ZTA Kariba Indaba Presentation
ZTA Kariba Indaba Presentation
ZTA Kariba Indaba Presentation
Lake Kariba
Length 282 km, width at widest 32 km, average width 18 km.
Produced the cheapest hydro electricity in the world during its time.
Maximum Level of Retention ( MLR) 487.8 m ( above sea level).
Surface area of MRL 5 580 km2 ( same size as Wales).
Average Depth 20m , deepest 120 m , shoreline 2 000km.
Volume of water at MRL 185 billion m3 ( enough to supply Greater London for
300 years).
The 4th largest man made lake in the world.
The 2nd largest lake in Africa after Lake Victoria.
The largest lake in the world at time of construction.
The largest monument in Africa after the Egyptian pyramids.
Has 102 islands on either sides.
Home to numerous animals species both land and water.
Zimbabwe Navigational
One of worlds mostExercise
flying events, last about a week.
Starts in Harare ends up in Kariba,
pilots follow set courses to 15
checkpoints, to be crossed at
exact times and pre-determined
speeds daily .
No electronic navigations aids are
allowed, only use compass and
Last years winner and the year
before Colin Horsely is from
Organised by Mashonaland Flying
Club, Air Force and CAAZ.
Operation Noah
Operation Noah
Operation Noah was headed by Rupert Fothergill a
Ranger from the newly formed Game Department
The largest animal rescue ever done in the world
Attracted media attention, started in 1959 and ended in
As the water rose a spectacular wild life rescue
operation that captured headlines began.
Animals were driven into nets and transported by boats
and canoes of all sorts and sizes.
Animals rescued were released into Matusadonha and
Chete Safari Area.
Animals rescued Impalas 1866, Warthogs 585, Grysboks
345 Bush Bucks 320.
Total animals rescued 4 914.
ZRA, ZESCO and ZESA the public and donors assisted in
the rescue operation.
Activities in Kariba
Game drives- morning, noon, evening or all day
House Boat or Sailing Cruises- sunrise, lunch,
siesta, full day and sunset.
House Boat or Sailing Boat Charters.
Tours Highlights, Cultural Village, Kapenta
Fishing, Lake Navigation , Islands and Farms.
Nyami Nyami Flights over Dam Wall.
Safaris Canoeing, Walking, Hunting, Shopping
Photographic, Star gazing and Fishing.
Mountain Climbing.
Bird Watching.
Unparalled Amenities
Camp Sites intimate, pristine sites where you
mingle with animals. From Mlibizi to Kanyemba we
have campsites to your satisfaction.
Hotels and Motels unforgettable memories of Kariba
and its surrounds will haunt you forever if you stay
there. We have it all tailor made for your comfort.
Houseboats hotels on water, explore the lake with
family and friends. The gigantic Zambezi Trader to
our dolphin cruisers ready to mesmerise you.
Island and Resorts Tiger Bay, Spurwing Island
paradises on earth.
Lodges excellent views of the lake, beautiful
sunsets, serene environments.
Restaurants sumptuous meals, signature fish dishes
to entice your taste buds, addictive menus.