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The key takeaways are that Hahnemann classified diseases into acute and chronic categories and described characteristics of acute diseases. Prescribing for acute conditions in chronic cases requires a clear totality of symptoms.

Hahnemann classified diseases into acute and chronic categories along with their various sub-groups. Acute diseases tend to run a short course resulting in recovery or death depending on the strength of the vital force.

Acute diseases are rapid morbid processes that tend to finish their course quickly or moderately resulting in recovery or death. They can affect individuals or groups of people sporadically and are transient explosions of latent psora that return to dormancy if not too severe.

Prescribing in

Acute Diseases
Hahnemann classified
diseases into acute and
chronic along with their
various sub-groups
(Aphorism No. 72-82)
Acute diseases are rapid,
morbid processes of the
abnormally deranged vital
force, which have a tendency
to finish their course more or
less quickly, but always in a
moderate time, resulting in
recovery in the course of time
or in death, if the vital force is
These may affect
the individual or
groups of persons in
a sporadic manner.
These are transient
explosions of latent psora,
which spontaneously return
to its dormant state if the
acute diseases are not of
too violent character and
are soon quelled.
These diseases may
supervene in the
course of time of the
chronic disease due to
adverse factors.
The Prescribing Totality
which consists of the
chief complaint(s) and
the concomitants
governs the choice of
the remedy in the acute
In acute diseases, the
constitutional symptoms of
the patient are thrown into the
background, and the vital force
under the impact of the
environmental force brings the
acute symptomatology to the
This could be
deciphered relatively
easily as compared to
the chronic diseases.
In a case of chronic
disease, when an acute
condition develops, do
not be afraid to
prescribe the remedy, as
long as the picture is
quite clear.
Giving an acute remedy in a
chronic condition without a
clear picture is very
dangerous as patient will not
improve and may rather
(Ref: Talks on Classical
Homoeopathy by G.
After the acute
symptomatology is treated
adequately by the indicated
acute remedy, they disappear,
and the chronic constitutional
symptoms previously
submerged, now reappear at
the end of the acute disease.
This is the best time
to give the indicated
constitutional remedy,
which will prevent
In infants and children, in
comatose as well in persons
with communication blocks
or in the insane, the
objective data assumes
the greatest importance
for prescribing.
The value of concomitants
in acute prescribing has to
be borne in mind,
especially the mental
concomitants in the
physical diseases, and the
physical concomitants in
mental diseases.
There are two approaches
to the acute attacks of
chronic diseases:
• Acute prescription
based on the
presenting totality
• Constitutional
prescribing as in
chronic diseases.
Acute prescription
based on the
presenting totality:
This is required in
chronic diseases of
relapsing nature or
interspersed with
acute attacks.
They are totally or
partially asymptomatic
during the intervals.
e.g. Epilepsy

Bronchial asthma

Intermittent fevers

The acute episode
requires acute
prescribing based on
the presenting
Constitutional drug
has to be administered
after the acute phase
is over.
prescribing as
in chronic
At times, in acute diseases,
the vital force is so
overwhelmed by the morbific
agent, that it is not able to
throw up the acute response,
but has to call upon the
“generals” in self-defense.
The constitutional
symptoms, instead
of receding into the
background become
This calls for the
constitutional remedy
indicated for the case
e.g. Phos & Sulph in

Lyc in Meningo-
Diabetic acidosis
If the right
constitutional remedy
is not given in time,
the case is likely to
turn fatal
Constitutional remedy, if
given in the Prodromal
phase of an acute
disease, also acts as an
This is helpful when

• the Totality which

emerges is of the
constitutional remedy
and no other remedy,
On rare occasions in acute
diseases, in the absence of
clear-cut pointers to the
remedy, recourse has to be
taken to the following
categories of remedies on
the basis of the available
data in the case:

Staphylococcinum in
Myocardial infarction

Bacillus No.7 in
Cardiac arrest
Streptococcus hemolyticus
in acute endocarditis

Paratyphoidinum B in acute

Secale cor in acute

Organ Remedies:

Carduus marianus for


Crategus for heart

Pathological Prescribing:

Hecla lava for tumors of

the jaw.

Citrus vulgaris in right

facial palsy
Some practical hints
in treating acute
diseases during
1. If you feel after
examining the patient
and taking a detailed
history of his
that the disease is not
so serious, you can try
household remedies.
One can wait for 48
hours or so.
2. Many times it is not
so easy to find an
acute remedy on the
first day. On the
second day the picture
of the remedy may be
more clear.
Here again examine the
patient thoroughly,
theoretically and
clinically. If the patient
is improving on his own,
wait and watch.
Do not take any
measures to give a
remedy, if the patient
feel less ill than what
he was on the first
But if the patient is
getting more sick
everyday, then one
has to treat
Examination of
different groups
of acute cases
seen in practice:
Observation 1:
Patients who
frequently had acute
diseases before they
were on Homoeopathic
and in whom the
frequency and degree
of acute infections
diminished after the
In such a case, the
susceptibility of the
patient is very good as
their health has
improved after the
Observation 2:
Patients who were
never acutely ill before
the Homoeopathic
and who become
frequently ill after the
treatment, though
their general energy
has improved.
This is frequently
observed in patients
suffering from
Cancer, Autoimmune
disorders and
Prior to
treatment, this group
of patients were too
weak to produce
acute diseases.
Now if they feel
generally better since
the Homoeopathic
treatment and if they
get acute diseases
their level of health
has improved and the
organism has become
e.g. 1. Patient with chronic
Rheumatoid Arthritis,
who was on Cortisone
treatment for years, for
the first time developed
influenza after
Homoeopathic treatment.
e.g. 2. In a case of Cancer
of kidney, who never had
any allergic rhinitis,
suddenly developed
multiple episodes.
Observation 3:
Patients with recurrent
acute infections such as
tonsillitis, UTI, bronchitis,
Here these acute
infections are
basically coming due to
chronic disturbance in
the defense and
immune system.
Here one has to
treat the chronic
layer to stop
recurrence of acute
recurring illnesses.

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