Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Protocol Architecture
Similarities between ATM and packet switching
Transfer of data in discrete chunks
Multiple logical connections over single physical
In ATM flow on each logical connection is in
fixed sized packets called cells
Minimal error and flow control
Reduced overhead
Data rates (physical layer) 25.6Mbps to
Protocol Architecture (diag)
Reference Model Planes
User plane
Provides for user information transfer
Control plane
Call and connection control
Management plane
Plane management
whole system functions
Layer management
Resources and parameters in protocol entities
ATM Logical Connections
Virtual channel connections (VCC)
Analogous to virtual circuit in X.25
Basic unit of switching between two end users
Full duplex
Fixed size cells
Data, user-network exchange (control) and network-
network exchange (network management and routing)
Virtual path connection (VPC)
Bundle of VCC with same end points
ATM Connection Relationships
Advantages of Virtual Paths
Simplified network architecture
Increased network performance and
Reduced processing
Short connection setup time
Enhanced network services
Using VPs
Virtual Channel Connection
Between end users
End to end user data
Control signals
VPC provides overall capacity
VCC organization done by users
Between end user and network
Control signaling
Between network entities
Network traffic management
VP/VC Characteristics
Quality of service
Switched and semi-permanent channel
Call sequence integrity
Traffic parameter negotiation and usage
VPC only
Virtual channel identifier restriction within VPC
Control Signaling - VCC
Done on separate connection
Semi-permanent VCC
Meta-signaling channel
Used as permanent control signal channel
User to network signaling virtual channel
For control signaling
Used to set up VCCs to carry user data
User to user signaling virtual channel
Within pre-established VPC
Used by two end users without network intervention
to establish and release user to user VCC
Control Signaling - VPC
Customer controlled
Network controlled
ATM Cells
Fixed size
5 octet header
48 octet information field
Small cells reduce queuing delay for high
priority cells
Small cells can be switched more
Easier to implement switching of small
cells in hardware
ATM Cell Format
Header Format
Generic flow control
Only at user to network interface
Controls flow only at this point
Virtual path identifier
Virtual channel identifier
Payload type
e.g. user info or network management
Cell loss priority
Header error control
Generic Flow Control (GFC)
Control traffic flow at user to network interface
(UNI) to alleviate short term overload
Two sets of procedures
Uncontrolled transmission
Controlled transmission
Every connection either subject to flow control
or not
Subject to flow control
May be one group (A) default
May be two groups (A and B)
Flow control is from subscriber to network
Controlled by network side
Header Error Control
8 bit error control field
Calculated on remaining 32 bits of header
Allows some error correction
Effect of
Error in
Cell Header
ATM Service Categories
Real time
Constant bit rate (CBR)
Real time variable bit rate (rt-VBR)
Non-real time
Non-real time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR)
Available bit rate (ABR)
Unspecified bit rate (UBR)
Guaranteed frame rate (GFR)
Real Time Services
Amount of delay
Variation of delay (jitter)
Fixed data rate continuously available
Tight upper bound on delay
Uncompressed audio and video
Video conferencing
Interactive audio
A/V distribution and retrieval
Time sensitive application
Tightly constrained delay and delay variation
rt-VBR applications transmit at a rate that
varies with time
e.g. compressed video
Produces varying sized image frames
Original (uncompressed) frame rate constant
So compressed data rate varies
Can statistically multiplex connections
May be able to characterize expected
traffic flow
Improve QoS in loss and delay
End system specifies:
Peak cell rate
Sustainable or average rate
Measure of how bursty traffic is
e.g. Airline reservations, banking
May be additional capacity over and above
that used by CBR and VBR traffic
Not all resources dedicated
Bursty nature of VBR
For application that can tolerate some cell
loss or variable delays
e.g. TCP based traffic
Cells forwarded on FIFO basis
Best efforts service
Application specifies peak cell rate (PCR)
and minimum cell rate (MCR)
Resources allocated to give at least MCR
Spare capacity shared among all ARB
e.g. LAN interconnection
Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR)
Designed to support IP backbone subnetworks
Better service than UBR for frame based traffic
Including IP and Ethernet
Optimize handling of frame based traffic passing from LAN
through router to ATM backbone
Used by enterprise, carrier and ISP networks
Consolidation and extension of IP over WAN
ABR difficult to implement between routers over ATM network
GFR better alternative for traffic originating on Ethernet
Network aware of frame/packet boundaries
When congested, all cells from frame discarded
Guaranteed minimum capacity
Additional frames carried of not congested
ATM Adaptation Layer
Support for information transfer protocol
not based on ATM
PCM (voice)
Assemble bits into cells
Re-assemble into constant flow
Map IP packets onto ATM cells
Fragment IP packets
Use LAPF over ATM to retain all IP
Adaptation Layer Services
Handle transmission errors
Segmentation and re-assembly
Handle lost and misinserted cells
Flow control and timing
AAL Protocols
Convergence sublayer (CS)
Support for specific applications
AAL user attaches at SAP
Segmentation and re-assembly sublayer (SAR)
Packages and unpacks info received from CS into
Four types
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3/4
Type 5
AAL Protocols
Segmentation and Reassembly
AAL Type 1
CBR source
SAR packs and unpacks bits
Block accompanied by sequence number
AAL Type 2
Analog applications
AAL Type 3/4
Connectionless or connected
Message mode or stream mode
AAL Type 5
Streamlined transport for connection
oriented higher layer protocols
(Common Part Convergence
Example AAL 5 Transmission