Training The Sales Force
Training The Sales Force
Training The Sales Force
Introduction Of Sales Training
Objectives of Sales Training
Challenges of Sales Training
Role Of a Trainer
Training Process
Training Methods
Design a Sales Training Programme
Process of Socialization
Case Study
Training & Guidance helps in performs jobs very efficiently and help to the
organization to reach its covered goals.
A sales manager plays an important role in evaluating the training needs of
the sales force & which type of sales person is required.
Sales training helps to reduce costs through increasing the efficiency & skill
level of the sales force.
It also helps in bring about behavioral changes among salespeople &
motivate them towards organizations long term goals.
Role Of a Trainer
Assessing Training needs of Individuals
Training Process
Training Need Assessment
Design & Control Of Training Programme
Evaluate Of training Programme
3) Evaluation Phase
Training Methods
Didactic Method:
One-on-one instruction or the direct teaching approach is delivered during
sales apprenticeship. This is authoritarian one way method of training, which is
applicable to skill based training programme.
Visual Support:
Learning points can be reinforced with slide presentation, transparencies, &
Flip charts. The lecture method is ideal for large groups where one can communicate
with a larger audience more quickly & effectively.
It also helps in the cross-fertilization of ideas, beliefs, attitudes, knowledge,
experiences between people who have worked in different environments.
Helps in conveying message on a large scale & often to an audience of several
hundred people. Its use for motivating salespeople. It also held at some selected
location where sessions are presented with some entertainment
So that trainees keep their motivation level high.
It is centered around a single theme with examined in depth. The
speakers are acknowledged specialists who make brief
outlining the topic to be discussed & leave members to perform certain
tasks which they want them to explore.
The discussion leader , usually a sales manager , needs to be skilled
planning , careful preparation , encouraging the involvement of individuals,
controlling the debate , summarizing the result of the meeting, & ensuring
the suitable results.
Role Play:
it tries to extend the sales trainees experience by presenting them with
a commonly encountered situation and also asks them to place themselves
in the role of the parties involved & video camera also use to
record the role play.
Case Study:
Is was advocated by the Harvard business school, USA. It used to present the
sales trainees with a real life business situation & provide a considerable amount of
background information from which they are either expected to analyze and
compute the outcome of a series of events or provide solution of specific problem.
It is conducted to solve a specific sales-related problem & is therefore an
extension of a real life situation.
Sensitivity Training:
it is use to increase the awareness of ones behavior and to understand how it
is received and interpreted by others.
In-tray exercise:
The exercise is used as a diagnostic tool to discover how a group member
would handle the outstanding work in the in-tray. The trainee is given a sereis
of items to sort out and act in the way he feel appropriate .
Transcendental Mediation:
It helps trainees to reach a state of complete relaxation without any deliberate
control on their part.
It is used to train two teams. The first team is asked to discuss a topic for 30
minutes and team can elect a chairman if they so desire to cover the topic or the
cover topic in free discussion. The second team is seated around the first team and
they are asked to observe the process. Its members are not allowed to interrupt the
discussion but the first group finishes, they are allowed about 15 minutes in which to
criticize and comment on the first teams performance.
Transaction Analysis:
Process Of Socialization
Mico mumble
SOLUTION :(1) Company can try to explain the benefits of the cross - functional training
method for employees & for company.
Like employee can make versatile impression in front of the organization.
Flexibility in the work.
Higher chances to get the promotion.
(2) Organization can rotate the place of employee so through this employee
can develop their selves through different - different work.
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