Evangelism Course

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Alvin L. Reid

Foundation: Evangelism Handbook

Chapter 1

The North American church is

suffering from severe mission amnesia.
It has forgotten why it exists.
--Reggie McNeal


Missional is the noun
missionary modified to be an
adjective. . . . If [churches] study
and learn language, become a
part of the culture, proclaim the
good news, be the presence of
Christ, and contextualize biblical
life and church for that culture
they are a missional church.
Stetzer and Dodson

Marks of a Missional Church (Stetzer

and Dodson, Comeback Churches):
1. Incarnational
2. Indigenous
3. Intentional

Part 1


There is one thing stronger than all the

armies in the world: and that is an idea
whose time has come.
--Victor Hugo

Christianity is a movement to be
advanced, not merely an
institution to be maintained.

What Evangelism is


What Evangelism is Not

1. The Mute Approach

What Evangelism is Not

2. The Numbers Game

What Evangelism is Not

3. Professionals Need Only

What Evangelism is Not

4. Cop-Out

What Evangelism
Biblical Terms


The basic word for evangelism

in the New Testament is the
term transliterated into the
English as evangel (noun) or
evangelize (verb).

A second term is kerusso and its

related forms. This verb form
means to proclaim in the
manner of a herald. It implies
the declaration of an event.

Notice the words translated

martureo(verb) and marturion
(noun). Today we think of a
martyr as someone who died
for the faith. The Greek word
martyr literally means a

Matheteusate is the main verb in

the Great Commission passage,
Matthew 28:19-20: Goand make
disciples. The verb in this passage
is an imperative, a command.

1. Anglican
2. Lewis Drummond
3. D.T. Niles

1-P, Presence. For example,

agricultural, medical missions.
2-P, Proclamation. Presenting the
gospel in an understandable manner.
3-P, Persuasion. Second Corinthians
5:11 encourages hearers to respond.

5. Campus Crusade For Christ

6. Reid: Sharing the good news of

Jesus Christ by word and life in the
power of the Holy Spirit, so that
unbelievers become followers of
Jesus Christ in His church and in
the culture.

I Thess. 1:5-10 As a Model

Not in WORD Only


Why not today?

Chapter 3

Why Do We Do the Things That We


The Character of
The Love of God

Spiritual Growth
Eternal Rewards
Evangelism And Unbelievers
Future Joy Or Future Judgment

Chapter 4
The Mission of God A Missional
Reading of Scripture

A missional hermeneutic, then, is not content

simply to call for obedience to the Great
Commission (thought it will assuredly include that
as a matter of nonnegotiable importance), nor even
to reflect on the missional implications of the Great
Commandment. For behind both it will find the
Great Communicationthe revelation of the
identity of God, of Gods action in the world and
Gods saving purpose for all creation. And for the
fullness of this communication we need the whole
Bible in all its parts and genres, for God has given us
no less. A missional hermeneutic takes the
indicative and the imperative of the biblical
revelation with equal seriousness, and interprets
each in the light of the other.
C. J. H. Wright,
The Mission of God (Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press, 2006), 61-62.



A Whole Bible Approach To The

Great Commission
Taken from
Church by

1. Everything begins in God and is to

return to God.
2. Human existence must be understood
as theocentric, not anthropocentric.

3. Individual life stories must

conform to Gods story.
4. A higher affection must
motivate a life lived for Gods


A life of worship should compel us

to invite the lost to join us.

6. The corporate worship of the

church ought to change the culture.

Chapter 5
Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.
That light shines in the darkness, yet the
darkness did not overcome it.
--John 1:4-5

Jesus and Paul

A. Our Lord Demonstrated An

Evangelistic Passion (Matthew 9:36-38)

A. Our Lord Demonstrated An

Evangelistic Passion

B. Jesus Practiced Mass Evangelism

A. Our Lord Demonstrated An

Evangelistic Passion
B. Jesus Practiced Mass Evangelism
C. Jesus Taught The Importance of

A. Our Lord Demonstrated An

Evangelistic Passion
B. Jesus Practiced Mass Evangelism
C. Jesus Taught The Importance of
D. Jesus Practiced Personal Evangelism

Intentional (4:4)

Conversational (4:7)
Respectful (4:7)
Directional (4:10-15,19-24)
Convictional (4:16-18)
Confrontational (4:26)
Missional (4:28-30)
Attitudinal (All of John 4)

Matt 28:19-20
Mark 16:15
Luke 24-27-48

John 20:21
Acts 1:8

The Ministry Of
The Apostle Paul
I. Paul Was A Prepared Witness
A. Prior to His
B. By His Conversion
C. By His Commission

A. Paul Was A Passionate Witness

B. Paul Was An Intentional Witness

Personal evangelism
Mass evangelism
Household evangelism
Apologetic evangelism
Miracles and evangelism
Educational evangelism
Literary evangelism
Church planting
Urban evangelism

The Birth of a Movement

Evangelism in the Acts

It was a small group of eleven men whom Jesus

commissioned to carry on his work,
and bring the gospel to the whole world. They were
not distinguished; they were not well educated; they
had no influential backers.If they had stopped to
weight up the probabilities of succeeding in their
mission, even granted their conviction that Jesus
was alive, and that his Spirit went with them to
equip them for their task, their hearts must surely
have sunk, so heavily were the odds weighed against
them. How could they possibly succeed? And yet
they did.
--Michael Green

Total Penetration
Total Participation

1. Four times the Spirit speaks directly.

Each time He says GO.
8:29-35; 10:19-20; 13:2; 28:25-26
2. Consistently when the Spirit filled
believers their immediate response was
to share Christ: Acts 2:4, 11:4-8, 31;
6:3, 7; 9:17, 20; 11:24; 13:9

A. All Believers Witnessed Personally In the

B. Only Some Of The Disciples Preached To
C. Believers Lived Their Faith And Pursued
Their Mission Daily
D. They Reached People And Formed Churches

E. They Declared An Unchanging,

Timeless Message
F. They Gave Testimony To The
Gospels Impact On Their Lives
G. They Shared Christ In The Face Of
Tremendous Obstacles
H. They were willing to adapt their
approach when needed.

Chapter 7

History I: Second Through the

Eighteenth Centuries

The Spread Of Christianity

Following The First Century: How
Did They Do It?

Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna

Ignatius, bishop of Antioch
Justin Martyr
Gregory Thaumaturgos

Ulfilas (318-388)
Patrick of Ireland
Columba (521-597)
Augustine of Canterbury (545-605)

A. Evangelism On The Eve Of The Reformation

Peter Waldo
Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
Jerome Savonarola (1452-1498)

Martin Luther (1486-1546)

Clarified gospel, preaching the Word, priesthood
of believers, considered himself an evangelist

John Calvin (1509-64)

Focused on Gods work in salvation, emphasized
singing of Psalms, preaching, personal evangelist

Effective evangelism, believers baptism,
persecuted by others

Great Awakenings And


A. Philip Spener PiaDesideria

B. A.H. Francke
C. Nicholaus Ludwig Von Zinzendorf

II. The First Great Awakening

Gilbert Tennent The Dangers of an
Unconverted Ministry

Edwards, one of the greatest theologians,

practitioners, and writers in the history of
spiritual awakening.

1. When the operation is such to raise their esteem of

2. When the spirit that is at work operates against the
interests of Satans kingdom.
3. Men show a greater regard to the Holy Scriptures.
4. If it leads persons to truth.
5. If the spirit that is at work among a people
operates as a spirit of love to God and man.

D. George Whitefield,

also involved
in the Evangelical Awakening in England
with John and Charles Wesley, came to
the colonies several times. He preached
from north to south, uniting the various

E. In the southern colonies, revival

spread mainly through Methodists
and Baptist. The leaders among
Baptist were Shubal Stearns and
Daniel Marshall.

John Wesley (1703-91)

George Whitefield (1714-70)

Chapter 8

History II: Nineteenth Century to

Our Time
I felt ablaze with a desire to go through the
length and breadth of Wales to tell of my
Savior; and had that been possible, I was
willing to pay God for doing so.
--Evan Roberts

Churches call for

Camp Meetings

Jesus People
Explo 1972
Worship & Witness

The Rise of The Evangelical Movement

Evangelistic Innovations
Citywide, Interdenominational Crusades
Denominational Evangelism
Parachurch Evangelism
International Conferences/Congresses
on Evangelism
International Missions Emphases
Methodological Evangelism
The Church Growth Movement
The Seeker Movement
The Emerging Church Movement

The greatest 9
single proof of Christianity for
others is not how far a man can logically
analyze his reasons for believing, but how
far in practice he will stake his life on his

--T.S. Eliot

A Theology of Evangelism

1. Evangelism and theology must be kept

together to avoid extremism
2. Theology and evangelism must remain
linked because the Bible always weds
theology with practical matters like
3. People who have been used of God have
generally kept theology and evangelism in

The Scriptures
The Doctrine of God
Christ And Salvation

The Great Drama of Redemption:



Part II

Spiritual Resources

Chapter 10

Evangelism without the Holy Spirit is like a

body without a soul.
Delos Miles

1. The Spirit Indwells And Seals The Believers

At Conversion (Ephesians 1:13-14)
2. The Spirit Fills The Believers For Service
a) How Can You Know You Are Filled
b) Hindrances To The Filling
c) How Does A Person Receive The
3. The Spirit Gives Believers Gifts


He empowers us to witness (Acts 1:8)

He gives us wisdom (Luke 12:12)
He gives us boldness (Acts 4:31)
He helps us in our praying (Rom. 8:16)
He gives us the burning desire to see
people saved (Acts 4:29-31)

1. The Spirit Precedes The Witness

(Acts 10:1-15)
2. The Spirit Convicts The Unbeliever
1. The Spirit Does The Work Of
Regeneration (John 3:5-6)

Chapter 11

That Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon

his knees, why not make him Tremble?

The Power of Prayer

--Ralph Herring

Prayer: Intimacy with God that

leads to the fulfillment of His

He modeled prayer (John 17).

He spent time in personal prayer (Mark 1:35).
He prayed at important events (Matt 26:36-44;
Luke 6:12).
He taught the importance of prayer (Matt 6).

1. Let your gaze be on God, your glance on

your requests.
2. Let prayer be your first choice, not your
3. Pray retail, not wholesale.
4. Pray more from conviction than from


1. Establish in your heart and mind the importance of the

devotional time.
2. Designate a time and place for your time with God
3. Do whatever is necessary to be spiritually prepared
4. Adjust your time occasionally to avoid monotony.
5. As you pray; make the Scripture a part of your time.

Pray For Boldness To Witness

Pray In The Spirits Power
Pray for Harvesters

Chapter 12
For we are unable to stop speaking about
what we have seen and heard
--Peter and John in Acts 4:20


Sharing Your Conversion Testimony

Biblical Examples
John 9
Acts 22 & 26

1. It is Relevant
2. It is Unique
3. It Holds Up A mirror To The Person With
Whom You Share

1. Write out your testimony, seeking the Spirits guidance.

2. Give adequate but precise details showing how Christ
became your Lord and Savior and how Christ meets your
daily needs. Make sure you exalt the Christ of your
experience more than your experiences.
3. Use language the nonbeliever can understand.
4. Relive your testimony as you tell it. This will enable you to
present it with loving enthusiasm.

5. Relate your testimony to the Scripture, using pertinent

verses as they are needed.
6. Speak distinctly and in a natural tone, avoiding any
mannerisms that might detract from the presentation.
7. Be brief (two or three minutes). People are interested
in your testimony but not your life story!
8. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you present Christ so the
unbeliever will want to know him and will come to
know him personally.

9. Share your Christian testimony regularly with

other Christian members of your family, then
with Christian friends, until it becomes a
natural part of your daily conversation. Then
share it with your lost friends and others.
10.After sharing your testimony, ask, Has
anything like this ever happened to you? This
question is a simple way to move into the
gospel presentation.

1. A Recovery Testimony
2. The Spiritual Autobiography

Chapter 13
The Potency of Consistency:
The transformed character of Christian men and
women is the key to world evangelization at the
end of the twentieth century and beyond.
--Leighton Ford

1. Integrity
1. Passion
1. Purity

Live by principle, not by feelings.

Listen to God, not to popular opinion.
Prioritize sacrifice rather than comfort.
Consider the long-term consequence of your

I have time to do that which is important.

If I dont control my time, someone else
I must decide what are the Big Rocks

1. I am responsible for my attitude.

2. My attitude is either my friend or my
3. I must constantly correct my attitude.
4. My attitude is contagious.
5. My attitude reflects my walk with God.

Chapter 14

What Are The Key





2. Fasting
3. Meditation, Silence,
4. Service
5. The Discipline of

Part III

Love All, Serve All.

--Slogan of the Hard Rock Caf


Good is the enemy of great. And that is

one of the key reasons why we have so
little that becomes greatFew people
attain great lives, in large part because it
is just to easy to settle for a good life.
--Jim Collins

1. Lead With Confidence In Gods Call

2. Lead By Equipping Other Leaders
3. Lead With Humility

4. Lead Others To Greatness For God

5. Lead By Faith
6. Lead By Defining Reality
7. Lead By The Strength Of Your Character

Chapter 16

Personal Evangelism:
The What


1. The Principle of Transference

1. The Role of Rejection

The initial contact with a lost person,

through words and actions, which
establishes enough relationship to
allow a witness for Christ.

1. Approach People With A Heart Of Love

-We care about them. People really do not
care how much you know about God unless
they can tell you also care about them!
-We believe what we are talking about.
-We have the hand of God on our lives.
2. Approach In A Spirit of Prayer
3. Approach With An Attitude Of Expectancy
4. Be Sensitive To The Spirit

Models Of A Good Approach

1. Explore, Stimulate, Share
2. Personal Testimony
Has anything like this ever happened to you?
3. Acrostic
Religious background
Exploratory Questions

Tools For Sharing Your Faith

Marked New Testament
Gospel Tracts
Never use a tract you havent read.(Some are weak
Brevity is desirable.
Use tracts that are attractive.
Be enthusiastic about the contents.
Be sure the tract sets forth the facts of the gospel.
The tract should explain the process by which a
person becomes a Christian, particularly emphasizing
repentance and faith.

Memorized Presentations

Role Playing
Calling For A Decision
Transitions Questions: Does what we have been
discussing make sense to you?
Willingness Question: Is there any reason why you
would not be willing to receive Gods gift of eternal
Commitment Question: Are you willing to turn
from your sin and place your faith in Jesus right now?

Practical Ideas For Personal


Follow-Up And Assimilation

Practical Steps
1. Be as urgent about follow-up as you were about
sharing Christ.
2. Help the new believer with assurance.
3. Give specific guidance in the Christian life.

Biblical Model

Personal Contact
Personal Prayer
Personal Representatives
Personal Correspondence
Waylon B. Moore

Chapter 17

Personal Evangelism:
The How
Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell; I wish
to run a rescue mission within a yard of hell.
C.T. Studd

Ways to Engage Believers In Witnessing

1. Assignment visitation/planned evangelism

2. Lifestyle/spontaneous evangelism
3. Missional/relational witness.

Understanding Servant

David Wheeler

What is Servant Evangelism

Servant evangelism is a combination of simple

acts of kindness and intentional personal
evangelismit involves intentionally sharing
Christ by consistently modeling biblical

Assignment Visitation/Planned

Annual church survey.

Door-to-door prospecting
Register guests at all services
Telephone survey
Sunday school or church roll.
Newcomer or utility lists.

1. Smile, smile, smile, always smile.
2. Be polite, regardless of the response. You cannot
tell how the Holy Spirit will honor your efforts.
3. Use an effective survey tool.
4. Offer a gift, as in servant evangelism.
5. Have clearly designated areas, good maps, and
instructions to avoid overlap and confusion.
6. Train the surveyors to take good, clear
7. Cover an area well.

Missional/Relational Witness

Missional witness means we witness in the

context of our lifestyle with people we know and
have a relationship.
Missional witness means we will build
relationships with others who do not know
Christ to love them to Him. It means we will
appreciate (through sometimes not embrace)
their interests and cultural distinctives).

Lifestyle/Spontaneous Evangelism
R.A. Torreys two important rules to remember
when witnessing in public:
1.Obey the Holy Spirit.
2.Never embarrass the person to whom you are

Chapter 18

Church Evangelism
The church is the only institution on earth
raised up to exist for its own nonmembers.
William Temple

Features of the Church for Today

1. The base for reaching the world, according to
the New Testament, is the local church.

Three Areas Of Balance

1. Church + Culture Gospel = Liberalism
2. Church + Gospel Gospel = Fundamentalism
3. Gospel + Culture Church = Parachurch

Features of the Church for Today

2. Some see the church as irrelevant.
3. Some are victims of the Edifice Complex
4. Some make a sharp, unbiblical clergy-laity
5. Some have an unhealthy and unbiblical
emphasis on fellowship.

The Church Growth Movement

Purpose -Driven Church
Emerging Church
1. relevants
2. reconstructionists
3. revisionists

Revitalizing A Stagnant Church

1. Know Your Church Field
2. Change The Culture
3. Utilize Short Term Mission Trips

Striking the Match of Strategic Short-term

Evangelistic Missions
George Robinson
1. Starting a Wildfire
STM teams equipped for and motivated toward appropriate crosscultural evangelistic encounters.
2. The Kindling
STM organizers need to prioritize the equipping of indigenous national
leadership by
going to the target area in advance of the volunteer
team, in order to establish a mutually agreed upon long-term strategy.
3. Ignition
The purpose of the strategic STM should be partnering to share the simple
transcultural message of the gospel in such a way that disciples are
made and brought
into new home groups that are located in the target area.
4. Fanning the Flame
Add fuel to the fire by establishing interdependent partnerships with the
leadership through helping them to develop and
achieve ever-expanding church
reproduction strategies.

4. Small Groups
5. Sunday School

The Key To Evangelistic Effectiveness:

Principles of Contextualization
1.We affirm that the Bible is the only infallible text
that exists.
2.We affirm that there is a biblical precedent for using
bridges to reach out to others with the Gospel
(Acts 17:22-23).
3.We affirm an incarnational approach to missions
that is bound by biblical parameters.
4.We affirm both the sufficiency and unique nature of
biblical revelation (2 Timothy 3:14-17).
5.We affirm the need to be ethically sound in our
evangelistic methodology (2 Corinthians 4:2)

Chapter 19

Worship Evangelism: Linking the Glory of

God to the Gospel
Nothing is more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of
success, nor more dangerous to handle, than achieving a
new order of things
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Worship In Scripture
Latreuo = veneration of God.
Proskuneo (to worship) focuses on ones allegiance to
the Lord.
Ralph Martin reminds us that, although we can gain a
general knowledge about worship in the early church,
there is, of course, no place in the New Testament
which clearly states that the church had any set order
of service, and very little information is supplied to us
about the outward forms which were in use.

Christian Worship In History

Luther introduced hymns with more familiar
tunes that were theologically rich and written in
the language of the common man.
The Pietists of the late seventeenth and early
eighteenth centuries began writing subjective
hymns, reflecting their emphasis on religion of
the heart.
British pastor Isaac Watts was called the father
of English hymnody.

Frank Segler a religious awakening has

always been accompanied by a revision of the
liturgy. One can trace the roots of music used
for evangelistic purposes to the Evangelical
Awakening and the ministry of John and Charles
The camp meetings of the Second Great
Awakening were characterized by simple,
emotional hymns, many with evangelistic
The first true music evangelist to be widely
recognized was Ira D. Sankey (1837-99), who
teamed with evangelist D.L. Moody.

The Jesus Movement during the late 1960s and

early 1970s laid the groundwork for a significant shift
in the corporate worship of the American church. The
charismatic movement added to the growing
awareness of a need for freedom in worship.
Two streams merged to create the genre known
today as contemporary Christian music. Folk music,
especially as it was expressed in the youth musical,
eventually merged with the rock sound of the Jesus
Movement coffeehouses to a form what is easily
recognized today as contemporary Christian music.

Implications For Evangelism From

Scripture And History For Corporate
Worship Today
1. Theological Base
2. Distinguish Between Evangelistic Services And
Worship Services
3. Resist False Dichotomies
4. Understand The Difference Between Personal
Preference And Biblical Truth

Thom Rainers study of effective evangelistic

churches found the following about style.
1.Various worship styles are effective. In this
survey, the quality of worship was seen as more
important than the particular style.
2.The atmosphere of the service is critical for
reaching people.
3.The attitude of those leading the service played
a bigger factor than the style: Leaders describe
their worship service with such words as warm,
exciting, loving, vibrant, hopeful, and

Evangelism And Corporate Worship

Characteristics Of Worship Evangelism

Morgenthaler suggested these:
1.Nearness. Worship evangelism features a
sense of Gods presence.
2.Knowledge. The worship is centered on
3.Vulnerability. This is an opening up to God.
4.Interaction. Worship evangelism means
participating in a relationship with God and

Morgenthalers five rudders to guide

worship evangelism.

Worship first, evangelize second.

Never sacrifice authenticity for relevance.
Add before you subtract.
Be committed to relevance based on your
communitys culture in the present and its
meaningful religious past.
5. Customize your own worship methodology.

Three Ways To Live Out Worship

1. Corporate
2. Family
3. Personal

Chapter 20
Mass Evangelism
You are not the oil, you are not the air-merely the point of
combustion, the flashpoint where the light is born. You are
merely the lens in the beam. You can only receive, give,
and posses the light as a lens does.

Dag Hammarskjold

Why Mass Evangelism?

1. Mass evangelism and evangelists are biblical
2. Mass evangelism reminds believers that people
are lost and must be reached.
3. Mass evangelism still works.

The Gospel Invitation

1. Biblical Evidence The Effective, Invitation,
Alan Streett

2. Historical Evidence

Principles for the Invitation

1. Give it with a spiritually prepared
2. Give it expectantly.
3. Give it dependently.
4. Give it personally.
5. Give it clearly.
6. Give it courteously.
7. Give it confidently.
8. Give it urgently

Conducting An Evangelistic Meeting

Hosting A Guest Evangelist
1. Secure an evangelist whom you know to have
2. Set the date.
3. Secure a thorough preparation manual.
4. Begin preparations three to six months in
5. Organize a revival planning team to help with

Conducting An Evangelistic Meeting

Hosting A Guest Evangelist (cont)
6. Pastor, be enthusiastic!
7. Select a theme for the meeting.
8. Use budgeted money for incidentals.
9. Be clear with the evangelistic team about
10. If you use a love offering, extend a thoughtful,
prepared request for the love offering in every
service, especially Sunday morning.

Conducting An Evangelistic Meeting

Hosting A Guest Evangelist (cont)
11. Introduce the team each night.
12. Take the minister to share Christ in homes.
13. Schedule some fun-golf, for example.
14. Have trained counselors available, especially
for youth night.
15. Pastor, extend the invitation.
16. Be a gracious host.

Preparing For An Evangelistic Meeting

1. Organizational Preparations
2. Spiritual Preparation

Sports Evangelism
1. Major event-centered sports evangelism,
2. Personality-centered evangelism,
3. Competition-centered sports evangelism.

Part IV

Ed Stetzer and David Putman argue winsomely for the need

of the church today to engage the culture in a missional
manner. In their book Breaking the Missional Code they
note how our culture has become glocal a convergence of
the global world with our local communities.

Chapter 21

A church which pitches its tents without constantly

looking out for new horizons, which does not
continually strike camp, is being untrue to its
Hans Kung

Paradigms How We See The World

1. The Maintaining An Institution To Advancing
A Movement
I GO to church
Scorecard based on
seating capacity
Hotel for saints

I AM the church
Based on sending
Hospital for sinners

2. From Attractional Evangelism To Missional

3. From Programmatic To Incarnational
4. From Compartmentalized To Holistic Ministry
5. From Consumerism To Service
6. From Conformity In All Things To Conformity
In Truth, Creativity, In Its Application

Creativity In Evangelism
1. Hunters-wild game dinners
2. Sports-Upward Basketball
3. Music and the arts
4. Crafts
What non-religious talent/hobby/skill do
you have that you can use for the gospel?

Chapter 22

Church Planting
Following Jesus into the mission field is either impossible or extremely
difficult for the vast majority of congregations in the Western world
because of one thing: They have a systems story that will not allow
them to take the first step out of the institution into the mission field,
even through the mission field is just outside the door of the
Bill Easum

Why Plant Churches?

Objection one: We already have plenty of
Objection two: Every church in this community
used to be more full than it is now.
Objection Three: Help the churches that are
struggling first.

Keller on Church Planting

The vigorous, continual planting of new
congregations is the single most crucial strategy for:
The numerical growth of the Body of Christ in any
The continual corporate renewal and revival of the
existing churches in a city. Nothing else will have the
consistent impact of dynamic extensive church

Church Planting In Acts

1. Jerusalem (Acts 1-7)
2. Judea and Samaria (Acts 8-12). Much of this
work was begun by regular believers, laity,
rather than the apostles (8:1-4).
3. Churches were planted to the ends of the
earth in Acts 12-28.

Model 1: The Apostolic Harvest Church Planter

Starts churches, raises up leaders from

the harvest, moves to new church

Biblical Model


Historic/Modern Example

Methodist circuit rider, house church movement


Planter starts church and moves on

Planter come out of the church and returns
Pastor may/may not be classically educated
New churches provide core for additional

Model 2: The Founding Pastor


Starts a church, acts as church planter

for a short time, and remains long tem to
pastor the new church

Biblical Model

Peter and the Jerusalem church

Historic/Modern Example

Charles Spurgeon, Rick Warren


Planter starts and pastors the church long term

Pastor often moves from another location
Pastor often classically educated
Ideally, new church sponsors new congregation

Model 3: Team Planting


A group of church planters relocates

into an area to start a church. Often the
team has a senior pastor.

Biblical Model

Paul (at times)

Historic/Modern Example

Missionaries at Iona, team church plants


A team relocates to plant a new church

(sometimes relocation is not necessary)
Church planting vision often comes from one
key member of the team
Good teams have a gift mix

Marks of Church Planters

Ed Stetzer listed five marks of a church planter for

Best Practices

Church planting Systems

Church Planting Teams
High Member Standards

Chapter 23

Reaching the Unchurched

If the culture rejects Christianity, it should be because it
has refused to hear the gospel message of Christ rather
than that it turned its back on the churchs outdated,
culturally irrelevant methods.
Albrey Malphurs

The Radically Unchurched

People who live in the West who have no clear
personal understanding of the message of the
gospel, and who have had little or no contact with a
Bible-teaching, Christ-honoring church.

Dealing With Those Who Make Excuses

1. Recognize the objection while keeping the
conversation focused on the gospel.
2. Remember, the Holy Spirit will give you
guidance. Trust him.
3. The gospel itself will answer many honest
4. Many objections will not be raised if you
maintain a proper attitude.


1. Negotiate; do not argue

(think win/win).
2. Avoid emotional confrontations.
3. Accept the other person as an equal.
4. Exercise gentleness.
5. Check your motivation.


Use a transition statement.

Convert the objection to a question.
Answer the persons question.
Continue with the gospel presentation.

Acts 16
Reaching the Unchurched
1. Lydia came to Christ mainly through an
2. The slave girl came to Christ mainly through a
demonstration of kindness.
3. The jailor was reached because of a
demonstration of character.

Reaching Those In Cults And Other

The principles for witnessing to people in cults and
other religions:
1.Commit to a relationship with this person whenever
2.Know your faith and theirs. None of us can be an
expert in all the different cults.
3.Do not begin your witness by attacking the other
persons beliefs.
4.Share your own testimony.
5.Explain the gospel clearly, noting especially the
reality of sin and the need of a Savior.

Biblical Model
1. He was provoked when he saw the city was
given over to idols.
2. He acknowledged their religious search.
3. Paul knew their belief. He even quoted two of
their poets (see Acts 17:28).
4. Paul moved from their error to the truth.
5. Paul clearly presented the gospel. (see Acts

Chapter 24
Reaching Children and families
Many men and women of the age 60 and 70 years have
been disciples of Christ from childhood.
Justin Martyr

The Age of Accountability

Deut. 1:39
2 Samuel 12:23
Romans 7:9-10

Fish on Matthew 18
1. Conversion occurs on the level of a child.
2. Humility belongs to a child.
3. A little child can believe in Jesus.
4. To cause a child to stumble is serious.

5. We should seek children as a shepherd seeks a

stray sheep.
6. The Fathers will is that no child should

Principles for Dealing with Children

1. Deal with each child individually.
2. Avoid asking yes or no questions.
3. Consider the childs religious background.
4. Do not use fear as a primary motivation.

5. Explain the gospel on a childs level.

6. Affirm the child regardless of the level of
7. Distinguish between the internal experience of
conversion and the external expressions
associated with it.

Opportunities to Evangelize Children

Childrens Night at Evangelistic Meetings
SS teachers

Inheritance: Passing on a Legacy of


Deuteronomy 6:4-9`
Demonstrate Godliness
Educate in Godliness

Words are to be in your (Parents) heart

Repeat to Children
Talk about them in your house
When you walk along the road
When you lie down and get up
Place them where all can see

Chapter 25

Reaching the Next Generation

The work has been chiefly amongst the young; and
comparatively but few others have been made partakers of it.
And indeed it has commonly been so, when God has begun
any great work for the revival of his church; he has taken the
young people, and has cast off the old and stiff-necked

Jonathan Edwards, commenting

on the First Great Wakening

The Potential Of Youth

Biblical Perspective On Youth

Historical Examples

First Great Awakening
Evangelical Awakening
Haystack Revival
College Movement

Reaching Students Today

1. We need a reformation in student ministry at

the youth and college levels.
2. Fundamental elements for effective youth
ministry from Raising the Bar.
a) Recover the Biblical Place of parents (Deut. 6:4-9)

Building a foundation for student ministry, not

a youth group.

Biblical Truth
Passionate Evangelism
Authentic Worship
Bold Prayer

Principles for Reaching Students Today

1. The first step in reaching youth is simply this: try
to reach them.
2. We must see technology as our friend in
3. We must use the media and the arts in biblical
ways to declare Christ to this generation.
4. Hold to the cross and the truthfulness of
5. Demonstrate intimacy with God and people.
6. Churches must place a higher priority on youth.
7. Those of us who are older can listen to young

Chapter 26

Reach the Cities, Reach the Nations

Christianity was an urban movement, and the New Testament was set down
by urbanites.
Rodney Stark
The single most effective way for Christians to reach the US would be for
25% of them to move to two or three of the largest cities and stay there for
three generations.
Tim Keller
So there was great joy in that city (Acts 8:8).
I have many people in this city (Acts 18:10).
But they now aspire to a better land-a heavenly one.for He has prepared a
city for them (Hebrews 11:16)

Why The Cities?


Biblically, the gospel spread via the cities of the Roman

Strategically, commerce and culture flow through the cities.
Cities are changing.

The center city, unlike the inner city (where the poor live) or
where the working-class live, is where there is a confluence
a) residences for professionals
b) major work and job centers
c) major cultural institutions-all in close

In 2000 80% of people in the US

lived in metro areas, but only 50%
of Southern Baptist churches are

Three things
Having taken this class and studied this subject,
what are THREE things you can do differently to
make you a more effective disciple of Jesus,
especially in terms of your own witness?

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