Attitudes and Attitude Theories
Attitudes and Attitude Theories
Attitudes and Attitude Theories
Importance of attitudes
Carl Hovland, founder of the Yale Attitude Research Program, initiated the scientific study of attitudes in the 1940s attitudes! occu"ied the center stage in "ersuasion research for over #0 years transformed social studies! into social sciences! via attitude scales $ interval level data amena%le to statistical analysis $ agree&&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& disagree
Definition of attitude
a "redis"osition to res"ond favora%ly or unfavora%ly to'ard some attitude o%(ect! )*ish%ein + A(,en, 19-#.
$ $ $
learned, not innate "recursors of %ehavior )"recede, "redict %ehavior. evaluative dimension direction of attitude )"lus or minus. degree or intensity of attitude directed to'ard an attitude o%(ect!
Persuaders see0 to alter attitudes, there%y %ringing a%out a corres"onding change in %ehavior
old attitude
ne' attitude
ne' %ehavior
Ho' 'ell attitudes correlate 'ith %ehavior is 0no'n as the A12! relationshi" )or A2C attitude1%ehavior1 correlation.
"atients suffering from terminal illnesses should have a constitutional right to assisted suicide#
strongly agree
moderately agree
slightly agree
neutral disagree
slightly disagree
moderately disagree
continuum of choices ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree! may consist of #, -, 9, or 11 "oints am%iguity of neutral! "oint )dont 0no', undecided. variations of 3i0ert scales
%ased u"on connotative meanings series of %i"olar ad(ectives )o""osites. ad(ective "airs se"arated %y s"aces res"ondent chec0s semantic s"ace! corres"onding 'ith his7her attitude dimensions5 evaluation, "otency, activity s"eciali,ed semantic differential scales e6am"le5 8cCros0eys 9thos scale
/arah Palin 4ualified &&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&& un4ualified "oised &&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&& nervous e6"ert &&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&& ine6"ert trust'orthy &&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&& untrust'orthy timid &&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&&5&&& %old
o"inion thermometer facial e6"ressions steering 'heel "ointer advantages of visually oriented attitude measures
"ro%lem of non1 attitudes social desira%ility %ias ac4uiescence %ias issue of mindfulness!
often unconscious, im"licit s"ider 'e% analogy $ changes in one cognitive element rever%erate throughout the individuals %elief system
family leave
marital fidelity
*reating associations
advertising cam"aigns :rive ; love 2eer and good times sloganeering $ 2rea0fast of cham"ions! )<heaties. $ 2e all that you can %e! )=>/> Army. $ ?he ultimate driving machine! )28<.
"romoting good health su%stitutes for love vicarious se6 guilty "leasures treatment for stress, an6iety
Yo"lait5 *ood as a guilty "leasure5 @Aoo, this is :ay At ?he /"a Bood@ @Co, this is *oot 8assage Bood@
Advertising cam"aigns
$ $
8c:onalds goes ur%an 'ith the Dm lovin it! cam"aign /"rite associates itself 'ith hi"1ho" ur%an youth /tadiums, s"orting events Philanthro"ic giving Phili" 8orris social res"onsi%ility! cam"aigns
$ $
Cele%rity endorsers
A""ro"riating sym%ols
$ $
e6treme! lifestyle ?aco 2ell s"onsors the E1Bames ur%an, hi" ho" culture Ree%o0 0ee"s it real! to ra0e in the %ling %ling! alternative culture Pe"si and i?unes identify 'ith music do'nloaders "re1o'ned! versus used! car F*C transformed itself into Fitchen *resh Chic0en! Contests, mail1ins, "ri,es, events
$ $
After losing over GH00 million in H00H, 8c:onaldIs traded in their old @<e love to see you smile@ slogan for the ne', hi", Dm lovin it! cam"aign the ne' cam"aign uses a hi" ho" theme to target older, ur%an youths >
3in0 to Dm 3ovin Dt! commercial5 htt"577 video>google>com7video"layKdocid ;1--L440HL0ML#-N#191M+4;mcdonaldOH-s+hl;en
Image-based advertising
@Dn the factory 'e ma0e cosmeticsP in the drugstore 'e sell ho"e>@ Charles Revson @An image > > > is not sim"ly a trademar0, a design, a slogan or an easily remem%ered "icture> Dt is a studiously crafted "ersonality "rofile of an individual, institution, cor"oration, "roduct or service>@ Daniel Boorstin "You now have to decide what 'image' you want for your brand. Image means personality. roducts! li"e people! have personalities! and they can ma"e or brea" them in the mar"et place." David #gilvy
A consumer admires a "articular image or lifestyle ?he "roduct is "aired 'ith, or associated 'ith, the image or lifestyle Dn time the consumer comes to e4uate the "roduct 'ith image or lifestyle
Music downloading
teen consumer
+ ?
Image-oriented advertising
?he "oint of image1oriented advertising is to lin0 "roducts 'ith ideali,ed associations, images, and lifestyles> /chudson )19M4. advertising does not claim to "icture reality as it is %ut reality as it should %e11life and lives 'orth imitating )"> H1#.>@
Are California co's really ha""yK <hat a%out the co's raised in cram"ed, dreary feedlotsK Df good cheese comes from ha""y co's, then does %ad cheese come from %ored, confined co'sK
Qictorias /ecret Coors 3ight ?'ins Paris Hilton and Carls Jr>
:oves Real 2eauty! cam"aign :oes :ove really care a%out 'omens %ody imagesK Ar is this a clever %randing strategy to sell more "roductK
consistenc& theories
Cognitive consistency is a state of %alance, harmony, among ones cognitions Dndividuals strive to maintain, "reserve harmony among their %eliefs, attitudes, %ehaviors :issonance! is an uncomforta%le mental state> 8ay even %e accom"anied %y "hysiological sym"toms :rive1reduction! model /ocial motivations, e>g>, saving face
favorable attitude
. .
perceived incompatibilit&
A child admires Po"eye ?he child doesnt li0e to eat s"inach Po"eye is "ositively associated 'ith /"inach ?his is a cognitively im%alanced state, 'hich should motivate the child to change one of the associations
+ + -
+ -
+ +
+ -
9nvironmentally res"onsi%le, socially conscious "roducts $ Hy%rid cars $ :ol"hin free tuna $ 2en + Jerrys ice cream $ Yo"lait and %reast cancer research $ Breen! mutual funds healthy la%els $ light, fat1free, car% free, lo' sodium, all natural, high fi%er, lo' cholesterol
Marketing inconsistenc&
?hin0 outside the %un! )?aco 2ell. ?hin0 different! )8acintosh. Carls GN>00 %urger 'ithout the restaurant
successful "ersuasion isnt so much a matter of shifting receivers attitudes over to your "osition, as it is a matter of ada"ting your message to the attitudes already held %y receivers>