Distributed Systems: Mutual Exclusion

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Distributed Systems

Mutual Exclusion*

*referred to slides by Prof. Paul Krzyzanowski at Rutgers University and

Prof. Mary Ellen Weisskopf at University of Alabama in Huntsville

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Mutual Exclusion?
A condition in which there is a set of
processes, only one of which is able to
access a given resource or perform a given
function at any time

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Centralized Systems
Mutual exclusion via:

Test & set


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Distributed Mutual Exclusion

Assume there is agreement on how a resource
is identified
Pass identifier with requests

Create an algorithm to allow a process to

obtain exclusive access to a resource

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Distributed Mutual Exclusion

Centralized Algorithm
Token Ring Algorithm
Distributed Algorithm
Decentralized Algorithm

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Centralized algorithm
Mimic single processor system
One process elected as coordinator

Request resource
Wait for response
Receive grant
access resource
Release resource




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Centralized algorithm
If another process claimed resource:
Coordinator does not reply until release
Maintain queue
Service requests in FIFO order








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Centralized algorithm
All requests processed in order

Easy to implement, understand, verify

Process cannot distinguish being blocked from
a dead coordinator
Centralized server can be a bottleneck

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Token Ring algorithm

Assume known group of processes
Some ordering can be imposed on group
Construct logical ring in software
Process communicates with neighbor


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Token Ring algorithm

Process 0 gets token for resource R

Token circulates around ring

From Pi to P(i+1)mod N

When process acquires token

Checks to see if it needs to enter critical section
If no, send token to neighbor
If yes, access resource

Hold token until done




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Token Ring algorithm

Only one process at a time has token
Mutual exclusion guaranteed

Order well-defined
Starvation cannot occur

If token is lost (e.g. process died)

It will have to be regenerated

Does not guarantee FIFO order

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Ricart & Agrawala algorithm

Distributed algorithm using reliable multicast
and logical clocks
Process wants to enter critical section:
Compose message containing:
Identifier (machine ID, process ID)
Name of resource
Timestamp (totally-ordered Lamport)

Send request to all processes in group

Wait until everyone gives permission
Enter critical section / use resource

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Ricart & Agrawala algorithm

When process receives request:
If receiver not interested:
Send OK to sender

If receiver is in critical section

Do not reply; add request to queue

If receiver just sent a request as well:

Compare timestamps: received & sent messages

Earliest wins
If receiver is loser, send OK
If receiver is winner, do not reply, queue

When done with critical section

Send OK to all queued requests
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Ricart & Agrawala algorithm

N points of failure
A lot of messaging traffic
Demonstrates that a fully distributed
algorithm is possible

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Lamports Mutual Exclusion

Each process maintains request queue
Contains mutual exclusion requests

Requesting critical section:

Process Pi sends request(i, Ti) to all nodes
Places request on its own queue
Lamport time
When a process Pj receives
a request, it returns a timestamped ack

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Lamports Mutual Exclusion

Entering critical section

(accessing resource):

Pi received a message (ack or release) from every

other process with a timestamp larger than Ti
Pis request has the earliest timestamp in its queue

Difference from Ricart-Agrawala:

Everyone responds always - no hold-back
Process decides to go based on whether its
request is the earliest in its queue

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Lamports Mutual Exclusion

Releasing critical section:
Remove request from its own queue
Send a timestamped release message
When a process receives a release message
Removes request for that process from its queue
This may cause its own entry have the earliest timestamp in
the queue, enabling it to access the critical section

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Characteristics of Decentralized

No machine has complete information about the system state

Machines make decisions based only on local information

Failure of one machine does not ruin the algorithm

Three is no implicit assumption that a global clock exists

Decentralized Algorithm
Based on the Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
system structure previously introduced
Object names are hashed to find the successor
node that will store them

Here, we assume that n replicas of each

object are stored

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Placing the Replicas

The resource is known by a unique name:

Replicas: rname-0, rname-I, , rname-(n-1)

rname-i is stored at succ(rname-i), where names
and site names are hashed as before
If a process knows the name of the resource it
wishes to access, it also can generate the hash
keys that are used to locate all the replicas

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The Decentralized Algorithm

Every replica has a coordinator that controls
access to it (the coordinator is the node that
stores it)
For a process to use the resource it must
receive permission from m > n/2 coordinators
This guarantees exclusive access as long as a
coordinator only grants access to one process
at a time

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The Decentralized Algorithm

The coordinator notifies the requester when
it has been denied access as well as when it is
Requester must count the votes, and decide
whether or not overall permission has been
granted or denied

If a process (requester) gets fewer than m

votes it will wait for a random time and then
ask again

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If a resource is in high demand, multiple
requests will be generated
Its possible that processes will wait a long
time to get permission
Resource usage drops

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More robust than the central coordinator
approach and the distributed approaches. If
one coordinator goes down others are

If a coordinator fails and resets then it will not

remember having granted access to one requestor,
and may then give access to another. According to
the authors, it is highly unlikely that this will lead
to a violation of mutual exclusion. (See the text
for a probabilistic argument.)

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