV-2M

Explosion chamber of vertical type KV-2M is
designed for maximal HE spherical charge
mass of 2.0 kg, and flat charge mass of 1.7
kg TNT. The chamber weights 10.5 t. Inner
diameter of the shell cylindrical part 1.3 m;
work table diameter 0.7 m; inner height
measured from the table to shell top 1.6 m.
The chamber can be made with two or four
optical windows. When windows has
transparent inserts the maximal explosive
charge mass is 0.5 kg.
KV-2M chamber can be used for explosive
working of materials and for destruction of
ammunition, such as detonation fuses.

Industrial chamber KV-5

Another vertical-type chamber
V-5 is designed for 5 kg of HE
and weights about 40t. It has
overall plane sizes 4.6 2.8 m
and height 3.4 m in the closed
state and 4.3 m in the open state
The working table of 1 m in
diameter enables to treat quite
large metal pieces or several
articles together. Since 1991,
more than 100 thousands
bimetallic workpieces of plane
bearings for diesel engines were
manufactured . Chamber is
installed in the Factory not far
from Novosibirsk (Russia).

Explosion chamber KVG-8

The chamber of a horizontal type KVG-8 was
designed for railway points explosive
strengthening. For about 40 years this
technology has been being utilized in
Novosibirsk railway point factory.
Since 1995 the chamber KVG-8 has been
operating in Norilsk mechanical factory . In
the chamber, bimetallic current leads to
titanium electrodes are manufactured by the
explosion method; these leads are used in
electrolysis cells for nickel, titanium, and
other metals production. The current lead
presents a two-layer (copper / titanium) tube
with the external diameter of about 50 mm
and length up to 1.3 m. The chamber
permits manufacturing 12 tubes at one
The KVG-8 overall sizes with the pulled out work table are: the length is 16.4 m, width
2.5 m, height 2.2 m. The cylindrical shell is 5.7 m in length, its internal diameter is 1.6
m. The chamber mass (without ventilation system) is 48 t.

Explosion chamber KVG-16

The horizontal-type
chamber KVG-16
presents the double (by
length) chamber KVG-8.
The chamber length in
an open state is 27.2 m,
its weight is 76 t. The
chamber was utilized for
elimination of special
pyrotechnic charges.
Within approximately two
years, about 15
thousand explosions
were organized in the
chamber, with 16 kg of
combustible mixture
destroyed in each cycle.

Explosion chamber Alfa-2

There are other modifications of the EChs. For
example, the chamber Alfa-2 for 2 kg of explosive
charge was developed especially to produce the
diamond-graphite mixture from carbon-containing
explosive charges. These chambers are used for
nano-size diamonds production (ultra-disperced
diamonds). The chamber mass is 6.8 t, its overall
plane sizes are 2.0 2.5 m, height 4.5 m, inner
volume is 2 m3. The working cycle is 10 15 minutes,
hence more than 60 kg of the explosive substance can
be treated during one working shift.

Explosion chamber Alfa-2

Metal Explosion Chambers effectively isolate all
explosion factors (shock wave, seismic action, flying
fragments of experimental or technologies assemblies,
detonation products).
Our many-years experience shows that Explosion
Chambers can be successfully used in research work and
in production purposes (explosion welding, explosion
strengthening, new materials synthesis, ammunition
elimination, etc.)

Thank you for your


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