Rehabilitation in Tbi: by DR Khiu Fu Lung MD
Rehabilitation in Tbi: by DR Khiu Fu Lung MD
Rehabilitation in Tbi: by DR Khiu Fu Lung MD
TBI is a major cause of death and disability worldwide, especially in
children and young adults. Males sustain traumatic brain injuries
more frequently than do females. Causes include falls, vehicle
accidents, and violence. Prevention measures include use of
technology to protect those suffering from automobile accidents,
such as seat belts and sports or motorcycle helmets, as well as efforts
to reduce the number of automobile accidents, such as safety
education programs and enforcement of traffic laws.
TBI is usually classified based on severity, anatomical features of the injury, and the mechanism (the
causative forces). Mechanism-related classification divides TBI into closed and penetrating head
injury. A closed (also called nonpenetrating, or blunt) injury occurs when the brain is not exposed.
A penetrating, or open, head injury occurs when an object pierces the skull and breaches the dura
mater, the outermost membrane surrounding the brain.
1-7 DAYS
A current model developed by the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs uses
all three criteria of GCS after resuscitation, duration of post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), and loss of
consciousness (LOC). It also has been proposed to use changes that are visible on neuroimaging,
such as swelling, focal lesions, or diffuse injury as method of classification. Grading scales also exist
to classify the severity of mild TBI, commonly called concussion; these use duration of LOC, PTA, and
other concussion symptoms.
Diagnosis is suspected based on lesion circumstances and clinical evidence, most
prominently a neurological examination, for example checking whether the pupils
constrict normally in response to light and assigning a Glasgow Coma Score.
Neuroimaging helps in determining the diagnosis and prognosis and in deciding what
treatments to give.
The preferred radiologic test in the emergency setting is computed tomography (CT): it is
quick, accurate, and widely available. Followup CT scans may be performed later to
determine whether the injury has progressed.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can show more detail than CT, and can add
information about expected outcome in the long term. It is more useful than CT for
detecting injury characteristics such as diffuse axonal injury in the longer term. However,
MRI is not used in the emergency setting for reasons including its relative inefficacy in
detecting bleeds and fractures, its lengthy acquisition of images, the inaccessibility of the
patient in the machine, and its incompatibility with metal items used in emergency care.
A variant of MRI since 2012 is High definition fiber tracking (HDFT).
Other techniques may be used to confirm a particular diagnosis. X-rays are still
used for head trauma, but evidence suggests they are not useful; head injuries
are either so mild that they do not need imaging or severe enough to merit the
more accurate CT. Angiography may be used to detect blood vessel pathology
when risk factors such as penetrating head trauma are involved. Functional
imaging can measure cerebral blood flow or metabolism, inferring neuronal
activity in specific regions and potentially helping to predict outcome.
Electroencephalography and transcranial doppler may also be used. The most
sensitive physical measure to date is the quantitative EEG, which has documented
an 80% to 100% ability in discriminating between normal and traumatic braininjured subjects.
Neuropsychological assessment can be performed to evaluate the long-term
cognitive sequelae and to aid in the planning of the rehabilitation. Instruments
range from short measures of general mental functioning to complete batteries
formed of different domain-specific tests.
B)Acute Rehabilitation
As early as possible in the recovery process, individuals who sustain
brain injuries will begin acute rehabilitation. The treatment is
provided in a special unit of the trauma hospital, a rehabilitation
hospital or another inpatient setting. During acute rehabilitation, a
team of health professionals with experience and training in brain
injury work with the patient to regain as many activities of daily living
as possible. Activities of daily living including dressing, eating,
toileting, walking, speaking and more.
C)Postacute Rehabilitation
When patients are well enough to participate in more intensive
therapy, they may be transferred to a postacute rehabilitation setting,
such as a residential rehabilitation facility. The goal of postacute
rehabilitation is to help the patient regain the most independent level
of functioning possible. Rehabilitation channels the body's natural
healing abilities and the brain's relearning processes so an individual
may recover as quickly and efficiently as possible. Rehabilitation also
involves learning new ways to compensate for abilities that have
permanently changed due to brain injury. There is much that is still
unknown about the brain and about brain injury rehabilitation.
Treatment methods and technologies are rapidly advancing as
knowledge of the brain and its function increases.
D)Subacute Rehabilitation
Patients who cannot tolerate intensive therapy may be transferred to
a subacute rehabilitation facility. Subacute rehabilitation programs
are designed for persons with brain injury who need a less intensive
level of rehabilitation services over a longer period of time. Subacute
programs may also be designed for persons who have made progress
in the acute rehabilitation setting and are still progressing but are not
making rapid functional gains. Subacute rehabilitation may be
provided in a variety of settings, often a skilled nursing facility or
nursing home.
H)Community Re-entry
Medications for persons with brain injury are carefully selected, prescribed, and
monitored by the physician on an individual basis. The physician or pharmacist can
explain a medications purpose, side effects and precautions to you. A general
explanation of medication groups is described below.