EU Institutions and Decision Making
EU Institutions and Decision Making
EU Institutions and Decision Making
Further links
The official website of the European Parliament
The official website of the European Commission
The official website of the Council of the European Union
The official website of the European Court of Justice
The official website of the German Presidency
References, sources of information
European Parliament
TEC Article189-201
• Composition
• 785 Members, for a term of five years elected by direct universal
suffrage (Other numbers/limits of MEPs: 626 – 700 – 732 – 736
– 785)
MEPs sit in political groups
President: Hans-Gert Pöttering (EPP-ED)
Works in:
Strasbourg - seat / plenary
Brussels - Committees, group, additional plenary
Luxembourg - administrative offices
Directly elected since 1979
Bureau: President+14 Vice Presidents+quaestors (consultative
Conference of Presidents: President+Chairmen of pol.groups
Quaestors (6): Financial/administrative issues
Member state Seats Member state Seats
Germany 99 Austria 18
France 78 Bulgaria 18
Italy 78 Finland 14
United Kingdom1 78 Denmark 14
Spain 54 Slovakia 14
Poland 54 Ireland
Romania 35 Lithuania 13
Netherlands 27 Latvia
Belgium 24 Slovenia
Czech Republic 24 Cyprus 6
Greece 24 Estonia 6
Hungary 24 Luxembourg 6
Portugal 24 Malta 5
Sweden 19 Total: 785
Political Groups in the EP
Formation of political groups:
MEPs elected in at least one-fifth of the MSs – new rule since 1.1.2007
minimum number of MEP’s required – 20
PPE-DE Group of the European People’s Party and European Democrats (277)
DAUL, Joseph
PSE Socialist group (217) SCHULZ, Martin
ALDE Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (106) WATSON,
UEN Union for Europe of the Nations Group (44) Co-presidency (!) CROWLEY,
Brian / MUSCARDINI, Cristiana
Verts / ALE Group of the Greens /European Free Alliance (42) Co-presidency (!)
GUE/NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left (41),
WURTZ, Francis
IND / DEM Independence / Democracy (24)
IDS Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty Group (21) - GOLLNISCH, Bruno
NI Non-attached (13)
Note: numbers state of play May 2007 – there are always outgoing and incoming MEPs
Functions of the EP
Legislative power
Democratic control
Budgetary powers
Decision making / main procedures
Codecision (Article 251)
Rights of the Institutions in first and second reading
Composition of Conciliation Committee (54: 27+27)
Cooperation (Article 252)
Areas covered by codecision
Areas covered by consultation
Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
Revision of the Treaties
Discrimination on grounds of sex, race or ethnic origin, religion
or political conviction, disability, age or sexual orientation
Visas, asylum, immigration and other policies associated with
the free movement of persons
Transport - to have a significant impact on certain regions
Competition rules
Tax arrangements
Economic policy
Enhanced co-operation
Areas covered by assent
serious breaches of Human Rights
the uniform electoral procedure for the European
certain international agreements having serious
budgetary implications
the accession of new Member States
specific tasks of the European Central Bank
amending the statutes of the European System
of Central Banks/ European Central Bank
Democratic control
Parliamentary approval of the nomination of the
President of Commission and the Members of
the Commission as a body - COM is politically
answerable to the EP
Exercising control over COM – written and oral
questions, reports
Motion of censure (Article 201 TEC, Article 100
of Rules of Procedure)
Setting up temporary committees of inquiry
The Council
Article 202-210
One single Institution
9 different configurations (reform of 2002 – RoP Annex I)
General Affairs and External Relations (including European Security
and Defence Policy and Developmnet Co-operation
Economic and Financial Affairs (including budget)
Agriculture and Fisheries
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer affairs
Competitiveness (!) – comprising
Internal Market
Justice and Home affairs (including civil protection)
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
Education, Youth and Culture (including audiovisual matters)
How does the Council work?
Coreper I and II subjects
Coreper I
comprising the Deputy Permanent Representatives, prepares the ground for
the following Council configurations:
– Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs;
– Competitiveness (internal market, industry, research and tourism);
– Transport, Telecommunications and Energy;
– Agriculture and Fisheries;
– Environment;
– Education, Youth and Culture (including audiovisual);
Coreper II
• comprising the Permanent Representatives, prepares for the other
• General Affairs and External Relations (including European security and defence
policy and development cooperation);
– Economic and Financial Affairs (including the budget);
– Justice and Home Affairs (including civil protection).
Responsibilities of the Council
Co-ordination of the broad economic policies
Conclusion of international agreements
Approval of the EU’s budget (together with EP)
Development of the EU’s Common Foreign and
Security Policy
Co-ordination between the national courts and
police forces in criminal matters
Voting procedure
Simple majority
only in procedural cases
Qualified majority voting (QMV)
QMV goes in most cases hand in hand with the co-decision (Exeptions:eg
Article 42 TEC coordination of social security)
minimum votes required (255/345 – 73.9%)
majority of Member States
a MS may ask for confirmation that the votes in favour represent at least
62% of the total population of the Union
ie.: CFSP, taxation, asylum, immigration policy
Special procedure – excessive deficit procedure (Art 104)
a majority of two thirds of the votes cast
excluding the votes of the representative of the Member State concerned.
Number of votes per MS
Votes of MS’s
according to population
but not strictly proporotional, adjusted to the less populous
Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom 29
Spain and Poland 27
Romania 14
Netherlands 13
Belgium, Czech Rep., Greece, Hungary and Portugal 12
Austria, Sweden, Bulgaria 10
Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Finland 7
Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Slovenia 4
Malta 3
Roles of the Council Presidency
Chairs all meetings at all levels
Sets the Council agenda in technical and policy terms – ie.
Presidency priorities
Current presidency (1st half of 2007): Germany
Incoming presidencies
Portugal 2007 II.
Slovenia 2008 I.
Previous presidencies
Finland 2006 II.
Austria 2006 I.
UK 2005 II.
Luxembourg 2005 I.
Netherlands 2004 II.
Ireland 2004 I.
Italy 2003 II.
Greece 2003 I.
European Council (The Summit)
Article 4 TEU
neither an EU institution nor a legislator but the main EU decision
making body (Constitution!)
introduced by the Single European Act (SEA)
has an official status since the Maastrichti Treaty (TEU)
provides the Union with the necessary impetus for its development
and defines the general political guidelines
other duties
Employment conclusions (Art 128.)
Broad economic policy conclusions (Art.99)
Composition: Heads of State or Government of the Member States
and the President of the Commission.
meet at least twice a year
submit to the European Parliament a report after each of its
meetings and a yearly written report on the progress achieved by
the Union.
Meet in Brussels (! According to Nice Treaty – after 19 MSs)
European Commission
Article 211-219
Representing the interests of the Community
The term COM is used in two senses
the Commissioners - the College(27)
special composition between May-October 2004
profound knowledge of their portfolio
principle of collective responsibility - acting by simple majority
the Institution itself and staff
37 Directorates General and Services
Led by the Director General
Code of good administrative behaviour (Rules of Procedure) -
dealing with inquiries - reply must be sent within 15 working days
Seat – Brussels
but has offices in Luxembourg
and representations in MSs / delegations in 3rd countries
Roles of the Commission
Exclusive right of initiative - power to propose
White Paper, Green Paper
Obligation to consult the two advisory bodies (EESC, CoR)
(!) Article 192 – the EP can request the COM to propose
To manage and implement EU policies and
To enforce Community Law
„infringement procedure”
Representing the EU on the international stage
European Courts
Article 220-246
Court of Justice of the European Communities
Was set up under the Treaty of Paris 1952 (ECSC)
Composition - 1 judge per each Member State
Can sit in Full court (27 judges) or „Grand Chamber” (13 judges) or chambers
of 5 or 3 judges
Appointed for a term of 6 years by joint agreement of the MS’s
President for 3 years
8 “advocates general”
role: presenting reasoned opinions („conclusions”) to Court
Seat - Luxembourg
President: Vassilios Skouris
Actions for failure to fulfil obligations
Actions for annulment
Actions for failure to act
Appeals on points of law
References for a preliminary ruling (!) 25
European Courts
Court of First Instance
Committee of the Regions
Article 263-265
EU body with an advisory status
set up under the Treaty of Maastricht in 1994
Function – ensures that the interests of local and
regional governments are taken into account
currently 344 Members
In EU15 – 222 Members
Members are delegated by the MS’s
term of 4 years
seat - Brussels
meets in plenary 5 times a year + 6 Commissions
President in office: Michel Delebarre
European Court of Auditors
Article 247-248
established in 1977
one Member per each MS for 6 years
president for 3 years - Hubert WEBER
seat – Luxembourg
examines all revenue and expenditure of the Community
Carries out on-the-spot checks
help the budgetary authorities in sendign a statement of
Gives an opinion before adoption of EU’s financial regulations
Annual Report
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Article 266-267
European Ombudsman
Article 195
Created by the Maastricht Treaty
Elected by the EP (Nikiforos Diamandouros) for
5 years
Investigate maladminsitration by the European Institutions
(except the European Courts)
following by a complaint or on own initiative
Powers of the Ombudsman
Information (the Institiution concerned has 3 months to give a
detailed opinion on the matter)
report to the EP
European Data Protection Supervisor
based on Article 286 - Regulation EC 45/2001
Independent authority
Duties: ensuring that a person’s right to privacy is
respected while processing personal data on an
identifiable individual, ensure that the EU institutions
and bodies process personal data of EU staff and
others lawfully
advising on policies and legislation that affect privacy
created in 2001 - operational as from 2004
Term of office: five years
Mr Peter Hustinx
European Community Agencies
European Community agencies –
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) -
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
(EUROFOUND) - Dublin
European Environment Agency (EEA) - Copenhagen
European Training Foundation (ETF) - Turin
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) - Lisbon
European Medicines Agency (EMEA) - London
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) -
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) - Bilbao
Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) - Angers
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) - Luxembourg
European Fundamental Rights Agency - Vienna
[previously: European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC)]
European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) - Thessaloniki
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) - Parma
European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) - Lisbon
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) - Cologne
European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) - Heraklion
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) - Stockholm
European Global Navigation Satellite System Supervisory Authority
European Community agencies –
European Railway Agency (ERA) - Valenciennes/Lille
European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External
Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX, also AMOCEB) -
European Defence Agency (EDA) - Brussels
European Institute for Security Studies (ISS) - Paris
European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) - Torrejón de Ardoz in Spain
Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA) – Brussels
[These agencies are not always considered among the above grouping:
European Police College (CEPOL) - Bramshill, United Kingdom
Europol (European Police Office) - The Hague
Eurojust (European body for the enhancement of judicial co-operation) - The Hague]
One example
Which of the following is not an institution
under the EC Treaty?
a) European Parliament
b) Court of Auditors
c) Committee of Regions
d) Court of Justice