Money, Interest, and Income

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Chapter 10

Money, Interest, and Income


Money plays a central role in the determination of income

and employment

Interest rates are a significant determinant of aggregate spending

The Central Bank controls the money supply
The stock of money, interest rates, and the CB were absent from
the model developed in the last chapter

This chapter:
introduces money and monetary policy
builds an explicit framework of analysis within which to study
the interaction of goods markets and assets market

What determines interest rates?

What is the role of interest rates in the business cycle?



Figure 10-1 shows the interest

rate on Treasury bills = the
payment received by someone
who lends to the U.S.

[Insert Figure 10-1 here]

Ex. At an interest rate of 5%, a

$100 loan to the government will
earn $5 in interest
Figure 10-1 shows that interest
Are high just before a
Drop during the recession
Rise during the recovery


Figure 10-2 shows the strong

link between money and output
This chapter explores the link
from money to interest rates to
IS-LM model is the core of
short-run macroeconomics

[Insert Figure 10-2 here]

Maintains the details of the earlier

model, but adds the interest rate as
an additional determinant of
aggregate demand
Includes the goods market and the
money market, and their link
through interest rates and income

[Insert Figure 10-3 here]


The Goods Market and the IS Curve

The IS curve shows combinations of interest rates
and levels of output such that planned spending equals

Derived in two steps:


Link between interest rates and investment

Link between investment demand and AD

Investment is no longer treated as exogenous, but

depends upon the interest rate (endogenous)

Investment demand is inversely related to interest rates

Interest rate is the cost of borrowing money
Increased interest rate raises the price to firms of borrowing for
capital equipment reduce the quantity of investment demand

Investment and the Interest Rate

The investment spending

function can be specified as:
I I bi where b > 0 (1)
i = rate of interest
b = the responsiveness of
investment spending to the
interest rate
I = autonomous investment
Negative slope reflects
assumption that a reduction in i
increases the quantity of I

[Insert Figure 10-4 here]


Investment and the Interest Rate

I I bi (1)
The position of the I schedule
is determined by:

[Insert Figure 10-4 here]

The slope, b
If investment is highly
responsive to i, the investment
schedule is almost flat
If investment responds little to
i, the investment schedule is
close to vertical
Level of autonomous spending
An increase in I shifts the
investment schedule out
A decrease in I shifts the
investment schedule in

The Interest Rate and AD: The IS Curve

Need to modify the AD function of the last chapter to

reflect the new planned investment spending schedule


C cT R c(1 t )Y ( I bi) G NX
A c(1 t )Y bi



increase in i reduces AD for a given level of income

At any given level of i, we can determine the equilibrium level
of income and output as in Chapter 9
A change in i will change the equilibrium

The Interest Rate and AD: The IS Curve

AD A c(1 t )Y bi (2)

[Insert Figure 10-5 here]

Derive the IS curve using

figure 10-5

For a given interest rate, i1, the

last term in equation (2) is
constant can draw the AD
function with an intercept of
A bi1
The equilibrium level of income is
Y1 at point E1
Plot the pair (i1, Y1) in the bottom
panel as point E1 a point on the
IS curve
Combination of i and Y that
clears the goods market

The Interest Rate and AD: The IS Curve

AD A c(1 t )Y bi (2)

[Insert Figure 10-5 here again]

Derive the IS curve using

figure 10-5

Consider a lower interest rate, i2

Shifts the AD curve upward to
AD with an intercept of
A bi2
Given the increase in AD, the
equilibrium shifts to point E2,
with an associated income level of
Plot the pair (i2, Y2) in panel (b)
for another point on the IS curve


The Interest Rate and AD: The IS Curve

We can apply the same procedure

to all levels of i to generate
additional points on the IS curve
All points on the IS curve
represent combinations of i and
income at which the goods market
clears goods market
equilibrium schedule
Figure 10-5 shows the negative
relationship between i and Y
Downward sloping IS curve

[Insert Figure 10-5 here again]


The Interest Rate and AD: The IS Curve

We can also derive the IS curve using the goods market

equilibrium condition:
Y AD A c(1 t )Y bi


Y c(1 t )Y A bi
Y (1 c(1 t )) A bi
Y G ( A bi)

where G

(1 c(1 t ))


the multiplier from Chapter 9

Equation (5) is the equation for the IS curve.


The Slope of the IS Curve

The steepness of the IS curve depends on:

Suppose investment spending is very sensitive to i the

slope, b, is large

How sensitive investment spending is to changes in i

The multiplier, G

A given change in i produces a large change in AD (large shift)

A large shift in AD produces a large change in Y
A large change in Y resulting from a given change in i IS
curve is relatively flat

If investment spending is not very sensitive to i, the IS

curve is relatively steep

The Role of the Multiplier

Figure 10-6 shows the AD

curves corresponding to
different multipliers
Smaller c on the solid black
AD curve than that on the
dashed AD curve multiplier
larger on the dashed AD curves
A given reduction in i to i2
raises the intercept of the AD
curves by the same vertical
Because of the different
multipliers, income rises to Y2
on the dashed line and Y2 on
the solid line

[Insert Figure 10-6 here]


The Role of the Multiplier

The smaller the sensitivity of investment spending to the

interest rate AND the smaller the multiplier, the steeper
the IS curve

This can be seen in equation (5): Y G ( A bi )

We can solve equation (5) for i: Y G ( A bi )

Y G A G bi
For a given change in Y, the
associated change in i will be
larger in size as b is smaller
G b
and as the multiplier is smaller.

b G b

The Position of the IS Curve

Figure 10-7 shows two

different IS curves differ by
levels of autonomous spending

[Insert Figure 10-7 here]

Initial AD with A and i1

corresponding point E1 on IS
curve in Figure 10-7 (b)
If autonomous spending increases
to A , equilibrium level of
income increases at i1 point E2
in panel 10-7 (b), shifting out IS

The change in income as a

result from a change in
autonomous spending is

The Money Market and the LM Curve

The LM curve shows combinations of interest rates and
levels of output such that money demand equals money
supply equilibrium in the money market
The LM curve is derived in two steps:

Explain why money demand depends on interest rates and



Theory of real money balances, rather than nominal

Equate money demand with money supply, and find

combinations of income and interest rates that maintain
equilibrium in the money market


(i, Y) pairs meeting these criteria are points on a given LM curve


Demand for Money

The demand for money is a demand for real money


People are concerned with how much their money can buy,
rather than the number of dollars in their pockets

The demand for real balances depends on:


income: people hold money to pay for their purchases,

which, in turn, depend on income
Interest rate: the cost of holding money

The higher the interest rate, the more expensive it is to hold money,
and the less cash will be held at each level of income

The demand for money is defined as: L kY hi


Demand for Money

L kY hi


[Insert Figure 10-8 here]

The parameters k and h reflect

the sensitivity of the demand
for real balances to the level of
Y and i
For a given level of income,
the quantity demanded is a
decreasing function of i
Figure 10-8 illustrates the
inverse relationship between
money demand and i money
demand curve

The Supply of Money, Money Market

Equilibrium, and the LM Curve

The nominal quantity of money supplied, M, is controlled by the

central bank

Real money supply is


, where M and P are assumed fixed

Figure 10-9 shows combinations of i and Y such that the demand

for real money balances exactly matches the available supply

[Insert Figure 10-9 here]


The Supply of Money, Money Market

Equilibrium, and the LM Curve

Starting at Y1, the corresponding demand curve for real balances is

L1 shown in panel (a)

Point E1 is the equilibrium point in the money market

Point E1 is recorded in panel (b) as a point on the money market

equilibrium schedule, or the LM curve

(i1, Y1) pair is a point on LM curve

[Insert Figure 10-9 here]


The Supply of Money, Money Market

Equilibrium, and the LM Curve

If income increases to Y2, real money balances increase to be

higher at every level of i money demand shifts to L2

The interest rate increases to i2 to maintain equilibrium in the money market

The new equilibrium is at point E2

Record E2 in panel (b) as another point on the LM curve

Pair (i2, Y2) is higher up the given LM curve

[Insert Figure 10-9 here]


The Supply of Money, Money Market

Equilibrium, and the LM Curve

The LM schedule shows all combinations of interest rates

and levels of income such that the demand for real
balances is equal to the supply money market is in

LM curve is positively sloped:

An increase in the interest rate reduces the demand for real
To maintain the demand for real money balances equal to the fixed
supply, the level of income has to rise

Money market equilibrium implies that an increase in the interest

rate is accompanied by an increase in the level of income.


The Supply of Money, Money Market

Equilibrium, and the LM Curve

The LM curve can be obtained directly by combining the

demand curve for real balances and the fixed supply of
real balances

For the money market to be in equilibrium, supply must equal

demand: M kY hi (7)



Solving for i:


The relationship (7a) is the LM curve.


The Slope of the LM Curve

The steeper the LM curve:

The greater the responsiveness of the demand for money to
income, as measured by k
The lower the responsiveness of the demand for money to the
interest rate, h
These points can be confirmed by experimenting with Figure 109 or examining equation (7a),

i kY

given change in income has a larger effect on i, the larger is k

and the smaller is h


The Position of the LM Curve

The real money supply is held constant along the LM curve a

change in the real money supply will shift the LM curve

Figure 10-10 shows the effect of an increase in money supply

Panel (a) shows the demand for real money balances for income level Y1
Equilibrium occurs at point E1 with interest rate i1 corresponding point
E1 on the LM curve

[Insert Figure 10-10]


The Position of the LM Curve

If real money balances increases, the money supply curve shifts to

the right

To restore equilibrium at the income level Y1, the i must decrease to i2

The new equilibrium is at point E2
In panel (b), the LM curve shifts to the down and to the right
At each level of income, the equilibrium interest rate has to be lower to
induce people to hold the larger real quantity of money

[Insert Figure 10-10]


Equilibrium and the Goods

and Money Market

The IS and LM schedules

summarize the conditions that
have to be satisfied for the
goods and money markets to
the in equilibrium

[Insert Figure 10-11 here]

How are they brought into

simultaneous equilibrium?
Satisfied at point E in Figure
10-11, corresponding to the
pair (i0, Y0)


Price level is constant

Firms willing to supply whatever
amount of output is demanded at
that price level
Flat SRAS curve

Changes in the Equilibrium Levels of

Income and the Interest Rate

The equilibrium levels of

income and the interest rate
change when either the IS or
the LM curve shifts

[Insert Figure 10-12 here]

Figure 10-12 shows the effects of

an increase in autonomous
spending on equilibrium i and Y
Shifts IS curve out by G I if
autonomous investment is the
source of increased spending
The resulting change in Y is
smaller than the change in
autonomous spending due to
LM curve being upward sloping

Changes in the Equilibrium Levels of

Income and the Interest Rate

The equilibrium levels of

income and the interest rate
change when either the IS or
the LM curve shifts

[Insert Figure 10-12 here]

The increase in autonomous

spending increases demand for
Given fixed money supply, the
interest rate has to rise to maintain
money-market equilibrium
Higher interest rate lowers


Deriving the AD Schedule

The AD schedule maps out the

IS-LM equilibrium holding
autonomous spending and the
nominal money supply
constant and allowing prices to

[Insert Figure 10-13 here]

Suppose price level increases

from P1 to P2
M/P decreases from M/P1 to M/P2
LM shifts from LM1 to LM2
Interest rates increase from i1 to i2,
and output falls from Y1 to Y2
Corresponds to lower AD


Deriving the AD Schedule

Derive the equation for the AD curve using the equations

for the IS-LM curves: IS : Y G ( A bi)
LM : i kY

Substituting LM equation into the IS equation:

Y G A kY


bG M

h kbG
h kbG P


h P


Deriving the AD Schedule

h G
b G M
h kb G
h kb G P

Equation (8) shows that AD depends upon:


Autonomous spending
Real money stock

Equilibrium income is:

Higher the higher the level of autonomous spending

Higher the higher the stock of real balances

Equation (8) is the AD schedule

It summarizes the IS-LM relation, relating Y and P for given

levels of autonomous spending and nominal balances
Since P is in the denominator, AD is downward sloping

Deriving the AD Schedule

h G
b G M
h kb G
h kb G P

Fiscal policy multiplier:


G h kb G

<G because


h kb G G 1 kb G / h

If h approaches zero, approaches zero vertical LM curve

If h approaches infinity, approaches G horizontal LM

Monetary policy multiplier:

b G

M / P h kb G h

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