Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Introjection-channel of resistance
Tendency to uncritically accept others’
beliefs and standards without assimilating
them to make them congruent with who
we are
Passively incorporate what the
environment provides, spending little time
on becoming clear about what we need or
Projection -channel of resistance
Disown aspects of self by assigning them
to environment
Trouble distinguishing between inside &
outside world
Disown attributes of self that are
inconsistent with self-image & put onto
other people
To avoid taking responsibility for our own
feelings & person who we really are
Keeps us powerless to initiate change
Deflection -channel of resistance
Process of distraction-keep difficult to
sustain sense of contact with reality
Overuse of humor, abstract
generalizations & questions rather than
statements-results in emotional depletion
Diminished emotional experience-by
speaking through and for others
Confluence-channel of resistance
Blurring differentiation between self &
Fitting in-absence of conflict-belief all
people feel & think same way
High need for acceptance, approval
Stay safe, never express own feelings
Therapist uses W’s questions to get client
to open up
Other Forms of Resistance
Control of environment
Resistance to contact
Boundary disturbance
Blocks to Energy-manifested by:
Tension in part of body
By posture
Keeping body tight & closed
Not breathing deeply
Looking away from people when speaking
Choking off sensations
Numbing feelings
Speaking with restricted voice
Language forms Looked for in Therapy:
“It” talk~instead of “I”-depersonalizing
“You” talk~global, impersonal
Questions~keep hidden, safe, unknown
Language that denies Power~uses
qualifier or disclaimers~…YES…BUT
Client’s metaphors~clues to internal
Language to uncover story~use elusive
language-cover life’s struggles
Client’s Process in Gestalt Work
Discovery ~ Surprises for client
new realizations about self
novel view about old situations
new look at significant other
recognition they have a choice
try new behaviors in safety of office
expand awareness in real world
Learning to influence environment
Deal with surprises encountered daily
Confidence to improve and improvise
Therapeutic Techniques
The experiment in Gestalt Therapy-to
assist clients self-awareness of what they
are doing and how they are doing it
Expanding awareness of client
Opportunity to “try on” new behavior
Experiments bring struggles to life-inviting
client to enact them in the present
Major emphasis on preparing clients for
experiments-through trusting relationship
Types of Confrontation
Imposing stance ~ therapist meets own agenda
for the client-acts as expert, power and control in
Competing stance ~ therapist promotes rugged
individualism with lots of negotiation,
compromise, & confidence
Confirming stance ~ acknowledging the whole
being of client-client’s needs & experience
center of relationship-ideal type of confrontation-
invites client to look at incongruities in verbal
and non-verbal language, in words vs actions
Gestalt Experiments
Internal dialogue exercise
Making the rounds
Reversal technique
Rehearsal exercise
Exaggeration exercise
Staying with the feelings
Internal Dialogue
Identifies the struggle for control in a
person-fragmented between controller &
controlled-through introjection of aspects
of others
Between “Top Dog” and “Underdog”
Between “Critical Parent”-shoulds &
oughts and “Passive” recipient without
responsibility-with excuses
EMPTY-CHAIR-shift client in two chair for
dialogue-role play-experiences conflict
Making the Rounds
In a group go up to each person in the
group and speak to or do something with
each one
Goal: confronting, take risks, disclose self,
try new behaviors to grow and change
Reversal Technique
Role play the opposite of symptoms and
behaviors client suffers
Client tries the very thing fraught with
anxiety – therefore submerged and denied
Help clients to accept personal attributes
that they have tried to deny
Rehearsal Exercise
Behavioral rehearsal: role playing a
planned for new behavior with a person or
people in client’s environment
To reduce stage fright, anxiety or fear “not
do the role right”
Encourages spontaneity and willingness
to experiment with new behaviors
Exaggeration Exercise
Exaggerate movement or gesture
repeatedly to intensify feelings attached to
behavior to make inner meaning clearer
Trembling hands or feet, slouched
posture, bent shoulders, clenched fists,
tight frowning, facial grimacing, crossed
Staying with the Feelings
Keep client from escaping from
Fearful stimuli
Avoiding unpleasant feelings
Encourage to go deeper into feelings or
behavior which they wish to avoid
Facing, confronting & experiencing
feelings-to unblock and make way for new
levels of growth-takes courage & pain