Gestalt Therapy

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Gestalt Therapy

C6436 Individual Counseling

Theory and Practice
James J. Messina, Ph.D.
Fritz Perls 1893 - 1970
 Berlin-Jewish-lower middle class
 Problem child, failed 7th grade twice & expelled
 MD in Psychiatry
 After WWI-worked in hospital for Brain Damaged
Soldiers-realized view humans as a whole rather
than sum of discreet parts
 Analysis with Reich-Body work model
 1946-came to USA
 Big Sur, California – Esalen Institute
 Married Laura Perls in 1930
 Founded New York Institute of Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
 Existential & Phenomenological ~ it is
grounded in the client’s “here and now”
 Initial goal is for clients to gain awareness
of what they are experiencing and doing
 Promotes direct experiencing rather than the
abstractness of talking about situations
 Rather than talk about a childhood trauma the
client is encouraged to become the hurt child
Emphasis in Gestalt Therapy vs
 Holistic approach to personality vs
mechanistic approach of Freud
 Value of examining present situation vs
repressed Intrapsychic conflicts from early
 Focus on “process” vs Freudian “content”
 On presently experienced vs what is
revealed by client from memory
 Self understanding comes from Individuals
behave in the present vs why they behave
as they do
Therapist’s Goal in Gestalt
 Create experiments for client to assist their self-
awareness of what they are doing and how they
are doing it
 Awareness includes

 Insight

 Self-acceptance

 Knowledge of the environment

 Responsibility for choices

 Paradoxical theory of change

 Ability to make contact with others

 Clients expected to do their own seeing, feeling,
sensing & interpreting vs passively allowing
therapist to give insight & answers
Perls’s Concept of Human Nature
 Clients are manipulative
 Avoid self-reliance
 Avoid taking on personal responsibility
 Clients have to stand on own 2 feet, deal
with life problems themselves
 Move clients from environmental supports
to self-support
 Help clients reintegrate disowned parts of
Four Major Principles of Gestalt Therapy
 Holism-interested in the whole person-
emphasis on integration-thoughts, feelings,
behaviors, body, & dreams
 Field Theory-organism must be seen in its
environment or its context as part of a constantly
changing filed-relational, in flux, interrelated & in
 Figure Formation Process-how individual
organizes environment from moment to moment
 Background=undifferentiated field or ground
 Figure=Emerging focus of attention
 Organismic self-regulation-restore equilibrium
or contribute to growth & change
The Now
 Our “power is in the present”
 Nothing exists except the “now”
 The past is gone and the future has not yet
 For many people the power of the present
is lost
 They may focus on their past mistakes or
engage in endless resolutions and plans for
the future
Unfinished Business
 Feelings about the past are unexpressed
 These feelings are associated with distinct
memories and fantasies
 Feelings not fully experienced linger in the
background and interfere with effective
 Result:
 Preoccupation, compulsive behavior,
wariness oppressive energy and self-
defeating behavior
Layers of Neurosis
 Perls likens the unfolding of adult
personality to the peeling of an onion
 Phony layer ~ stereotypical and inauthentic
 Phobic layer ~ fears keep us from seeing
 Impasse layer ~ we give up our power
 Implosive layer ~ we fully experience our
 Explosive layer ~ we let go of phony roles
Contact and Resistances to
 CONTACT ~ interacting with nature and with
other people without losing one’s individuality
 RESISTANCE TO CONTACT ~ the defenses we
develop to prevent us from experiencing the
present full
 Five major channels of resistance:

 Introjection

 Retroflection

 Deflection

 Projection

 Confluence
Introjection-channel of resistance
 Tendency to uncritically accept others’
beliefs and standards without assimilating
them to make them congruent with who
we are
 Passively incorporate what the
environment provides, spending little time
on becoming clear about what we need or
Projection -channel of resistance
 Disown aspects of self by assigning them
to environment
 Trouble distinguishing between inside &
outside world
 Disown attributes of self that are
inconsistent with self-image & put onto
other people
 To avoid taking responsibility for our own
feelings & person who we really are
 Keeps us powerless to initiate change
Deflection -channel of resistance
 Process of distraction-keep difficult to
sustain sense of contact with reality
 Overuse of humor, abstract
generalizations & questions rather than
statements-results in emotional depletion
 Diminished emotional experience-by
speaking through and for others
Confluence-channel of resistance
 Blurring differentiation between self &
 Fitting in-absence of conflict-belief all
people feel & think same way
 High need for acceptance, approval
 Stay safe, never express own feelings
 Therapist uses W’s questions to get client
to open up
Other Forms of Resistance
 Control of environment
 Resistance to contact
 Boundary disturbance
 Blocks to Energy-manifested by:
 Tension in part of body
 By posture
 Keeping body tight & closed
 Not breathing deeply
 Looking away from people when speaking
 Choking off sensations
 Numbing feelings
 Speaking with restricted voice
Language forms Looked for in Therapy:
 “It” talk~instead of “I”-depersonalizing
 “You” talk~global, impersonal
 Questions~keep hidden, safe, unknown
 Language that denies Power~uses
qualifier or disclaimers~…YES…BUT
 Client’s metaphors~clues to internal
 Language to uncover story~use elusive
language-cover life’s struggles
Client’s Process in Gestalt Work
 Discovery ~ Surprises for client
 new realizations about self
 novel view about old situations
 new look at significant other
 Accommodation~
 recognition they have a choice
 try new behaviors in safety of office
 expand awareness in real world
 Assimilation~
 Learning to influence environment
 Deal with surprises encountered daily
 Confidence to improve and improvise
Therapeutic Techniques
 The experiment in Gestalt Therapy-to
assist clients self-awareness of what they
are doing and how they are doing it
 Expanding awareness of client
 Opportunity to “try on” new behavior
 Experiments bring struggles to life-inviting
client to enact them in the present
 Major emphasis on preparing clients for
experiments-through trusting relationship
Types of Confrontation
 Imposing stance ~ therapist meets own agenda
for the client-acts as expert, power and control in
 Competing stance ~ therapist promotes rugged
individualism with lots of negotiation,
compromise, & confidence
 Confirming stance ~ acknowledging the whole
being of client-client’s needs & experience
center of relationship-ideal type of confrontation-
invites client to look at incongruities in verbal
and non-verbal language, in words vs actions
Gestalt Experiments
 Internal dialogue exercise
 Making the rounds
 Reversal technique
 Rehearsal exercise
 Exaggeration exercise
 Staying with the feelings
Internal Dialogue
 Identifies the struggle for control in a
person-fragmented between controller &
controlled-through introjection of aspects
of others
 Between “Top Dog” and “Underdog”
 Between “Critical Parent”-shoulds &
oughts and “Passive” recipient without
responsibility-with excuses
 EMPTY-CHAIR-shift client in two chair for
dialogue-role play-experiences conflict
Making the Rounds
 In a group go up to each person in the
group and speak to or do something with
each one
 Goal: confronting, take risks, disclose self,
try new behaviors to grow and change
Reversal Technique
 Role play the opposite of symptoms and
behaviors client suffers
 Client tries the very thing fraught with
anxiety – therefore submerged and denied
 Help clients to accept personal attributes
that they have tried to deny
Rehearsal Exercise
 Behavioral rehearsal: role playing a
planned for new behavior with a person or
people in client’s environment
 To reduce stage fright, anxiety or fear “not
do the role right”
 Encourages spontaneity and willingness
to experiment with new behaviors
Exaggeration Exercise
 Exaggerate movement or gesture
repeatedly to intensify feelings attached to
behavior to make inner meaning clearer
 Trembling hands or feet, slouched
posture, bent shoulders, clenched fists,
tight frowning, facial grimacing, crossed
Staying with the Feelings
 Keep client from escaping from
 Fearful stimuli
 Avoiding unpleasant feelings
 Encourage to go deeper into feelings or
behavior which they wish to avoid
 Facing, confronting & experiencing
feelings-to unblock and make way for new
levels of growth-takes courage & pain

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