Evangelism Sowing and Reaping
Evangelism Sowing and Reaping
Evangelism Sowing and Reaping
James G. Poitras
Evangelism The Israelites were people of the land.
Canaan was their inheritance. The
Lesson One children of God were repeatedly told to
“possess the land” (Deuteronomy 3:20).
Each family received their portion. It was
Evangelism and Farming their property, never to be sold, always
preserved. As evangelists we have been
given the land—our village, community, or
“Then saith he unto his disciples, The city. The land is ours! We must possess it.
harvest truly is plenteous, but the
labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Jesus ministered to an agriculturally
Lord of the harvest, that he will send oriented society. Most citizens were rural
forth labourers into his harvest” people. Even those who lived in cities kept
(Matthew 9:37-38). farms outside of the city walls. They knew
what it meant to work the land.
FOCUS: God is interested in farming.
Explain how it parallels to evangelism. Life depended on what could be grown.
The essentials of life came from the land
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED including food, clothing, and shelter. Daily
life revolved around the needs of the land.
The daily life of the church revolves
In the Old Testament God established His
around our first priority, reaching the
interest in farming, the oldest recorded
unreached. We have everything it takes to
profession. The first man and woman,
reach them. We have the Bible, and it has
Adam and Eve, were placed in the Garden
the answer for every question. Old
of Eden (a farm) and were told, “work it
methods of farming will always work. The
and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15 NIV).
old-time religion found in God’s Word still
Because Adam listened to his wife and ate
works in reaping a harvest.
the forbidden fruit, the ground was
cursed. He continued to farm through Farming is important to survival. Farmers
agonizing toil and sweat. Even though they make up forty-eight percent of the world’s
had sinned, their responsibility for farming labor force. Sixty percent of Africans farm,
continued. and sixty-one percent of Asians. “Despite
the expansion of commerce and industry
God has always been involved in a harvest.
and the importance of these activities to
He is the “Lord of the harvest” (Matthew
the economy, most Africans remain
9:38). The Lord alone is in charge of His
farmers and herders.” (Encarta
harvest (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). His people
Encyclopedia 2000 CDROM)
are merely seed sowers (farm hands).
The Feast of Pentecost was celebrated 8. Old Testament religious life revolved
when the wheat was ripe for cutting. It around four major feasts? What were
was fulfilled by the outpouring of the Holy they?
Spirit (Acts 2:1-4). This feast pointed to _________________________________
the day that God would reap the harvest. _________________________________
The Feast of Tabernacles will conclude the _________________________________
time of spiritual harvest with a final
gathering of souls bringing His return. 9. What were these celebrations a
shadow of?
God promised to pour out His Spirit on all _________________________________
flesh (Joel 2:28-29). This is likened to the _________________________________
early and latter rains, which brought the
crops to harvest. Farmers count on God to 10. What did the Feast of Pentecost
send rain. Without the rains coming at the represent?
right time, crops dwindle and die. There _________________________________
has to be a right climate for crops to grow. _________________________________
Lesson Two
Farmers know that to reap an abundant 3. How do farmers get the most
crop they must sow their best. abundant crops?
John Wesley once said, _________________________________
“Do all the good you can, 4. What did one African leader say on
By all the means you can, his last night in presidency?
In all the ways you can, _________________________________
In all the places you can, _________________________________
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you can.”
Evangelism Our job is to sow the seed, despite the
prevailing circumstances around us, and to
Lesson Three leave the results up to God.
Tim Downs in his Discipleship Journal One small kernel of corn is planted. It
article, “Sowing Circle,” introduces four produces two stalks, and each one has two
principles. ears of corn. Each ear contains over seven
hundred kernels of corn. From one small
seed 2,800 more kernels are produced.
Farmers value their seed, knowing that the _________________________________
seeds sown today will determine the _________________________________
harvest reaped tomorrow. _________________________________
If seeds are carefully and prayerfully
planted, God will cause them to produce. 6. What are the various seasons of
A farmer evaluates everything he does to _________________________________
see if the activity contributes to the _________________________________
harvest. Harvest is that amazing season _________________________________
when farmers gather the fruits of their _________________________________
effort. It is always harvest time for the _________________________________
church. The world is a field, ready to be _________________________________
harvested (John 4:35).
; Two situations: the harvest is great, 2. Kenneth Haney claims that only those
and the workers are few. Luke 10:2 that are _____________ and
tells us “the harvest is plentiful.” ____________ will reap the harvest.
Every farmer with a bountiful harvest
3. What two situations are mentioned in
rejoices. This is a blessing. The
Matthew 9:38?
problem is that a shortage of laborers
can also result in a lost harvest.
; Jesus did not ask that we pray for the
harvest (the unsaved world). They are 4. Why did Jesus ask us to pray for
ripe, ready for harvesting. It is not laborers and not the harvest itself?
sufficient to pray for the lost without _________________________________
going to the lost. Therefore, we pray _________________________________
that the saved will have a vision for _________________________________
the lost world. Prayer awakens us to
the need of reaching the harvest. It 5. What did John see in Revelation 5:9?
has a way of shaping us so that He can _________________________________
use us. _________________________________
; Faith is demonstrated through prayer.
John saw a people of every tribe 6. What is a harvester?
(Revelation 5:9). The mission was _________________________________________________________
accomplished. Peter preached that _________________________________________________________
God was going to pour out His Spirit
upon all flesh (Acts 2:17).
Evangelism 5. Rescuing men (Jude 22-23).
6. Sharing the good news (Luke 2:10).
Lesson Five 7. Winning souls into the kingdom of
God (Proverbs 11:30).
8. Fulfilling the great commission
What Is Evangelism? (Matthew 28:19-20).
9. Going (Mark 16:15).
10. Witnessing (Acts 1:8).
“For the Son of man is come to seek and 11. Answering questions concerning the
to save that which was lost” (Luke hope within (1 Peter 3:15).
19:10). 12. Speaking the truth in love
(Ephesians 4:15).
FOCUS: Provide a clear picture of what is 13. Guiding others to salvation (Acts
meant by “evangelism” and explain why 8:29-30).
we should obey the great commission. 14. Salting the earth (Matthew 5:13).
15. Lighting the world (Matthew 5:14).
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED 16. Turning people from darkness to
light (Acts 26:18).
17. Bearing precious seed that develops
into fruit that will remain (John
15:8, 16).
18. Seeking the lost (Luke 19:10).
But, if there were only one Christian on McQuilkin provides five answers to the
the face of the earth, and he determined question, “How come?”
to reach one other person within a year,
and then they determined to reach one 1. Heart Trouble. We do not care
other person each for the following year, about the lost. We are preoccupied
and this process continued, in thirty-three with our own interests and needs.
years there would be more than four
billion believers. In thirty-four years there 2. Eye Trouble. We do not have a
would be 8,589,934,592 Christians. vision. We do not see the people
from God’s perspective.
Wycliffe Bible Translators report that over
440 million people still do not have the 3. Head Trouble. We think there must
Bible in their language. The U. S. Center be another way.
for World Missions estimates that there are
4. Knee Trouble. We treat praying as
8,000 people groups that do not have
a nonessential in life. Studies show
access to a church or the opportunity to
that many spend as little as four
hear the gospel.
minutes a day in prayer.
Why Are So Many Still Unreached? 5. Ear Trouble. Someone is not
listening to the call. God is calling,
Robertson McQuilkin in The Great but people are not listening.
Commission: A Biblical Basis for World
“And how can they believe in him if they
Evangelism relates a story that took place
have never heard about him? And how can
while he was teaching a large group of
they hear about him unless someone tells
students. He had just explained how half
them?” (Romans 10:14, NLT)
of the world’s population has not heard
the good news and cannot hear because Who Needs to Be Reached?
there is no witnessing church among them.
There are so many unreached people in
“How come?” a voice rang from the back the world. Who is to be evangelized? The
of the auditorium. easiest response to the question is
“everybody.” We will look at more
“How come, what?” McQuilkin asked.
specific groups of those that should be
“With so many lost people, how come so evangelized in a future lesson. Let us look
few are going?” at who should be evangelized in a general
“That is a good question,” McQuilkin
responded. 1. Sinners— transgressor, natural man,
unrighteous man, heathen (Psalms
“In fact, I know someone who asks that 2:8), unbeliever.
question every day.”
6. What is a sinner?
7. What is sin?
“I won’t give up, shut up or let up until I “Be wise in the way you act toward
have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid outsiders; make the most of every
up, and preached up for the cause of opportunity. Let your conversation be
Christ. always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so
that you may know how to answer
“I am a disciple of Jesus. I must give until I everyone” (Colossians 4:5-6, NIV).
drop, preach until all know, and work until
He comes. And when He does come for His 19. Adaptable. Paul said, “I have become
own, He’ll have no problem recognizing all things to all men so that by all possible
me. My colors will be clear!” means I might save some. I do all this for
the sake of the gospel, that I may share in
16. Boldness. It is easy to stand for its blessings” (1 Corinthians 9:22-23, NIV).
truth when everyone is agreeing
with you. It is harder to stand for Farmers plant a variety of seeds based on
truth when others do not agree. the soil, climate, and season.
R. M. Buie once said, “Evangelism is
embracing those who are in error Youth—Potential Work Force
while maintaining your anchor in
truth. It is extending God’s love
while maintaining your foundation
in the Word of God.”
Types of Growth
3. The church uses a wide variety of Rick Warren in The Purpose Driven
events or programs to reach out to Church explains that a simple, childlike
people. ministry attracts people. Jesus was
able to attract large crowds (Matthew
4. Evangelistic churches study what 4:25; Mark 12:37) because of three
other churches are doing and adopt things:
and adapt their methods liberally.
Leadership in evangelism has more ; He loved them.
to do with focus and hard work ; He met their needs (Matthew 15:30).
than with new ideas and methods. ; He taught them in interesting and
Great ideas and methods are practical ways (Matthew 13:34; Mark
translated into the local context. 10:1).
Evangelism and Church Growth (General 1. What one thing does all growing
Editor: Elmer Towns) explains several churches have in common?
widely accepted preconditions for growth _________________________________
in the local church. They include:
2. What is lack of evangelism a sure sign
; The pastor must want the church to of?
grow and be willing to pay the price. _________________________________
; The people must want the church to
3. What is the difference between
grow and be willing to pay the price.
“ingrowth” and “outgrowth”?
; The church must agree that the goal of
evangelism is to make disciples.
Ralph Neighbor estimates the average _________________________________
church will spend 300 hours a year
4. Provide five common characteristics church?
of evangelistic churches. _________________________________
_________________________________ 10. How many hours were spent
_________________________________ equipping the members for service
_________________________________ within the church?
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ 11. According to Rick Warren how was
Jesus able to attract the large crowds?
6. List ten ways we can assist in building _________________________________
an evangelistic church. _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ 12. What are three types of growth
_________________________________ mentioned in this lesson?
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ 13. What are four things to check if
_________________________________ your ministry is not growing?
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
7. What are three preconditions for _________________________________
growth in the local church? _________________________________
During the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, My faith in you was strong and sure;
the Valley of Hinnom was used as a We had such trust as should endure.
garbage dump. All of the filth and waste of No spats between us ever arose,
the city was thrown there. This included Among our friends, and so our foes.
the dead bodies of animals and executed
criminals. To consume this, fires burned What sadness then, my friend to find
relentlessly. Maggots ate away at the flesh That after all, you weren’t so kind.
of the animals and criminals. At night wild The day on earth my life did end,
dogs howled as they gnashed their teeth, I found you weren’t really a friend.
fighting over the treasures of the dump. For all those years we spent on earth
Jesus used this scene to depict the We spoke of things that had some worth
awfulness of hell. Hell is God’s “cosmic You never spoke of my lost soul
garbage dump.” All that is unfit to go to And of Christ who’d make me whole.
heaven will be thrown there. Human
language cannot describe the dreadfulness I plead today from hell’s cruel fire
of hell or the majesty of heaven. And tell you now my last desire.
(Reference used: Nelson’s Illustrated Bible You cannot do a thing today for me,
Dictionary.) No words today my bands will free.
But don’t err, my friend again,
For a closer scriptural look at hell read: Do all you can for the souls of men.
Matthew 8:12; 13:42; 13:50; 22:13; 24:51; Plead now with them quite earnestly,
25:30; Mark 9:46-47; Luke 13:28). Lest they be cast in hell with me!
(Author Unknown)
God does not want anyone to spend
eternity in hell. The words of Corrie Ten Boom are more
“The Lord is not slack concerning his
promise, as some men count slackness; but When I enter that beautiful city
is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that And the saints all around me appear,
any should perish, but that all should come I hope that someone will tell me,
to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). “It was you who invited me here.”
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the William Booth, the founder of Salvation
abominable, and murderers, and Army, once remarked, “Most Christian
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and ministries would like to send their recruits
idolaters, and all liars, shall have their to Bible college for four or five years. I
part in the lake which burneth with fire would like to send our recruits to hell for
and brimstone: which is the second death” five minutes. That would do more than
(Revelation 21:8). anything else to prepare them for a
lifetime of compassionate ministry.” (A
Force in the Earth by David Shibley)
A Voice from Hell It is not possible to take a five-minute
excursion to hell, but it is possible to visit
You lived next door to me for years
the local mortuary and/or cemetery.
VISION OF A LOST AND DYING WORLD “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou
good and faithful servant: thou hast been
While speaking in London, D. L. Moody was faithful over a few things, I will make thee
approached by a British friend. He wanted ruler over many things: enter thou into the
to know the secret of Moody’s success in joy of thy lord” (Matthew 25:21).
bringing others to Christ. Moody invited
Studies conducted concerning why
the man to look out the window and asked
Christianity expanded under the oppressive
him, “What do you see?”
Roman rule have found that:
The man reported that he saw crowded
1. Early Christians had great zeal.
streets below. Moody requested that he
2. They believed in future rewards.
look again. This time the man mentioned
3. There was a manifestation of
that he saw people—men, women, and
4. Christians lived a life of holiness
Moody insisted that he look a third time. (possessing pure morals).
The man became frustrated that he was 5. Their church organization was
not seeing what the great evangelist compact. (Adapted from Jesus’
wanted him to see. Final Warning-David Jeremiah.)
Moody came to the window with tears in Notice that one of the reasons Christianity
his eyes and said, “I see people going to thrived was because they had a strong
hell, lost without Jesus Christ.” belief in future rewards. They were willing
to give their lives (if needed) for the
What do you see at the bus stop, in busy gospel. God has a system of rewards
traffic, in the marketplace, or as you pass (Psalm 58:11; 62:12; Mark 9:41; 10:29-30;
others on crowded streets? Do you see the Hebrews 6:10-12).
“Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great
Jesus ministered to a blind man who saw is your reward in heaven” (Matthew 5:12).
men as walking trees. Another touch from
the Master restored his sight, and he was God will reward His people after the
able to see every man clearly. Pray that catching away of the church.
the Lord will open your eyes so that you
“For we must all appear before the
see souls as the Lord of the harvest sees
judgment seat of Christ; that every one
may receive the things done in his body,
“And he took the blind man by the hand, according to that he hath done, whether it
and led him out of the town; and when he be good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10).
had spit on his eyes, and put his hands
At the judgment seat of Christ, each life
upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.
will be reviewed and rewards issued.
And he looked up, and said, I see men as
trees, walking. After that he put his hands Crown of Victory 1 Corinthians 9:25-27
again upon his eyes, and made him look Crown of Rejoicing 1 Thessalonians 2:19
up: and he was restored, and saw every Crown of 2 Timothy 4:8
man clearly” (Mark 8:23-25). Righteousness
Crown of Life James 1:12;
SAYING, “WELL DONE!” Crown of Glory 1 Peter 5:4
The crown of rejoicing is considered to be The Bible used the term “lost” to describe
the soul winner’s crown. The greatest those who are away from God and will
reward will be to hear Jesus say, “Well perish if they are not found and saved.
done!” What will we do with our rewards Some do not realize they are lost. They do
and crowns? We will cast our crowns not look to be rescued, recognize or
before His throne (Revelation 4:10). accept the way of escape when it is
No one will want to stand in His presence
empty-handed (Deuteronomy 16:16). “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them
that are lost: In whom the god of this
VISION OF THE VALUE OF A world hath blinded the minds of them
which believe not, lest the light of the
glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image
of God, should shine unto them” (2
There are three things that will last for Corinthians 4:3-4).
What possession do you have that you
; God consider of great value? What would you
; Word of God do if you lost it? Your mind would not be at
; Souls of men rest. You would abandon everything you
are doing and search for your valuable
We need to invest our lives with a view of
possession (until you find it).
Each lost soul has tremendous value. Jesus
God places great value on a lost soul (John
came to seek each one and gave His life at
3:16). It was for this reason that Jesus
Calvary for their salvation. In Luke 15 we
came into the world.
see various examples of things of great
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to value that were missing. When found, each
save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). event produced rejoicing. The prodigal’s
father even threw a party when his son
In one short sentence Jesus described His came home.
purpose—“to seek and to save.” He also
explained His target group—the lost. If you took a new (currency) note and
offered it to a group of people, would
We remain on the earth to finish the task. anyone accept it? Yes, because everyone
Before He left, He said, “As my Father knows the value of money. If you took the
hath sent me, even so send I you” (John note and wadded it up, would anyone still
20:21). want it? Yes, because the value did not
change. If the note were spit upon, would
“Hereby perceive we the love of God, people still want it? Yes, the value still has
because he laid down his life for us: and not changed. Throw the note down and
we ought to lay down our lives for the stomp it into the ground. Would anyone
brethren” (1 John 3:16). take it now? Yes, there still would be
takers. Why? The note still has the same
Have you ever experienced the terror of value.
being lost? How did you feel? Alone?
Afraid? Disoriented? A lost soul has tremendous value to Jesus
Christ. It will never lose its worth. No
matter how deep in sin a soul may get, no
matter how filthy he may become, a soul 5. Why do think it is important for us to
never loses its value. How much value do have a vision of heaven?
you place on a lost soul? _________________________________
J. Oswald Sanders in Effective Evangelism _________________________________
gives the following ways that the value of _________________________________
the soul can be calculated?
6. What are four things that will not be
; By its nature and origin (Genesis 1:27). found in heaven?
; By the duration of its existence _________________________________
(Matthew 25:46). _________________________________
; By the cost of its redemption (1 Peter
1:18-19). 7. What did C. S. Lewis say about the
; By the struggle required for its doctrine of hell?
possession (Matthew 12:29). _________________________________
“But go rather to the lost…And as ye go, _________________________________
preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is _________________________________
at hand” (Matthew 10:6-7).
8. What are three things we learn from
the story in Luke 16:19-31?
WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? _________________________________
1. What three visions did Isaiah have in _________________________________
Isaiah 6? _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
9. Describe hell.
2. What is meant by the bifocal vision of _________________________________
evangelism? _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
3. Jesus is coming back! Comment on
how the Bible is filled with the promise 10. Describe the Valley of Hinnom.
of His return. _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
4. What did Jesus testify in Revelation _________________________________
22:20? _________________________________
_________________________________ ________________________________
11. Why did William Booth wish that he _________________________________
could send his recruits to hell for five _________________________________
minutes? ________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
First and Last Commands of Jesus Christ “Today…people will go to heaven, and
people will go to hell. The percentage of
; The first commandment of Jesus: people going to heaven and the percentage
of people going to hell today is determined
“And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after by how well you did your job yesterday.
me, and I will make you to become fishers If you remember heaven today, it will help
of men” (Mark 1:17). someone avoid hell tomorrow.”
(Primary Purpose)
; The last commandment of Jesus:
D. L. Moody made up his mind that he
“But ye shall receive power, after that the would witness to at least one person per
Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall day. One night as he crawled into bed, he
be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, remembered that he had not preached to
and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and anyone that day. He got dressed and went
unto the uttermost part of the earth” out looking for someone he could talk to.
(Acts 1:8). It was already midnight, and the streets
were deserted. He finally found a
The church exists for three main reasons: policeman still on duty and witnessed to
him. The man was annoyed and scolded,
; To minister to God (relationship “Do you not have anything better to do
with God). This is expressed than disturb me in the middle of the night,
trying to persuade me into being a _________________________________
Christian.” A few days later that man got _________________________________
saved. He never forgot his midnight _________________________________
encounter with a personal evangelist bent _________________________________
on populating heaven. _________________________________
John Wesley once told a group of _________________________________
preachers, “You have nothing to do but _________________________________
win souls.” _________________________________
WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? _________________________________
1. What was the first commandment of _________________________________
Jesus Christ? _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
2. What was the last commandment of _________________________________
Jesus Christ? _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
3. Why does the church exist?
_________________________________ 6. What are the two happiest days in a
_________________________________ believer’s life?
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
3. Unbelief. Do you really believe the 10. Laziness. Reaching the lost is work
gospel? It has already been said and requires discipline.
that the reality of our beliefs
determines the urgency of our 11. Sin and carnality in the life of the
witness. We believe, and then we believer. Sin dulls our senses and
witness. desire for witnessing.
1. What is the heart of evangelism? 6. How does Jonah have all the
_________________________________ ingredients of New Testament
_________________________________ evangelism?
_________________________________ _________________________________
9. What is fear?
“But ye shall receive power, after that the 2. Have the necessary resources
Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall (including people).
be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem,
and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and 3. Have potential for contact with the
unto the uttermost part of the earth” surrounding region and quicken the
(Acts 1:8). sharing of the gospel with the
Jesus told a story of a farmer that went
out to sow his seed. The means of sowing Jerry Richardson in his seminar, “Waking
at the time was to dip one’s hand into a the Giant,” stated that we must “train
sack of seed and then disburse it in a men to meet the challenge of a new day.
spreading motion. Other farmers held their Rural evangelism is needed in many areas.
seed in an upturned garment, casting it However, more and more of the population
out as they walked. Some grew. Some did are no longer in villages, but in large
not. metropolitan cities. How will we meet the
challenge? If we are going to reach the
people, we will have to go to where they house being angry said to his servant, Go
are.” out quickly into the streets and lanes of
the city, and bring in hither the poor, and
Village or Rural Evangelism the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.
And the lord said unto the servant, Go out
Villages or small, rural towns should not be into the highways and hedges, and compel
left out of the evangelism picture. Jesus them to come in, that my house may be
cared for all people, regardless of their filled” (Luke 14:21-23).
status in life, or where they lived. Ghana
alone has nearly 15,000 villages without a The Modern Translation
Protestant church.
Streets Inner City
“And he went round about the villages, Lanes Residential areas
teaching” (Mark 6:6). Poor Homeless, poverty-
“And ran through that whole region round
Maimed Hospitals, sick
about, and began to carry about in beds
Halt Elderly
those that were sick, where they heard he
was. And whithersoever he entered, into Blind Handicapped
villages, or cities, or country, they laid the Highways Neighboring areas
sick in the streets, and besought him that Hedges Countryside,
they might touch if it were but the border villages
of his garment: and as many as touched
him were made whole” (Mark 6:55-56).
Jesus reached for the lowest. He was not The majority of unreached people in our
content with reaching the religious people. world live in a rectangular-shaped window
He went out of His way for those that were referred to as the 10/40 Window or the
despised and rejected in society. Resistant Belt. The window extends from
West Africa to East Asia, from ten degrees
“So that servant came, and shewed his
north to forty degrees north of the
lord these things. Then the master of the
equator. It includes sixty-one countries. because 86% of people who become
The Christian Information Network website Christians do so between the ages of 4 and
(accessed 4/9/99) in an article by Luis 14. This makes children and young people
Bush (“Getting to the Core of the Core”) the “world’s most fruitful field.” Children
suggests that this window confronts us are the adults and leaders of the future.
with several considerations: To impact the future, reach the children
1. It contains thirty-seven of the fifty
least evangelized countries. Consider the following:
; Worldwide 36.1 million people have T. F. Tenney once asked, “Which part of
AIDS and 26.1 million of them are in the word ‘GO!’ don’t you understand?”
sub-Saharan Africa.
; It is projected that by 2005, more than Taking the “whole gospel to the whole
100 million people will become HIV world” is the task of the entire church.
; Only 10% of the world’s population The focus of the gospel is outward to a lost
lives in Africa, but it is home to world. We come to church to fellowship
seventy percent of the world’s HIV and worship our God. However, we should
infected people. not become inwardly focused by placing
; Already, 13 million Africans have died too much attention on maintaining
of AIDS. In the next five years, 10 programs inside the church. We come to
million more will likely die. church to worship, but we leave the
; In sub-Saharan Africa, there are 5,500 church to witness. Once we walk out of
funerals a day. the doors of the local assembly, we are in
; AIDS kills 8,000 per day globally. a mission field. Here we meet unbelievers
where they feel comfortable—on their
How are we doing with getting others to grounds. We cannot expect the sinners to
join in the Christian race? come to the gospel. We should take the
gospel to the sinners. We must be like a
city set on a hill (Matthew 5:15).
Reinhard Bonnke wrote, “Observance of 7. According to Luke 14:21-23, where
the Apostolic Ministry.” In it he states, should we be conducting evangelism?
“The apostolic ministry can be summed up _________________________________
in one word: ‘Go!’ Our task is no smaller _________________________________
than that of the first apostles nor is it any _________________________________
different. Indeed, we can be sure of one _________________________________
thing: If we go as they went we shall get
what they got. The task remains 8. What does the 10/40 Window mean?
unchanged, and neither has God changed _________________________________
in the slightest degree. God will do for us _________________________________
what He did for the apostles if we do for _________________________________
God what the apostles did, because God
never changes.” 9. What does the 4/14 Window mean?
“And daily in the temple, and in every _________________________________
house, they ceased not to teach and
preach Jesus Christ” (Acts 5:42). 10. What does the 15/45 Window mean?
WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? _________________________________
1. Why should we start to share Christ 11. How many people live within the
close to home? 10/40 Window?
_________________________________ _________________________________
12. Why is it considered to be the
2. Where should we evangelize? Resistant Belt?
_________________________________ _________________________________
3. Where does over fifty percent of the _________________________________
world’s population live?
_________________________________ 13. Where do most highly effective
churches place their evangelistic
4. Why did Paul choose cities as the emphasis and resources? Why?
place to plant churches? _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
14. What is the fasted growing religion in
5. Why does Jerry Richardson feel that it the world?
is necessary to train men to reach cities? _________________________________
_________________________________ 15. What are you going to do about this
_________________________________ statistic?
_________________________________ _________________________________
6. How many villages in Ghana are still _________________________________
without a Protestant church of any kind?
16. Reinhard Bonnke claims that the
apostolic ministry can be summarized in
one word. What is it?