Key Distribution

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Key Distribution

symmetric schemes require both parties to share a

common secret key.
issue is how to securely distribute this key while
protecting it from others.
frequent key changes can be desirable.
often secure system failure due to a break in the key
distribution scheme

Symmetric Key Distribution Using

Symmetric Encryption
For Two parties A and B key distribution can be achieved in
the following way:
A can select a key and physically deliver it to B
A third party can select a key and physically deliver it to A and B.
If A and B have previously and recently used a key, one party can
transmit the new key to the other, encrypted using the old key.
If A and B each has an encrypted connection to a third party C, C
can deliver a key on the encrypted links to A and B.
Total no. of keys required among N host for communicating
Securely ?

No. of keys required to Support Arbitrary

connections between endpoints

Key hierarchy
Session Key
Temporary key
Used for encryption of data between users.
Used for one logical session and then discarded.

Master Key
Used to encrypt session keys
Shared by users and Key distribution center
No. of keys to be shared in presence of KDC ?

Key Distribution Scenario

Symmetric Key Distribution Using

Public Keys
public key cryptosystems are inefficient
so almost never use for direct data encryption
rather use to encrypt secret keys for distribution

Simple Secret Key Distribution

Proposed by Merkle

1. A generates a public/private key pair { PUa , PRa } and transmits

a message to B consisting of PUa and an identifier of A , ID(A) .
2. B generates a secret key, Ks , and transmits it to A, encrypted
with A's public key.
3. A computes D(PRa, E(PUa, Ks)) to recover the secret key.
Because only A can decrypt the message, only A and B will know the
identity of Ks.
4. A discards PUa and PRa and B discards PUa .
Man in the middle attack is possible. HOW ?

Secret Key Distribution with

Confidentiality and Authentication

1. A uses B's public key PUb to encrypt a message to B containing an identifier

of A ( ID [A] ) and a nonce (N1), which is used to identify this transaction
2. B sends a message to A encrypted with PUa and containing A's nonce (N1)
as well as a new nonce generated by B (N2) Because only B could
decrypted message (1), the presence of N1 in message (2)
assures A that
the correspondent is B.
3. A returns N2 encrypted using B's public key, to assure B that its
correspondent is A.
4. A selects a secret key Ks and sends M = E( PUb, E( PRa, Ks )) to B.
Encryption of this message with B's public key ensures that only B can read it;
encryption with A's private key ensures that only A could have sent it.
5. B computes D( PUa , D( PRb, M)) to recover the secret key.

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