Donna Mariel Calimpong Milcah Ethiel Corona Jean Tolentino
Donna Mariel Calimpong Milcah Ethiel Corona Jean Tolentino
Donna Mariel Calimpong Milcah Ethiel Corona Jean Tolentino
Savannah parkland -
twisting, branching deciduous trees
• Deciduous
• Xerophytic
• Sclerophyllous
Even – toed ungulates
The animals that live in tropical
grasslands have adapted to a great deal of
variability in the food supply throughout the
year; there are times of plenty (during and
after the wet season) and times of almost no
food or water (during the dry season). Many
savanna animals migrate to deal with this
During the rainy season, birds, insects, and
mammals thrive in the savannah. During the
dry season, surface water from the rain is
quickly absorbed into the ground because the
soil is extremely porous. Competition for water
during the dry season is intense. Consequently,
most birds and many of the large mammals
migrate during the dry season in search of
During the dry season, lightning
frequently ignites the brown, dry grasses
that cover the savannah. Many of the
animals have adapted to living with the
fires. The ability to fly or to run fast
enables most birds and large mammals to
escape the flames.
END ^_^