Day 2 Caliper Log
Day 2 Caliper Log
Day 2 Caliper Log
Mechanical Caliper: Bow spring, SingleArm,Three Arm, Four Arms
Three Dimensional caliper (Acoustic)
Mechanical caliper
The measurement are made by articulated
arms pushed against the borehole wall.
The arms are linked to the cursor of a
variable resistance. Lateral movement of
the arm is translated into movement of the
cursor along the resistance, and hence
variations in electrical output. The
variation in output are translated into
diameter variations after a simple
The cal. log is printed out simply as a continuous
value of hole diameter with depth.
The curve is traditionally a dashed line
Usually plotted in track 1.
The horizontal Scale may be inches of diameter
or in expressed as increase or decrease about a
zero defined by the size bit size.
The ordinary caliper log is accompanied by a
reference line indicating bit size.
An integrated hole volume may be added as
horizontal ticks on the depth column.
Caliper may show a hole size smaller than the bit size.
A mud cake build-up is indicated
Extremely useful indicator of permeability (only permeable beds
allow mud-cake build-up.
The limits of the mud cake show the limits of the potential reservoir
Mud-cake thickness can be estimated by dividing the decrease in
hole size by two. Mud-cake thickness = (bit size caliper reading)/2
The zones of small diameter will be tight spots during drilling.
A frequent cause of tight spot is abundant smectite ( mineral which
absorbs water).
Possibility of seeing dip and other major structure features under
right conditions.
Casing inspection
Most important use is in the quality control of logs.