Cha-Kesa Dhatu Va Sa

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The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

What is Vasa? is chronicle, history or tradition. What are Relics? Relics of Buddha are to be Venerated in the absence of Budhha himself.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

Three types of Relics. 1. Saririka or physical, 2. Paribhogika or utilitarian, 3. Uddesika or commemorations. 1. Hair, bone or teeth are regarded as physical Relics. 2. The objects used by the Buddha such as the Bohdi-tree, robes, alms bowl are utilitarian Relics . 3. Commemorative relics are the icons, images and other man-made symbols that represent the Buddha. Bodily relics are mostly deposited in stupas which are also called cetiya.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

1. Gandhavamsa of Myanmar gives a detailed account of many pali works, and their authors but there is no reference to the Cha-kesadhatu- vasa in it. The pali literature of sri lanka does not mention this chronicle but it is known that there was a book called the Kesadhatu vasa 2. In sri lanka we do not know the name of the author of the chakesa-dhatu- vasa it is generally believed that the text was written by an unknown author who belonged to myanmar 3. Cha-kesa-dhatu were the buddhas six hair relics which were brought by ven. aniruddha, sobhita, padumuttara, gunasagara, nana pandita and revta from rajgruha.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

1. As no exacting could be seen. 2. But two refernce are made,for start of editing This Vamsa 1.14th century 2.19th century 3. In the year 1885,Minayeff from St.Peterburg published the journal in Pali Text Society. 4. Minayeff received some of collection from Mine Kins Myojah ah twinwoon the Librarian of Myanmar.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

In Myanmar Over 2,500 years ago, there lived a king by the name of Okkalapa. It was and is believed that a new Buddha, or Enlightened One, will come into being once every 5,000 years. At the time of Okkalapa, it had been approximately 5,000 years since the last Buddha, and it was considered time once again. Singuttara Hill was important because it was the holy resting spot of the relics of three Buddha's. it was believed that gifts given by the new Buddha, which would become relics, had to be enshrined every 5,000 years in the hill. Okkalapa was concerned, for the holiness of the hill, According to area legend, Buddha appeared to Okkalapa and told him to be patient, that his wish for the hill would soon be granted.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

As Guatama reached the enlightenment, he was visited by two brothers from Myanmar named Tapussa and Bhallika, who was gifted the eight hair relics.
During their journey back to Myanmar they were robbed twice and by the time they reached Myanmar they had left with four hair relics.

Their return was hugely celebrated by Okallapa, on that occasion when brother presented casket containing hair relics their were great tremors, earthquake. trees busted with blossoms and lovely jewels fell from the sky.

A shrine (Pagoda) was created on Singuttara Hill to house these 8 miraculous hairs, named Shwedegon which means loosely translated.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

Cha-kesa-dhatu-vamsa we learn that Buddha having heard their speeches out of Great Compassion for The Welfare of Mankind touches his head with his right hand. he got six hair elements from his head and he then distributed them to the six Arahantas. they received from great honor and placed upon their heads It refers to six Arahantas who were 1. ANURUDDHA, 2.SOBHITA, 3. PADUMUTTARA, 4.GUNASAGARA, 5.NANA PANDITA 6. REVTA Gives account of six devotees who were 1.SAKKA, the king of god, 2. PAJJUNA, the son of god 3. MANIMEKHLA, the daughter of god, 4. NAVIKA, varuna, the king of the nagas and 5. DAMILA- upasaka or damila-navika, sattanavika.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

Cha-kesa-dhatu-vamsa is an important record which deals with the stupas which were established by sakka, pajjunna , manimekhala, addhikanavika, varunnagraja and damilanavika or damila upasaka or over the hair relics of the buddha .









The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa

1. Different names used for Buddha Lokanayaka Bhagava Mahesino Jinavara Asama Dasabala Dhiro Sattha Purisasabho Narottama Nayaka Lokajettha 2 . Poetry form used in cha-kesa-dhatu Vamsa. 3. According to scholars Cha-Kesa-dhatu Vamsa is complimentary book of Thupavamsa, without this record the history be incomplete. 4. Cha-Kesa-Dhatu are the only relics, which they have started worshipping soon after Gautama the Buddhas got enlightenment else all relics were after his parinibbana.


The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa


1. Cha-Kesa-Dhatu are considered as unique Dhatu of the Buddha as because 1. These kesa-dhatu mentioned were gifted by the buddha on his own well-wish. 2. Firstly it was Gifted to Tapussa and Bhallika. 3. Secondly it was Gifted to six Arahants, individually.


The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa


Dayako sulabho hatu sa ca tvam Munibuddhajam hityaa sabbasattasa thassati Satam idha.

The Cha-kesa dhatu vasa


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