Theories of International Trade and Investment
Theories of International Trade and Investment
Theories of International Trade and Investment
Chapter 3
Leontief Paradox
Differences in Taste
First-mover theory
Manufacturing goods Income levels
What is it?
Exports imports U.S. exports Foreign production begins Foreign competition in export markets Import competition in U.S. U.S develops Other developed Developing
Demand conditions Factor conditions Related and supporting industries Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry
Differences in endowments of factors of production Differences in level of technology Differences in efficiencies with which factor intensities are utilized Foreign exchange rates
Trade Restrictions
National Defense Sanctions to Punish Offending Nations Protect Infant Industries Protect Declining Industries Protect Domestic Jobs Scientific Tariff or Fair Competition Retaliation
Trade Barriers
Ad valorem Specific duty Compound duty Official prices Variable levy Lower duty for more local input
Trade Barriers
Nontariff Barriers
Multifiber Arrangement
Trade Barriers
Nontariff Barriers
Trade Barriers
Two options
Costs of Barriers
Consumer costs
Economic Development
Three characteristics
GNP/ capita of less than $9,075 Unequal distribution of income, small middle class Technological dualism Regionalism dualism 80-85% of population in unproductive agricultural sector Disguised unemployment or underemployment- two people doing what one can do High population growth (2.5-4%) High rate of illiteracy Widespread malnutrition Political instability High dependence on few exports (agriculture and minerals) Inhospitable topography Low savings rates and inadequate banks
Human-Needs Approach
Monopolistic Advantage Theory Product and Factor Market Imperfections International Product Life Cycle Other Theories
Follow-the-leader theory Cross investment Internationalism theory Dunnings Eclectic Theory of International Production