Braintumor - 7

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(Brain & Brain Tumor)
Protection layer of Brain
Parts of
Brain Tumor
A Brain Tumor is a collection, or mass, of abnormal cells in Brain.
Skull, which encloses the brain, is very rigid, any growth
inside this restricted place can cause problems.
when these tumors grow inside the brain it increases
intra cranial pressure, which can cause bran damage and may be
even life threatening.

When most normal cells grow old or get

damaged, they die, and new cells take there place.
Sometime, this process goes wrong. New cells
form whn body doesn't need them, and old or
damaged don't die as they should. the buildup of
extra cells often forms a mass of tissue called a
growth or Tumor.
The World Health Organization (WHO) first published a universal
classification system for CNS tumors in 1979.

Tumors were classified into 2

categories :
1. Primary Brain Tumors
2. Secondary Brain Tumors
Primary Brain Tumors :
• These tumors can be Benign
• Primary tumors originates in the CNS

• Benign brain tumors do not contain cancer cells :

‒ Usually, benign tumors can be removed and the rarely
grow back.
‒ They dont spread to other parts of the body
‒ They don't invade tissues around them
‒ However, benign tumors can press on sensitive area of
brain and can cause serious health problems.
• Malignant brain tumors (Also called Brain Cancer) contain cancer
cells :
– More serious and often are threat to life
– Rapid Growth
– Invade or crowd nearby healthy brain tissue
– Cancer cell may spread to other parts of the brain or to
the spinal cord
Tumor Grade
Doctors group brain tumor by grade. the grade of a tumor
refers to the way cells look under a microscope:
• A risk factor is something that may increase the chance of getting a
• Studies have found the following risk factors for brain tumors:
1.Ionizing Radiations : especially from high dose
x-rays and other sources can cause cell damage
that leads to a tumor. most common types are
meningioma or glioma.
2.Family History : It is rare for brain tumors to run in a
• The symptoms of a brain tumor depend on tumor size, type and
• Symptoms may be causedwhen a tumor presses on the nerve or
harms the part of the brain
• Most common symptoms of brain tumors are :

• Headaches (usually worse in the morning)

• Nausea and vomiting
• Changes in speech, vision, or hearing
• Problems balancing or walking
• Changes in mood, personality, or ability to
• Problems with memory
• Muscle jerking or twitching (seizures or
• Numbness or tingling in the arms or
Clinical Diagnosis

Medical History including the specific nature of S&S

• Neurological Examination - Testing of reflexes & assess visual,
cognitive, sensory, and motor function.
• Doctor also examines your eyes to look for swelling caused by a
tumor pressing on the nerve that connects the eye and brain.

• CT & MRI can be used to confirm the proper tissue biopsy

site and determine the success of tumor resection.

• Surgical biopsy is performed to obtain tumor tissue as part of

tumor resection or as a separate diagnostic procedure
Laboratory Diagnosis
• Laboratory testing is often used to further assess focal deficits
during the diagnosis and management of brain tumors.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is used to monitor brain activity and

• detect seizures.

• Lumbar puncture is used to analyze CSF, which is useful

in the diagnosis and detection of dissemination of
certain brain tumors.
Medical & Surgical Management
• The ultimate goal of tumor management are to improve quality of
life and extend survival, by improving body function & structures.
• Treatment techniques are determined by histological type,
location, grade, and size of tumor; age of onset; and medical
history of the patient.

Four Type of Treatment are discussed :

1. Chemotherapy
2. Radiation Therapy
3. Stereotactic Radiosurgery
It can be used independently or as an adjuvant to surgery or radiation.

Chemotherapy can be administered in a number of different ways.

•Most agents are given intravenously through a peripheral intravenous
line or through a catheter such as a peripherally inserted central
catheter (PICC).

• Methotrexate (Highly neuro-toxic) is admnistered

with Leucovorin (Antidote)
• Temozolomide is orally available chemotherapeutic
agent for the Rx of Gliomas.
• It can be used alone or in conjunction with surgery or chemotherapy
to treat malignant brain tumors.

• It is typically chosen as a treatment option for tumors that are too

large or inaccessible for surgical resection and to eradicate residual
neoplastic cells.

• Radiotherapy consists of the delivery of high-powered

photons, with energies in a much greater range than that
of standard x-rays, as an external beam directly at the
tumor site.
• Hyperfractionated radiation therapy is believed to increase the
efficacy and decrease the long-term side effects of radiation.

• Radiosurgery involves relatively high-dose

hypofractionated radiation beams directed at small
tumor areas through the use of computer imaging.
This type of treatment includes the Gamma
Knife, linear accelerators, and the cyberknife.
• Stereotactic radiosurgery is defined as delivery of a high dose of
ionizing radiation, in a single fraction, to a small, precisely defined
volume of tissue.

Stereotactic radiosurgery is used to treat benign and malignant
tumors, vascular malformations, and functional disorders. The
primary modes of administration for stereotactic radiosurgery
include the Gamma Knife, linear accelerators, and the cyberknife
FIGURE : Leksell Gamma Knife
FIGURE : The Cyberknife
• A brain tumor and its treatment can lead to other health problems.
You may receive supportive care to prevent or control these
• You can have supportive care before, during, and after cancer
• It can improve your comfort and quality of life during treatment.
• Health care team help you with following problems :
• Swelling of the Brain
• Seizures
• Fluid buildup in the skull
• Sadness and other
• Rehabilitation can be a very important part of the treatment plan. The
goals of rehabilitation depend on your needs and how the tumor has
affected your ability to carry out daily activities.

• Some people may never regain all the abilities they had before the
brain tumor and its treatment. But your health care team makes every
effort to help you return to normal activities as soon as possible.

Several types of therapists can help :

• Physical Therapists
• Speech Therapists
• Occupational Therapists
• Physical Medicine

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