Medical Parasitology
Medical Parasitology
Medical Parasitology
Cheng Yanbin [email protected] Department of Immunology & Pathogenic Biology, School of Medicine, Xian Jiaotong University 2013
Pathogenic Biology
Study the biological causes to human infectious diseases.
Microbiology--- Pathogens (Microbe) : viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Parasitology--- Pathogens (Parasites) : protozoa, helminthes, and arthropods.
Teaching types
Lecture: 24 hours (3 hours8) Introduce main parasites and related parasitic diseases Experiment: 12 hours (3 hours4) Observe the morphologic characteristics of parasites under the microscope or by your eyes Draw the structures of parasites according to your observation
Parasitic diseases
Transmission Treatment Diagnosis
Medical Parasitology
------This is about the biological phenomenon. The relationship between two living things (animals). Two living things live together and involve protection or other advantages to one or both partner. Commensalism Mutualism
---- commensalism is a class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits but the other is neutral (there is no harm or benefit).
Fig. A female pea crab in the mantle cavity of its mussel host. The crab does not damage the mussel and uses its shell purely for protection
Remora sharks are endowed with an adhesive disk on the dorsal surface of their heads. They use this adhesive disk to hitch a ride on larger animals, usually whales, which tend to be sloppy eaters. When food floats away from the whales mouth, the remora can unhitch itself and collect the scraps of food floating by.
------ An association which is beneficial to both living things.
Fig. A selection of ciliates from the rumen of cattle or sheep. The rumen contains enormous numbers of ciliates that break down cellulose in the feed. nourishment
Red-billed oxpeckers are feed on an impalaa practice that benefits both animals.
------ An association which is beneficial to one partner and harmful to the other partner. The former that is beneficial to is called parasite, the latter that is harmful to is called host. Human / Hookworm
PROTOZOA: unicellular animals. It is very small and range in size from 2 to more than 100m. They have cell membrane, cell plasma, nucleus.
NEMATODES: vermiform, cylindrical, bilaterally symmetrical in structure and taper towards their anterior and posterior ends. Adults are diecious (sexes are separate)
shaped. There are male and female system in a fluke body. Adults are hermaphroditic (sexes are not separate)
CESTODES: long, ribbon-like in shape. Many ribbonlike chain of segments. Each segment bear a complete male and female system. Adults are hermaphroditic (sexes are not separate)
Other classification
Parasites may be classified according to different ways.
Obligate parasite: a parasite which cannot survive in any other manner. Facultative parasite: an organism which may exist in a free-living state and which if opportunity presents itself may become parasitic.
Effects of the parasites on the host Effects of the host on the parasites
Toxic and allergic effect E.h Proteolytic enzyme Necrosis/ulcer Parasite antigen Immune system e.g Anaphylaxis
Immune response
Allergy/ Hypersensitivity
The hookworms, after completing its migration to small intestine, feeds by biting deeply into the mucosa and sucking blood and tissue fluids. Hookworm infection cause anemia due to simple blood loss.
Rupture of hydatid cysts with sudden release of large amounts of fluid can produce severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), sometime lead to shock or dead of patients.
Innate immunity
Barrier : Prevent parasites to invade in certain degree. Skin/Mucous membrane / Placenta. Acid in skin or stomach can cause damage of the parasites. Phagocytosis of phagocyte. ----Non-specific/effective against a wide range of parasitic infection/controlled by genetic factors. But not very strong!
Acquired immunity
Mechanism : cellular and humoral immunity. Sterilizing immunity : Wipe out the parasites completely, meanwhile get a long-term specific resistance to re-infection. Rare! Non-sterilizing immunity : Wipe out most of the parasites, but not completely. On the premise of parasites in the bodylimit the number of parasites in bodyand get a part of resistance to re-infection. Common! No parasite, no immunity!