I Recruitment
I Recruitment
I Recruitment
Introduction to iRecruitment Integration with HR Key Concepts Set Up Steps Security Profiles Product Walk-through Case Study
Introduction: iRecruitment
iRecruitment is a web-based recruitment solution that enables your enterprise to manage all recruitment activities using a single self-service interface and provides an easy-to-use interface for job seekers.
Recruitment Cycle
Successful Applicants to New Hire
Offer Letters Identify Recruitment Need Outside iRecruitment Inside iRecruitment Review Applicants Assessment Create Vacancy Vacancy Approval
Advertise Vacancy
Search Candidates Process Candidates
Integration With HR
Work Structures
Location Organizations ( Business Group ) Jobs Grades Competencies
Personal Information
Key Concepts
Site Visitor
A user who accesses the external web site but does not create an account
External site visitors access the jsp IrcVisitor.jsp. The location of this depends on your applications server and is of the syntax:
Glimpse !!!
Glimpse !!!
Key Concepts
A user who can access internal and external job postings.
Employee Candidate responsibility to your employees to enable them to iRecruitment using their standard self- access service login. Url for Internal Visitor:
Key Concepts.
Manager or Recruiter
A user who can access the entire functionality. They can post and manage vacancies, and process candidates and applicants.
Glimpse !!!
Site Visitor
Search Jobs. Refer Jobs to other Individuals. Add Jobs to temporary Job Basket.
Registered Users
Create Resume Online Create their Account
1. Education, Qualification, Employment History 2. Upload Resume & Other Documents 3. Set Work Preferences 4. Set e-mail preferences for notifications 5. Specify whether mangers can search them
Registered Users
Search for Jobs & add to Job Basket Apply for jobs, track progress and withdraw from applications Receive Job Offer Online
Recruitment Info
Work structure ->Org ->Business Group -> Others -> Recruitment
iRecruitment iRecruitment iRecruitment iRecruitment iRecruitment Manager HRMS Manager Employee Candidate External Site Visitor External Candidate
IRC: Registration Business Group IRC: Core Background Color IRC: Default Country IRC: Document Upload Count Limit IRC: Installed IRC: Internal Posting Days IRC: Monthly Document Upload Count Limit
Security of Vacancy is handled by Security Method:
Team Business and Team Public